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The Theory of Harnessing Magick ....14

The Nature of Magickal Energies

Magick Through Mechanical

Contrivance ....................... .I6
Miscellany and Addenda ............I8

BOOK ONE: 1495


Infundibulum Potentia
(Draining Engine) ................. .21
Imagum Illusorius
(Optical Illusion Engine) ............25
Imagum Melos
(Auditorial Illusion Engine) .........28
Ingenum Infernus (Inferno Engine) .30

Ingenium Frigidus (Glacial Engine)

BOOK TWO: 1496

. .32


Ingenium Fascium
(Imprisonment Engine)
Ingenium Gnocereus (Intellect
Embodiment Engine) .............. .39


Ingenium Auditorius
(Clairaudience Engine) ..............41
Ingenium Vedereum
(ClairvoyanceEngine) .............-43



Ingenium Meteoricus
(Weather Engine). ..................48
Ingenium Alchymia
(Alchemical Engine) .......
Ingenium Deflexus (E thereal
Interference Engine) ............... -52



Imagum Somnus (Dream Engine) .56

Ingenium Insanus (Madness Engine) .58
Ingenum Vaderus (Imparted
Motion Engine) ....................61



(Temporal Engine)
Ingenium Integrita
(Integrity Engine) ..................


Ingenium Sustentaculus (Li

Sustenance Engine)
. ...........
Ingenium Curareus
(Healing Engine) ..
Ingenium Phlogiston
(Levitation Engine)


BOOK SIX: 1500


Via Peregreus
(Dimensional Engine)
Ingenium Perplexus
(Cipher Engin


Ingenium Ma
(Magnetic Force Engine


Censurum Veraceus
Ingenium Confunderus

Ingenium Tulmultuosus
(Earthshaker Engine) .......
Dissolventum Universalis


Testudo ElementaIis
(Elemental Engine) ........



.. ..




......i i 8


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alisb o t t v n N p 1o3itmstnNv allsb otrmt NON
Se guarderai le stelle savua raxzzi (comesi fa vederle per un piccolo fovo fatto

colla strema punta de la sottile acucchia,

e que1 post0 quasi a toccaw I'occhio),

tu vedrai esse stelle a s e r e tanto minime, &e nulla wsu pare -sere minore.
veramente la lunga distanzia d A low ragionevole dimunizione, ancora &e
molte vi sono, che son moltissime volte maggiore che la stella cV&l
a terra colI'acqua. Ora pensa que1 che parrebbe qfiessa no*
stella in tanta distanzia, e
considera poi quante delle s i me+terebbe'e per longitudine e latitudime inpa
seminate per esso spazio tenebvoso.

mondo, B dato per penetevuia

&e lor medesimi sivazino essa vita, e che MOM

possegghino la utilitb e bellezzza

del wondo.

the world about is in.fwed wi

as my benefactor has increased his benevolence.

case has at last arrived, a n d just as

are my puvsuits,

Fov with g w t a-d

pageantvs Ill\aximilian I, now the tIoly Roman &peror/

with the passing of

Frederick 11, may he rest in peace, has indeed invested o u r g r a n d Lodovico
Sforza with the Duchy of milano, gracious city of the Alps. At last, a duke,

and no longer a regent, to give Milano the place among the cities of the
world as she s o richly d e s e r v e s . And 3
1mora, though born but a
g r a n d s o n of a lowly condottiere, is how royalty, a n d 3 find
p a t r o n a g e i s now greater, and also that
renown for my

work among this Jtaly,

that his

have acquired greater

for 3 a m seen as one wo&y of being

by the illustvious House ofsforza, which is as it should be, as there

i s not o n e whom 3find excels m e in any manner of avt or architecture, let


alone industdous invention a n d such puvswits.

(2must also m a k e mention that he, that is, /2/la,ximilian 4 has faken for a bride
B i a n c a maria Sforza. may fheir marriage be f;MiifuI a n d a joy to all. A n d
speaking ofmarriages, &e sforza family has fltrher expanded their connec-

yet fail to fitlfill the intent for which 3 developed them, which, inescapablB indicates that my observations or deductions are at times found wanting.This 3
find most appalling, a n d thoroughly inexcusable. Fovtunately, the Duke is a
patient man

with my dabblings.

h e covered chariot w a s the d e v i c e which most a p p e a l e d to the

Duke, a n d the one upon which 3 e m b a r k e d most enthusiastically.
hen at last J had completed construction of the first example of this

o p e n i n g s which allow

the opera-

o M t s i d e world.

my method of Orga

must be organized in this mannev of investigation, more so, J a d m i t ,

&an is my

usual wont, for J too readily allow my enthusiasm to overrun

work can suffer

as J have learned anew with my invention

a n d stampede down my deliberation, a n d as a result my

f k m oversights a n d ineficiency,


the armored chariot. J s h a l l here, then, apply to myself an unaccustomed

oPganization, that, while pursuing &is heretfore unexplored s c i e n e , J might
avoid the glaring e r w r ofoverlooking significa in my haste to reach the ends.

Tshusly shall

my newest

Codex be o r d e

The j v a h r e
The Theory o f f l a m e s s i n

and Addenda

J a m ovganized.

shall have to conduct m y researches careful

great circuma papal bull

spection, for His Holiness the Pope JnnocentV

Summis Desiderantes condemning non-Church

witchcraft a n d sorcery only

ten years ago, a n d Stalians have a long memory, esp

11y &e pious ones, Jt

is tragic to see fear of the unknown impede the explo

n of same.Or pel.-

haps i t i s the abuses of s o m e self-styled practitiomers of black a&, the like of

which abound in this superstitious 1 a n d . t h e s e unhallowed few bring unwarranted disgrace upon those of us who, with scientific reasonimg,

tion, a n d a clear conscience,

Mnivevsal Force.2

a c M t e


seek to shed light upon

F o h n a t e l % the old goat was called

Direct Superior a
few years ago at the ripe old age of too long, so pevhaps this bull will not be
prosecuted with as much energy as perhaps it would have befow. Jndeed J

have hopes that filexandervl will be a more curious a n d forgiving Pope.

Mnfoviunatels old Rodrigo Borgia-no, he no longer exists, indeed c\e is now
the pevfect filexandevVI-hhas already revised his Jnter cetera divina within
by a n d large
ignored a n y w a y . t h i s Pope may not have a significant impact o n history,
despite appointing family membevs like his son Cesare to impovtant clergical
posts. fit l e a s t so 3 hope, for 3find that those who impact histo

two months of i t s original pevfect incarnation, a n d i t w a s

in a n injurious manner.
e that as it may, 3find 3have attr

the woman reputed to be a witch,

some atkention

a n d hen

inspections for the nonceu3 shall resume them wh

m a d o n n a of the Rocks, a n d can move fL1l-y d

11 have to shelve these

3 have finished the madonna ofthe Rocks, a n d find now that the world i s at
wa*tl?eTurkmen have invaded Hungary a n d Dalmatia.l%is

they did


took some time to arrive in these places. J n a similar

mannev CharlesVI11 of F r a n c e has sent his h o p s against ztalia, a n d taken

since, although word

Rrenza a n d Roma.

Pope is said to have

d to Castel Sant'Angelo. J a m glad for

it/ for

wodd not see the head ofthe church thhreatened.


udicious eFamination, a n d no small part of surreptitious and secre-

tive meetings with the woman from

the village, who at last, with

s o m e plying of wine a M d gold, has condescended to share with m e
some of her insights, although she has a tendency to stray +m the

swbject at hand, has demonstrated to my satisfaction that here are

indeed four facets

of the magickal powers which permeate the Gav&.Tlqis

as 3 had surmised, for the effervescence which


these powers eFude can b e

be offour slightly differingaspects, that i s color and vibrancy, and, for

lack of a better word, taste, indicating that they indeed are separate manifes-

s e e n to

tations ofthis unknown a n d

3t is m y belief, a n d by w a t c
e method with which these energies interact
with the world abowt, that the best naming of these facets is &at they are
spiritual, natural, a n d mundane, this being the best eFplanation of
the method by which God might cause these powers to b e apportioned
among His creation.4

Mmxw&ly Power of t k c a w e w l y Delights
eavenly power is that which flows from Heaven, borne upon


angels, a n d connects the ea&

the wings

to the divine. J a m uncertain whether

or not the heavenly power may also be u s e d by the Deceiver a n d

his minions,

trapped between Heaven and Hell as though the poles of a magnet, o r

whether the Lord smote S a t a n such that he and his angels m y no longer

be what divine spark

remains within these paltry a n d sinfMl human shells. With the heavenly powers
might one s u p e r s e d e &e limitations placed upon us by God as w e live within

touch the heavenly powevs. tleavenly powers may

His Creation, a n d perhaps even +avel to sit at +tis feet.

Spiritual magicks are those which impinge directly upon

that eternal and

inviolate part

the human spirit,

of all of us, granted to us for our eternal salva-

tion by our Creator.'tt.\ehealth a n d state of our spirit i s of paramount import

to the health of o u r bodies, as c a n be demonstrated by the dilapidated position of hose most sinf..l a n d corrupt people, who then succumb to leprosy a n d
other ailments. With spiritual magicks might one influence o r dominate the
activities of the pevson.6


effovts of human o r

mechanical will u p o h

magickal enevgies, preventing them from wnvaveling, as is their wont.

Since hamans ate pc~
sessed of weukness

mechanical contvol of
magickal energies

]MEctlfiJvJCfiL CON
have studied ca~~?fLlly
the manners in whi

of the manner in which Mzechanical

devices might c w t e s w c k aberrations in the lines of magi&l fovce.
mt e+*,

a s i t is most


-these ave some methods by which J believe we might be able to entangle &e
magickal ene-ies such that they shall pvoduce unusual resulf~,for the w n t o r lines ofmagickal energy shall itself cause a contohaonofthe
C m t i o n about tfieentanglement, and hence what might be termed an abnormal
situation, al&ough magick is, itsel5 natwral. /Much as credting a n alchemical $re
causes an abnormal heat, yet all is perfectly natural.

tion of natural

SOMI, nor COn-



-~ -



that the tireless appliccltion of the machine to the task shall be balanced
discrimination, a n d that the result shall b e as efficacious as
b e obtained by human will a l o n e . A n d 3 have no training in
magick thvough the application ofthe will besides.

a n y as might

3do not believe that the magickal energies ave infinite in nature,

does the grass, there is never

a n infinite supply of gwss for the harvesting, either. CJt is unfortunate that the
in a given time. For although they may gvow,


shall consume the magickal energies in the i y i m g of&

o r what have you, and therefore that it shall be impossible

mechanical devices
bindings, or knots,

to create a permanent magickal effect,for to have a building suppov+edaloft

a n d a sure construction to d r a w the curious from across the continent, and
bolster trade. A n d intewst in my works shall be widespvead indeed. 11

o n ai5 by means of a magickal contrivance, would be most impressive to

to paint a vendition of

The Last Supper.

monastery of S a n t a maria delle G r a z i e has asked, a n d

the sum he

wo.thY, especially in the service of these men ofGod. J

find it somewhat amusing that they wish for me to pla
painting in &e
dining hall of their monasteT. Perhaps hey wish the
that they dine
with O u r Savior, o r pedqaps some of them prefer to think of their bvethven as
3udas. J a m certainly merely jedng, here. J p n d the monks most pious individuals, quite unlike h e i r spiritual leader, filexander VI. J look forward gveathas ofered is most

ly io this task,

for J s h a l l endeavor to exceed all my works gone before with

this one, for their benept a n d approbation.

they a r e suvely most

intelligent to

turn to me for such a decoration, as none is my compare.

d that the methods of powering the magickal mechanisms which

all design a r e few indeed, especially when 3 co
esirable that the method of power rely upon living creatures,
like men, o r mules, o r the like. J have at my disposal water wheels,
a n d clockwork springs, a n d muscular effovt as from a team of


And 3

have counterweights as well, which, with severe gearing and &e assistance
of a clocksmith,

might be

able to g e n e r a t e a steady, though small, amount

f o r e for a lengthy period of time. Of these, only the clockspring

larly suited to being moved abotct, a n d the water wh-I
not at all.


3 shall have to create new methods of powering



these m a c

therance of my testing a n d experimentation.

3 visit from U M old f r i e m d

icardo Del Cantone, the philosophe9 is in T=i
home in Milano. Good old reliable Ricardo! How often w e sat upon the
cout+yard a n d practiced o u r perception of the huma
pipit bz) scrutinizing


e first metho

c r e a t i o n of many knots of m a g i c k a l force, tying

them together by
shall b e tied to

mechanical means, in a n e n d l e s s s u p p l y . T h e s e knots

have n o p a r t i c u l a r effects;at least 3 know not yet how to e n g a g e them

with effect, however, by their creation, they shall deplete the magickal
potential of the region, cofisuming the m a g i c k a l e n e r g i e s in a M s e l e s s
fashion, much as a fire in the d a y t i m e burns scrap wood to n o use other
than for its disposal.

( O F t Y C f i L Y U W Y O f l EJVG3flG)
iven that J h a v e been

able to create an 3ngenium Solaris,

although indeed a faulty a n d short-lived version, for my own


skills, despite m y

learnings, are less than expert,

shall create
e a c h of which

it should be possible, to create an ingenium which

an entire image. Comprised of a series of Jngenia Solarii,
contvibutes one portion

ofthe image,

shape and

projecting a certain color

light, each of which pieces is seen to provide a portion of the whole

i m a g e . t h a t is, by carefLI arrangement of patches of light a n d color, a n entire


illt-tstration might

be made.

-temptation has arisen,

that J make my rendering of The Last Supper

such ingenia, instead of a standard painting. t h i s

rendering to be more

will ceriainly

detailed, to have a more smoky




aspect, &an &e normal

the vision so created shall be of threedimensional nature, i t shall better appear that O u r L o r d w e r e seated with his
twelve in the very dining hall, which shall be most pvofowndly moving, J a m
fresco painting method. find, since


the entirety of the image shall require a

um, far beeer than J c a n possibly create here,
Furthermore, i t i s doubtful

of the Pope,

that the monks,

take much time.

disposed to follow the writs

a n d would


will tolerate such a piece of artwovk,

being magickally created.

J a m instead working with a new a n d experimental compound, of my o w n

invention, a paint which shall allow me to take my time, a n d render t h e L a s t
S u p p e r in g r e a t detail a n d realism, a n d with &e smoky pavor which others
have found so appealing in my work. Fresco is

Of &kxgikaI r i e s o ~ u ~ c e
eratea by the
that the flare of light, or iIIum
unraveling of one of these magickal knots, is c a u s e d by the magickal
r e s o n a n c e of friction as the magickal lines of force pu a g a i n s t e a c h other,
i s my belief

much as among mundane ropes, s u c h friction produ

the color of light so disposed

a knot shall d e p e n d upon its shape, which is to say what additional
shapes are bound into the knot, beyond the basic form which produces
light. A n d the aspect of paleness or deepness of the light so produced
. shall d e p e n d on how much extra of the lines is pulle
which is to say, how much slack is afforded the kno
or intensiv, or translucence of the light so created s
the tightness of the magickal knot so bound. 3
to my best observations,

3 had originally believed that it would be n e c e s s a

J n g e n i a S o l a r i i to c a u s e a detailed image to b e created, linked together
a n d carefully a r r a n g e d . B u t MOW 3 see that is a single device, an J m a g u m
Jllusorius c a n be built to perform the work of many 3 n g e n i a Solarii, by the
addition to the Jvlgeniam Solaris of several adjustments, e a c h of which shall
affect the c r e a t i o n of the knots which the Jngenium produces at that
moment, and,

which moving,

c a u s e their effects to wax a n d w a n e in a peri-

odic f a s h i o n . t h e adjustments ofthis, as Y shall c a l l it, J m a g u m Jllusorius, in

their orbit and rotation a b o w t the central portion wherein the magickal knots
a r e tied, efigender differences between the knots, and h e n c e c a n b e so calibrated, through careful a n d studious efforts, to c a u s e an image of any sort
which might be imagined, a n d the more conscientious the calibration a n d
alignment of these effectors, the m o r e detailed a n d pleasing the i m a g e shall
be to the eye. Given a sufficient speed of operation of the J m a g u m
Jllusorius, the rapidity with which the knots a r e tied shall b e of such great
moment that the created illusion shall not be s e e n to flicker or pulsate,
much as the wings of a hummingbird proceed with s u c h swiftmess that
a p p e a r to b e a mist, a n d n o t solid. O n c e 3 have found a suitable crafisman
here in Milano, p e r h a p s 3 shall pursue this for the pleasure of the Duke, for
3 could create a statue of his father far greater than a n y 3 could of metal
alone. J n the meantime, 3 shall not build

Watch m a k e s frequent passes by my w

this ingenium,

for J find the City

J h a v e d e m o n s t r a t e d to my satisfaction, that a n ingenium which shall create a visual i m a g e is completely feasible,

e v e n within the c u r r e n t limits of technical expertise, although
preferably e n g i n e e r e d by o n e m o r e practiced t h a n 3, it shall
b e likewise possible to create a n ingenium wliich shall manifest a n unreril s o u n d for the h e a r i n g a n d entertainment.

J most c e r t a i n l y c a n n o t test, for the presence of disemvoices or sounds which are not seen to Le c a u s e d by a n y natur-

T h i s ingenium




indeed c a u s e me to

be s e i z e d by

the authorities a n d

burned a s a spiritist, my reputation for invention notwithstanding. t h e

J t a l i a n s a r e a superstitious
offen obtuse,


especially when i t

which they

a r e at a

love them though

Jdo, but they


c o m e s to manifestation of experimen-

loss to explain. Jt i s

peasant w o u l d not understand, nor even


wish to a

that the a v e r a g e

ept, my explanation

J to m a k e su
n undertaking,
the w o r d magickal, a n d the same fate should

of m a g i c k a l ingenia, a n d even w e r e


should s e i z e upon


me a g a i n .

of- this Y ~ g e ~ i c r m
he d e s i g n of this ingenium r e q u i r e s a differing s o r t of magickal
knot, which shall b e as illustrated here, with the alignment of the
gears not in right angles, as with the J m a g u m JIIusorius, but instead at
a n a n g l e of sixty degrees, as illustrated here, which shall create the sort
of knot requived.

