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Racquel Rodriguez
Ms. Buckless
Writing 104 H
19 May 2016
Position Paper: Why Donald Trump is Unfit to be President
A president is honest, but honest not to the point of discourtesy. A president is tastefully
confident and is capable of delineating a line between confidence and cockiness. A president is
trustworthy. The public shall never have to question a presidents integrity. These are all things a
president should be. But what should a president not be? A president should not be vulgar. He or
she should not belittle or disrespect others. A president should not be arrogant. He or she must
never see him or herself as a superior. And a president should not be untrustworthy. He or she
should always tell the truth and nothing but the truth. He or she should never make his or her
people feel betrayed or mislead. With this being said, it is obvious that the prospected republican
candidate, Donald Trump, is simply unfit to be president. He exemplifies exactly what a
president should not be. Donald Trump should not be president due to his immense vulgarity,
arrogance, and untrustworthiness.
Throughout the course of this presidential election, Trump has said and done many
outlandish things. He has verbally assaulted politicians, he has disrespected women, and he has
created and supported completely irrational and fascist policies. For instance, he has accused
President Barack Obama of not being a U.S. citizen and sent private investigators to Hawaii in
order to look into Obamas supposedly fraudulent birth certificate ("27 Of The Most Outrageous
Donald Trump Quotes"). On top of that, he has attacked the Bush administration. He accused
George W. Bush of lying about the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and then

proceeded to blame him for the terrorist attacks that took place on September 11th, 2001 (Lee,
MJ). This was enormously insensitive and simply nonsensical. Not only has he dishonored a
number of important and well-respected politicians, but he has also continuously insulted
women. He called Ariana Huffington unattractive and stated that he fully [understood] why
her former husband left her for a man. He also claimed that if he were to run the popular talk
show, The View, he would fire Rosie ODonnell due to that fat, ugly face of hers. He has also
stated that every single women that has been on his reality television show, The Apprentice, has
flirted with him. He went on to add that this is to be expected. One of the most disturbing
things he has said is in regards to his own daughter, Ivanka. He said, ...if Ivanka werent my
daughter, perhaps Id be dating her ("27 Of The Most Outrageous Donald Trump Quotes"). One
would think that the crassness would end there, but to the publics chagrin, Trump had plenty
more to say about women. After one of the first republican debates, Trump went ary talking to
reporters about host Megyn Kelly. He stated, There was blood coming out of her eyes, blood
coming out of her wherever. This sparked an outbreak with women. But this irrational behavior
did not stop there. He made yet another distasteful comment about women at one of his rallies.
This one was directed at Hillary Clinton, the presumed winner of the democratic nomination.
During one of the debates, Clinton excused herself from the stage in order to use the restroom.
Trump reacted to this by saying, I know where she went -- its disgusting, I dont want to talk
about it (Johnson, Jenna). This immature and sexist behavior is exactly what America does not
need in a president. Yet, unsurprisingly so, Trumps vulgar ways do not end there. When it comes
to policy, Trump lacks all sense of judgment and morality. For example, he wants to build a wall
between the United States and Mexico. When asked how he would go about paying for this
billion dollar project, he ignorantly says that the Mexicans will pay for it. Meanwhile, he has

referred to them as killers and rapists (Moreno, Carolina). Not only has he exemplified
racism when it comes to Mexicans, but he has done the same, if not worse, with Muslims. As one
of his policies, he had ordered total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United
States ( Gass, Nick). In his means of attempting at making America great again, he is
destroying everything that this great nation stands for. America is otherwise known as the
Melting Pot, a conglomeration of different ethnicities, races, and religions. His plans to deport
pretty much all minorities from this country is completely and utterly shattering the groundwork
of this nation. He has also shown racist values when it comes to the black population. He has
referred to blacks as lazy and as uneducated. Not only has he said coarse and obscene things
about these people, but he has also treated them in unjust manners. He has been sued not once,
but twice, by the Justice Department for not renting to black people. On top of that, a good
number of his black workers have accused him of racism. The New Jersey Casino Control
Commission fined the Trump Plaza Hotel $200,000 because managers would remove black card
dealers when requested by certain gamblers. Additionally, he has trashed Native Americans and
he has stereotyped Jews (O'Connor, Lydia, and Daniel Marans). Basically, he has undermined
almost every single minority. Clearly, with such immense evidence, Donald Trump is not fit to be
president. He has deliberately shown disrespect towards other politicians, women, and
minorities, amongst others.
Not only has he proved to be rather vulgar, but he is also extremely arrogant. Donald
Trump is Donald Trumps number one fan. Some may see this as a refreshing heir of confidence,
but in reality, it is merely cockiness. He continuously makes it a point to commend his
businesses, his personality, and his looks. He considers himself to be an amazing businessman
and negotiator. However, the reality is Trump is a rather foolish and impulsive businessman. If

