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Megan Duenas

Dr. Estes
8 February, 2016
Water Audit
After analyzing my graphs, I found that the middle of the week is when I use the most water.
Using both a bar and line graph was the best choice to communicate the data because it lets you
easily compare multiple data sets. Bar graphs and line graphs are simple and anybody can read
them clearly. Looking at my data after graphing it, visually really showed me the spike in my
water use.
I believe that the reason my water consumption goes up during the middle of the week is because
I more active during the middle of the week. My schedule is filled with longer days and more
movement. With more activity, comes more water use.
Shortcomings of my data include that the gallons may not be accurately represented. Often, I did
not use the faucets to their full capacity, skewing my gallons a little. Another reason my data may
not be to its full potential, is because this particular week, I did not do any loads of laundry.
Whereas, some weeks, I may do more than one. With more data recorded, I would have a more
accurate representation of my water consumption.
The most effective changes I can make to lower my water consumption is to reduce my shower
time. As shown on my fourth graph, reducing my shower by 5 minutes would save me roughly
87.5 gallons per week. And roughly 376 gallons per month.

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