While the

J m a g u m JIIusorius should

leasing device, it is

that is, that i t b e

forged of pmrest metals, a n d carefully e n g i n e e r e d that the o p e r a t i o n of
the ingenium shall be pleasing a n d not jarriMg to the ear. Jndeed, it
must b e a well-turned ingenium, the better to s u p p o r t the noises which
shall e m a n a t e from it. For myself, 3 believe that silver b e the best of


that this

be a visually



of a

pleasing sound,

both of which are m o s t pleasing w h e n formed

c a r e f d l y forged to be the stuff of tubular bells or

materials, or else brass,


bell shapes,


G e r m a n i c g l o c k e n s p i e l s . t h i s also r e q u i r e s

that the pieces of the

b e of uniform thickness a n d cross-section, a n d b e tested to ring t r u e . Or else that their diminishment in size o v e r the c o u r s e of
their length
- b e a g- a i n d e s i -q n e d for a pleasinq effectto the ear. Glass a n d
tin should not b e used, neither lead.
J m a g u m /Melos

the careful


erfumer, of great


such a contrivance is c a r r i e d out, a n d i t is engaged to operate,

shall cr-eatea great warmth, as though A fire burned in the a i 5 but without
tion of


t h i s i s d o n e by creating

which p r o d u c e heat, and not light, as they

a p e pulled apart. 3t is possible to -use
this to c r e a t e a fire, just as placing a piece of wood o n the top of a very hot f u r n a c e wight c a u s e i t to
ignite, though i t not be in contact with a ~ actual

J have in mind a method of pvoving great power, for which purpose i t is

unimportant, which relies upon this Jngenium Jnfernus. J call it my Jnferno
ssary to place a n Jngenium Jnfernus

the water wheel. 9 s the Jngenium Jnfernus operates, which

shall have fo be for a lengthy time, a n d hence shall require a very large
a n d powerflrl mainspring, i t shall cause the w a t e r within the sealed contain-

era1 version of

moving against

the paddles


the wheel,

it shall cause it to rotate. A n d


been captured at Rapallo,

and these prizes which have been captured

might become suitable experiments for Jnferno-empowered vessels, which

shall not then b e forced to rely upon oatrsmen o r the winds for their mobility.
B u t with these prizes tests may b e undertaken without removing a n y ready
warships from commission.The design of s u c h a vessel will m e a n that the
Jnferno jMechanism shall propel a sort of w a t e r wheel, which instead of
using moving w a t e r to propel an engine, i t shall move the engine along stationary w a t q propelling the ship forward. J n this m a n n e r might a vessel
run directly into the wind, without tacking, a n d escape pursuit, o r ovevtake

which i t p u r s u e s . Similavly, while a n enemy oarship

ill be forced to contend with the exhaustion of those pulling strokes, the
vessel powered by a n Jnferno jMechanism shall find g r e a t e r energy in the
pwtrsuit, for leaving a n area w h e r e its operation had depleted the local
magickal energies shall i n c r e a s e the efficacy of the ingenium.7
those sailing vessels


to jUaMk;Md


e Znferno M e c h a n i s m c a n also

be used

for the heating of

builditself shall be

the M e c h a n i s m
distributed a b o u t the building, a n d shall convey the s t e a m so p r o d u c e d by
the M e c h a n i s m to the variows rooms. When inside these rooms, the s t e a m
shall be m a d e to pass through a n array of thin pipes, the better with which
to c a u s e the s t e a m to yield M p its heat, a n d c o n d e n s e o n c e m o r e into wate9
whereupon the water shall d r a i n of its o w n accord, a n d gravity, back to the
bottom of the building, there to poMr a g a i n into the ,Mechanism, where it
may be heated o n c e m o r e into s t e a m , in a continuous cycle.
i n g s . t h e pipings which e m a n a t e from

J derive g r e a t enjoyment from the fact that A l e x a n d e r VI i s being


&owe to

ineffective, a n d cannot even control one fiery Firenzan preacher,


II is w a g i n g a very effective

w e r e not for his interference,

ings ofmine, a n d g a i n


campaign against

J should be



the French. For

able io publish

the exchange of ideas with other

if i t

these ft'nd-

learned men.



heard tell that the F r e n c h h a v e been defeated utterlyj

that their a r m y has capitulated at N o v a r a , a n d that CharlesV1II
a n d his soldiers h a v e retreated back into F r a n c e . n i s h a s
shown that Ferdinand I1 has more of God a b o u t him t h a n the
entirety of the self-proclaimed Holy League, for they crumbled in battle,
while Ferdinand's troops enacted the will of God by driving the French
back home, a n d freeing Jtalia from their tyranny.
J a v e now

have not h e a r d

thai the Pope h a s

made a n

omment o n



has run its c o u r s e , a n d CJ a m devoid of new a n d interesting


ideas at

with much a p p r o b a t i o n on my part, as i t will

give my h a n d s a better c h a n c e to heal, that 3 might not only write, but
also continme t h e painting ofthe Last Suppet; which J have had to
postpone temporarily, d u e to the incident of which 3 h a v e a l r e a d y m a d e
moment.this i s met

J n a n y event,

the lack of
great and

leads m e to


antithesis of
my previous
invention, to
wit: a n

which i s simil a r in relation


the J w a g u m
Jllusorius is to
the Jmagum

/MelOS. that
is, it is a simi-

lar concept, but a differing knot. J n

the knots are driven

c a u s e s the area a b o u t the

they radiate coldness, which

to i n c r e a s e in the a m o u n t of c o l d n e s s

into dissolution,

this case,

i t possesses.-this is

b e c a u s e although the knot is virtually identical to t h a t of those

which emit heat, these knots a r e tied in a mannev which, stepwise, i s the
opposite of t h e other; a n d thcts, they emit c o l d n e s s which infuses the s u r roctndings, e v e n to t h e point of smmmoning frost. Or so is my theory.

Jt is to

the g r e a t c r e d i t



Lodovico S f o r z a ,


o u r city,


J shall e n d e a v o r to
build o n e o f t h e s e for the Duke, which eforts w o u l d m a k e him the most
r e n o w n e d host in all the Coniinent, for J a m c e r t a i n h e w o u l d put this
t h e r e is peace o n c e more in fair Jtalia. P e r h a p s


is J n g e n i u m F r i g i d u s is perhaps the most serviceable a

i l e

of the magickal inventions which

haps as well of those

could aught but be carried out


this accomplishes a n effect which

magickal influence.that is, we have

mundane, or non-magickal, inventions and methods,

readily produce


created, and per-

create, for the more 3 think upon it,

3 have yet to

the more it becomes obvious, that

3 have yet


which we can

or heat. Or paintings and sculptures.


music. And perhaps each of these methods is more easily accomplished

than the design and engineering and assemblag

of a magickal ingeni-

urn, and some have the benefits of social interaction in their accomplishment, as well. But here, with the J n g e o i u m Frigidus,

3 have created an

effect which is most difficult to obtain, and is far the lighter for the effort,
which is involved in the creation.

the midst of the city, SAY in Roma,

w h e r e i t i s large a n d thick, a n d dusty with
the passage of many people, and, with the
hut) in

J n g e n i u m Frigidus engaged, in mid-3uly or


charge to the passers-by admission

the opportunity

to relax, however


cool b r e e z e AS from early spring. J

c o u l d also sell from the other side of the hut
beverages of a n y sort) a n d a l l as cold as
and a


mountain stream. Gven including

tea, although i t w o u l d

t h e Jngenium


be as if iced.

Frigidus can also be used in

cold voom, which 3 hereby term a"fbigidatou;"as illustrated

best to isolate it from the heat of the outside, and surrounded by thick stone
or wood, and tlTe walls covered with fmrs. 3 n h i s frigidator might wine and
other foodstuffs be safely stored, and for a great length of time. As no
spoilage will occur when the corruption of the heat is done away with.

fi smaller
chill a

ingenium) but well powered, might also be used to properly


of wine, when events unforeseen necessitate the immediate

replenishment of same when none i s to be had. Which would be a great

embarrassment to any host.

of a n y t o r c h or lantern

which i s

b r o u g h t withi

irolamo Savonavola is again the talk

ofthe town,

even this far

he preaches. And, all tliings being taken into consideration, 3 a m most pleased, a n d shower my kudos upon his
name, although J a m cautious to whom 3 divulge my preferc
Friar S a v o n a t b l a has been quite n o t e w o h y these past months, a n d his
from where


sermons are always well-attended. 3 myself would attend him speaking

whenever possible, were 3 back in Ptrenze, howeve6

here in jUiIano, m y sta-

the kip to Grenze for a S a b b a t h s e w o n is too difficult.

fi s h a m e i t is, for word has finally reached here that SavonarOla was actualtion is comfovtable, a n d

ly oideved to Roma, by the Pope, a n d =fused to go. tte has stated that, 3t is
not the will of God that 3 leave Ptrenze,or so it is said.The P o p e is apparently most anxious to hear of his divine revelation, with which the friar predicted
dire punishment of the R o m a n Cutholic ChMrch, a n d in fact all Ztalia, for the
immorality of P o p e AlexanderVI, which effects,in fact, are already being
felt, in my opinion, for the corruption spreads.
For me, 3 think the presence

of highwaymen is more to the tvuth, both in remoti

pa& of3talia a n d in theVatican itself, but cevtainly obedience to filexander

the Borgia cannot b e said to be the will of God, not fvom what 3 have s e e n
a n d heard. Other stories have been related to m e as well, but 3find them less
credible. For altlqomgh 3 have it upon reliable resource that S a v o n a w l a s
language is at times colorfLl,there are stories attvibmted to him which 3 sincerely doubt that such a good-hearted and noble gentleman preacher
would ever convey to his pious audience. 3 believe some of these stories
might be deliberate slandevs engendered by those who suppovt the Pope
filexanderV1, whom S a ~ o n a ~is~most
l a vehement in denouncing.

these matters, 3 have imagined a new a n d creative magickal ingenium/ which could be m s e d to retain S a v o n a w l a
within Firenze, Papal edicts to the contvary.this ingeniam sc\all use t h e
ut in contemplating

powers of the magickal forces to prevent a person +om cwssing a certain

the power of the ingenimm, for the imprisonment. J t shall function not by creating a great steel wall, for although 3 a m
certain it i s possible, 3 have m o t yet developed my theories enough to admit
s u c h an invention, but instead by the impressing of a state of mind upon
those subject to its influence, that they s t o m t l y a n d without reserve believe
that they may not cross the barrier so presented. F r a n c e s c a is always fond
of saying that only that which one believes is impossible truly is impossible,
therefore this ingenium shall m a k e those people within its g r a s p believe exit
is so, and it shall be so.

barrieq which is erected by

mation to thirteen.'there

shall be a gvouping of numerical

as is necessary for the calculations

arrangement plates

expected fvom the Jngenium.

tl?e method of operation ofthe Jngenium upon the numbevs given is enacted
by the dial set to the right ofthe nccmerical plate, which can b e set for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, &c.




mostL m p o r a l

VI forbade Friar Savonarola from the pulpit earlier

this year, well before Gaster. J wonder if i t might be possible to
design a more complicated Jngenium Gnocereus, which shall be possessed of a capacity more akin to personal intellect. J n this fashion, might
Savonarola speak with the Jngenium, and give the device homiletic
coaching and explanation, and then let the Jngenium itself speak from the
pdpit in his stead.
while i t may be possible, J do not believe that
Firenzan churchgoers will consent to being lectured by a machine, especially affer their lengthy exposure to the passionate and theatrical
Savonarola. Jt is a pity, however, for the Jngenium would have no fear of
excommunication, execution, or the like. Jt may, however, be said that
Savonarola likewise evinces no such feaps.4
ope Alexander



this Jngenium, it should be possible to create a n

Jngenium Fatidicus, which, by means of a variety of protrusions, not unlike
the antennae of insects, shall detect the present weather conditions about,
and calculate the future weather conditions which shall occur. 'these calculations shall be based upon what the surroundings are currently like, for
i t is evident that there is a cause for all weather. And this Jngenium shall
be able to make those calculations, and predict, for example, that here
shall be rain, which a human being canno6 at least not until the rain has
begun to fall. 5
Jn a


manner to

( C L f i m U D 3 E j V E EjWGYjWG)
is now

the S u n d a y afterGaster, a n d while attending services this

that the Fiar Savonavola has continued to cause grief t o the Pope.
the story i s that Savonarola, despite being enjoined from preaching, c o n t i n ~ e d
to do so all thvough Lent, and with more passion a n d fervor

than before, as he is now quite fiwly considered to be a leading figure in the

city. Why, i t appeaw that the entire city of Rrewze shall rally unto him a n d

back upon this Pope, a n d not a moment too soon, for my opinion, for
this Alexander i s so vile, that to tmrn a w a y from him is to e m b r a c e God. 3t is
time that these protestevs sought to reform the church. Bcct 3 wonder what
tmrn i t s

for very much longer.


no o n e knows),

h a s been

of King F e r d i n a n d




w e d to j u a n a of Castile.t h a t is,





so shortly after the discovery of the flew World

expedition, 3 would not

l\/taximilian a r r a n g e d

s e e k s to



s u r p r i s e d if i t i s j u s t f o r


his family's

by the S p a n i s h

that he, a


m a r r i a g e , for it is well known


the d a u g h t e r

power. tlabsburgs h a v e ruled

the tIo1y R o m a n E m p i r e since, 3 believe, 1438, a n d h a v e held t h r o n e s

about the continent f o r nigh O M 300 yLars. Z J f j u a n a is to b e a r to him a
son, then i t shall be'cevtain that a t l a b s b u r g shall also s i t upom the
t h r o n e of S p a i n . J a m not c e r t a i n that 3 a p p r e c i a t e this effort, for c e r tainly the m o r e p o w e r the family holds the m o r e g r a v e the situation for
the e n t i r e continent. For in m y opinion, no squabbles a r e so grand or
vicious as those within one family, a n d a family s q u
le of this nature
would b e so broad in scope as could embroil all

of us.

hopes that t h e e n t i r e new d i s c o v e r i e s of

Columbus, &c.,shall b e the sole purview of S p a i n , the J n t e r
C e t e r a Divina notwithstanding, nor e v e n paid heed, a n d t h a t t h e r e f o r e
the power of the t l a b s b u r g family will t h e n c e b e e x t e n d e d across the

r h a p s jVIaximilian

h t l a n t e a n Ocean.

J h a v e a l s o noted that


111 i s

now c

he h a v e a long a n d glorious reign well into

ing of jVaples.

the next


the c a u s e of the a r r a n g e m e n t of t h e m a r r i a g e , i t is c e r t a i n that

is was a splendid affaiu;a n d o n e which 3 had hoped to see, for the
p a g e a n t r y . Perhaps 3 shall s p e n d s o m e time, MOW, as i t is raining out-


side, and q u i t e heavily, to p o s t u l a t e a n J n g e n i u m Vedereus, which could

do j u s t that, by c r e a t i n g a funnel for visions which may b e piped back
from a f a q as though


they w e r e water.


most Pleasiklg

these pages, althoctgh the materials

thereof m u s t be of a most pleasing m a n n e r to the eye, which is to say
a n y gold present, a n d all metals used in the construction should b e of
gold, must be most highly polished, and smooth of s u r f a c e . And that the
wood, which is used in a r e a s , must needs b e carefully s a n d e d as though
to a mirror, a n d layered with s e v e r a l applications of lacquer, that i t b e
smooth and glossy, as well as d e e p and lusterful to the eye.T&e operation
a w d aiming of the Jngenium shall b e done in a m a n n e r much similar to
that of the Jngenium jE\udiforius. Howevev) as the funnel brings back visual images, and not those of sound, the aiming shall be much facilitated,
wi& visctal r e f e r e n c e s for assistance.t h i s also m e a n s that for those O M
one side of the ingenium, they shall see in one direction, while those upon
the o t h e r shall see from the opposite side. S o that it may b e n e c e s s a r y for
all attending to the i m a g e s d i r e c t e d hereto by the magickal effectsshall
set themselves upon the s a m e side of the inqenium, for viewinu.

e r e it is, as illustrated upon


has happened

this yea5 it is indeed troublesome. Worst of all calamities, is the news +m Firenze a n d the
w h e r e the spiritual struggle has raged, since the
o much


L,Dominican GiroIamo S a v o n a r o l a first b e g a n to speak, in a

the last five o r ten years. find now: Rodrigo Borgia,

who poses to b e n e Pope fileyanderV1, has struck a blow a g a i n s t him,
that is, Savonarola, a n d all those who attend his church, a n d 3 a m certain
a t t e n d a n c e has never been b e t t q n o r more regulaq than of late.n\e Pope
h a s ordered S a v o n a r o l a to s u r r e n d e r to his autlqori% to a n s w e r for his
continued preaching, in spite of the fact of his excommunication.
Worst upon this, i s that the Pope has leveled a threat against all Firenze,
which, as 3 witmess is this: that the e n t i r e city of Firenze, or p e r h a p s it i s
the e n t i r e Republic, for the sins of their capital, shall b e placed a n d held

notewovthy fashion, for

under interdiction, until s M c h time as they yield up S a v o n a r o l a to b e sacri-

ficed. fis this n e w s w a s old

has already suwevxdered,1

when i t


my ears, i t is certain

that he

heard that h e h a s indeed given himself u p to the civil authorities

in Firenze, a n d they h a v e dutifully, though 3 a m certain with great regret,
turned him over to the a u s p i c e s of the R o m a n Catholic Church. 3 have
heard that h e h a s been s e n t back to Roma, to face t h e old holy hog himself.
M t o n top of everyihing else, 3 hnve heard that there i s also a famine in
Firemze! How c a n this be? 3s there no God? Cuuld He actually invoke
His wrath a g a i n s t Firenze at the behest of o n e like Rodrigo Borgia, Pope
' though he be? J t c a n n o t be so!B u t a famine there is, a n d all those 3 know in
1 Firenze are reported to b e going hungry, a n d suffering for it. find 3 know
that many f e a r the Wrath of God for the supposed sins of that Dominican.
h a v e had no reliable reports on the climate in firenze, nor the wenthe* Perhaps i t has been unseasonably dry, o r hot, o r the rain has
trampled down the c v o p s . Or p e r h a p s there h a v e been floods, which have
killed the grains. 3 do not know, and the information 3 h a v e garmered
+om travelers whom 3 h a v e met in the taverns and public shops are difJ

h a v e now


ferent stories, all sworn t r m e .

Perhaps it is that the Pope has also quietly ordered merchants to avoid
selling foodstuffs to Firenze under pain of eternal damnation, or perhaps

they have enacted this oftheir


own accord, having themselves witnessed

the impending threat of interdiction, and thence avoiding the city at all
costs, so save their own sorry hides, in such case as interdiction might
come. t h i s is a

logical conclusion, that the Firenzen countryside has not

d, but has instead been robbed of its food by th


A m 3 m g e m ; u W L Perma~utlAs
stead, 3 shall consider a lesser version

of this, a n J n g e ~ i u m

which shall not alter the substance of the mattev; but merely

its manifestation.-this i s a different matter entirels a n d may be accomplished

with this constvuction,

where the plate which is inserted into the i ~ g e ~ i ushall


c a u s e the material, whatever it may

be, to be altered in shape to &e new fom,

according to the carving ofthe material to be altered must be
placed in the center ofthe spherical chambe3 using a support to hold it there,
if such is ~CXESSAVY for small or limpid objects. With this, might a bmken sword
be m a d e as new, a l a r g e block of cheese evenly divided into pevfect cubes, or
s c r a p s of wood be m a d e into the best of tvays. 3 is possible, as well, 3
believe, kat a bowl ofgraiw and yeast and water be m a d e into a loa$ w d y
for the baking, or possibly that a small cat b e m a d e into a large rat, though
for what pctrpose 3 cannot imagine. P e r h a p s &e reverse woctld be bettecz6
v e just had word back from Ricardo Del Cantone, in Firenze.

philosopheu; although persuasive in his arguments a n d vigorous in his presentation, w a s unable to s w a y the city coctncil of Firenze.
t h e y h a v e had enough of trouble with the Holy R o m a n Catholic Church,
and although 3 a m there revered, t h e final decision was that, the ingeMium
i s said to work through the t r a n s f e r e n c e a n d manipalation of magickal
powers, which, they believe, is sorcery, which i t is not, for s o r c e r y is a black
magic.yet sorcery, by p a p a l bull, has been condemned, and the city shall
not avail itself of this technology for t h e mitigation of their famine, for they
wish not to run afoul of the Pope again, a n d risk interdiction o n c e more..
R i c a r d o has said im his m e s s a g e that s o m e present tkoctght to fuvther
appease the P o p e by revealing to him my dabblings in these experiments,
blnt that he was able to d i s c o u r a g e s u c h a C O L W S of
~ action. 3 a m glad t
as, the

h a v e s u c h a friend as Del Cantone.

