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Wilderness Wonderings
Pastor Jim Lewis

Recently I was listening to a message from Andy Stanley on leadership. He

had many useful things to say, but one thing has really stuck with me. He said,
“Do for one what you can’t do for everyone.” Then he added, immediately we May-June 2010
look at that and say wait a minute, that’s not fair. To which Andy responds,
“Fairness ended in the Garden of Eden, I’m not trying to be fair, I am trying Mission Statement
to do what is right.”
In response to God’s love
As we continue to grow as followers of Christ we encounter new challenges, and grace, we:
more needs, new opportunities, and more people God loves and calls us to serve Celebrate word and sacrament
every day. It doesn’t take long to realize that you simply can’t do everything Minister to all people, and
for everyone. You will not be fair, someone will always be left out by you. So Nurture growth in Christ Jesus.
it makes sense to recognize that right off the bat and decide that if you
cannot realistically be fair, you can still do what you believe is right. You can Inside this issue:
“do for one, what you can’t do for everyone.” Reflections Along the Path 2
What would happen if we truly gave up being fair and embraced the Solon Home Days 3
opportunity to do something good and right for someone? The movie “Pay it
Sunday School Teachers 3
Forward” that came out several years ago took the same premise, encouraging
people to do one really good thing for someone without asking them to pay it Family 5ths Event 3
back but instead to pay it forward doing something really good for someone Congregational Elections 4
else. What if the church was known for being full of people who seize the
opportunity to do something good? Could we learn to celebrate with each Play and Praise 4
other the good that has been done, the right that has been shared, the joy Furniture Ministry 5
that has been given even as we encounter injustice, poverty, and sorrow that
Spiritual Growth 5
remain? Can we celebrate the good gifts that come to others when they have
not yet come to us? Could we declare for the world to hear as we live in this Summer Sunday School 6
time when Jesus has risen, the Spirit has been given, but the world has not Youth Ministry News 6
yet been restored, that we will not allow the unfairness of life to stop us from
Graduates, Confirmands, 7
doing the good we can do for someone today? I believe we can. God has called
Volunteers and more...
us to live in this way and discover the joy it brings to us, to others, and to the
world. Synod News 8
In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your Celebrations 8
good works and give glory to your Father in heaven. ~ Matthew 5:16
Calendars 9-10
May you live well today knowing God doesn’t ask for what you do not have, only
that you use what you do have to show the love of God to others. Announcements 11
4 Keys for Vibrant Faith 12
Reflections Along the Path
Dana Lewis

Be joyful always; pray continually; put a band aid on it, pray for the pain to go away.
give thanks in all circumstances, Make prayer your response to anything
for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. significant (or not so significant) that happens in
-1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 your day. One thing that we have started at our
house is to pray before we pull out of the garage
in our van. We pray for safety in our travels and
Prayer is a normal part of the day for whatever we are doing on that
in our home. Like many of you, we specific trip. It has been a great
pray at mealtimes and bedtimes. experience. When I forget to pray,
We also pray during our daily someone generally reminds me
devotions. Sometimes these before we are more than 2 blocks
prayers are memorized and from our house. After only about 3
recited in unison and other times weeks it has become a normal and
they are in the “repeat after me” expected part of our daily routine
fashion. We do spontaneous and it is so simple to do.
prayers and “fill in the blank”
As you look for ways to bring
prayers. The kids won’t eat until
conversations and actions of faith
we pray (even in public places like
into your daily life, never
restaurants and picnic areas) and,
underestimate the power of a
even when Isaac is exhausted at
prayer said. The rewards can be
night and doesn’t want a story, he
still wants his prayer time. It is
fun to see the kids remind each
other that we haven’t prayed yet when hunger
gets the best of one of them and he or she starts
to eats before it’s time. But 1 Thessalonians 5
tells us to pray continually. Prayer at mealtime,
bedtime, and devotion time is not enough. We are
to pray anytime and anywhere/every time and
everywhere. After all, it is “God’s will for you in
Christ Jesus”. How do we teach our children that
prayer is a way of life? How do we show them
that conversations with God should be as natural
as breathing? I would like to suggest one simple
thing – take every opportunity you have to pray
with them. When a nightmare wakes them up in
the middle of the night, pray for God to take
away the fears and bring sleep. When you or your
child comments on the beauty of a flower, take
time to thank God for the flower. If your child
falls and scrapes a knee, while you clean it up and

