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The two twins and the magic box

original stories

Values: generosity, kindness, love, selfishness

The two twins and the magic box Once upon a time twin brothers who were
called Juanito and Miguelito. They had the same color hair, same eyes and
the same smile. Besides her mother always he dressed them alike. But there
was something that set them apart: one was more mischievous than
another. Juanito was always teasing Miguelito until I did mourn.

On holidays they went to visit her grandparents. They lived in a house in the
woods where there were many trees and places to play. As they ran beside
the river, Juanito was raging one day his brother continually Miguelito so
eventually decided to hide in a small wooden house he found along the way.

waiting for a while Juanito leave him alone when suddenly, he found a box
that shone much stayed there. It was quite small and painted with many
ancient drawings precious box. Miguelito approached the box and peered
until picked it up and opened it slowly. Opening the box, a very sweet voice
- I'm the magic box of desires. You can ask me anything you want but you
have to be good and not be selfish, but I'll shutting down gradually until
unable to do the desires of any other child actually never ever.
Miguelito dropped the case because he was shocked to hear that voice, but
quickly came back and opened it again.
- Ask me a wish and I will grant it, but think about it because it has to be an
important wish - said the box.

Miguelito closed the box and put it in his backpack. When he came home
from his grandparents hid under the bed without realizing that his brother
Juanito, was spying on him from the window.

When Miguelito left the room, Juanito went to look what his brother had
hidden and found this lovely box. When opened, the box said:
- I'm the magic box of desires. You can ask me anything you want but you
have to be good and not be selfish, but I'll shutting down gradually until
unable to do the desires of any other child actually never ever.

Juanito quickly asked the box that this room be filled with goodies for him
and the box only granted his wish.

He began to eat and eat until he reached his brother Miguelito. He saw all
those goodies and asked Juanito let him eat some, but his brother told him
that all was well for him because it had asked the magic box.

Miguelito was angry because his brother had taken the case and because it
was also being selfish in not wanting to share with him any treats. I was
afraid that the case is so angry that ran to open it and it was when he saw
that the box no longer so bright.

The two twins and mgicaMiguelito box had thought his wish, so when the
box told him, he said:
- Magic Box, ayudases I would love to make my brother better being carriers
of me, with my parents and our friends and not to be so selfish.

Box granted his wish and, surprisingly, all those goodies in the room
disappeared. Juanito was very surprised, but something had changed.
Instead of getting angry with Miguelito, she approached him a firm hug and
asked her forgiveness for having misbehaved with him.

Miguelito was very happy, because the magic box had his wish. Now his
brother Juanito behaved very well with everyone and playing with him not to

The two brothers kept the magic box and kept asking her wishes. Always
asked together good wishes for your family and friends and the beautiful
magic box never failed to shine.

Los dos gemelos y la caja mgica

Cuentos originales

Autor: Irene Hernndez

Edades: Todas las edades
Valores: generosidad, bondad, amor, egosmo
Los dos gemelos y la caja mgica rase una vez dos hermanos gemelos que
se llamaban Juanito y Miguelito. Tenan el mismo color de pelo, los mismos
ojos y la misma sonrisa. Adems su madre siempre los vesta igual. Pero
haba algo que los diferenciaba: uno era ms travieso que otro. Juanito
siempre haca rabiar a Miguelito hasta que lo haca llorar.

En vacaciones fueron a visitar a sus abuelos. Ellos vivan en una casa en

mitad del bosque donde haba muchos rboles y sitios para jugar. Un da,
mientras corran al lado del ro, Juanito haca rabiar a su hermano
continuamente as que al final Miguelito decidi esconderse en una casita
de madera que encontr por el camino.

Se qued all un rato esperando a que Juanito lo dejara tranquilo cuando, de

repente, encontr una caja que brillaba mucho. Era una caja preciosa,
bastante pequea y pintada con muchos dibujos antiguos. Miguelito se
acerc a la caja y la mir detenidamente hasta que la cogi y la abri muy
despacio. Al abrir la caja, una voz muy dulce le dijo:
- Soy la caja mgica de los deseos. Puedes pedirme todo lo que quieras pero
has de ser bueno y no ser egosta, sino me ir apagando poco a poco hasta
no poder hacer realidad los deseos de ningn otro nio nunca jams.
Miguelito solt la caja porque se asust mucho al or aquella voz, pero
rpidamente se acerc de nuevo y volvi a abrirla.
- Pdeme un deseo y te lo conceder, pero pinsalo bien porque tiene que
ser un deseo importante - dijo la caja.

Miguelito cerr la caja y la guard en su mochila. Cuando lleg a casa de sus

abuelos la escondi debajo de la cama sin darse cuenta de que su hermano
Juanito, estaba espindole desde la ventana.

Cuando Miguelito sali de la habitacin, Juanito fue a buscar lo que su

hermano haba escondido y se encontr con aquella preciosa caja. Cuando
la abri, la caja le dijo:
- Soy la caja mgica de los deseos. Puedes pedirme todo lo que quieras pero
has de ser bueno y no ser egosta, sino me ir apagando poco a poco hasta
no poder hacer realidad los deseos de ningn otro nio nunca jams.

Juanito, rpidamente, pidi a la caja que aquella habitacin se llenase de

golosinas para l slo y la caja le concedi el deseo.
Empez a comer y comer hasta que lleg su hermano Miguelito. ste vio
todas aquellas chucheras y pidi a Juanito que le dejara comer alguna, pero
su hermano le dijo que todas eran para l porque as se lo haba pedido a la
caja mgica.

Miguelito se enfad mucho porque su hermano le haba quitado la caja y

porque adems estaba siendo egosta al no querer compartir con l ninguna
golosina. Tena miedo de que la caja se enfadara as que fue corriendo a
abrirla y fue cuando vio que la cajita ya no brillaba tanto.

Los dos gemelos y la caja mgicaMiguelito haba pensado su deseo, as que

cuando la cajita le habl, le dijo:
- Cajita mgica, me encantara que me ayudases a hacer que mi hermano
se portase mejor conmigo, con mis paps y con nuestros amigos y que no
fuera tan egosta.

La caja le concedi el deseo y, por sorpresa, todas aquellas golosinas de la

habitacin desaparecieron. Juanito se sorprendi mucho, pero algo haba
cambiado. En vez de enfadarse con Miguelito, se acerc a l y dndole un
abrazo fuerte le pidi perdn por haberse portado mal con l.

Miguelito estaba muy feliz, porque la caja mgica haba cumplido su deseo.
Ahora su hermano Juanito se portaba muy bien con todos y jugaba con l sin
hacerle rabiar.

Los dos hermanos guardaron la caja mgica y siguieron pidindole deseos.

Siempre pedan juntos buenos deseos para su familia y sus amigos y la
preciosa caja mgica nunca dejaba de brillar.

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