OntinMe to be a w a z e d at the a r r o g a n c e of our AIexaHderVI.

No,he i s not ours really, he i s a S p a n i a r d , for no Jtalian that 3

could act with shch an unashamed abandon, and so flagrantly violate the laws of ethics. Here 3 h a v e had news that the

has annulled the m a r r i a g e of Lctcrezia of the Borgias, to Giovanni

S f o r z a . t h a t which the Pope himself a r r a n g e d is now annulled! H e has,
with a Pick of his ringed hand, declared that all that has h a p p e n e d
between Ciiovanni a n d Lucrezia has never occurred! As if he had the

power to rewrite history.

-they w e r e only married fow years ago.3 witnessed the c e r e m o n y . t h e y

e n t e r e d togethev t h e bridal suite, after much E.,,elry of course, a n d have

been together since. And


the Pope is going to pretend for all time that

these events never occurred. 3 must wondeu; what of their consummation?

Does this annulment of the marriage make Lucrezia into a n adulteress? O r
has that been swept away by divine license as well? Perhaps she is a virgin
anew. Next, the Pope may annul the fact that the wind blows. What then?
And at all this, he still has the audacity to have Savonarola arrested. 3
hear he is to stand trial, but 3 have no hopes that right will win out, for he
is indeed a devilish Pope. 3t may be blasphemy to say it, for the Pope is
held to be infallible'by the grace of God, but it is true, and 3 shall say it. 3
shall not, however; repeat it to others.
now the plot is s e e n to thicken, and the plans of the Pope to bear
fruit. For no s o o n e r is Lctcrezia's marriage annulled, than she is


betrothed to Alfonso of Napoli. Her father and brothers kick

a ball on

her about like

the street! And with as much concern for her happiness,

being. Or

her respect,


a m certain that in the upper circle of society

she is now looked upon as a doing o r a prize horse,

the Pope. Ah, 3 am incensed.

Of the F'mi-e

or well-

to be had for favors to


have been wondering of late ofthis famine in Firenze.Therehas been a

papal bull against sovcery, which is now in its thirteenth offourteenth

year. And who better to know about sorcery

than the Pope, who is the great

leader in the war against deviltry? And they say a man must know his enemy
All of this has caused m e to wonder at the fortuitous

timing of

this famine

which tortures my people. Jt cannot be the will of God, and the possibility of

a coincidence of this sort is far to remote. 3 believe,

himself, who has caused &ere to be a famine,

then, that it is the Pope

by exercise of black arts.

Small indeed the chance he would be caught, when all other practicing
sorcerers have abandoned their craft or


fled across the Mediterranean.

none would dare question him, at least not in the publ'IC square.

3- eHgiure f i g a i m s t S o r c e ~ y
o contest this,


3 shall here illwstrate the construction of an


shall detect and destroy any such evil spells which are cast into

its protective encirclement.The diffcul*

of this creation is that it must be of

the aspects of magick, that is, a fundamental

ingevrimm cannot be designed, for both the aspect of magick against which

a different construction of

one seeks protection must by its very nature be itself employed in the
defense, and because the knots which are produced of

the ingevrimm must

be constrmcted of a manner in which best to employ the auspices of each

the withstanding of assaults. For example, the knots prodmced by

the forces of nature must be stout and inflexible, while those which seek to
mitigate the magicks of the mind are more slippery, like unto slipknots, and
aspect in

malleable.therefore, you need to build a different ingevrium to defend

against each different sphere of magick.7

h a v e not b e e n


a b l e to apply much effortto this Codex, in

the completion of
mighiy task i t is.

as J h a v e b e e n embroiled in

The Last Supper in the monastety,

and a

G q x x i a l l y s i n c e 3 a m assailed by the most effervescent a n d

odors o f t h e monksculinary skills all the day, while J a m at

cookery. t h e
kind a n d g r a c i o u s hosts, a n d Godly men, a n d 3

a m most definitively f a v o r e d of plain a n d simple

monks h e r e a r e most

believe 3 h a v e put o n a

hearty girth in the


which J h a v e b e e n at w o r k upon this project.

At last J c a n see the completion of he pai-tin
a month more or so to see it throccgh, so 3sha
aside to finish this employment. 3t is cx bea

shall fake m e but

a n d other works

efthe composition of he entire

O u r Lord Himself,
J a m most pleased.

have ever done. 3 am most pavticularly praud

assemblage of disciples. A n d of

J humbly believe hat even H e would find the vended

J t is finished. J a m going back out to the plaza, for Giovanni, bless his
doughty heart, i s relieved to see me completed at %e m o n a s t e r 3 that J
might design fuvther buildings, in jVIilano, for to challenge his skills, a n d has
vowed to drink me u n d e r the table this evening, in celebration.
all people. t h i s is a h o r r e n d o u s o c c u r r e n c e . no
s o o n e r h a v e J completed my m a s t e r p i e c e at the monastery, t h a n 3

a m cursed a b o v e

that my most inventive experimental compound, that with which

J coated the walls of the monastevy, the beiter to hold the paiat, a n d
allow m e to w o r k in light a n d shadow, in m y smoky technique, which i s
MOW famous, for the betterment of realism, that this compound is a fail-



Ah! maria


the walls,



t has b e g u n to peel itself

flakes as a d a m a g e d insect,
a n d c a r r y i n g a w a y my w o r k of these past three years upon its feckless
b a c k to the floor.Why, dear God in Heaven, why?
3t worsens, every day, 3 c a n see it. Others cannot, they
tain that 3
am envisioning the worst, that i t i s but the slightest bit worse, a n d shall
a w a y from

curling itself up into

s o o n stop, for certain, but J c a n see it. 3 see students of art, a n d monks,
s t a n d about, a n d r e n d e r my w o r k for themselves, for their own experie n c e and stwdy, and

3 know that s o o n theirs

of my m a s t e r p i e c e left upon

this E a r t h . J


a m torn

hurry, to complete their studies of my art, befor

instead asking them to b e patient, a n d copy i t

the i m a g e a n d color for postdty. 3

e only executions
e e n a s k i n g them to

eye poked asunder, for carelessness. J n m y b r o w n


ing to

J a m


the labels




given, of durationj pace o r swiftness of

color o r in shades ofgrayj and t e m p o r a l basis,


or w h e n in

including fear, love, a n d enjoyment, a n d

J have



the funds

at this tim

e patience, to cre-

potentially, neither shall w o r k .

( j V W D f l E S S EflGYNE)
at 3 were not

forced to endure all that has transpired! J

h a v e just now l e a r n e d of

the fate which h a s

Dominican friar GiroIamo S a v o n a r o l a , a n d

of Pope A l e x a n d e r VI, a n d to f o r e v e r s i l e n c e

called him to t a s k for his

e)ccesses, a n d his sins! 3 a m
c e r t a i n that this ecclesiastical


court, which



S a u o n a r o l a , must to a m a n
poisoned of


Borgia Pope,

mind by




else b e

w r a c k e d with guilt for having

m a n as S a u o n a r o l a . But, no,

they shall surely mollify their

c o n s c i e n c e s with the fact that lie
did i n d e e d preach, despite beiwg
b a n n e d from so d o i n g by the



3 am outraged! 3t

the voice,

of S a u o n a r o l a ,

the brain

the subject with incoheent thought, in compensation for which,

will be forced to rely upon those instinctive behaviors, which, given

the sinful

naiiire of man, a n d &e Pope

Jt shall render

especially, shall be akin to madness.

3f the operator of the d e v i c e w e r e to mount it upon a c e n t r a l axle,

which should spin t h e ingenimm a b o u t as it operated, t h e n the ingenium
shall h a v e effectsupon all who s t a n d about it, s u c h that it might s t r i k e
a n e n t i r e c r o w d with the frenzy. P e r h a p s 3 should build many of these,
a n d secret them inside crates a n d wagons a b o u t Roma, a n d d r i v e
e n t i r e city into the m a d n e s s which lives i n c a r n a t e in t h e v a t i c a n . 3



J am

being too cruel. Better still, instead of inflicting chaos

upon the recipient, to implant more coherent though$



the subject.

t h e n J c o u l d have

the Pope fall


means of

upon his o w n


t h e settings

be m a d e
rehand, or else carefully a l i g n e d d u r i n g
operation. t h i s J do not recommend, for if the alignment i s careless, the
this shall never work, for
subject may be able to c a s t off the efects.
the Pope does not c a r r y a sword, c u r s e d be his c l e r i c a l restrictions.4


( Y j W P A R t E D ]\/207JOjVEjVGYjVE)
o w many months now,


it been, s i n c e 3 h a v e b r o w s e d



this Codex? 3 a m


d a t i n g my thoughts, but i n s t e a d of returning to past


not certain, for 3 a m n o t in

pages a n d inscribing additional ideas or illustrations as

od. 3 do not therefore know. J t has i n d e e d b e e n a long

time, however., judging by the last e n t r i e s which 3 m a d e upon these
p a g e s , a n d by the dust which h a s accumulated, upon these pages,
betwixt that d a r k time a n d now. 3 h a v e healed myself of my grief, and
despaiu; a n d self-reproach for the loss of


t h e L a s t S u p p e r , for lose it 3

eventually, but for the nonce, it s t a n d s still, a n d elicits much inter-

est a n d excitement, a m o n g

the peoples of&lilano,


all those w h o

good painting, a n d m o r e poignant still that

it fades, e v e n before o u r eyes. 3 t i s in that fashion, much like a summer.,
ain, as i t fades to autumn.
which w e shall never se

travel to view it. 3 t is a very

A11 m u s t eventually p a s
this C a r t h , and it i s simply my i l l fortune,
that 3 shall s e e this p a s s , or at least begin to do so.f l o w 3 c a n better
u n d e r s t a n d the grief of those who, t h r o u g h calamitous accident, lose
o n e of their children, b e f o r e they a r e g r o w n .

JRnew Conazption



which to h a r n e s s


these theories, and build new ingenia, with

1 forces which envelop the globe in

with spikes, for

the impaling


m a d e of a s i z e large enough to s c a l e city w a l l s without assistance of

l a d d e r s o r siege towers, a n d w o u l d

be stout

enough to resist everything

s h o r t of a direct s t r i k e with a cannonball, a n d then only if the artillerists

used a n increased charge of p o w d e r . 6

be able to move

properly a r r a n g e d ,

the c a n n o n

b a r r e l of



elevated to angles far


p r o p e l explosive shells, as rain,


the battlements

a n d d o w n upon

the heads of the enemy.

U p o n the defensive, in the resistance
of a siege, the J n g e n i u m V a d e r u s c a n
be used to deceive the enemy, a s to
the strength of the city g a r r i s o n . t h e
by tortuous linkages, to a plethora of spears
placed a b o u t the w a l l s for the city, a n d set to

ingenium shall be connected

a n d pikes a n d other arms,

the sun by the action

the ingenium.
n this fashion shall the garrison a p p e a r to b e doable o r more its si
and the enemy, set to inaction for f e a r of the g r e a t garrison which
appears apon the walls, may b e s e t ctpon by sarprise by the trcte garrison
w a v i n g in



the city, and destroyed.

' t h e r e a r e less s a v a g e applications of this J n g e n i u m Vaderus, as

Jt may

be set

to a n y task r e q u i r e d . Jt m a y

land, for example, when

applied t9 a n


the p l o w i n g of
similar to this design:

used in



the Duchy of
M i l a n o a n d F r a n c e are strained, a n d J fear that Lodovico El
Moro, despite all that h e h a s d o n e for his people, will head into
yet a n o t h e r fruitless w a r much to the dilapidation of the Duchy in g e n e r a l .
c o u r s e of r e c e n t events. Relations between

3 h a v e taken my leave, to p u r s u e a sabbatical in my home city of Firenze,

Most JIIustrious D u k e himself, to r e n d e r his wife, Jsabella dEste, for

the purpose of posterity, a n d presumably so that h e might be a b l e to rem-

the pyramids, though they s t a n d yet, s h o w

the deleterious effectsof time, as does t h e most r e g a l profile of the

b e n e a t h its feet, for even



it, as though d o w n a stream, o r instead a n a q u e d u c t , which

shall o v e r c o m e t h e n a t u r a l c u r r e n t of time,
which is to s a y s t a n d fast a g a i n s t i t s flow, s u c h that it might be s e e n to
c a u s e time within its effectto s t a n d s t i l l . 3
cor\struct a n ingenium which

O f c o u r s e , it

i s obvious

that a n


which is


be used for the


stoppage of the flow of time must of c o u r s e constrain the operator

shaN encompass all a r o u n d . However, it is

r e a d i l y seen that the interior of the ingenium i t s e l f m a y n o t be affected
by the rnagickal bindings upon the times, but instead be allowed to
operate freely, for if the ingenium d o e s not experience the passage of
time, i t may not operate, hence time will n o t be stopped, a n d a conund r u m or paradox becomes evident. t h e w o r k i n g s of the interior mechanism ofthe ingenium must thus be shielded a g a i n s t the m a g i c k a l

o u t exception, for i t




the magickal

nts thereunto would



c e r t a i n to pre-

the employment of my 3 n f e r n o mechanism to the g e n e r a t i o n of sucl

strengths, as the J n f e r n o mechanism itself has n e e d of magickal p o w e r
s u c h as shall b e consumed in the reversal of time.
3 find 3 h a v e n o theoretical or observational basis upon which to
d e d u c e the effectsof s u c h a temporal treversal, except p e r h a p s to
believe that the i m a g e s s e e n through s u c h a portal would themselves b e
m e r e images, the stuff of d r e a m s , in much t h e same m a n n e r that when
w e r e m e m b e r events, the people whom are seen to o c c u p y o u r memories are not the true flesh a n d blood relations w e know. J n a like manner, J hope that by reversing time, w e do not c a u s e p e o p l e to exist in
a n y real m a n n e r within the field, for s u c h would be a n impossibility, they

being e x t a n t elsewhere, a n d very much alive.

ne conceivable u s e for

the J n g e n i u m t e m p o r a l i s

c r e a t i o n of a means of preserving the life of one

w o u l d be in the


o r mortally

be found to administer a
upon a table, beneath which

w o u n d e d until such time a s a c h i r u r g e o n might

remedy. J n this fashion,

the ingenium

the patient

is lain

the c h i r u r g e o n
be halted, a n d the

processes its m a g i c k a l knots. Then, when

appears, a n d


is in readiness,

the J n g e n i u m


healing commence.

Jt becomes obvious

the unit

this ingenium, a t i m e d method of empower-

else that a shielded line of c o n t r o l from

the J n g e n i u m , be extended through the time-stopping

is r e q u i ~ e d ,o r

o p e r a t o r of

that for


the fundamental s o u r c e of operation. d s e w i s e , i t will be

to c o n t r o l the function of the machine, but merely to allow i t

a n d to


to run its course, until at last i t w i n d s down, spent of power,



who e n d e a v o r e d to penetrate the m a g i c k a l restraints w o u l d f i n d their

time, too, had been halted in its flow, a n d they w o u l d be unable to halt
the 3ngenium's progress. 5

am now visiting Venezia,

the city of the canals,

a n d have


many a n enjoyable hour tomring at the whim of t h e gondoliers,

the ballets. 3t is a beautifml city, and 3 enjoy my

recreation here greatly, but the days are soured with the talk of
the w a r which has broken out between theturkmen of the Ottoman
a n d attending

Empire a n d fairvenezia.
t h i s darkening of my relaxation i s

fleetat S a p i e n z a , although 3 h a v e h e a r d so m a n y
u n s u r e which are true. Verily

story, for J h a v e heard

the defeat of the

varied stories that 3 ai

doubled by word


do these common J t a l i a n s embellish every

the s a m e person

inflate the d r a m a of his discoutrst

the short s p a n of one day, and he s w o r e that

w a s struck upon the
fleet at S a p i e n z a ! A4ayhap h e w a s t h e r e indeed,
head, that h e has gone silly.
J t i s painful to m e to hear of the defeat of the fleet, with so
being upon the coast, w h e r e any barbarous i
n may put ashore. With
this concern in mind, 3 went to the shipyard to speak with the shipwrights,
a n d to e n d e a v o r to find the truth of the matter. As it befell, when 3 arrived,
they were in the process of keeling a vessel for th
ke of repairing her,
a n d they were putting about the task in a most un
ly a n d inefficient
manner, that 3 had to exclaim, as though to children, my astonishment.
to which exclamation, m o r e t h a n one of the w o r k e r s at the d

great offense, and brandished a boathook with which

extort a n apology out of me, or


or p e r h a p s


by a learned man, who c

3 must remind myself to hold to my tongue
the future with seamen, for they are roguish rapscall'
nately recognized

After speaking

with the shipwright, for such my defender turned

designed for them a system of lines a n d pulleys

out to


will m o r e effective-

ly tvansfer the forces of their strength against the s

which effovtsthey w e r e most gratefi.1, a n d tveated
inner, at the most
rancid establishment 3 have ever had the displeas
b r e a d was quite coa-ely ground, a n d the beef wa
though i t had been hacked off the cow with a halberd. And the wine is best
left without description, especially the way 3 feel this morn.

hile inspecting the damage to the vessel,

of which 3 knew little, as 3

m a d e no serious study of n a ~ t i c a sciences,
i t occ
thut a magickal ingenium emplaced upon a vessel could be used to e n h a n c e
its durability in battle, most specifically against the power of an enemy vessel stviking i t in the side, below the waterline, with a vam. A different ingenium would have to b e used to protect the vessel, a g a i n s t attack by Greek
fire, o r other pyrotechnical assaults, b m t J shall here work upon an
Jngenium Jfitegritas, which will b e employed in the d e f e n s e a g a i n s t raws,
collisions, and bombardments, a n d would also b e useful w e r e the vessel to
b e plying t w c h e r o u s waters, w h e r e t h e r e might be rocky s


sctrface of the water, invisible reefs, 8tc.

t h e method by which the ingenium sC\all work will

into a webwork, l i k e undoing a net or fabric, the
gleaned by watch those skilled at knitting, a n d in
webworks, one contained completely within


(of which 3 h a v e one h e r e before me) has a n inn

glass, and i s hollow, yet the inner a n d outer


like manner shall the webworks of magickal

the otheu; yet be separ

the hull of the vessel, which they in turn shall
press upon, the better with which it shall keep its shape, as a n y a t t a c k by
bombardment or ram shall have to overcome the durability of the magickal
net as well as the stvength of the hull of the ship.

the 'timkmeur

o afford any efect,


ingenimm must

as to protect a vessel against


by m e a n s be very well powered,

the hostiliiy of theTurkmen


the irve-

be woefully inadeqmate.
any vessel upon which this ingenimm might be employed, is necessarily a larger vessel, and therefore may admit to a larger s o u r c e of power
for this ingenicrm, for its increased efects, of which 3 believe a mundane
revision of my previous Jvlferno mechanism for empowerment might well be
sistibiliiy of a n underwater

half-measures will

adequate, for although s u c h a motivator is unforgiving of damages inflicted

upon it, i t shall be protected within

the interio9

reinforced hull of a n Jtalian-built warship, a n d


decks, of a magickally

there is no place more safe

that. Previous incidents at S a p i e n z a notwithstanding.