Page 2 The ADVENTure

Yes, you read it correctly! As a way to meet young families in our community and make a caring
connection, we will staff a booth where we will provide information about what is happening at
Advent and, maybe more importantly, meet a need at Home Days for a clean and easily
accessible place for parents to care for the diaper changing needs of their infants and
toddlers. We are looking for ideas of what to have available for passers by to take that will be
useful and get our name out in the community as well as people willing to take a shift sitting at
the booth and meeting people who come by. Talk to Pastor Jim or Dana about your ideas and
sign up for a shift at the booth on the Spiritual Growth bulletin board in the kitchen area.

Sunday School Teachers Needed for 2010-2011 School Year

Plans are already being made for the fall children’s Sunday school program and teachers are needed. The Spark
curriculum has worked well this year, utilizing a wide variety of teaching methods from cooking and art to drama
and video and has allowed the kids a chance to learn stories from the Old
and New Testaments. We will be expanding our program from 2 to 3 classes
next year and would like to staff each classroom with 3 teachers on a
rotating schedule. Each teacher would teach one month, assist one month,
and have one month off. This set-up will help spread the teaching
preparation around and allow each teacher a chance to attend adult Sunday
school 3 months out of 9. We will also have a teacher training event in
August to give everyone a chance to see the Spark curriculum in action and
get some basic information about teaching Sunday school and how children
learn. If you love God and have a heart for children you are just the
person we need to have as a Sunday school teacher. Talk to Dana Lewis
or any member of the Spiritual Growth Board if you would like to teach
Sunday school beginning this fall.


Passing on the Christian faith from generation to generation is the mission of the Church but,
even MORE importantly, the RESPONSIBILITY of the people and ESPECIALLY the family. But
how do we, as people of God, make sure WE continue to grow in faith and assure that our chil-
dren are becoming faith FILLED people?
On Sunday, May 30, during the Sunday school hour, our second Family Fifths Intergenera-
tional Sunday School Event will take place and will focus on the 4 Keys of Caring Conversation,
Devotions, Service, and Rituals & Traditions and how they can be practiced in our homes and in
our lives. Don’t miss out on this event that could make an impact on how you DO and PASS ON
faith in your daily life.

May-June 2010 Page 3

Minutes from Special Congregational Meeting - 3/28/2010
The meeting was called to order by President Dennis Terry
Paul Moentmann. Thirty-three members were in Frank Fink
attendance. A quorum of twelve members was Paul Moentmann
required to proceed. President Paul Moentmann The nominating committee presented the
asked if a quorum was present. Secretary Joan following slate of candidates:
Hageman confirmed that there was.
David Fell, President
Paul acknowledged and thanked all of the Council Amy Fadeley, Vice President
Officers and Board Members who were retiring Joan Hageman, Secretary
for their services: Kathy Pekarcik, Ministry Board
Paul Moentmann, President Michele Bowman, Spiritual Growth Board
Cheryl Kravetz, Vice President Lynn Marrer, Word and Sacrament
Doris Johanson, Ministry Board There were no additional nominations from the
Frank Fink, Spiritual Growth Board floor. The motion was made and seconded to
Lisa Sutherland, Word and Sacrament accept the slate of nominees as presented.
Paul acknowledged and thanked the members of Voting for acceptance of these nominees was
the Nominating Committee for their services: unanimous.
Liz Chois The meeting was adjourned.
Linda Dideon Respectfully submitted,
Marge Everyhart
Joan Hageman, Secretary

Play & Praise - Wednesday Night Fellowship and Worship Experience

Join us each Wednesday beginning on June 16 and continuing through August 18 from 6:30-8:30 pm.
We’ll start off each evening with some simple summer fun, playing games together like cornhole, bocce
ball, Frisbee golf, volleyball, and more. We’ll have an area and activities for children that are too young
to play with the rest of the group too, so everyone is welcome. After playing for a while we’ll take a
break for some refreshments and then close with a brief
time of singing, prayer, and a brief message, skit, or faith
related conversation. We hope this time will be a simple
way to introduce friends and families you know who are not
church-goers to our community and that it will provide a
meaningful connection for our Advent community during
the week throughout the summer months when vacation
and weekend trips are so common.
If you’d like to help with Play & Praise there are many ways
to do so. We’ll need people to help lead the kid’s activities,
arrange needed equipment for games, bring refreshments,
participate in skits, and lead music. Please talk to Pastor
Jim or Dana Lewis if you would like to help.

