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PLC Facilitator Reflection

Date: January 29, 2014

Participants: Lynda Parker, Suzie Piraino, Sean Galipeau-Eldridge, Gail Poirier, Sharon Plante, Kathy
Wolfson, Jan Robertson, Daniella Mason, Cassie Labrecque, Jean Oligny-Warrow, Karla Archer

Everyone is a participant in using the CAFE and Daily 5 as part of their instruction. This shows that
while in different places with our comfort level with this program, we are working as a school
community to establish this as meaningful literacy instruction, providing our students with consistent
instruction throughout the upper grades.
What Worked Well?
We established clear expectations through our norms. We have established that everyone contributes
and shares their thinking. Everyone DID contribute. Educators are prepared to discuss CAFE and
Daily 5 concepts to improve their instruction through collaborative dialog.
What Changes Might We Make Next Time To Meet The Needs Of Our Group?
It would help to have more time to get in to set up the room before the meeting starts, so we are
automatically all facing each other with no options to sit off to the side. Find a way that everyone can
easily see the note-taker's notes projected on the wall . . . Maybe use Google Docs? (This may cause
further problems however, with people working on different things on their laptops . . .)
Break our agenda up into blocks with a given amount of time in order to manage the conversations and
accomplish all that we set out to do.
Needs Our Group Expressed or We Observed:
- These are questions we tabled to come to later:
- Is it Daily 5 or can it be Daily 4?
- Listen to Reading . . . Can this be accomplished through Read Alouds?
- Structure . . . How much choice do you give? Are some classes difficulties with focus and behavior
impacting the ability for choice?
- Am I doing it right?
- Do we HAVE to do rotations?

Next Steps:
We will utilize the information from today's discourse, along with survey data, and exit slips to focus on
the areas of concern for our group. There are some commonalities expressed in all three, such as: using
the pensieve constructively and conferring.

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