This will require that a f i v e or s o m e alchemical s o u r c e of heat b e employed
below decks, but as 3 understand that fire is likewise used by a ship's cook,
3 cannot see that here would be a n y objection to such an e q u i p p a g e . t h e

only difficulty arises in that if it w e r e necessary, d M e to the great length of a

protvacted naval battle, to buvn for consumption unimpovtant portions of the

ship itself, the stvength of the

ingen;crm's magick would prevent even hardy

sai1ov.s+om prying ornamental planks or woodwork from the

hull to b e

burned. Mpon the other hand, i t should

be noted that should the ingenium run

completely out of fuel a n d cease to function, i t is likely that the vessel in

shall take d a m a g e from the enemy,

shall c a u s e
here to be an immediate supply of scrap a n d flammable woodstmffs.6
sHch a g r a v e position


( L X E SMS'tEflllr\lVCE E f l G Z f l E )
per 3 had completed the design of my Jngeniuwr Jmtegritas, 3
r e t ~ ~ n etodthe docks to display m y invention to the shipwright

J fret visit& that place. Sad13 he

w a s not receptive to my ideas fov the impmvement ofthe
s, a n d in fact was appalled at the idea of employing a five-powered version of my Jnferno mechanism below decks of a warship e n g a g e d in
battle. H e could not see that the Jngenimm Jntegritas would protect itself,
a n d with itself also &e c w w a m d the ship herself, +om enemy activities as
who favowd my c a u s e when

well as the mechanism's fire. J t i s perhaps as well; here are significantly

warships now, a n d a given one which were to employ my

Jmgenimm JMtegritas has a greater chance of being caphtred by theTurkmen,
at which time w e should see all &e vessels of the Ottoman &+re invincible.


The Lost

734s ingenium = l i e s upon the technique of infising additional lifeenergies into he

subject even as these energies ave extinguished by whatever means.The heat+
being the mmcle which pumps these enevgies abomt the bo& it is most necessavy

that the ingenium be held within close pvoximify to the heat+,or else that the ingenium b e of lavge design.7
Swll ingenia

be safely opemted by clockwork, with a mainspring of

stiff steel, and pvotected against water o r whatever elements might

impede i t s fCcnction.So made, the ingenium shall allow the weclrev being the peec
son affeded by i t s mgickal infctsions, to opemte in places under water, o r wheve

there m a i n s but only bad ai9 as in a mine shap OF in a building ablaze. tIew 3
must tell that the ingenium only pvotecis the vital ovgans from beiy destv0ye.d by
suffocation or poisons; it shall not provide any pvotection against the inferno, which
hall dive+ axme the weaver's flesh to be roasted until it no longer fctnctions,
althowh the weare? by the g r a c e of my ingenium, shall not be ovecow\e by the
smoke before the fire.

larger version, this

ingenium might be

dto power a ship which would

fish.Pockets of air must be

m i n t a i d in cases ofmevgen- and to allow forthe maintenance ofthe
ingeuium itself,as well as any smaller ingenia which might be used for
personal depavtuves from the vessel for explomtion, &c. Such a ves-

h ~ v e under
the waves as do whales

and &er

the C W o m a n Empire, and thence sewe to launch mines,

which shall goat up, a d axbrecldes to the keel
'this undersea vessel has a n

advantage ovev my pevious

design for a non-magickal

submersible cr~lfi,
wheve&is vessel is not vul-

erable to having its


the sea, as its m a g i c k a l effects p r e c l u d e ti$

inside the c r a f f . 8


S t a t i o n a r y edifices m a y a Is0
sion of


ne vepc


the lowlands
by using the force

w i n d m i l l common in



upon it, m i g h t

afford a

IuXury. 9



comfortable living environment without

the area of m a g i c k a l potential,

ith this

ingenium, it might also


b e pos

great heights, where the air become

normal human endt-trance, and thence to e



the occupants


inventions. This

modification of my previous JngeniMm

which, by inuerting the ratios a n d realigning the mechathe r e v e r s e o r d e q would from those surrounding, c a u s e
the vital force to be depleted, instead of held buoyant. J n this fashion, tlqe
c r o w d s would g r o w w e a r y before they colnld bombard m e with their
praise, a n d 3 should h a v e a moments peace. 10

nisms to w o r k in

New Work to C o m m e m c e
better day, now, a n d my t e m p e r a m e n t is less stormy t h a n i t
w a s in the previous days, for surely MOW 3 reap the benefits of my
is a

this town. F i r e n z e is building a new hall to h o u s e her city council,

a n d the government has retained m e to decorate the walls of the new
edifice with my works, representing the many F i r e n z e n victories on the
field of battle. 3 n light of r e c e n t events, 3 c a n n o t resist but to b a s e my
first work upon the Battle of Anghiari, wherein F i r e n z e n f o r c e s defeated
the M i l a n e s e a r m y s o m e sixty y e a r s previous. 3 h a v e c a r t o o n e d this
f a m e in

pleased by my initial resfilts, of t e n s e a n d fervent soldiers,

hovses rampant, a n d c l o u d s ofdlnst kicked u p by the tumult. 3 shall h a v e
work, a n d a m

to revise

the plans,

howeveu; a n d find a Letter method of working t h a n

fresco. 3 h a v e in mind a new paint which should s u f f i c e my n e e d s .



repute has also attracted the attentions of several young and

aspiring gentlemen, each of whom

shows promise, but
have a/%

hopes to paint as J do. Raffaelo Santi

J find that Andrea

del Sarto is yet too young.

that one ,Michelangelo Buonarroti is interested in


heard complimentary reports a b o u t his statues of Bacchus, a n d Pie+&at

St. P e t e r s . J myself shall withhold j u d g m e n t until J c a n see his work
personally, which J shall be able to do, since J a m told he also has
been commissioned to help to d e c o r a t e the hall of the city council.
led m e to think of warfare, a n d what
J c a n perhaps accomplish for the betterment of the welfare of the
soldiers of Firenze, a n d J h a v e devised a n o t h e r variation upon the t h e m e
elucidated by my Jngenium Sustentaculus, which, by infusion of vital enevgies into the body of one wounded or ill, as from battle or plague, a n d
focused in the m a n n e r by which the Jngenium J n t e g r i t a s effectsits
works, shall c a u s e the d e c r e p i t u d e to b e flushed from the patients system, that they might spring whole a n d hale from their beds anew.
u t my w o r k o n this painting has

J t is

fear a most difficult ifigenium to d e s i g n a n d calibrate, for insuf-

the desired effect, while J

will c a u s e the i l l p e r s o n to evoke s u c h a

ficient infusion of vitality will not h a v e

believe a n e x c e s s i v e infusion

f e v e r as might p r o v e fatal, or else to feel c u r e d of all i l l s while yet



that he arise from

walk away, with his arm yet d a n g l i n g from the

is, a w o u n d e d man might feel so vital

the chirurgical table a n d

socket, a n d bleeding, which would b e most unseemly.
r the most accurate imparting of the effectsinto the ailing person, the
effectsof the ingenium must b e conveyed with a wrapping woven skillfully of gold a n d silken threads, which may c o v e r the patient all around, as
though a cocoon or a s h r o u d . t h e silk should b e of the brightest a n d most
cheerful colors available, that the patient may not believe a shroud it i s
indeed, a n d thereby p a n i c a n d d a m a g e the ingenium, which is very delicate
by n a t u r e a n d design, a n d poorly-disposed to a b r u p t shocks or motions.
t h i s is b e c a u s e of the fact that the ingenium itself must b e blown of
glass, so as to afford itself to b e perfectly unreceptive of the e n e r g i e s it
produces, for a n y build-up, w h e t h e r in the ivrgenium or of the surroundings themselves, c a n c a u s e a wave, which, suddenly imparted upon the
patient by w h a t e v e r circumstance, c a n b e deleterious in effects.6 s yet

know of no J t a l i a n s so well-versed in

d e e m them


the art of

glass blowi-g

that 3

e n o u g h to u n d e r t a k e t h e prodcrction of e c c e n t r i c

gears a n d precision-cast meclqanicat contrivances.

Perhaps J

c a n per-

the government to a n n o u n c e a reward for whichever a r t i s t c a n

p r o d u c e the best blown-glass clockworks, a n d t h e n employ that p e r s o n
in the production of this most merciful J n g e n i u m C u r a r e ~ s11

O n e final w o r d of warning: t


m a c h i n e itself must not only b e of glass,

b e k e p t fastidiously c l e a n . t h i s cleanliness i s
not for the p l e a s u r e of the patient, for certainly his a w a r e n e s s will likely
not proceed past the w r a p p i n g s in which he is laid, but for the prevention
but it

m M s t

also necessarily

of a n y build-up of m a g i c k a l potential upon

the e n g i n e itself 12

invention, a n
enced and


in a r t i f i c e . t h e r e was q u i t e s o m e a r g u m e n t a m o n g

those p r e s e n t upon which of these worthies stood i n d e e d a b o v e t h e others, a n d while the debate gvew m o r e heated, J quietly e x c u s e d myself
a n d paid a call u p o n o n e of the gentlemen whose n a m e h a d a r i s e n fre-

e p p o n e 3 fouiZd a most interesting a n d e n e r g e t i c character., a n d


a g r e e d at o n c e to



a m a c h i n e to my specifications. H e s e e m e d

ceased moving t h e e n t i r e time w e spoke,

not even to partake of wine, which h e did while working ~ p o his
n lathe,
a custom which J found mildly alarming. 3 g a v e him a n a d v a n c e sum,
a most curious man, a n d never

h a v e n o d o u b t s but



the evening

that he shall c o m p l e t e the project in the stated time.

of the d a y M p o n which h e b e g a n his labors, s o 3 shall

m y hands.

the combination to bear a great rock aloft. T h e kite shall cause the
assemblage to drift in a downwind direction, while t h e J n g e n i u m shall

hold the missile aloft. B y manipulating the kite from the ground, i t shall
be possible to aim the rock most accurately. B y a calculation employing
the triangle formed by the string of the kite, the elevation of the kite,
and the angle of elevation of the kite string itsel5 the true distance from
the holder of the string to the city may be readily calculated, and the
rock sighted along the string to drop where i t will.

Great calamity Befulls

has resmlted from Camillos engineering my ingenium. t h e technician has taken the presumption of
testing his skills by powering the ingenium, befove informing m e of the
completion of his labors. 3 c a n only a s s u m e that he had the device

is a most calamitous effect which

switched to

maximum effect, s i n c e that w a s the position in which J

each kind, each with a f o r w a r d s a n d b a c k w a r d s mechanism, J c a n ensure that rival inventors shall not be able to steal each
ofhers' letters, saving only by theft of the competitor's J n g e n i u m
P e r p l e x us. 2
a n d o n l y two of

shall be equipped with s e v e r a l quills, e a c h welle q u i p p e d with ink, a c c o r d i n g t o t h e d e s i g n for a n improved quill,
which J h a v e in a n o t h e r C o d e x around, though 3 c a n n o t find i t at this
moment.3 t h e s e quills shall b e set in a free-floating manne9 b a l a n c e d as
illustrated here, to be manipulated by the magickal e n e r g i e s c a u s e d by
the written p a r c h m e n t passing into the c e n t e r of the ingenium. t h e s e
quills must b e most finely balanced, as to r e a c t to the slightest pressure,
for surely the pressLtres e n g e n d e r e d by the magickal field of the ingenium
shall b e delicate indeed. A n d the ingenium must b e operated o n a solid
s t o n e flooq in a sealed room free from drafts, o r insects, a n d the o p e r a t o r
mtmt remain perfectly still, lest h e also reduce the ingenium's w o r k to
nonsense by j a r r i n g o n e o r m o r e of the quills. A n d a n Jngenium S o l a i r s
must be built inside, to illuminate the pages as they are encrypted.
Jt is also possible to send d r a w i n g s encoded, as the m a g i c k a l operation of the J n g e n i u m o n l y encodes the pvesence of lines; the J n g e n i u m


e Jngenium

Perplexus k n o w s n o t a line

of a letter from a line of a d r a w i n g , hence

d r a w i n g s a n d illustrations shall likewise


r e d u c e d to nonsense.

t h e sheets of p a r c h m e n t upon
m a d e must

the e n c i p h e r e d m a r k s shall be
however. For items which are of utmost


b e fed individually,

importance, s u c h as m e s s a g e s s e n t to c l e v e r a g e n t s o p e r a t i n g in for-


b e attached s e v e r a l thin blades, which shall

reduce the original p a r c h m e n t to ribbons. B u t 3 n e e d not this m e
of security, for 3 intend to m a k e several copies of my Codex, twenty or
more, for the selling, although e a c h shall also be given with a n
J n g e n i ~ mPerplexMs, which shall at o n c e pro
a n d p r o v e my work.
e i g n cities,


No, this 3 c a n n o t do, for i t would break me, o

e the fees which 3
would b e forced to levy upon those, w h o are interested in my book, to
pay, would d r i v e them away, a n d again 3 shall h a
to s h a r e my enthusiasm. 3 shall h a v e to publish thi
course, c e r t a i n comments edited out, to avoid the
f i n d also, 3 shall l e a v e c e r t a i n ingenia o u t of thi
the Viu P e r e g r e u s . t h e copies shall be ready in

the effectsof magnetic axes o f f o v c

curved across the l a n d s c a p e from one e n d of the earth to
other. ;In this 3 recalled my visit t o v e n e z i a , w h e r e the ca
are plied by boatsmen, a n d where 3 saw gondoliers at work,
a n d also provided technical aid in the shipwrights in keeling a vessel for
repairs. 3 n this, the magnetic forces J believe a r e as invisible a n d
h a v e thought a g a i n upon

unbreakable ropes, bmt deformed not by stresses in a down

but actually buoyed in a graceful a r c a b o v e the l a n d s from

Earth to the other, w h e r e each line of magnetic force is rooted or attached.

fi g o n d o l i e r pulling
a likewise manner,

boat with

do men pull

a pole propels
at a


craft forward, a n d in

boat with ropes. W e v e the ropes to

the work of the

shipwrights, a n d w e r e t h e gondoliers pole to e x t e n d from the e n d of the
earth to the e n d of the earth, h e could still ply his craft by pulling his
body a l o n g its length. J n this manner, i t c a n be readily s e e n that the


g r o u n d e d miles away, it would m a k e no difference to

lines of m a g n e t i c force, being of themselves inviolate a n d permanent,


b e used, with a n

a craft across

gears c a n

the smrface of the

p l a n e t in much

be u s e d to propel links

n essence,

ingenium d e s i g n e d for s u c h a purpose, to propel


o f a chain.

ingenium will act as though i t were a

system, which, using lines of m a g n e t i c force


a r e intangible

a n d invisible, yet a p p r o a c h i n g t h e infinite in number a n d of exquisite fine r y of detail, m a y b e passed t h r o u g h its system repeatedly a n d without
loss of efficacy, e x c e p t i n g by which the ingeni

t h e orientation of the d e v i c e is most easily accomplished, being merely the d i r e c t i o n of the pulleys with respect to the ingenium, that is, the

will be

the eforts

um c a n n o t


the magnetic

d r a w n irresistibly t o w a r d s the magnetic pulleys a s


o n the magnetic lines. J\s designed here,

w o r k e d in reverse, for the pulleys



the ingeni-

upon the tension of

lines to d r a w themselves t o w a r d s them, a n d in reversed

pushing a g a i n s t the ethereal rope, the magnetic lines w o u l d

become hopelessly snarled, magnetizing

Arise, 0 , M e c k a w i s m !
uch a n ingenium would necessarily

the ingenium


beyond u s e .

u s e of some sort of

elevating mechanism, in a v o i d a n c e of having to ovel*come t h e

that which is to be t r a n s p o r t e d . J t i s far easier to

propel a craft t h r o u g h the ai5 which is frictionless, t h a n t h r o u g h the
ground, which i s filled with r e s i s t a n c e . t h u s , employing the J a g e n i u m
forces of friction

M p o n

jMagneticLts into a s u s p e n s i b l e craft of my o w n design, we find

suited to

the comveyance of people rapidly

over g r e a t d i s t a n c e s .



that the

b a l a n c e of su

that used in
be thrust into the grounc

d e v i c e is no+ in ordeq

J might rotate forward, a n d

by t h e rocket as t h e Jngemium /\/lagneticMs pulls m e f o r w a r d . Truly
walking the earth should be far easier on the constitution t h a n
it. P e r h a p s this shall b e m o r e b a l a n c e d .
such a m a n n e r

No,this would be a

most undignified m a n n e r of transport.

to counterweight a n d b a l a n c e


J shall


initial d e s i g n . fib, but i f 3 w e r e to7



plenty e n o u g h of the B o r g i a family! 3 a m furious!

the s o r t - h a v e
m a d e a c o m p l e t e m o c k e r y of all that is tloly, let a l o n e all that
is Jtalian. We h a v e heard tell that the h u s b a n d of L u c r e z i a
a n d this is her first hwsband, s i n c e the other m a r r i a g e s w e r e
h e s e v a l e n c i a n nobles-they


annulled, a n d h e n c e never
w e a k e n i n g of the


are mothing of

existed, h a s died. P r e s u m a b l y he died

of a

hearts h a v e
b e e n w e a k e n e d w h e n Cesare s k e w e r s them with a stiletto. With
Cesares bloody hands, he should t a k e the n a m e C a r d i n a l S i n . tt a m
which is n o t a s u r p r i s e s i n c e m a n y


that he shall d e M y any

w r o n g doing, a n d a s h e is a n ordained m e m b e r of the clergy, he is incapable of lying, thus w e shall all h a v e to accept his i n n o c e n c e in the matter. tle is as innocent as a mongrel dog, or a plague-ridden rat! What
this country needs, in fact w h a t the e n t i r e Catholic Church a r o u n d th
Of course, Cesare being a Cardinal, it is c e r t a i n

gears being the ratio of five to seven,

tion that which will


being according to my calcula-

r i m g from the imperative field

the opportunity for

untruth, without the loss of the imperative to speak, for it does no good
to force someone to speak the truth, if he will not answer the questions
put to them.