Page 4 The ADVENTure

Advent Furniture Ministry Update
The furniture ministry of Advent Lutheran Church has funds or applying for grants that will cover costs like
gone through a number of changes throughout the past fueling, maintaining, and insuring a truck, and securing
several months. Several months ago pick-ups and warehouse or storage space for furniture donations.
deliveries stopped being coordinated with Lutheran Above all we need you to be praying for this ministry
Metropolitan Ministry as differences in vision and and our involvement with it.
management led us each in a new direction. Advent God has placed us in a place of great need and great
continued to work with HARP (Helping Appalachian supply for this ministry of receiving furniture
Rural Peoples) Mission along with involvement from donations and delivering them to people that are in
Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio working need of simple furnishings to begin a new life. We are
toward the creation of the Ohio Furniture Bank. already known for this ministry throughout the larger
Financial difficulties, a lack of physical resources (i.e. community. We stand now in a place where our effort
reliable truck, affordable warehouse space), and a is needed to make this mission opportunity a reality.
shortage of volunteers has now led to a halt in pick-ups Ask God about how you can be involved. Ask God to
and deliveries through this partnership. We are still raise up within and around us the people and materials
receiving phone calls from the many people throughout that are needed to close the gap between a people
our community that know of and appreciate this looking for a “green” way to simply donate furniture
important ministry. Currently those calls are being and a people seeking the simple blessing of a new life in
referred to the Cleveland Furniture Bank. a new home that needs simple furnishings.
So what’s next?
We are re-evaluating the resources, needs, and
opportunities that are involved in this ministry and it is
our desire to see it re-born in a way that our whole
congregation can be involved with, support and grow.
We have a great plus in that it is a ministry that is
needed, well known, and has a virtually unending supply
of furniture donations. We have a great need for a
reliable truck, volunteers who would be willing to do
pick-ups and deliveries when requested, and support
from the congregation and community in providing

Spiritual Growth Board Frank Fink Carol Koval Jerry Dideon

We would like to thank Advent members for participating Summer Sunday School will use a special curriculum for
in the silent auction for the mission trip to West Virginia. children and be led by youth with adult assistance.
The youth collected over $1800. It was fun for all.

We have adopted a vision statement for spiritual growth

Pastor Jim has started a Tuesday evening Bible study committee. “Study, understand and embrace God’s word
session in April. Mark your calendars for these special and it’s power to develop faith, transform lives, provide
days in the summer: guidance and equip believers for living each day for Christ.

June 6 – Congratulations and thanks to graduates, Have a safe, healthy and wonderful summer.
volunteers and teachers.
Sept 12 – Rally Day
Summer Wednesday Evenings – Play & Praise after dinner
at church

May-June 2010 Page 5

Baobab Blast - Be a part of the community
at Summer Sunday School
This summer all children ages 3 through 5th grade will participate in a
group Sunday school program centered around relationships and connection
with God, family, friends, others and the greater world. We will gather
around the Baobab Tree, a tree from the African Savannah, for a time of
music, Bible stories, crafts, science, and games that will help kids see the
importance of their part in God’s community. Summer Sunday school begins
June 6th and runs through August 22nd.

Volunteers needed to create simple scenery

for Summer Sunday School
The African savannah is alive with trees, plants, and animals all showing the
majesty of a great God. We want to bring that savannah to our summer Sunday
school room by creating simple decorations for the walls. We need to get
working on this ASAP because summer Sunday school begins June 6. Anyone
interested should talk to Dana Lewis.

