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Name : Alika Safitri

Class :D3MI-39-01


Flowchart On How to Make a cake


Mix Ingredients

Pour in a Pan

Put Into Oven

from oven


Test With Fork

Let cool


Describing The Flowmap

Cakes are foods that most of people like.The Texture of cake is soft and is good to
be served at anytime you want.Here are the steps on How to make a cake.First you
have to prepare ingredients which are needed for the cake, because many kind of
cakes could have different ingredients.When all the ingredients you need are
ready,mix those ingredients together until the dough get softer.Pour the dough in a
pan to make the shape of the cake becomes circular.put the cake into oven and wait
for about 20 minutes ,to know wether the cake is cooked well,check it by putting a
fork inside the cake and see if its ready or not.If the cake is ready then remove the
cake out of the oven.Let it cool for a while,and then Cake is ready to be serve!

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