Of course, tr

is as pure a ma

r as possible, so it is required that

the ingenium be created of the purest materials possible, however




be of n o use. Better much that it be made of beaten gold or

perhaps platinum, and lubricated with pure oil or perhaps holy water, if
significamt amount can be had withoHt complaimt from the local

t o make thi

geniuw powevful in aspect and irresistible in dominance,

it is my intention to imstall it in a room o f a tower built among the banks

of a fast-flowing

stream, therewith to build a water wheel with which to

provide the i n g e d u w a constant and unwavering source of motivation,


shall be seen to invest most thoroughly the area with the impera-

tive for veracity.

3t will be necessary to admit a disengagement mecha-

nism to allow the imgenium to rest while the magickal energies of


area are being restored.

Anotlqer Ydea 0

must know, of course, &at to interrogate a n y of the

Borgia fam-

ing ingenium would c a u s e

g r e a t c a l a m i t y to

the matter.

befall all who


the pursuit

who questioned

E s p e c i a l l y if those


the L o r d s


the B o r g i a (whichever

o n e i t w a s ) w e r e themselves u n d e r the influence of my Censurum

their o w n disposiTo that end, i t is

ingenium which shall w o r k
a n d which shall have a

Veraceus, a n d thence s p o k e freely a n d honestly of

tions towards this most powerful a n d c o r r u p t family.

but a simple endeavor to m a k e a s e c o n d a r y


the same

time as the C e n s u r u m V e r a c e u s ,

similar i m p a c t upon
t i o n of

the persons

wagickal enkrgies


to influence


using a different construc-

the mental

processes o f t h e per-

son. T h i s 3 n g e n i u m O b f u s c a r u s w o u l d c a u s e those so affected to forget

all which had


e n g a g e d . Jt w o u l d
n o t to cause


while the

mechanism of

r e q u i r e d to

the police

to forget


the engine


of smaller i m p a c t in radius,

the confession

inclusion of a l a r g e g l a s s lens w o u l d
the effect to be focused in nature. 8





so a s


ea) assistance in causing

3 a m d i s m a y e d by the slow pace with which bad n e w s


- Jtalia. J t i s suvprising
- to me, as
are fain to talk at great a n d exhausting

c a n sometimes travel


for J t a l i a n s

length about all m a n n e r of subjects,

and to g e s t i c u l a t e with

s u c h force that
just s u c h a

they cause your inkwell to spill upon yomr p a p e r s . 3t is in

m a n n e r that 3 h a v e received this latest a n d most ~ n w e l c o m e

bit of tidings.
3 h a v e b e e n given word that the F r e n c h have r e t a k e n the City ofIl/\ilano
from t h e forces of the Duke Sforza of Milano, my f o r m e r p a t r o n , J t is

said that Lodovico now languishes in prison, awaiting the pleasture of

L o u i s FII. S u c h are the forttunes of w a r a n d politicking, but 3 had better
hopes for 3
1 Moro, a n d n o w i t is a p p a r e n t that 3 shall n e v e r be g r a n t e d
the p l e a s u r e of completing the s t a t u e he wished of his father. A n d a
magnificent statue it would be, with not its e q u a l in all the world! 3 will
not return to that city of M i l a n o a g a i n , for 3 a m c e r t a i n that should 3
appear, the F r e n c h will force m e into making s o m e a r c h w a y commemorating their trimmph at the city gates, a n d 3 h a v e no desire to bring their
t r e a c h e r y to qlory. Or p e r h a p s they would press me into devisinq a new
m e a n s of interrogating

the Duke. Bah!

bear t h e thought of the S

r z a s imprisoned by the French. 3 t

h a s s o u r e d m y stomach, a n d now 3 must a b s t a i n from w i n e a n d
spicy dishes, a n d r e s t r a i n myself to p a s t a s . J shall h a v e to find a means
of purging myself of this phlegmatism, a n d so shall p u r s u e the invention


shall affect but a

can arrange for

small portion o f t

the effects


the i M g e M i u m to b

cords, so as to erase more evenly t

which distribution was designed and tested by constructing a manm e q u i n of cantaloupes, Necessarily, large people might r e q u i v e a different distribution. Fdditionally, a n independent sot,wce of motivation i s not
pe-d on the blowing of the wind,
feasible, as a n escapee cann
ium shall have to
especially o n a dark Nedite
be empowered by a*small but vigor
of metallic

s shown in drawing
ith the distribution of the tra
Z, shown here, the small effects of the imgefiium will be distributed in a n arrangement such that it shall conceal the entirety of the

hile meeting with Albert0 Rizzutto again, over dinner this

day, he c h a n c e d to bring to m e s o m e ill tidings, which is
that thetmrkmen have at last wrested the city of D u r a z z o
f r o m v e n e z i a n presence, therewith robbing their army of
its strongest hold upon the lands of Asia Mino9 south of Dalmatia, which
could b e said to be m o r e o f t h e B a l k a n s than Asia M i n o r propenthis
a l a r m s m e greatly, for i t is a possibility now that t h e t u r k m e n will launch a
great fleet, with the intent and purpose of landing upon t h e v e n e z i a n coast,
striking at that fair city, a n d conquering her at once for subjugation into
the Ottoman Empire. Or else that they may m a r c h along the Adriatic

Coast, moving a g a i n s t Zara, a n d dismemberVenezian holdings piece-

by Constantinople.this is worrisome to me, for the

effectsof the M o h a m m e d a n zealots linger s t i l l in S p a i n , a n d J wodd ill
meal for consumption

see that h a p p e n to f a i r v e n e z i a .

E w g q i w e to Smite

the earth!

n preparation for such a n event, 3 must c a l c m l a t e &e n e c e s s a r y engineering of a device of magnificent destructive capabilities, with which 3

b e a b l e to bring to a s u d d e n demise any Ottoman aspirations to J t a l i a n

lands, whether by invasion of fleeto v m a r c h of army. t h e brightest inspivation J have had is to create a n engine which acts upon the ground as does


itself,that is, a n
ingenium which shall, by its nature, c a u s e a great trembling among the elemental forces of the earth, a n d thereby the tangible earth propeu; for the disarray a n d disruption of the enemy. Also for the destruction of his fortifications a n d siege engines. J n w i h e s s of which, the terror of his people would
b e g r e a t s u c h that they would b r e a k at the sight of the approach of the
Venezian army, a n d the new magickal engines of w a r employed by same.
J n this manneu; i t is n e c e s s a r y to c a u s e oscillations among the lines of elemental force. Or perhaps random vacillations would be better. yes, that i s
the solution, for although cyclic forces c a n indeed create l a r g e disruptions,
as evidenced by the method by which children disrupt a piece of rope in a
the wind

a g a i n s t ao ill-rigged sail, which c a u s e s it to whip

regular fashion to play at jumping it (3can see them doing so outside my

window, a n d 3 hope that they will cease their squealing,
m e concentrate),

the better to help

but in a similar fashion, it is possible that s u c h a disruption

will result in a minou; o r even a pleasing effect,much as a violin string is set

to vibrating for o u r ammsement. Furthermore, r e g u l a r disrmptions depend in

large p a r t on the regularity of the medium




battlefield a r e likely to be very poorly homogenous,

dirt a n d s a n d . 3 r r e g u l a r stimulation i t must be.

of a

the grounds
a mix of stone and

transmission, a n d

inner suvface of the ingenum.

cCZose s e v e n t e e n g r a p n e l s , s i n c e s e v e n -

t e e n is a p r i m e numbeq a n d n o t divisible by a n y
of the m a n y c a m s is s u c h

that the g r a p n e l s will

other. A n d the


not a l i g n themselves in

the s a m e s e q u e n c e for some several thousand revolutions of the main drive

shaft, which shall require several houvs of continuous effort, o n &e part of he
ivlgeniuuur. the beatings ofthe grapnels causes the sphere to vibrate (these
vibrations also facilitatethe continuing revolutions of the cams). Fu&emore,
be stable in aspect, a n d in fact is detachable from
i t s stand.O n c e the correct vibratory fequency is acheived, &e b r a c e s holding
the ingenum in place are =leased, a n d the sphere set f&e to bounce about
the engine is not created to

the landsdcape, transmitting its vibrations into the very ground, a n d causing
it to convulse with tremovs AS the suvface of the sea i s convcllsed with waves,
the compete cycle of
i t is impossible that the ingenium shall be seen to be

until s u c h time as its c a m s cease mtating. j+er

s e q u e n c e s is played out,

standing in the s a m e position as when i t w a s fbst begun to operate, and his

shall continue to cause the machine to have a n irregular effect.
when a violinist bows the s a m e notes but holds his wrists at a different angle,
he plays a different string, so shall the Jngenium-tumuliuosus provide a
nevev-ending s e q u e n c e of random a n d a b e r r a n t pluckings of he elemental
forces. A n d m u s i n g tvemovs as a result.

fter great thought a n d meditation upon


ect, J find +ha+J now

a m unable to s e c u r e a suitable testing location for my J n g e n i u m

that a n y n e a r b y would suffer

a n d doubtless c a u s e the full force of the law to fall upon my



Jts effectwould b e so great,

head. Furthermore,

after great concentration,

a m Mnable to elu-

cidate the m a n n e r in which 3 might t r a n s p o r t the effectof my ingenium to a

location m o r e r e m o t e than that of the device, for it would be a n ill-advised
e n d e a v o r to c a u s e a t r e m o r of the

eav-th at a n y location within twenty miles

of the ingenium, to s a y nothing of the ingenium being the very c e n t e r of the
trembling. 3 shall h a v e to shelve this d e s i g n Mntil J have a better patron,
funding, a n d s o m e o n e m o r e reliable than Camillo to do my engineering. 1


ince 3 a m unable to test m y Jngenium tt,tmulfuosus, 3 have



decided to undevtake a different approach to creating AM

effective ingenium for making w a r upon theTurkmen.n\is device,

properly deployed a n d employed byVene2ian or Firenzan tvoops

Id, will hold inviolate J t a l i a n fvontievs against &e most ingenious inventions a n d stvongest forces which &e m o m a n E m p i r e

array agaiMst

thing that theturkmen have so as to bring them to a peaceable and favorable resolution of this war

With that 3 thought of endeavoring to create

the direct destruction of their fortifications, instead of employing the indirect method of shaking their uery foundations through a quaking earth.

Of course, poor Rizwtto may have been taken somewhat aback, as he did
not understand whereof J ejaculated my excitement of inspivation, and 3
left him abandoned in the plaza without explanation. Jt is unfortunate, at
times, that 3 must write my inspirations immediately, lest 3 forget them.
Perhaps the remainder of my biscotti and the bottle of wine which 3 fovgot

by the side of the table both will

have served to solace my effrontevy.

this device has a smaller radius of invocation,

and is thereby consum-

mately easier to aim and set off without Mndue effects upon the user of the
device or the device mechanism pvoper

For its effect itself, it is best

described, that it imparts to the affected material an acute lack of cohesion

ofthe stuffs of which it is made, causing it to fall into disarray, or powdeu;

as though eaten

by termites or

rusted through completely, although even if

the item affected were not iron or wood, even were it stone or glass.'the
Greeks might say the targeted material were rendered into atoms.

t h e dewice

is a i m e d

by the

dishes mounted o n top of

which, being g e a r e d together that

the contraption,

they a l w a y s move in tandem, a n d by

e q u a l a m o u n t of tlqe radius, a n d being properly a l i g n e d a s to




chronous, p r o d u c e a n isosceles t r i a n g l e of projection,

the focus

which point, being

of aiiack, is r e n d e r e d dissolute.

Xime Pvesses
ince the

days are pressing upon the w e l f a r e o f v e n e z i a , 3 h a v e

that J must m a k e every effort to create and d e m o n s t r a t e

this d e v i c e for the benefit of the city, a n d theveby a l l Jtalia. For the p u r p o s e
of the demonstration, i t would b e most seemly were the d e v i c e to be selfmotivated, to which e n d 3 shall u s e a tightly wound spring of metal, as a
mainspring, the tensile power of which shall be e n o u g h to motivate the
m . Of course, for the winding of the spring, 3 shall h a v e to u s e a
lever a r m of sufficient moment, but J believe 3 c a n borrow a w r e n c h to


suit my n e e d s from Ciniffa, w h o m a k e s carriages outside of town.




r e c e n t results o b t a i n e d

to r e t a i n

by that

the services of o n e

c a r e l e s s Camillo,



a very

lent m e t a l smith a n d m a k e r of clocks. Jt is most important

entire a s s e m b l a g e of this Dissolventum Universalis
closely- fitted a n d studiously c a l i b r a t e d metals, for
t o l e r a n t of nothing in


line of deviation; e v e n


J have

that the

m a d e entirely of

the d e v i c e

the flexibility



of w o o d e n

boxes is too g r e a t for its admission.2

O n c e the d e v i c e i s tightly w o u n d upon

set u p




the dishes and

into o p e r a t i o n . T h e aiming of the dishes involves

a s u i t a b l e location, it is only n e c e s s a r y to a i m

engage t h e m e c h a n i s m

tiie d i s t a n c e of the height of the t r i a n g l e f o r m e d by their foci,

the estimation of which

is difficult for e v e n experienced artillerists.

H e n c e 3 h a v e also desigMed

s y s t e m of reflecting m i r r o r s a n d lenses,

which l e n s e s are mounted a b o v e the

dishes, but s o close in aspect to

their position as to be nearly identical, a n d which t r a n s m i t the f o c u s of
the dishes to their v a r i o u s reflecting mirrors, which g u i d e the light to a
single plate, thusly g e n e r a t i n g a d o u b l e image, which c a n therefore


the device. For w h e n t h e i m a g e o n the viewing plate i s

least distorted by the twin images, then the operator of the Dissolventum
Universalis knows that the d e v i c e is properly a i m e d upon that spot.

u s e d for aiming

E ~ o r t iRobbery!
~ ~ !
y mother! t

h e p r i c e s which that t l e r n a n i Bellizzi has levied

a g a i n s t m e for this project are exorbitant! Gvidently h e has had a
m that r a s c a l Camillo, who J c a n only a s s u m e g a v e him a heavilye m b r o i d e r e d version of the incident, and though being disposed of a b a n doning the job thromgh Camillos detractions, nonetheless found himself
unable to r e n e g e upon his word, a n d in p u r p o s e of forcing m e to a b a n d o n
his services, raised his prices to levels which he thought J w a s unable to
afford. He has underestimated me, howeve6 for 3 h a v e s e q u e s t e r e d quite
a fair r e s e r v e in my years, a n d paid his inflated prices, in surprise of which
he vowed to perform for m e his finest craftsmanship.


- c -




bloody hands. Perhaps h e thinks Louis will n o t remember his resistance to

his cousin Charles. 3 do not pretend to understaMd tlqat man's mind.There
is no telling to what depths A l e x a n d e r the Borgia will MOW stoop.

that he aspires to paint a fresco

next to those of Botticelli, Signorelli, et al; in the S i s t i n e Chapel. tle is a
dreamer, and J myself w o u l d distance my work from that ofthe church.
t h e n e e d for this Testudo lementalis is now greater than eve5 for w e find


Buoncxrroti confides to me

omvselves SurroMnded with enemies, from thetctrkmen to the French to &e

Church. With B i a n c a maria Sforza's m a r r i a g e to &Iaximilian I, the tIoly

R o m a n E m p i r e i s s t i l l on o u r side, although even h e i r valme is qmestioned
at this time, with S w i t z e r l a n d MOW standing in sovereign testimony to the
tloly R o m a n Gmpire's ineffectuality in enforcing their will t h m u g h military
means. With these notifications in mind h a v e 3 constructed the design for
Yur Fmurctiour


in drawing a, the transmission

surround my invention. J n




this, the circumscription of the rod must Ly its

the c r e a t i v e
impediments io the motion

that through

t e s t u d o lementalis c a n
without needless w a s t e




the rod,



a tvammel o r other such e l a b o r a t e

that a n elliptical perimeter to the

the b e i t e v io protect a

which a body of

the e x p a n in front of the soldiers,

a n d cause havoc.3

m a g i c k a l enevgy a n d abrogating

sion of the protection to incorporate empty space


line of men

b r a v e enemies might breach

t h e central mechanism of this ingenium is, as illustrated here, the crucible, which c o n t a i n s the material to be c o n s u m e d by the ingenium, which
in turn, shall be sekn to affectthe elemental manifestation of the output of
the device, thereby determining w h a t m a n n e r of wall shall be erected, for

the protection. 3 must consult with those v e r s e d in the alchemical arts to

u n d e r s t a n d exactly which materials a r e best suited to the c o n s e c r a t i o n of
the ingenium to c e r t a i n elements, although from conversations with a
chirurgeon, 3 a m led to believe that bile, blood, phlegm, a n d urine are the
materials associated most efficaciously.4

3ts Msuges
e ingenium, being designed foe a n d e m i n e d y suited to, the pvotection of

k a body of soldievy, in maneuvevs against the foe, i t

shall be obvious that i t is

which are most readily obtained by soldiery.

J n this fashion, the ingenium MM be carried upon the back of one of the soldievs
to allow for maXimal povtability, or else, should the size afthe device be prohibitive, as might be the case for a device large enough to protect a fLll regiment, it
best powered by

manual eyevtions,

a n be povted about in a small wagon designed for that purpose, with a modi-

fied c r a n k m a d e expressly fov the use by two or four men,

or possibly mules.

A n d now 3 have indeed o n c e more, at great personal expense a n d consid-

erable diff;culty, obtained the materials needed for the constvuction of this
ingenium, for with it 3 c a n prove o n c e a n d for all time that indeed my
designs are sound. No more will the craftsmen here build of these engines in

their completeness, but instead 3 w a s forced to dispevse the pieces of the

ingenium among several craftsmen,a n d undevtake the completion of the

the a s s e m b l a g e of the ingenium myself. 3t appeavs that word of

GmiIIos roof a n d Bellizzis workshop has spvead rapidly about the city, a n d
none othevs will risk their o w n houses.
parts a n d




e experiment is a failure. After cranking the handle

3 m ya r m s


ofthe ingenium until

no ctwtain of fire arose in testament to my

labors. 3

moved about a n d felt the g r a s s at the radius ofthe t e s t u d o Elementalis

which should h a v e arisen, according to my calcuIations, a n d felt about w i h


grass was most cevtainly parched a n d withered, a n d a rev-

fect ring of browned grass

stood about me, but unfovtunately this is not

enomgl/tto forestall a n enemy. J endeavored to w a k e another s h n g e r spring

with wlqiclq to wind the inaeMium, but durinq the crankinq the linchpin split d u e

to inferior constvuction.

this day that JV(aximiIian I, the E s t e e m e d Holy

o m a n mperor, has, in w h a t is now known as the Peace of
Trent, r e c o g n i z e d the F r e n c h o c c u p a t i o n of her c o n q u e s t s in
our f a i r 3talia as legitimate. 3 t i s now obvious that tttalia is a
b r o k e n and d i v i d e d - l a n d , which both a n g e r s a n d s a d d e n s me, a n d m o r e
so that s h e shall not h a v e the b e n e f i t o f f o r e i g a s s i s t a n c e to d e f e a t
F r a n c e . Jtalia shall h a v e to d r i v e out the Fre h herself, e v e n if i t t a k e s
received word

twenty y e a r s , but d r i v e t h e m out w e shall!

