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To Whom It May Concern:

Four Position papers were presented at the Western Oregon University Regional meeting. The four
papers can be summarized with these four points:
1) Las Mujeres position paper: Problem in 2013 from Portland State MEChA. The Position paper
outlines issues with collaboration among Las Mujeres and MEChA de PSU.
2) PSU Student: Personal Statement of sexual harassment from PSU student.
3) Statement from Oscar Sanchez: Structured timeline of events. Addresses personal
MEChA experiences. Reflection of disputes and disagreements that built
up in MEChA spaces.
4) Statement from MEChA member Agustin: Describes actions that Miguel Moreno has partaken in.
Actions that have to do with pressure, attacks, control and false
Representation of the region. Abuse of offices and MEChA resources for personal
Along with these four position papers, many personal accounts were given at said meeting that included
additional attacks and infiltration. Recently there have also been accounts of party building within
MEChA for an organization called Willamette Chicano Alliance that has been personally started using
MEChA founding documents. Even calling these meetings MEChA Meetings.
In conclusion, on February 27th, 2014, at the Aztln del Noroeste Regional Meeting at Western Oregon
University, the Aztln del Noroeste and its chapters collectively decided that Miguel Moreno, a Portland
Community College MEChA member, is no longer welcome or allowed to be affiliated with MEChA in
any way. We ask all MEChA chapters, members, and allied groups to cease relationships with Miguel
Moreno. This includes social media such as Facebook chapter and regional groups and pages, email list
serves, etc. Miguel Moreno is known as Miguel Cuetzpalin on social media sites. Do not affiliate
yourself with Miguels organization Willamette Chicano Alliance. MEChA is in no way affiliated with
the Willamette Chicano Alliance.
We apologize as the Aztln del Noroeste region to those who have been pushed out, intimidated,
attacked, or harassed by Miguel Moreno and to those who have attended our spaces and have felt unsafe
because of our delayed action. The Aztln del Noroeste is taking steps to once again be a safe space for
all and to be able to recognize hostile behavior.
If you have questions or concerns, please direct them to the Aztln del Noroeste at Please do not contact those who have been affected by the
incidents in the personal statements as these topics may be triggering.
Hasta La Victoria Siempre,
Aztln del Noroeste

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