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Alternative Assignment for

Approved Performance Absences

According to the principal approved syllabus that was signed, an excused performance
absence requires two weeks notice and does not allow for vacation, work, or family
confl icts. If your absence was approved by the director in advance, or if you have
documentation of a family emergency then you may be eligible to complete the
following assignment for full performance credit:

1. Compose a 3 page comparative/contrast essay pertaining to a specific vocal

technique of your choice (proper breathing, use of resonance, lifted soft
palate, beautiful choir vowels, etc). At the conclusion, state in detail which
philosophy you most agree with and why. Use at least 3 sources.
2. Size 12, New Romans Font.
3. Margins must be one inch on each side.
4. Double spaced format.
5. Include a bibliography of sources.

How will this assignment be graded?

A = Followed the directions above precisely
B = Followed the directions above precisely but lack proper grammar, punctuation,
and sentence structure.
C = Failed to follow at least one of the directions above for this assignment.
D = Failed to follow multiple directions listed above for this assignment.
F = Same qualifications for earning a D in addition to a clear lack of effort shown;
redo required.

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