Ordinarily 3 do not like to lose my temper,


n e w s f r o m Ciiovanni while b r e a k i n g fa

er, e v e n as

3 did so, 3 was able to draw

that w h i c h
routing the F r e n ch from the field.
explosion of rage a n d


shall b e

most p r o d u c t i v e in

3 t is s u c h a s i m p l e variation of my o w n previo
a n d less d e s t r u c t i v e to h o m e s t h a n


that 3 had

the J n g e M i


y y I ~ I ~ ~ . L ( o s ~ s ,3

not previously invented its mechanism. However,

my t h o u g h t s a n d s u c c e s s e s both flow m o r e readily w h e n

the contemplation of m a t t e r s martial in nature. 5



b e c o n s t r u c t e d of p u r e s t iron, the better to focus

the destructive forces which this shall unleash, a n d aiming may be effected through the manipulation of the scope mounted O M top
of the device. 3
2 keeping with the necessity of military ingenia to be
p o r t a b l e a n d i n d e p e n d e n t of water, wind, &c, a n d other s o u r c e s of exte
n a l power, it is n e c e s s a r y to turn the c e n t r a l axle of the ingenium manuallyj
however, wiih a proper series of gears, this method of empowering the
d e v i c e c a n b e calibrated to a n y s t r e n g t h or rapidity of fire desired. J estim a t e that in o r d e r to bombard a n d destroy a city wall, with a series of
fiery projectiles like unto a storm, that a t e a m of twenty horses or m o r e
e ingenium should

and amplik

might be required, but although a lesser a m o u n t might not

strike d o w n t h e

the conflagration would cause great fear a n d c o n sion a m o n g +he

d e f e n d e r s . J m u s t also someday test this device, however, to e n s w e that
i t does not heat u p as a result of g e n e r a t i n g s u c h temperatures itself.6

t last the w o r s t e v e n t which 3 h a v e

s t a n d i n g only

feared has c o m e

that of being b

as c r u e l a n d unseemly a f a s h i o n a

A l e x a n d e r VI,

that vile

and the C h u r c h , h a s now ordered, by papal

are said to b e set a g a i n s

noble of mortal m a n

all books


s c h e m i n g uswper of the
bull, for


the C h u r c h ,

t h r o u g h fiat of

burned, as t h o u g h in
which a r e to


o w n p e r s o n a l distastes J a m c e r t a i n , to

the fires of Hell

b e c o n s u m e d by

itself. F o r e m o s t of these

flamesa r e

my o w n latest n o t e b o o k which

J have


the m e r e two dozen copies of

published, a n d at my o w n e x p e n s e

book h a s c a u s e d is so great,
a n d e n g e n d e r s s u c h tremulous feelings in t h e hearts of the c h u r c h , that
the pope has o r d e r e d , as well, with g r e a t solemnity of p u r p o s e , that no
written r e c o r d of my n o t e b o o k s having existed is to be m a d e , and all
kr\owledge of this Cudex having been created is to b e smitten from the

a n d great t r a v a i 1 . t h e offense




minds of m e n for all time, u n d e r penalty of excommunication, e t e r n a l

be struck from the pages of

history, destroyed utterly as w e r e the untold volumes of the Library of
A l e x a n d r i a . A l t h o u g h J myself face charges of heresy, this 3 c a n n o t
damnation, purgatory, &c. my Cudex is to

uncovering of m u c h k n o w l e d g e to the b e t t e r m e n t a n d enjoyment of the
common man, a n d to tMrn my b a c k so upon my own d i s c o v e r i e s into this

allow to h a p p e n , for J h a v e s p e n t my y e a r s in a tireless q u e s t for

most mystical of p o w e r s i s a b u r d e n m o r e heinous and w e a r y i n g to m e

than any

other. 3 c a n n o t let it b e


h a v e items of s u c h great p o w e r as


ingeMium of f i r e a n d

the h a n d s of the u n s c r u p ~ l o u sBorgias would

c a u s e g r e a t calamity, upon the rest of Jtalia, a n d perhaps all of E u r o p e .
A g a i n s t those w h o would c o n s i g n k n o w l e d g e to oblivion, as though i t
brimstone in


The objective is to s n a v e a line of magickal force

r a w it towards the


itself, but without consmming

in the act of capturing it, much a s a

drawn in to


fish is captured and

the fishers vessel, by m e a n s of a barbed hook

line itself, p r e s e n t i n g a t a n g e n t i a l line to

urn, with a



great amount of additional power d u e to

the stresses i m p a r t e d upon the elasticity of the

force, a n d h e r e shall b e illustrated that i n g e ~ i u m .
which c a n d r a w m a g i c k a l p o w e r s into the area
f r o m l a n d s far beyond.

o f a s FUMCtiOM

UMd Jvu.tcrwe

ne b e g i n s with s n a r e s , w h i c h


but f o r m e d in c o m p l e t e circles, a n d

turned o n c e around


fashioned of

upon t h e m s e l v e s a n d

gold, to afford the greatest


shall b e as

protection to

m a n n e r s o illustrated, in d r a w i n g s



u s e r . t h e s e are w o u n d in

b t h r o u g h e, for the making

of the

s p o o l -itself is intricate, a l t h o u g h s c h e m a t i c a l l y i t is difficult to illumi-





v e n thowgh my burning of wy notebook was seen, a l t h o u g h

rough papal edict not r e c o r d e d , a n d even deliberately remembered to b e f o r g o t t e n by t h e m o s t f e a r i n g of the pious, i n d e e d the suspia i n e d h e n c h m e n is
c i o u s a n d untrfisting m a n n e r of the Pope a n d his
e v i d e n t s t i l l . 3 r e t u r n e d to my domicile last w e e k , a n d upon entering,
found that the s a n c t i t y of m y d o m a i n had i n d e e d b e e n violated, a n d many
of my w o r k s in p r o g r e s s


b e e n t a k e n a n d r e m o v e d . Fortunately,

that s u c h a n e v e n t might
t a k e place, a n d had taken
care to hide this manus c r i p t b e n e a t h the a s h e s in
the fireplace, which is
a b o v e all the last place

practiced foresight, for i n d e e d 3 had o b s e r v e d

one might

expect A stu-

dious a n d careful man

s u c h as 3 to s e q u e s t e r
invaluable d o c u m e n t s . my

stolefi w o r k s h a v e

bee@n o w

u n n a m e d priest, but as
obnoxiofis Pope, they


r e t u r n e d to me, peremptorily,

the v a n d a l s acted

offered, a-d


by a n

the g u i d a n c e of the most

in fact r e q u i r e d , no e x p l a n a t i o n of


3 c a n n o t a b i d e this t y p e of hounding, to be trea

Without respect, a n d

to h a v e my p r o p r i e t y a n d p r i v a c y violated, a n d with s u c h a c a s u a l disregard for m o r a l i t y . t r u l y n o w do 3 u n d e r s t a n d better the w o r d s of the

Christ w h e n +le s p o k e to the P h a r i s e e s of his time, althowgh 3 c a n n o t

r e m e m b e r exactly w h a t they w e r e , a n d 3 do n o t wish to m i s q u o t e Him in
these p a g e s , s o 3 shall h a v e to look u p the passage in qmestion this
evening. But s u f f i c e i t to s a y that J agree with t l i m that the holy men of

the day

were, a n d for

m e yet are, c o r r u p t

individuals w h o






instead revere more


and their

poweq a n d


that the P o p e has s i r e d a n o t h e r child. B y

i m m a c u l a t e conception, 3 a m s w r e , s i n c e h e is u n w a r r i e d . 3 c a n only
p r a y t h a t this Pope A l e x a n d e r V I and his s c h e m i n g offspring r e c e i v e
their j u s t rewards both in this world a n d in the I~ereafteu;
for the sooner
they r e a p the t r e a c h e r y a n d c o r r u p t i o n they h a v e sown, the sooner 3
shall b e a b l e to c o n t i n u e these studies. J n fact, w e r e the Pope to die next
position. Why,

the word

y e a 6 3 couldnt


b e m o r e elated.

these illegal and affronting s e a r c h e s w e r e

house. J h a v e had w o r d that a n f i r a b m e r c h a n t h a s

m a y perhaps know why

m a d e upon my

c a u s e d one copy of my m a n u s c r i p t to d i s a p p e a r . H e c l a i m s to h a v e

the papers u p o n h e a r i n g of the edict, bat the c h u r c h a u t h o r i t i e s

d o u b t his word as he is merely A h e a t h e n and not at all a C h r i s t i a n . T h e y
s e a r c h e d his h o u s e a n d those items which he w a s shipping back to his
homelands, but they found not my book. H e c l a i m s that it c a n n o t b e
r e c l a i m e d from the fires which c o n s u m e d it, a n d so is held in prison at
this time at the Popes 1eiswre.There are those w h o s a y he c o n s o r t s with

supernatwral forces, a n d m a y h a v e u s e d d a r k arts to secrete my Codex

the trath

of that sfory,

3 will l e a v e these m a g i c k a l
researches to l i e fallow for t h e p r e s e n t time, until the Papal f i r e s
nation are cooled. p e r h a p s 3 c a n d i v e r t my o w n attention from


3 g h i a r i yet awaits m y brush. 3 have also r e c e i v e d n o t i c e from the merc h a n t Ciiacondo that he would like m e to r e n d e r his wife, Lisa, for posterity. 3 hope this will help d i v e r t me, although t h e f a s h i o n of s h a v i n g
ones eyebrows does not e n d e a r f i r e n z a n w o m e n to m e . P e r h a p s w e r e
3 to include m o r e of her in the d r a w i n g , this farcical depilation will not
b e as noticeable, a n d the painting will also look less like a d e c a p i t a t i o n
as do so many portraits. B u t these are t h o u g h t s for a n o t h e r day. 3 m u s t

this Codex among

upon i t no more. 10


think a g a i n

my m o s t p e r s o n a l belongings, a n d

e),, Mike. Youre probably

all this stuff is
stLlcli at the back ofthis book.
well, theres two reasons.

there, though not many. 1 ended up malung a

bunch of little slips of paper, each with the name
of one engine, and sorting the list that way, and
then copving it over by hand again. Sigh. Well,

stuff to write down all the game mechanics Have funfor these things, wondrous as they are.
Second, when youre playing a role-playing
game, especially the Great Game (which is WORK Jfl REAL LXE
really getting popular over here), you realnpredictably No, wait, thats not what I
ly shouldnt worry about petty things like
meant to say. Actually, sorcerous engines
are pretty predictable,
difficulty numbers.
although I can tell you that
We dont in real life,
8 they are not all alike. Not
right? We just make a
even the engines we use for
reckoning of the odds
1 our aerodreadnoughts, all
! made to the same plans, are
PVOPeV e M e V So, when someone
I alike. Thats because of the
in the Great Game
way they are built and
i e s are
wants to make a magv
tuned and maintained; harickal engine, o r if he
can be different for
finds a copy of the
each one. Furthermore,
Codex, or just a page,
there is some unpredictabilor whatever, you can
hand him the book,
f ity in a magickal engine,
E because the energies it conand use a heavy-duty
[, sumes to do its work can
clip to hold these
pages shut. That way,
cause some strange effects.
1 Unlike gasoline
back there,
hell deal with the info
much unias he would in real
life, without suits and
1 form, magickal power varies
feat difficulty numbers and required
Anyway, there are two
skills. Itll make suspension of disbelief eas- types of sorcerous automata: spontaneous and
ier, role-playing more realistic, and what continuous. Spontaneous engines gather up
the heck, it lets you, the Host, fiidge all the enough power to fire off an instant spell, and
numbers if you have to for the sake of dra- when they have it, the spell gets cast. An exammatic interest. Speaking of dramatic inter- ple of a spontaneous magickal engine is the
est, I have a dinner date with Marianne destruction engine o n page 104: Crank it up,
tonight, and-well, never mind.
and a few moments later a blazing fireball vomits
forth to smite the enemy, as Morrolan would
Ive taken the time to alphabetize the
list of engines described in this book, and put it. I<eep the destruction engine running,
reference them all by the page number and fireballs will continue to be spit Out at
lvhere they appear. And let me tell JTOU, slightly irregular intervals, depending on the




+he mechanical

peu.fectjy bOMnd 1

enough power to create a temporary change in

conditions, enact that change, and then theyre
done. They act just like wizards do, drawing up
power and using it-except they cannot selectivelv eliminate unwanted power. The brainless
things just use it all.
Continuous engines are different. They
weave a complex and long-lasting spell, creating
all these subethric ltnots which can redefine the
reality around the machine. Since these Imots try
to unravel themselves, the magickal engine has
to hold them together, which it does by continuing to run. It keeps the tension off the knots so
they wont untie, if you want to think of it that
way So what they do is gather up large quantities of energy, larger quantities than the spontaneous engines do, and use them to alter the
qualities of the world immediately around them.
The reason they need to usc so much energy is
that the spells must be able to last for a lot
The curious thing is that the engine itself is
what does the work, not the magickal power.

The engine uses thc magicli as a catalyst, but

when it is shut off, it releases the magicltd energy back into its surroundings. This means that
when a continuous sorcerous automata starts up,
it gathers up a bunch of power, depleting the
area. When its shut off, the power returns pretty rapidly. However, if you moire the magiclcal
engine, the power it has accumulated goes with
it, held by its mechanical arms. If its shut down
somewhere else, that place will have more power
than normal.
We havent done much experimenting on
what happens when a place has more than a normal amount of magickal energy. Mer all, weve
only had these aerodreadnoughts a short while,
and were keeping the few other engines weve
built securely under guard back at Falkenstein.
So what happens when an area is ovcrstoclted
on magick? It could be that anyone casicing a
spell in the area gathers more power than
intended. You could simulate this in the game, if
you like. Take your normal sorcerv deck, and
shuffle in extra cards from another deck. When



someone draws a card from the sorcery deck, have to wait for the normal regenerative properand the top card on the deck after they draw is ties to generate enough extra magick before we
a card from the extra deck, they automatically can leave. Not a terribly great situation, espedraw that card too, and add it to their hand. If cially since this means that our magnetic force
the top card after that is also an extra card, they engine is a sitting duck for the capture. Ive
draw that one too, and so on, until the top card brought this problem to the attention of the
is a normal sorcery deck card. Perhaps the wiz- king, and suggested we install auxiliary proard has the option of discarding these extra pellers on the front of our aerobattleships as an
cards forced upon him or her, or perhaps not. emergency propulsion system.
Not is definitely more fun., and I think its more
realistic. Casting a spell in an area supersaturat- HOW SORCGROMS EflCiJflCS
ed with magick would seem to be as risky as WORU J f l GfijMGtERNS
lighting a torch in a fireworks warehouse.
very sorcerous automaton has an associated
Especially if theres another joker or two in the
activation level, which is the amount of
extra cards.
magiclcal energy the engine needs to cast the
You could take a simispell its designed for. If you
lar approach when somelook over the list at the end
one fires up a magickal
of these pages, youll notice
tinfo v e s e e n
engine in an area where
that continuous engines
theres a lot of magickal
more energy to
mani- activatea lot
than do spontaneous engines. This is due
You can imagine that
to the effects I described
above. However, there are
become more common,
whatever wizards are in
engines which require more
the area are going to get
power than a mage would to
peeved. The things will
do the same thing with a
suck up the energy and
spell. For example, the
keep it, perhaps-if theyre
transformation engine takes
a magnetic force engine or
16 points of power to actisomethin g-even
vate, while a Templar can
that energy away. This
change the shape of an item
might be incidental to the
engine operators purposwith a 12-point spell. This is
es, or the user of the
because the effects of the
Templars spell will fade, but
engine might even do it
the spontaneous engines
deliberatelv, to disarm the
local mages. Let me tell you, when we launched effects are permanent! Once a transformation
the airships from Bayern, we were magickally engine changes the shape of an item, it will forever be that new shape-thats its new natural
destitute back in Munchen. It was bad.
This also means that continuous magickal condition.
When a magiclcal engine is switched on, the
engines can be used to trap or disable other continuous magickal engines. For example, imagine Host begins to draw cards for it from the sorone of our aerobattleships resting at anchor. cery deck, one card per round (or at whatever
Someone comes in with another magickal frequency the Host deems suited for dramatic
engine and sucks LIPall the power in the area for effect). All cards are added to the engines pile;
its effect. Now our aerobattleship cant gather the engine cannot refuse any card. Once the
up enough power to get out of there; there sim- value of the cards in the engines pile equals or
plv isnt enough power left around, and well exceeds the engines activation level, the mag-


into being

pull the Star Iron-laced control arm back to nor-

automaton and apply any harmonics that are

For spontaneous engines, backlash is a popudestruction engine
called for. These harmonics will affect the indi- lar approach to take-the
vidual casting of the spell for spontaneous fires off such a powerful fireball that it also melts
engines, and they will be- sustained with the itself in the process, that sort of thing.
effects of a continuous engine for as long as its
operating. Magiclral engines are designed to use AJMJflCi


engine exhibits no harmonics at that time.

associated with them, depending on how well
they were put together and calibrated. This
craftsmanship value is added to the number of
cards Of the appropriate Suit that were drawn for
the purposes of determining harmonics. Thus, if
an engine draws two cards of the appropriate
suit, and three cards Of another suit, it would
normally exhibit the harmonics of that second
suit. However, if the engine had a craftsmanship
of two, it would have effectively drawn four

its best if these fireballs hit the target.

Therefore, you have to aim them.
Aiming an engine is different from calibrating it (calibrating an engine is covered under
Making a Sorcerous Automaton). Consider aiming the magickal engine to be like steering a car,
while calibrating it is like tuning h e engine and
aligning the wheels. This is an especially appropriate simile for things lilre magnetic force
engines, which are used to move and steer the


netic force, you need to be able to do it in a con-

deck as do human mages. Continuous engines

deplete the deck temporarily; when a continuous
engine is shut down, all of its cards are returned
to the deck at whatever rate the Host deems
appropriate (usually, unless the characters are
~mbroiledin combat, We just dump the whole
slew back into the deck)

Aiming a magckal engine requires that the

operator undertake a Tinkering feat, and the
more difficult the job ofaiming, the tougher the
feat becomes. Also, the more important it is that
the magickal engine not affect anything else
nearby, the more difficult the task becomes. For
example, its easy to aim a destruction engine to

impact on the engine itself. The second time we

launched the Vakyrie, one of the knots of magickal energy got itself caught around the control
arm for the magnetic force engine and Pulled it
to maximum. Suddenly We found ourselves
hurtling at an impossible speed out over the
North Sea headed straight for the Arctic in win-

orphanage on the other.

