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Questionnaire about reading habits

- How old were you when you learned how to read?

- Were you a big reader growing up?
- Are there any books that left a big impression on you as a kid?
- Favourite genres? Do you read mainly fiction or non-fiction?
- Top 5 favourite authors.

- Top 5 favourite books.

- Where do you prefer to read? Do you like to eat or drink something
while you read?
- On average, how many books do you read a month?
- How do you get hold of the books? Do you buy them at a bookstore,
visit an online store, borrow from a friend or family member, or do you
use the library?
- At what point do you give up on a book?- How do you find about new
books and authors?
- Best reading-related memory?
- Worst reading-related memory?
- Which factor attracts you to a book?

Cover page/ Author/ Recommendation/ Summary

- How do you get info about books?

Library/ Bookstores/ Blogs/ Friends/ Family/ Newspapers

- How do you access books?

Buy/ Borrow from friends/ Borrow from library/ Read online

- What was the last book(s) you bought?

- What was the last book you checked out from a library?
- Are you a fast or slow reader?
- Do you sometimes read more than one book at the time?
- Why do you read?
- What can be done to improve reading habit in your
Make reading compulsory in academic curriculum
Encouragement by family/friends

Launching reading book clubs

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