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Ramiplifications of the

digital divide

Social Capital

Digital Divide and Social Capital. Social Capital is the collective value of
all social networks and the inclinations that arise from these networks to
do things for each other. The central premises of social capital is that
social networks have value. Using Social Media we build our social
capital, increase our social and communication skills.. People who use
social networks gain benefits such as reciprocity, trust, cooperation and
information.Social networking creates value for its users. The digital
divide prevents people from accessing the Internet and Social Media
increasing their social capital, gaining knowledge that can better their
self-worth and furthering themselves further socially and professionally.

Knowledge capital
Digital Divide and Knowledge Capital,Intangible assets
that represents valuable ideas, methods, processes and
other intuitive talents that belong to a company The
digital divide prevents people from bettering their
digital literacy by them not having access to the
Internet and other digital platforms. By not having
access they cant sufficiently acquire new ideas and
share theirs, they cant develop their talents and learn
new business processes and methods. This then
prevents people from getting a job or advancing
themselves in their job and they struggle to become

Human capital
Digital Divide and Human Capital, the collective skills,
knowledge, or other intangible assets of individuals that
can be used to create economic value for the
individuals, their employers, or their community
(Random House Dictionary, 2016). The digital divide
affects human capital preventing people from accessing
the internet and information technologies. Therefore
preventing them from gaining new information,
bettering their knowledge developing their expertise,
acquiring new skills and experiencing new and different
things. Which then prevents these people from
furthering themselves economically, socially and

Helping the government

The government will be assisted by making sure that all
members get training and educations of the
ramiplifications of the digital devide.

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