I havent bothered to note which engines
need to be aimed; its pretty obvious which Ones
they are. Besides, players are so clever, they
might think of a new way around such restrictions.

r skim a Madckal

is not as

easy as it might seem. This is because

the technology, the knowledge of
.how to create one, is not known to
the world at large. Unlike malung a new-fangled
device with Tdiering, which relies on commonly
held knowledge, the possibility of creating magickal engines is an idea unknown to many. Its sort of
like trying to make an atomic bomb in 1950; you
can only get the technology &om the Soviets or the
American-British Manhattan Project. Yeah, right,
and good luck to you.
This means the dramatic characters have to
gain access to the knowledge of how to build magickal engines through their own activities. Thats
right: This isnt invention by feats, this is Creation
Through Adventure.
Creation Through Adventure requires that the
dramatic characters jump through five hoops:

1) Get the Plans

2) Get the Materials
3) Build the Engine
4) Tune the Engine
5) Determine Its Efficiency
Ill explain each of these in order. There may be
one or two things you dont understand at the
moment I explain it, but all shall be made clear, so
stick it out.

bviouslv, you aint a-goin nowhere untd you
do this. You can obtain copies of the plans
fi-om my copy of Leos Codex, or discover a longlost page of Leos original notebooks in some
widows attic in Genoa, or acquire the plans from
someone else who, by hook, crook, or genius, has
a copy of his own. Or, hardest of all, you can
design your own magiclial engine (dont even try
untd youre Excellent at Sorcerous Engineering).
Getting the plans must be played through in
the game. We of the Inner Circle are loathe to give
up our secrets, as would be anyone else the Host
decides has a plan for a magickal engine. Unless the
dramatic characters have ingratiated themselves to

no end with the leaders of Bayern, theyll have to

come up with a darned interesting scheme to get
hold of the plans.



his is the ability to design and tune sorcerous automata (building them in and of
itself is a Tinkering feat). A Poor Sorcerous
Engineering skill means you are technically illiterate with magiclial engines; you dont know
how to operate them, and if you tried to design
or tune one, others nearby would run for very
solid cover from the impending blast. Good
Sorcerous Engineering is still not particularly
good; you can probably adjust very simple
devices, but your designs are only the most
basic, and are still unreliable at best. Tuning
complex magickal engines is still a nervous
undertaking. Great Sorcerous Engineering
ability allows you to readily design very simple
engines, and even undertake some more complex ones. Tuning engines is something which
you perform with confidence. Those with
Exceptional Sorcerous Engineering skills can
design a wide variety of engines, and tune them
quickly and efficiently. Characters with an
Extraordinary ability at Sorcerous Engineering
can create any magickal engine imaginable, and
tune even the most temperamental and explosive engine without a fuss. Those with such
skills are on par with Leo himself, and are probably bent on global domination besides.
Designing an engine from scratch involves a
Sorcerous Engineering feat. Use the complexity of the engine as the difficulty of designing it,
i.e., the harder it is to build, the harder it is to
design as well, right? If the engine being developed is a new one, use our complexities as
guidelines. If its a combination of engines
given in this book, you might want to take the
higher difficulty and add half the lower to
determine how tough a feat it is.
There are several restrictions on the use of
Sorcerous Engineering. First, anyone with the
skill must also have Sorcery at a level equal to or

greater than
Engineering. You have to be able to see the
subethric knots to be able to adjust the way the
engine Produrn them, and YOU can Only adjust
the engine as Well as YOU can S e e the knots. (well,
O b 5 SOrneone with a @ magician for a mentor might be able to deign an engine to tie speCifiC bo@, but he YC
COuldnt tune the
engine Once its built-) second, dramatic CharaCcannot take &mxmus Enginering as their
mandatory Poor skill without the permission of
the Host. Third, dramatic characters cannot have
a Sorcerous Engineering skill greater than Good
without having a great background story (feasible, or at least interesting and fun) which the
Host accepts. Generally, characters should only
be able to improve their Sorcerous Engineering
skill beyond Good through game play-and
extraordinaryactivities, as well. The only method
we know of in New Europa to leam this skill is
by being a member of the Bayernese Inner Circle,
which is composed of Ludwig, Rhyme,
Morrolan, Auberon, and myself. We dont even
in On the saeq at
least not much. The fewer who
the better*
a character must either join
Opefullythe former*

didnt work well, but that was after Bellizzi lost h s

disintegration engine-and, presumably, swept up
his Star Iron and threw it away.)
The amount of
ron you must have to build
the magickal engine depends on its size and the base
complexity of its construction. This chart shows the
sizes of engine which can be created, how much
Star Iron is required for each one, and the increase
in the engines base cost given as a result of its size.
Big engines get very, very expensive.



Comparison Complexity Range

1/2 oz. 2 oz. 40z.



2 lb.
4 Ib.

4 lb.
8 Ib.



S Simple (Difficulty1-20).
M Moderately Complex (Difficulty21-50).
V: Very Complex (Difficulty51+).

Obviously, this is just a guidehe. For better

suspension of disbelief, the Host should adjust the
numbers for engines at the edges of the complexity range, and promote or inhbit the development
of those engines which are deemed dangerous.
Also, remember that the character building the
engine can subtract 100 times his Tinkering ability
or glass that fi-om the base cost of the sorcerous automaton
whatever other materials fie
COSt by the engines price
the engine requires. A lot oftJGs can be done with before mdtiplfing
a flick of the Hosts wrist, as role-playing a shop- increase due to size*
ping expedition to the hardware store usually isnt
that exciting. The persons involved in the creation
uilding a sorcerous autom
of the engine must part with a lot of cash at this
building a steamtech invention, as I covered in
time, in all likelihood.
the basic game rules I sent last year.
Aside &om the mundane materials, its also
First you have to figure out how difficult the
necessary to have some St
is to b d d . Take the complexity of the magbig secret of sorcerous
some amount of Star Iron to work, otherwise the iclcal engine as gven under Sorcerous Automaton
mechanical assembly will be unable to actually seize Definitions at the end of thls section. This is the
and control the magickal power around it. (As an base difficulty. This base difficultv might be
aside, it seems that Leo was lucky enough to have increased by the duration of its power source, and
had some Star Iron in whatever iron he used in his the reliability..of the power source, as shown in the
devices. Considering they were all small engnes, a following tabies:
very little bit would have been enough. Perhaps he
also recycled his iron from his previous efforts,
which would explain why his engines generally

Power Source


source the magiclial engine uses, although one

must be chosen. You never know when some circumstance might make it impossible to power the
engine. Pick any of the ones you \vmt from the
base rules [thats Cnstle Fmlhenstein page 210Mike]. The Cost increase is added to the base cost
of the engine after all other adjustments have been
made-after subtracting for the slull of the builder,
multiplying by the engine size, etc.








Description of
the Craftsmanship
Within a mile or two,
ponderous control, a
lot of interfeknce
Within a thousand
yards, sluggish
control, high
Within a hundred
yards, reasonable
control, some slop
Within ten yards,
control, a little
static or noise
Perfect aim, precise
control, no
interference at all

Thus London-bombing destruction

engines can have gross control, because even
if they miss the Tower of London by a few

Reliability is not defined here. Pretty much,

its up to the Host to determine how unreliable
a n unreliable power source is. Generally,
though, unreliable means that the engines
operation can be interrupted relatively easilv;
the steam pressure must be kept h g h , so the
boiler is very susceptible to rupture, for esample, or the hand crank has a tendency to slip off
the main camshaft. Escellent means that the
power source is very difficult for an enemy to
disable; perhaps it is very simple or well
armored. An indestructible power source is just
that; perhaps the magickal engine runs off a
radium pile or a giant well-armored battery or
geothermal power or something.
Next we must talk about craftsmanship. This
determines how easily the engine can be directed or aimed, or how tight the controls are. The
actual mechanics of the control device are not

his kitchen well done by a magickal howitzer,

and the desired effect of terror will be
achieved. Our Bayernese aerobattleships have
good controls on their magnetic engines:
Thev can maneuver effectively on the battlefield, but their ability to drop bombs on
Prussian Landfestungen is marginal (thank
God for our excellent pilots!). Victorian
medicine would love to have an exacting
clairvoyance device to allow for internal
It is Possible to upgrade Craftsmanship
by one level. YOU Cannot go more than that,
because YOU can only improve on bad en$neering by SO much before Youre already
rebuilding the thing from scratch with all
new parts. To upgrade, calculate cost and
time as if you were making the thing from
scratch, but cut the time involved to one half
normal and the cost to one tenth normal.

Engine Size



Yes, immense magickal engines get very

expensive. What would you expect from an
engine that could melt New York when fired
from some mad scientists secret base in
Subtract the characters Tinkering slull from
this final value, and that number is the time in
weeks it will take to manufacture the parts and
assemble the engine.

t u j w ttE EjVGJflE
nce the magicltal engine is all put together,
no ones going to guarantee its gonna
work right the first time. Lord knows when
Rhyme flipped on his first engine, we thought
the castle was a goner. After an engine is built,
youve still got to tune it. This requires a sorcerer. Well, it could be done by the guy ~ l 1 0built it,
assuming he was also magiclially inclined, but
such people are rare.
But before you can tune it, youve got to flip
it on. Put the controls you think they
ought to be and power it up. And hope for the
Magiclial engines are very temperamental
things, and even after the best engineering and
pre calibration, things can still go wrong. So,
when first powering up an engine, add together
the values of the building characters Tinkering
ability and the calibrating mages Sorcerous
Engineering. The players can add 1/5 the value
of any cards they wish to play at this time to this
total (ix., diamond face cards are worth a little
over two points). Once the players have played
whatever cards they want, the Host turns over
the top card of the Fortune Deck and compares
the draw to this table:
Quality Tinkering t Sorcerous Engineering
0-8 9-12 13-16 17-20 21-24
Result A
10-K 9-K
9-Q 7-10 5-7
2-8 2-6




Works Fine
Doesnt Work



The result of the draw of a joker is entirelv up

to the Host.
Once the machine is running, and with any luck
hasnt blown vou to pieces, the magician must make
a Sorcerous Engineering feat equal in difficulty to
the activation ofthe spell to bring it into good running form.


ow that its built and running, we need to take

note of exactly how it works, its activation
level, range, etc.. Every magiclial engine has an activation level noted for it under Sorcerous
Automaton Definitions. T h s activation level is how

Effect is what exactly the magickal engine

does. If the engine can be adjusted in effect, it
will be noted here. These effects are based upon
the illustrations Leo gavein this Codex. With a
little bit of ingenuity, you can engineer the sorcerous automaton differently to alter the effect it
has-you know, customize it.

odd materials. After an engine is calibrated, it

will only alter the substance for which it is prepared; if you calibrate the engine to change lead
to gold, and put steel into the conversion cham-

of the spell, which is the amount of power it

goes off. Finally, I give the suit aligned to the
engines spell. Engines require aligned energy
just like human mages do; when drawing from EflGJflG (Pgn 28)
the sorcery deck for an engine, non-aligned Effect: This creates sounds-

Making a Sorcerous Automaton, above.

simple toot is easy, but a good rendition of a

crowns. The cost covers materials and costs asso- Operation: Continuous, 16 points (Y)
ciated with crafting the device. If the dramatic Investment: Difficulty 20, Gost 1500
characters farm out the job to a contractor dwarf
or something, or else hire a wizard to d o the

Effect: This engine transforms the material put ed in this fashion

Operation: Spontaneous, 16 points (e)

Investment: Difficulty 60, Cost 6000 c

C L f i m h D J E f l C EEflGJflE (pg, 41)

Effect: This engine creates a magickal pipeline
of extradimensional nature, which carries the
sounds made at a distant location back to the
engine so that the operator can hear it. It does
so without eliminating the sound at the source.
The area of effect determines how much sound
is pulled out; a large area of effect might transport every conversation in a large ball room,
while a small engine will eavesdrop on just one
corner of it. Also, the amount of energy used by
the engine determines the quality of the sound:
volume, static, distortion, minimum audible
sound, etc.
Operation: Continuous, 18 points (4)
Investment: Difficulty 30, Cost 3500 c

EflGJflE (Pg, 43)

truth, no matter what, and n o matter how trivial

or pithy the remark. Gee, thats a terrible coat
you have. You should really have it tailored. And
you nicked yourself shaving again, you maladroit,
but I should have guessed by the stumbling way
you m7altz. I shall ignore your contemptible
babbling. Youre always cutting me down, old
chap, because youre so conceited, and insulting
someone as much more handsome than you as I
am makes 370u feel better. Oooh. Trouble.
Operation: Continuous, 20 points (Y)
Investment: Difficulty 60, Cost 7000 c

DeTTRMCTJOfl GflGJflG (139,104)

Effect: This unleashes blazing wads of doom,
much akin to explosives or fireballs. Its not
exactly either, because its magickal in nature-it
just tears stuff apart in a kmd of photon-torpedo
mix of all the elements. Like maybe it engenders
a molecular-level steam explosion like the one
that took St. Helens apart up in Washington in
1980. The amount of damage the shot causes is
equal to the amount of energy used in the creation of the fireball. It is possible to build this
engine with a higher or lower activation level,
and in fact, its recommended that smaller
engines have very small activation levels. You
dont want to hold onto something when it
unleashes a fireball thatd take apart the World
Trade Center.
Operation: Spontaneous, 16 points (e)
Investment: Difficulty 35, Cost 3500 c

Effect: This creates an extradimensional gate,

the location of which may be moved around.
This gate is paired to another gate a t the engine
by an ethereal tunnel which transcends normal
space. This gate allows people at the engine to
look through the gate and see whats on the
other side as if they were there. This means that
people on opposite sides of the engine will be
loolung in different directions of the target area,
and will see opposite walls of the place the far
gate is placed. This gate allows only for the
transmission of light, yet it does not diminish the
light present at the location being spied upon.
D J f l E f l S J O f l f i L GflGJflE ( 1 3 ~ ~ 8 2 )
Operation: Continuous, 20 points (4)
Effect: This creates a dimensional gate between
the engine and whatever plane it is built for.
Investment: Difficulty 3 5 , Cost 4000 c
Although it can be aimed at any place in the tarEflGJflE {pg. 89) get plane, a dimensional engine, once built, can
Effect: This causes all persons within the field of only access that particular plane. It is possible to
its effect to want to speak the truth, no more design the engine to create a different gate
and no less. They may endeavor to lie, but the which will access a different plane, but frankly,
difficulty of the task is the power drawn by the were not going to play hunt-and-peck with a
engine to start the spell, modified by the Host if transdimensional doorway. You never know; the
the lie is particularly large. Evasions and half- way things run around here, Id expect to open
truths can result in a slight decrease in the diff- a gate on Cthulhu himself? Whatever the case,
culty. Obviously, then, a large and powerful when you draw a joker while operating this gate,
engine will be nigh irresistible in its sodium pen- expect company.
tatholic effect. Jokers make everyone speak the Operation: Continuous, 24 points (4)
truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the Investment: Difficulty 25, Cost 2000 c


DJSSOLUtJOfl EflGJflE (Pg. 98)


targets can resist the effects, both by force of which is dependent upon the amount of mag-

solution). The dissolution engine requires a Id recommend that an exceptional Athletics

variable amount of power, depending on the feat be required to shut one down before it runs

from there. The amount of power required also you want it, for example

into component atoms.

Investment: Difficulty 70, Cost 7000 c

DRAJflJflG GflGJflG (Pg. 24)

leech, used to disarm those sorcerers and wizards who might oppose you. With a joker, you
might consider having the magickal knot get
tangled in the engine, growing bigger and bigger until something has to happen ...
Operation: Spontaneous, 1 point (any suit)
Investment: Difficulty 15, Cost 1000 c

is, the more difficult the engine is to build and

calibrate (the stats I give here are for a circular
wall). The strength of the wall is equal to the
power put into it by the engine, though the
exact effects depend on the elemental manifestation. Earthen walls take damage equal to the
power before they are temporarily breached,
while walls of fire will burn anything that tries to

DRGAjM GflGJflG (139.56)

to fill the persons sleep. This can be used in psychoanalysis, to help someone resurrect suppressed
memories. It can be used as a punishment or

Operation: Continuous, 16 points


GflGJflG (pg. 52)

against any person or place inside

radius of effect is increased by the amount of
power the engine has accumulated to trigger the
spell. If a joker is drawn, perhaps the area
acquires a permanent deflection against that type
of spell, or perhaps the engine draws in a11 the
power of its aspect in the area.
Operation: Continuous, 14 points (any suit, by
Investment: Difficulty 35, Cost 3500 c

tlEJ\LJjVCi EflCiJjVC (Pg. 74)

Effect: This causes all wounds and illnesses to be

removed from the person wrapped in the gold
and silk shroud of the engine. The amount of
power the engine requires depends on how
badly injured the person is. It takes one point of
power per wound incurred to heal someone,
plus extra power as determined by the Host to
compensate for illness or poison. Once the activation energy is acquired, the actual healing
process is impossibly fast. If a person is healed
CEjVERJC JLLMSJOjV EjVGJjVE with a joker, he gets hyperactive for a long while,
and demands immediate action in all situations.
Effect: The engine is a vehicle for casting illu- Operation: Spontaneous, variable points (+)
sions. The actual illusion created depends on Investment: Difficulty 70, Cost 7000 c
what module is attached to the engine, because
its the module that contains the mechanisms JLLUjKJflfiTJOfl EflGJjW (Pg. 23)
that actually tie the subethric knots. Each mod- Effect: When activated, this engine creates light
ule is a little easier and cheaper to build than a all around it. It does not glow of itself; it causes
hll-fledged engine of that type, but the cost and all itcms within its radius of effect to be illumicomplexity of the generic illusion engine more nated, in essence to reflect a magickal light. The
than makes up for the difference.
light has no source, so there are no shadows
its area of effect. The magick causes items
Operation: Continuous, 16 points ( 0 )
outside its radius to be lit as well, simply because
Investment: Difficulty 40, Cost 2500 c
Difficulty 15, Cost 1200 c for an illusion mod- there is some reflected light from items within
the engines radius. However, this reflected light
ule (any type)
is scant at best. By the way, youll notice that this
Difficulty 20, Cost 1500 c for a moving illusion is a hearts spell; its psychic magick. I think this
module (any q p e )
is because the engine doesnt actually cause real
light, just the illusion of it. Im not sure why it
works that way, and Morrolan is tired of trying
Effect: This causes everything \;rrithin the area of to explain it to me, so just accept the fact.
effect of the engine to decrease in temperature,
starting with the hottest items, &e torches, lamps, Operation: Continuous, 14 points ( 0 )
etc. Given enough time and magickal power, Investment: Difficulty 15, Cost 1500 c
everythmg in the icy grip of a glacial engine will
freeze solid. The lowest temperature to which the
glacial engine cools the surroundmgs can be set
with a control lever. As illustrated here in the Effect: This causes whatever device to which it is
Codex, the lever runs from about 4O0 F to a good attached to move in a manner determined by the
step below zero. Humans inside its effect wdl like- operator of the engine. This engine cannot be used
wise decrease in temperature, although their spirits on its own, but must be mechanically connected to
force acts as a bit of a buffer. Stay inside a glacial whatever it is that the operator wants to move. In
engines radius too long, though, and youll die h s sense, the imparted motion engine is much like
from hypothermia. Heres a clue: When you no a magickal internal combustion engine. And when
longer feel the cold, run like hell and dont stop a joker is drawn, your accelerator gets stuck on 111
until youre sweating like a pig.
power! The difficulty of the Tinkering feat required
to control the engines effects depends on what
Operation: Continuous, 14 points (e)
kind of mechanism is being moved. A go-cart is
Investment: Difficulty 20, Cost 2000 c
easy, but a giant robot battle suit is very difficult.