Trump were to have simply invested his inheritance in stocks, he would be worth triple what he
is worth today (Dore, Louis). On top of that, the majority of his businesses have failed. Some of
these many include Trump Airlines, Trump Beverages, Trump: The Game, Trump Casinos,
Trump Magazine, Trump Mortgage, Trump Steaks, Trumps travel site, Trumps communications
company, Trump Tower Tampa, Trump University, and Trump Vodka (Stuart, Tessa). With the
larger part of his businesses resulting in failures, it is evident that Trump is not the businessman
he concedes to be. Yet, his arrogance is not limited to his businesses. Trump truly believes that
his personality is simply incomparable. He once said, I think the only difference between me
and the other candidates is that Im more honest and my women are more beautiful. He has also
said, My IQ is one of the highest and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure;
it's not your fault ("27 Of The Most Outrageous Donald Trump Quotes). Along with that, as
evident in these quotes and in his actions, Trump lacks empathy for others. According to a
Harvard psychologist, Howard Gardner, this is a common trait within narcissists and sociopaths.
Trump fits the scope of narcissism and sociopaths so well that clinical psychologist, George
Simon, uses videos of Trump as an example for the behaviors in his workshops. Yet, according to
Gardner, under Trumps hard exterior, is an abundance of insecurities. This is the reason as to
why he lashes out when he receives any sort of criticism (David, M). Not only that, but Trump
exemplifies arrogance when it comes to his looks as well. During his campaign, he would make
fun of Marco Rubio, one of his opponents for the republican nomination, for his large ears.
Rubio defended himself by poking fun at Trumps diminutive hands. Trump replied by saying,
Look at those hands, are they small hands? And, [Republican rival Marco Rubio] referred to my
hands: 'If they're small, something else must be small.' I guarantee you there's no problem. I
guarantee. He also added, My fingers are long and beautiful, as, it has been well documented,

are various other parts of my body ("27 Of The Most Outrageous Donald Trump Quotes).
Again, these behaviors are extremely common within narcissists and sociopaths. These
characteristics display exactly why Donald Trump is not fit to be president of the United States.
Nonetheless, Trump is as untrustworthy as he is arrogant. He has yet to release his tax
returns - forcing the public to believe he has something to hide, he is an accused rapist, and he
has connections to the mob. In regards to his tax returns, Trump has deliberately attacked
politicians for information within their open public records. Trump is not subject to the same
level of judgement due to the fact that his records are not susceptible to the public. This is
because he has refused to release his records. He has conjured up a great number of excuses as to
why such things as his tax returns have not been released yet. Nevertheless, he declares that his
tax returns are very beautiful. His primary excuse is that his tax returns are being audited. This
gives the public even more reason to question what Trump is hiding ("What Is Mr. Trump Hiding
by Not Releasing His Tax Returns?"). Not only has he lied about his tax returns, but he has also
lied about the law. A few years back Trump was accused of rape and violent assault by his exwife Ivana. His leading attorney defended him by saying, You cannot rape your spouse. One of
his employees also defended him by saying that spousal rape is legal in New York (Editorials).
Not only is this in opposition to the law but it is also in opposition to all things moral. But the
untrustworthy behavior does not end there. There is ample proof that Trump has connections to
the mob. When building a casino in Atlantic City, Trump convinced the state attorney general to
cutback his background check from over a year to six months. He claimed that he was clean as
a whistle. However, in the precedent years, Trump had hired mobbed-up firms to help
establish Trump Towers and his Trump Plaza apartment building in Manhattan. Along with that,
he would purchase materials from mafia controlled companies, most especially from a mafia