Youth Summer Mission Trip News Dinner/Talent Show Fundraiser

The youth mission trip to Mingo County West Virginia is for Youth Summer Mission Trip
drawing closer and we want to say a big THANK YOU to
the members of Advent for all your support, both finan- On Sunday, May 2nd following the 11 AM service the
cial and prayerful, as we have prepared for this oppor- youth will host their final Mission Trip Fundraiser—a
tunity to share God’s love with others. The trip dates dinner/talent show where you can be the talent.
are June 13-18 and those attending are Brooke Fadeley, Everyone is invited to come for a delicious meal of
Jamie Fink, Brooke Marrer, Daniel Moentmann, Liz spaghetti, salad, and dessert and enjoy a time of
Chios, and Dana Lewis. We ask for your continued entertainment provided by the youth and any others
prayers as we finish up last minute planning and for our who want to share their talent. If you want to get into
time in West Virginia. Pray for a safe and productive the act sign up on the Spiritual Growth Board near the
week and that we will be good witnesses of Jesus Christ. kitchen (or talk to Liz Chois or Dana Lewis), prepare
MARK YOUR CALENDARS and be sure to attend our your performance and be ready to have some fun!
held after the 11AM worship service on Rally Sunday,
September 12. You will enjoy a delicious meal and have
the opportunity to hear about the experiences that
were had in West Virginia.

Youth Ministry Meeting for all 7th-11th grade youth & parents
As we look forward to the fall and explore ways to grow and improve on the Youth Ministry we already have, we
are looking for YOUR input. On Sunday, June 6, after the 11AM worship service we will gather to share ideas
about what you want to see happening with our youth ministry and share a little about what is already in the works
for this fall. Come to this meeting ready to share your ideas.
Questions? Talk to Liz Chois, Dana Lewis, or Pastor Jim.

Page 6 The ADVENTure

Congratulations to our Graduates!

Brenna Gambino, Michael W. Fink,

graduates from Solon High, graduates with a Bachelor of Science
will attend in Accounting
The Ohio State University-Mansfield Campus. from The Ohio State University.

Daniel Moentmann,
graduates from Solon High,
will attend
The Ohio State University.

Confirmation Sunday Celebration Recognition Sunday - June 6

May 23 - 11 am
It is good to give thanks, and we have so many people who
are part of this community to be thankful for. We will
We will celebrate with Amanda Sutherland,
take time to June 6 to recognize and bless our graduates
Emily Moentmann, Michael Moentmann, as they mark another milestone in their faith journey.
Myla Hodgson and their families as they affirm We will also recognize and give thanks for the many
the promises of their baptism and publicly volunteers that make the ministry of Advent possible.
commit their intention to continue to live in those Finally we will be thank those who have served as board
promises as confirmed members of Advent members and officers throughout the past year and we
will install our newly elected officers and board members
Lutheran Church.
as they step into these positions for the next term.
The 11 am service on May 23, Pentecost Sunday
will feature the Affirmation of Baptism service
for these youth. We hope you will join us in
celebrating this milestone in the journey of faith. Honoring those in our
Confirmands should
arrive at church no Armed Forces on July 4
later that 9:45 am
July 4th is a Sunday this year and we want to take time
that Sunday to allow
that day to bless, pray for, and honor those who are
time during the Sunday related to you and are serving in our nation’s armed
School hour to take forces. If you have a family member serving in the
pictures and walk armed forces please notify the church office by phone
through the service. 440-248-6904 or email by June
23. We will need to know their name, relationship to you,
rank, and branch of service for printing purposes.

