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1. A reduction of 10% in the price of pens enables a man to purchase 9 more for Rs. 540. What is the
reduced price of pen?
1) Rs.5
2) Rs.4
3) Rs.6
4) Rs.7
2. Find the average of the first 50 odd numbers?
1) 25
2) 25.5

3) 50

4) 50.5

3. Ram starts working on a job and works on it for 10 days and completes 40% of the work. With the
help of Suresh he completes the remaining work in 5 days. In how many days can Suresh alone
complete the work?
1) 12.5 days
2) 25 days
3) 50 days
4) None
4. The difference between S.I and C.I at the rate of 5% per annum for 2 years is Rs.40. Find the
1) Rs.10000
2) Rs.12000
3) Rs.12500
4) Rs.16000
5. A son and father goes for boating in river upstream. After rowing for 1 mile son notices the hat of
his father falling in the river. After 5 min. he tells his father that his hat has fallen. So they turn round
and are able to pick the hat at the point from where they began boating after 5min. what is the speed
of river?
1) 4miles/hr
2) 6miles/hr
3) 8miles/hr
4) None
6. In a group of cows and hens, the number of legs is 14 more than twice the number of heads. The
number of cows is
1) 5
2) 7
3) 10
4) 12
7. Two trains are traveling at 18kmph each and are 60 km apart. There is a fly in the train which flies
at 30kmph. It flies and hits the second train and then it starts to oscillate between the two trains. At
one instance when the two trains collide it dies. Find the distance traveled by the fly when both trains
1) 30km
2) 50km
3) 75km
4) None
8. When I was married 10 years ago my wife is the 6th member of the family. Today my father died
and a baby born to me. The average age of my family during my marriage is same as today. What is
the age of Father when he died?
1) 50 years
2) 60 years
3) 70 years
4) 40 years
9. A and B started a business jointly. As investment was thrice that of B and period of his investment
was twice that of B. If B receives Rs.4000 as profit then their total profit (in rupees) is
1) Rs.20,000
2) Rs.24,000
3) Rs.28,000
4) Rs.32,000
5) None of these
10. A rope can make 140 rounds on the circumference of a cylinder whose base radius is 14cm. The
number of rounds the rope make around the cylinder with base radius 20cms is
1) 200
2) 100
3) 98
4) 17
5) None of these
11. Two pipes can fill a tank in 20 and 24 minutes respectively and a waste pipe can empty 3 gallons
per minute. All the three pipes working together can fill the tank in 15 minutes. The capacity of the
tank is
1) 60 gallons
2) 80 gallons
3) 120 gallons
4) 160 gallons
12. There are 5 distinct pairs of white socks and 5 pairs of black socks in a cupboard. In the dark, how
many socks do I have to pull out to ensure that I have at least 1 correct pair of white socks?
1) 3
2) 11
3) 12
4) 16
13. Showing a lady in the park, Vineet said, She is the daughter of my grandfathers only son. How is
Vineet related to that lady?
1) Son
2) Brother
3) Grandfather
4) Father



14. In a certain code FORGET is written as GQUKJZ. How would you write DOCTOR in
4. None
15. Find the Next Number in the given series below
6, 12, 30, 56, _________
1) 72
2) 90
3) 110

that code?

4) 132

In questions below, each passage consists of six sentences. The first and sixth sentence is given. The
middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labeled as P, Q, R and S.
Find out the proper order for the four sentences.
A black haired, young woman came tripping along.
She was leading a young woman wearing a hat.
The woman swept it off and tossed it in the air.
The child jumped up to catch the hat.
The young man tossed his head to shake the hat back.
Both disappeared from view.
The Proper sequence should be:


Which of phrases given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold type to make
the grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is, mark 'E' as the answer.
2. Tax evaders should heavily punished as they do it intentionally.
1) Should be heavy fined
2) Should have heavily fined
4) Should be heavily fined
5) No correction required

3) Shall have heavy fine

3. We met him immediately after the session in which he had been given a nice speech.
1) Would be giving
2) Has been given
3) Will have given
4) Had given
5) No correction required


4. He got his family ______ of the burning house through the kitchen window.
1. Over
2. On
3. To
4. Out
5. I met the ______ man at the party. There is no one else like him in this whole world.
1) Wonderful
2) most wonderful
3) as wonderful as
4) more wonderful


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