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Du Schreibst ein Mrchen!

Youre going to be writing a fairy tale. It should be 250 words; about a

page and a half handwritten or a double spaced page typed. Since it is a
fairy tale, REPETITION IS ENCOURAGED. If youve read Herr Schillings
stories, I usually write a few sentences in a row with the same verb to get
repetition and word count. You can write about whatever you want, but
you must use vocabulary verbs from our class this semester. If you need
to, use Erdbr as a main character.
Heres what you need:

About 250 words

At least 6 of our verbs from this semester
o Extra Credit for 10+
All sentences written in past tense
Fairy tale elements
o Es war einmal and Und wenn sie nicht gestorben sind dann
leben sie noch heute.
o talking animals
o magic/a witch; Zauber/eine Hexe
o the woods; der Wald
o repetition
o good and evil; Gut und Bse
o eine Moral
EXTRA CREDIT: Include visuals through PowerPoint/Prezi/etc.
o These can be hand-drawn, pulled from Google, etc.

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