controlled concrete company. Instead of using the safer and less expensive alternative, Trump
decided to use the concrete supplied by the mob. He became so involved with these companies
that he put his own employees in danger. For instance, one of his employees was threatened to
meet demands with a knife to his throat. Sources say that Trump has met with top mobsters on
multiple occasions such as Roy Cohn, Fat Tony Salerno, John Cody, and Paul Castellano. He
has also had connections with organized crime associates, labor fixers, corrupt union leaders,
con-artists, and even drug traffickers. These people were involved in extortion, narcotics, rigged
union elections, and murders. Many of these men were convicted of felonies and ended up dying
in prison. Trump denied all allegations of being involved with these criminals. However, there is
substantial evidence that proves otherwise. For instance, Trump Tower. Trump Tower is built
entirely of concrete supplied by mob controlled companies. Trump also rented apartments within
Trump Tower to mobsters without charge. He would also help them obtain mortgages without
filling out loan applications or showing financials. When truth of these illegal doings came to
forwission, Trump sued a woman that he had helped illegally obtain a mortgage for $250,000 for
alteration work. She countersued at $20 million and claimed that she would initiate an
investigation on Trumps criminal record. He then settled and paid the woman $500,000. Not
only that, but he had hired illegal Polish immigrants to do the labor at his construction sites. He
would pay them far below the minimum wage at four to six dollars an hour and offered them no
benefits. They would work twelve hours a day, seven days a week, doing laborious work. They
would not wear helmets and many of them would sleep at the construction site. In response to
these illegal doings, a federal judge ruled that Trump was involved in conspiracy and fraud. The
case was settled by negotiation and the agreement was eventually sealed ("Just What Were
Donald Trump's Ties to the Mob?"). Trump has spent a good majority of his time either hiding

his criminal record or denying it. Between his tax returns, his rape allegations, and his links to
the mob, he clearly has a lot to hide.
With such evidence, it is indisputable that Donald Trump is unfit to be president. He is
vulgar, he is arrogant, and he is untrustworthy. Some may mistake his vulgarity for honesty, his
arrogance for confidence, and his untrustworthy ways as a successful business mechanism, but
the facts prove otherwise. His supposed honesty is stigmatizing respected politicians, women,
and minorities. His supposed confidence is a means of camouflaging his insecurities. And his
supposed success as a businessman is all in part to illegal activities. He is a fool, a narcissist, a
sociopath, and a liar. These are characteristics evident in anarchists and in dictators, not in
presidents. It is in the hands of American citizens to make the choice, and the right choice at that,
to not let such a dangerous man take control of our country. We, as a whole, must recognize the
facts. We must take these facts and make the executive decision that Donald Trump is simply
unfit to be the president of our beloved country, the United States of America.


Works Cited
David, M. "Harvard Psychologist Explains Trump Is 'Dangerous' Because He's Literally a
Narcissistic Psychopath - Counter Current News." Counter Current News. N.p., 27 Feb.
2016. Web. 23 May 2016.
Dore, Louis. "Donald Trump Would Actually Be Richer by Doing Nothing since 1974." Indy100.
N.p., n.d. Web. 23 May 2016.
Editorials. "Editorial: Trump Proves He's Unfit to Lead Again." NY Daily News. N.p., 28 July
2015. Web. 23 May 2016.
Gass, Nick. "The 15 Most Offensive Things That Have Come out of Trump's Mouth."
POLITICO The 15 Most Offensive Things That Have Come out of Trumps Mouth
Comments. N.p., 08 Dec. 2015. Web. 23 May 2016.
Johnson, Jenna. "Donald Trump Says Clintons Bathroom Break during the Debate Is too
Disgusting to Talk about." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 21 Dec. 2015. Web. 23
May 2016.

"Just What Were Donald Trump's Ties to the Mob?" POLITICO Magazine. N.p., n.d. Web. 23
May 2016.
Lee, MJ. "How Donald Trump Blasted George W. Bush in S.C. -- and Won." CNN. Cable News
Network, 21 Feb. 2016. Web. 23 May 2016.
Moreno, Carolina. "9 Outrageous Things Donald Trump Has Said About Latinos." Huffington
Post. N.p., 31 Aug. 2015. Web. 23 May 2016.
O'Connor, Lydia, and Daniel Marans. "Here Are 10 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist."
Huffington Post. N.p., 29 Feb. 2016. Web. 23 May 2016.
Stuart, Tessa. "Donald Trump's 13 Biggest Business Failures." Rolling Stone. N.p., 14 Mar. 2016.
Web. 23 May 2016.
"27 Of The Most Outrageous Donald Trump Quotes." Marie Claire. Team Marie Claire, 11 May
2016. Web. 23 May 2016.
"What Is Mr. Trump Hiding by Not Releasing His Tax Returns?" Washington Post. The
Washington Post, n.d. Web. 23 May 2016.

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