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Milestone Years




family: I will be away

from my family when I
go to college. However
I plan to visit them
often so that I can be
filled in with the news.
By this time I will not
have any kids or, a
wife. I will be self
sufficient paying for
myself through workstudy, scholarships,
and financial aid,
which contributes to
around 24,011 per

family: In 2021, it will be

one year after I graduate
from Cal Poly Pomona

family: I will have one

child and a wife living in
a condominium by 2026.

leisure: In my free time I

will join the have a gym
membership to keep
physically fit. I will
occasionally, play video
games as well in my down
time. Currently the video
games range from $60 $100 . The console itself
costs around $400 and
online would cost is
$20.00 for 3 months.

leisure: I want a nice car,

some bikes to go biking,
and an in home gym. I
want to go somewhere
out of the country maybe
somewhere tropical or,
in visit Europe.

leisure: I will use the

facilities at my school
Cal Poly Pomona to do
some of my leisurely
activities. I will join the
track team there so,
that I may continue
pole vault, high jump,
long jump, and triple

job satisfaction: I will be

out looking for civil
engineer jobs at career
fairs, from my college
website and from career
websites. Hopefully I earn
a job as an engineer from
my internship with its
connections. Overall, I will
become an Entry Level
Civil Engineer where I use
job satisfaction: I will
CAD and other engineer
be an intern at an civil programs to complete my
engineering firm. I will job.
most likely work in the
summer of 2019, to
lifestyle: By 2021, I plan to
get some extra cash
live in Los Angeles in a
since it will be a paid condominium.
internship. I will use
Condiminums in Los
the expenses for
Angeles cost range is
college and left over
$250,000 to $1,000,000.
for personal use. I will
get paid around
income : When I earn my
$23,000 a year for my entry level engineer job I
will make at least $70,755
a year.
lifestyle: Since, I will

job satisfaction: I will be

a Civil Engineer where I
would make around
$100,000 a year which is
a significant pay raise
from 5 years ago
lifestyle: I want to be
able to buy nice suits for
my job as well as have
time to do hobbies such
as building things or,
maybe doing some
home improvement
through building a deck
or, making a treehouse
for my children.
income: In the median I
can earn at least
$70,755 but, can earn
upwards of $137,960per
education: I may work
towards my masters
degree to get a higher
pay than when I was in
an entry level position. It
might take two or one

still be in college I will

be busy as the
engineer lead for
Concrete Canoe and
Steel Bridge
income: I will make
around $23,000 a year
from my internship.
$5,518 from the
Federal Pell Grants
and the EOP Grant
which covers the cost
of housing on top of a
$2,000 grant. The rest
would be scholarship
money which would
have to cover the rest.
education: I will be 3
years in to completing
my Civil Engineer
degree. I will begin
studying for the
Fundamentals of
Engineering Exam. I
will attend Cal Poly
Pomona in 2019 and
Ill will either graduate
in 4 years where I will
be apart of the class of
2020 or, 5 years with
the class of 2021.
others: I plan to join
Engineers without
borders in my Junior
Year where I will be
able to go to Central
America to resolve
I will learn to speak
spanish fluently in
which I will take a
course in Spanish.
Also, Engineers
without Borders
requires you to learn
the language of the

education: In 2021, it will

be one year after I
graduate from Cal Poly
Pomona which means
that I will have take the
Fundamentals of
Engineering exam.
others: I plan to be a
substitute teacher for
Solbergs class while, I
wait to get my Engineer
job. I plan to get my real
estate license which
requires a test so, I could
make extra money on the

year depending on if I
graduate 2020 or, 2021.
others: I will take the
Professional Engineer
Exam so, that I could
move up in ranks as a
civil engineer. Then I
may have to go back to
school to get a master's
degree so, that I could
work towards being an
engineer manager.


Capital and

What job/career will

fulfill your wants?
Ideally, I would have to
become an civil
engineer which earns
around $87,130.00 per
year to earn this type
of income in 3 and a
half years.
What are the future
conditions of that
profession over your
working life?
Civil Engineers design,
build, supervise,
operate, and maintain
construction projects
and systems in the
public and private
sector, including roads,
buildings, airports,
tunnels, dams,
bridges, and systems
for water supply and
sewage treatment.
Also, their job outlook
is 8% faster than most
other jobs.

What job/career will fulfill

your wants?
Ideally, I would have to
become an civil engineer
which earns around
$87,130.00 per year to
earn this type of income in
3 and a half years.

What job/career will fulfill

your wants?
Ideally, I would have to
become an civil engineer
which earns around
$87,130.00 per year to
earn this type of income
in 3 and a half years.

What are the future

supply/demand conditions
of that profession over
your working life?
Civil Engineers design,
build, supervise, operate,
and maintain construction
projects and systems in
the public and private
sector, including roads,
buildings, airports,
tunnels, dams, bridges,
and systems for water
supply and sewage
treatment. Also, their job
outlook is 8% faster than
most other jobs.

What are the future

conditions of that
profession over your
working life?
Civil Engineers design,
build, supervise,
operate, and maintain
construction projects
and systems in the
public and private sector,
including roads,
buildings, airports,
tunnels, dams, bridges,
and systems for water
supply and sewage
treatment. Also, their job
outlook is 8% faster than
most other jobs.