Operation: Continuous, 14 points (+)

Investment: Difficulty 40, Cost 4000 c
Effect: O n further discussion between Auberon
and Morrolan, it was decided that Leo was
wrong about the action ofthis engine. It actually creates a sort of dimensional barrier, an invisible, intangible, but nonetheless very real wall,
which is all but impossible to pass through.
Thats how its possible to weave it with spikes;
the spikes are there, and the person feels them,

Colder items are the first to be affected. Allowed

to increase enough, and lacking any means of
dissipating that heat, eventually something
under the influence of an inferno engine w
melt or burn or whatever. The mc&num ternperature to which the inferno engine heats the
surroundings can be set with a control lever. As
Leo designed it, the lever runs from about 200
F (boiling water) to just Over 450O (burning
wood). Humans inside its effect will likewise
increase in temperature, and although their
willpower and the bodys natural mechanisms

well, actually a sphere, which traps intelligent

deep yogurt.

to the amount of power drawn by the engine.

Operation: Continuous, 16 points (4)
Investment: Difficulty 35, Cost 3500 c

J N t G G R W GflGJflE (Pg. 69)

E f l G J W (Pga 37)

Effect: This engine reinforces the natural

, like the walls of a
tower or the hull

Effect: This causes all within its grasp to forget

everything that occurs while the engine is operating. I mean everything. Its as if those affected
by the engine are in a continuous state of complete confusion. Memories and training which
occurred before the engine was switched on may
still apply, so someone would probably remernber that he is facing his arch-enemy, although
the moment someone turns his face away from
his long-hated nemesis, hed forget that person
was there. While under this engines effects, acts

forms of attack. Add the energy accumulated by

the integrity engine to the natural strength of
whatever structure is reinforced. For example, if
youve determined that a particular wall is
strength 15, so that itll take a strength 16 blast
from a destruction engine to breach it, and
someone fires up an integrity engine which gathers ten points of power before it activates, then
the new wall strength will be 25, and the attacker will have to come up with a 26-point fireball
from the destruction engine to put a hole in the

engines spells power. Yeah, use Courage for

this, because it represents the difficulty in forcing your brain to work against all the effects of

GNGJflc (Pg. 39)

Operation: Continuous, 16 points ( Y )

Investment: Difficulty 50, Cost 5000 c

JjvFGRflO GNGJjVG (Pg. 30)

Europas answer to the TI-59. Its a calculator,

pure and simple, and gives very accurate answers
very quickly, even if the operators dont exactly
know the math involved. To generate an answer
to any equation, no matter how difficult, the

Calculating the escape velocity of the planet is

very easy; the result is easy to explain and obtaining the gravitational contestant is simple.
Calculating th
ickness of steel necessary to
withstand vac
and provide protection
nearly impossible, since no
against asteroi
one here really knows what's involved.
Remember, the intellect embodiment engine
isn't intimidated by math, just defi
Operation: Spontaneous, 6 points
Investment: Difficulty 35, Cost 3500 c

the Perception feat.

Other senses are not affected; it's every bit as
easy to hear an invisible person as a normal guy.
This makes it very important to calibrate an
invisibility engine properly. Finally, lower the
feat difficulty for someone close at hand. And
with a joker, it might be fun to have the invisibility field deflect all light, making the persons
within perfectly invisible, no chance to be seen at
all, but also blind as a bat.
Operation: Continuous, 20 points (e)
Investment: Difficulty 25, Cost 2500 c


JflTELLJGEflT GflGJflE (Pgm41)

LeVTtj4tJOfl EflGJjW (Pg. 77)

Effect: This creates an artificial human Dersona.

the personality of which depends
o n how the
engine was tuned. You might ge n antisocial
ly religious
pacifist chauvinist schizo, or a de
gluttonous child. Impossible blends are possible
with poorly tuned engines, and in fact it is conceivable that with an abject failure of tuning, you
might get a personality that deliberately lies to
you. In any event, the persona is intelligent and
can communicate with the operator. I suggested
ach a Morse code key to make things easier. All information gathered from an intelligent
engine should b gathered through role-play,
not through fea and cards. It is, after all,
another intelligence.
Operation: Conti
Investment: Difficulty 80, Cost 8000 c

Effect: This engine causes itself and evervthina

attached to it to rise up in the air, or else to grind
itself firmly into the ground. The amount an
individual engine can rise up depends on its area
of effect; if all of the vehicle can't fit into the area
of effect, it probably can't be held up. The more
energy the engine gathers to activate the spell,
the more rapidly it can cause its vehicle to rise
and fall. Yeah, these are loose definitions, but I
don't want to bog the Host down with all sorts
of strict and exacting definitions about vehicles,
size, shape, mass, and stuff like that. Even if I
did, the players would just find a loophole and
pilot an aerobattleship through it.
Operation: Continuous, 18 point
Investment: Difficulty 45, Cost 4500 c

J f l V J S m J L m ERIGJflE (PgEffect: This engine causes the light to flow

about it at the periphery of its effect, though not
uite all light, o r else the person made invisible
As Leo
would never be able
mentioned in his expi
to those
the invisibility field, t
en through the
field seems to warble
bout, as it coalesces back into a natural state. Kind of like it did
in Predator, although in that movie the light
seemed less fluid and more like it was refracted
through crystal. At longer distances, it will
appear to an observer that the invisible field is a
light smudge or shadow or dim spot, because
some of the light which strikes the field is held
within it so that those inside can see. To spot an
invisible person, add the power of the engine to

Effect: This engine turns all environments it '

encounters to c'np n1;t.lhlp fn,- hiirnan hqhitation.
that's fatal to something that's non-fatal. As I
understand the engine, it will only affect that
which might poicon nr drown o r ~ ~ ~ neef f &
ple; don't coun,
-___J -- -ZY-----the inside of a volcano, because you'll burn like
a flare as
as you ht the lava. But against
smolte and water and poison gas, it's great. T~
defend against smoke and thin ai
must gather 20 points
nerve gas require 3
ints of power to be gathered for activation.
Operation: cor+:-,7n,,o



p p p

Investment: Difficulty 50, Cost 5000 c


- ~ ~ ~

MADNESS EflGJflE (Pgu58)

]\/1ESjVERENGJflE (139.61)

Effect: This is a variant of the madness engine,

but instead of creating random chaos in the victims brain, it imposes commands instead, and
allows the operator to control the victim. The
engine must be calibrated for each command or
set of commands, but it is a flexible enough
design that it can deliver almost any type of control the owner wants. Despite its name, the mesmer engine does not allow for post-hypnotic
suggestion. When its effects are ended, the victim returns to normal. The only after-effect is
that it might be possible to cause the victim to
immediately forget all events while under the
control of the engine, although thats doubtful,
NfiGflctJC FoRCc EflGJflE (pg,86) because then hed also immediately forget the
Effect: When fired up, this engine causes itself commands the operator had given to him.
and the vehicle in which its installed t o move Operation: Continuous, 22 poi
about, pulling itself along the magnetic force Investment: Difficulty 70, Cost 7000 c
lines of the Earth. The amount an individual
engine can push around depends on its size; the OLFjlCtQRy JLltZSJOfl
bigger the engine, the bigger the vehicle that EflGJflE (Pg. 29)
can be hauled about. Yes, you can use under- Effect: This creates smells for the amusement of
sized engines in a vehicle, if you want something all. Obviously, some will choose to flood their
that moves ponderously slowly. The more ener- apartments with nice smells; others, to flood the
gy the engine gathers to activate the spell, the apartments of their enemies with foul stinks.
more rapidly it can move itself about. Yeah, as Since it is the illusion of smell, and not the real
with the levitation engine, these are loose defin- smell itself, the bouquet (be it fair or foul)
itions, and for much the same reasons. Just use remains as fiesh with every breath as it was for
your common sense.
the first. One of the worst tortures I can imagOperation: Continuous, 16 points (+)
ine would be to have an ever-changing foul
stench illusion gagging some hapless prisoner
Investment: Difficulty 45, Cost 4500 c
for hours on end. This way, the foul bouquet is
MGGAPtlQNE G f l G J W (Pg 42) ever-fresh and ever-new. Yeaugh.
Effect: This engine creates a magickal pipeline Operation: Continuous, 16 points (0)
20, Cost 1500
of extradimensional nature which carries the Investment:
sounds made at the in8eniztm to a distant location. The area of effect and the amount of ener- Difficulty 25, Cost 2500 c for a moving illusion
g y used by the engine determine the quality of QptJcfiL JLLMSJQfl EflGJflE
the sound: volume, static, distortion, minimum
audible sound, etc. If a joker is drawn, tlie (Pg. 25)
dl sound awa), Effect: This creates an optical illusion, a magmegaphone engine might
from the source, leaving the operator unable to ickal hologram sort of thing. The exact illusion
communicate with those close at hand. Plus generated depends upon how the engine is calitheres the difficulty of speaking when you cant brated more than on its engineering, although
hear yourself do it-your volume and tone may certain engines might not have enough flexibility in their controls to allow them to create any
take on weird characteristics.
illusion one might imagine. Ordinarily, the illuOperation: Continuous, 18 points (a)
sion will not move. With extra effort, though, a
Investment: Difficulty 30, Cost 3000 c
moving illusion can be created.
Effect: This causes the basest measures of a man
to come out to play. Essentially, it instills a sort of
immediate mob mentality on people, where
human ethics and social mores are suddenly no
longer a consideration. The way each person
reacts to this will vary from autism to cavorting to
mayhem or murder. Its up to the Host to decide
what exactly shall happen. A person may resist the
effects by making a Courage or Charisma feat
which beats the strength of the spell. But if the
engine draws a joker from the deck ...
Operation: Continuous, 20 points ( V )
Investment: Difficulty 60, Cost 6000 c

Operation: Continuous, 16 points ( Y )

within the engines effects, as ~7ellas to those
outside trying to hear whats going on inside.
Investment: Difficulty 20, Cost 1500 c
Difficulty 25, Cost 2500 c for a moving illusion Operation: Continuous, 16 points (+)
Investment: Difficulty 20, Cost 2000 c

RCCORDJflCi EflCiJflE (Pg. 45)

Effect: This combines the effects of the clairaudience and clairvoyance engines, and directs
their output into a derivation of the cipher
engine, thereby recording all events that the
engine perceives for future .playback. When the
engine plays a recording back, it creates an optical and auditorial illusion of sorts, but it is actually the delayed imparting of the images of the
actual event.
Operation: Continuous, 24 points (4)
Investment: Difficulty 50, Cost 5500 c

REPMEOR EflCiJflE (Pg. 39)

Effect: The inversion of the imprisonment
engine, this one is designed to keep people out
of its radius of effect. Since its a magicltal barrier, people may pass f?om the inside to the outside freely, but they may not reenter. If 1understand my magick, even a person half in and half
out of the barrier will be unable to get back inthe thing ~ o r l t sort
s of like those tire spikes they
used to have at drive-ins. To overcome the
strength of the wall, the persons who wish to
cross must make a Courage or Etherealness feat
equal in difficulty to the amount of power drawn
by the engine. There is apparently some benefit
to trying to rush the cvall en masse, but not a
great one, so well leave it to the Host to determine, especially since en masse carries very
different meanings for a small engine as compared to a huge one.
Operation: Continuous, 16 points (4)
Investment: Difficulty 35, Cost 3500 c

S J l E f l C E GjVCiJjVE (Pg, 42)

TEjUPO&ilL EflCiJflE (Pg. 67)

Effect: Wlien activated, this engine dramatically
slows the passage of time for all within its grasp.
The amount that time is slowed depends o n how
much power the engine gathers to do its work; for
each point, time slows by a factor of one. Thus, if
a temporal engine activates with 30 points of
power, then for each 30 minutes of real time, one
perspective minute will pass within the grip of the
engine. Its possible (at least in theory) to make a
personal harness which will protect you from the
engines effects. This lets you move through the
engines field normally. Thus, in the above example, youd be able to move thirty times as fast as
the people who were trapped in the temporal
Operation: Continuous, 28 points (4)
Investment: Difficulty 90, Cost 12,500 c
Difficulty 40, Cost 5000 c for a protective harness

WflSFOR&lj4tJOjV EflCiJfiE
(Pge 52)
Effect: This takes any item and alters it in shape
to something else. It does not make any chemical changes to the item; something which starts
as wood ends as wood. The shape of the item to
be made is determined by a carved plate which is
inserted into the machine (this also requires calibration of the engine), but once the shapc to be
made is determined, anything can be transformed. Given the shape of a sword, you could
put sawdust and make a wooden sword, a book
to make a paper sword, or a chandelier to make
a glass sword. It works this may because the
engine doesnt actually change the molecules, it
just rearranges them. It doesnt even break matter down to the molecular level, I dont think,
just to small chunks.
Operation: Spontaneous, 16 points (4)
Investment: Difficulty 45, Cost 4500 c

Effect: This engine dampens sound within its

area of effect. This means that sounds inside the
engines area of effect are made much quieter,
and also that those within the sphere of influence will be less able to hear sounds made outside the engines reach. To simulate this in game
terms, add the amount of energy the engine has LtLtJjVj4tE EjVciJNE (Pg, 106)
accumulated to the difficulty of any Perception Effect: Although this was not completely
task involving sound. This is applied to those described in the Codex, I thought Id indude it

S t A R ZfRoIV:W t l A t JS Jt?
tar Iron, also l a o w n as Cold Iron, is the
key ingredient for a magickal enginewithout its effects, a magickal engine
cannot manipulate the raw power of sorcery. But what is Star Iron? I mean, to me, iron
is iron is iron, right? Chemical symbol Fe, and
thats about all I remembered from my chemistry class. It rusts, it melts, is presses clothes
to take some
when heated, and youre supposed
_every day with your vitamins. Iron.
But no, I was very wron as Auberon took
great pains to demonstrate
to me. See, over here, Mike,
theres two types of iron:
the normal stuff, and Star
Iron. Yeah, always spelled
with caps. Normal iron is
what the Prussians are beating into sabers and bayonets and land fortresses
even as we speak. Normal
iron has some negative
effects on magick, too. The
iron railways the Prussians
and English Steam Lords
are building are hampering
the normal flow of magicli
about the land. But Star
Iron, well, thats something different.


or may not be, but its almost certain that there is

no magick in deep space. Since the iron here has
been exposed to the Earths magick for thousands of years, its suppressive effect on magick has
been reduced over time. Its been denatured. But
Star Iron, Morrolan thinks, has never been
exposed to a magickal field, and so has a very serious effect on magick. Over a few hundred thousand years or so, he thinks Star Iron will be indw
tinguishable from normal iron. This sounds pretty reasonable to me; I mean, the planet is supDosed to have been made by a whole bunch of
iron-nickel asteroids mushing
together, right? So, in theory, all
the iron on the planet is Star Iron
if you go back far enough. And
since it doesnt act that way, that
indicates that maybe Star Iron can
be denatured by chronic exposure
to magickal energies.
Whatever the case, Star Iron is
needed, so Star Iron the characters
must get. As you might figure, you
just cant go trot on down to
Freds Convenience Store on the
corner and pick up half a pound of
Star Iron. While it is possible to
buy it fi-om time to time horn collectors and governments, it is a
rare instance indeed, and very very
expensive besides. Instead, the dramatic characters must find a way to go where some Star Iron
may be found, and get it themselves.


OF n

s jvAtLRG

s its name implies, Star Iron is extraterrestri1 in origin (I had to explain that word to
the gang when I first used it, but now its
become very chic among the salons). And Star
Iron has a great effect upon magicli, far more so
than normal iron. To hear Auberon explain it,
Star Iron is a lot like plutonium to the Faerie.
Yeesh. Star Irons effect is so pronounced that
the Faerie can actually die just by being too close
to it-they dont even have to touch the stuff!
And were talking the True Death here!
No one knows why Star Iron has these effects.
Grey Morrolan believes that is it because other
planets out there do not have magick. That may

t o w t o CiGt J-t

ou have to go somewhere to get the Star

Iron. This can either be a meteorite crater
or a museum which has a meteor on display.
Whichever the case, the dramatic characters
must first figure out where the stuff is. This can
be accomplished through interviews, research,
spying, or whatever, depending on what sort of
Star Iron source theyre trying to pursue. For
example, it might be easy to determine that the
Smithsonian Museum has a few meteors on &splay. But crossing the Atlantan to the New


_ _to k t It


50 Ibs.

Hudson Bay



10 lbs.

Grand theft, defying

the impeccable Prussian

Smythe Estatej
South Africa

2-4 OZ.

Festung Falkenstein

3 lb.



Chateau Mousseau

7 oz.


2 Ibs.

Pay a lot of money for

his meteor
Have a good reason,
work for the Bayern
Inner Circle
Wait for the meteor (?)
to hit in 1908
Break into Mousseaus
private estate
Steal the Emperors
katana, rumored to be
forged of a meteor

Prospecting a lot of
small rocks, but the
stuff is only 1/4
If the Bay is really a
crater, go diving a t the
center and look

Add your own ideas, and change these listed

here so your players cant get an unfair advantage.
There is no known way to refine iron ore or
steel to extract the Star Iron which mav be

er-the better the characters sorcery, the easier

it is to identify the subethric changes Star Iron
The easy way to tell if a chunk of ore has Star
Iron in it is to walk up and bonk a Faerie with
it. If the Faerie vaporizes, its Star Iron. Then
its time to run like Hell before the rest of the
Faerie roast your body alive.

Gwects OF S t f i R rrriofl

tar Iron has a nasty effect on Faerie, Seelie

and Unseelie alike. This table shows what
kind of effects Star Iron has on them. The effect
depends on the amount of Star Iron present, and
the Faeries range from the Star Iron. Star Iron
which has been denatured over time (very old
Star Iron, in other words) should be treated as a
lesser amount, in proportion to its effectiveness.

0 - 4 oz.

4 - 8 oz.

8 - 16 OZ.
1 - 2 Ib.
2 - 4 lb.
4 lb. and up

10 ft

25 ft
50 ft
100 ft

10 f3
25 ft
50 ft


10 ft
25 ft

- , - - -

i l

eople will kill fo

them. Wizards will
sell their souls for
hem. Wars could be

e wrong hands.

mes everyone in

Beyond the Faerie

the Secrets conained inside this


SBN# 0-937279-68.4
d Leonard0 da Vinci IS e
, k.All Rights Reserved

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