What human capital will

you need to get that job?
My current human capital
will need to be my high
What human capital
school grades. My needed
will you need to get
human capital would be
that job?
the completion of college
My current human
from an accredited college
capital is my high
in an engineering
school grades straight program. Networking can
A's which can help me help build my human
get scholarships.
capital as well. I could
probably get it from NSBE
My needed human
or, ASCE.
capital would require
me to be a college
For the condominium I will

What human capital will

you need to get that job?
My current human
capital is my high school
grades straight A's which
can help me get
My needed human
capital would require me
to be a college
sophomore from an
accredited college so,
that I could apply to the

sophomore from an
accredited college so,
that I could apply to
the internships.
need a good credit score
to be considered for
Also, I would have to housing.
take a specific amount
of units to study
I will need to graduate
abroad. For the
from my college then
apartments I will need come back to American
to be a Junior since,
Canyon High School. And
upperclassmen are the interview to be a
only ones allowed to substitute at the same
be in the suites. Being time Mr. Solberg is sick.
the lead for concrete
canoe requires me to To get my real-estate
be an exceptional
license I will need to take
student with a high
a test and train under an
GPA. I would also
agent for at least 3
have to compete
against other people
who may want the
I would need at least a
credit score of 580 to get
a Condo.

t Analysis

How will you acquire

that human capital?
I will acquire the
human capital by
diligently completing
engineering school.
Also, I will have to
apply to many
internships. Use the
resources that EOP
and my school gets
me. And I will also
have to compete in
competitions to
increase my chance of
getting a job. On top of
it all I will have to take
the Fundamentals of
Engineering exam in
the next couple of
years. The test would
probably cost around
$225 and the study

Also, I would have to

take a specific amount of
units to study abroad.
For the apartments I will
need to be a Junior
since, upperclassmen
are the only ones
allowed to be in the
suites. Being the lead for
concrete canoe requires
me to be an exceptional
student with a high GPA.
I would also have to
compete against other
people who may want
the position.
I would need at least a
credit score of 580 to get
a Condo
I will need a driver's
license or a passport to
travel as well.

How will you acquire that

human capital?
I will acquire the human
capital by completing
engineering school with a
bachelor's degree then Ill
take the Fundamentals of
Engineering Exam to
qualify for the entry level

How will you acquire that

human capital?

What trade-offs will you

need to make among
different alternatives?
The condo would be a
trade off in which I can get
a apartment for much less
even though the rent will
go up each month. Ill
probably also have a
roommate so that much of
the expenses will be paid
off and I could take the
bus depending on when

What trade-offs will you

need to make among
different alternatives?

I will have the human

capital I received from
previous years. In
addition, to learning how
to plan for parenthood
and a vacation.

I probably would have to

focus a lot more on my
children which, wouldnt
make as much room for
vacation in this year. On
the other hand, I could
not have children and
continue with my

materials between
$60.00 to $100.00.
What trade-offs will
you need to make
among different

my hours are for my job.

What kind of marginal
analysis will you need to

I would have to analyze

transportation, my
The trade off I will
monthly income, credit
have to make would
score, housing and other
be the study materials expenses used.
in which, I could study
in the library where I
The cost of getting my
would get more
real estate license is that I
resources saving
will have to study for two
around $60.00 tests Fundamentals of
Engineering and the one
required for Real Estate.
What kind of marginal The benefit is that I will
analysis will you need have more human capital
to do?
and if engineering doesnt
work out then I can fall
The cost would be that back on Real- Estate.
I would have to commit Either way Ill still be
to becoming an
making money. The
engineer. The benefits alternative would be to
is that it will improve
learn how to code which,
my engineer resume
may prove more useful
and I'll get paid. The
than Real-Estate.
alternatives would be
to get connections
The cost of getting a
from working
condominium is that it is
based off of my credit
score. Also, I will have to
pay a variety of bills. Not
including future home
benefits is that I will have
my own place to live. An
alternative would be to
live with a relative or, to
live with a roommate.

What kind of marginal

analysis will you need to
The costs are money
and study materials. The
benefits is a pay raise
and the ability to "sign"
legal plans from
architects. The
alternative would be to
remain at the same
The cost for having kids
is that I will need to add
expenses to take care of
them depending on how
many I get. Also, many
of the funds would go
towards them instead of
me personally. The
benefit is that they are a
bundle of joy to be
around. The alternative
would be adoption.

The cost of going on

vacation is the expenses
that I would have to take
out of my savings.
Including, the flight, hotel
per night, attractions,
food, restaurants, etc.
The benefit is that I
could see the world from
another perspective to
get me back on track
when I return to work. An
alternative would be to
go on a mini-vacation
with friends or, coThe benefits of being a
vacation so some of the
substitute teacher is that I expenses will be taken
could add it to my resume care of.
which raises up my
human capital. The cost
would be that I would
have to teach a random

class. Also, its a

temporary job with no
consistent pay. An
alternative would be that I
become an intern or, sign
up with a temp agency.

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