May-June 2010 Page 7

NE Ohio Synod News
LUTHERAN-CATHOLIC ECUMENICAL PILGRIMAGE. Pick up a registration form at Advent on the “kitchen”
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Youngstown and the bulletin board or online at in the
Northeastern Ohio Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran May 2010 Unified Mailing.
Church in America are organizing the Lutheran Catholic
Ecumenical Pilgrimage: A Journey Towards
The NEOS Global Mission/Companion
Understanding Germany and Italy, October 11-21,
Synod Committee has adopted the
2010, including visits to Wittenberg, Wartburg,
Lutheran Malaria Initiative as the
Eisleben, Erfurt, Rome and Assisi. Bishop George
focus of the committee’s work in
Murry SJ, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of
2010 and 2011. Offerings at our
Youngstown, and Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, Bishop of the
upcoming synod assembly have been
Northeastern Ohio Synod, ELCA, will lead this 11 day
designated in support of this
pilgrimage. Estimated package price is $3,395.00 plus
initiative. Congregations of the synod are encouraged
$360.00 tax and fuel surcharge. For on-line
to receive special offerings to be brought by voting
registration, visit
members to assembly. An offering will be collected
A brochure is available in the church office.
at Advent on May 9 for this important initiative.
Lutheran Men In Mission NE Ohio Seminary
The Lutheran Malaria Initiative is an unprecedented
Scholarship Golf Outing Proceeds to benefit men and
collaborative effort among the Evangelical Lutheran
women entering the ministry Saturday, July 17, 2010
Church in America, The Lutheran Church-Missouri
11:00 a.m. at Raintree Country Club, Uniontown, Ohio. Synod and Lutheran World Relief to mobilize the
Registration Fee: $75.00 per golfer (includes green nearly eight million Lutherans in the United States to
fees, cart, steak dinner, and refreshments) Final join the battle against malaria – a preventable and
Date for Registration: June 30, 2010. Matching funds treatable disease that kills more than one million
provided by: Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. people a year.

BIRTHDAYS 05/25 Alex Cleveland 06/23 Bryce Woods ANNIVERSARIES
05/26 Joan Hamm 06/24 Shirley Ramnanan 05/13 Paul & Deborah Labonte
05/03 Bev Burchard
05/27 Mary Ann Sima 06/25 Ken Henry 05/27 George & Cheryl Kravetz
05/04 Lynn Marrer
05/28 Tommy Clutter 06/25 Michael Schippers 05/27 Steve & Lynn Marrer
05/07 Linda Woods
05/29 Lisa Gerhart 06/25 Sarah Schippers 05/29 Jerry & Doris Johanson
05/08 John Stankiewicz
05/30 Henrietta Fawcett 06/25 Shawn Watson 06/12 Chris & Connie Emshoff
05/09 Paul Moentmann
06/01 Donna Kuklinski 06/27 Kathryn Kubofcik 06/12 Dennis & Carol Terry
05/09 Lisa Chapple
06/01 Liz Chois 06/28 Doris Spurney 06/14 Jack & Joan Hageman
05/09 Kristin Tancredi
06/03 Carmen Gambino 06/29 Jennifer Cleveland 06/21 Matt & Christy Woods
05/10 Evelyn Pistone
06/03 Katrina Clifford 06/30 Mike Gerhart 06/22 Woody & Linda Woods
05/12 Hannah Lewis
06/04 Kathy Smith 06/22 Tom & Laura Sheridan
05/15 James Grunt
06/05 Kathy Pekarcik 06/24 Peter & Rose Petrinovic
05/15 Jessica Heintzelman
06/11 Tom Fadeley
05/17 Maureen Brown
06/13 Jean Fell
05/19 David Walters
06/17 Patricia Redmond
05/22 Matt Woods
06/17 Brock Woods
05/23 Cathy Granitto
06/20 Don Bremner
05/25 Julie Gran
06/23 Robin Bremner

May-June 2010 Page 8

Special Music Needed for Summer Services I am looking for singers and instrumentalists to provide special
music for 11:00 AM services in June, July and August. Please let me know if you are interested. You can see me in
church or contact me @ Home- (330) 743-9271 Cell- (330) 651-5103 email- I look
forward to hearing from you. David Walters, Music Director.
Fun-N-Stuff -- June 27 Join in an afternoon of unlimited mini golf and other fun activities of your
choice. Watch for a sign up so we can make our reservations at the group price of $7.75 per person. We
will plan to meet there after church.
Indians -- August 12 Take me out to the ball game. Catch an Indians game with a group from Advent and enjoy
$1 hot dog night. Watch for more info and a sign up as we get closer.
Advent Picnic -- August 29 Mark your calendar for the annual congregational picnic. It will be held at the
Solon Community Park pavilion rain or shine. A cookout lunch and activities for all ages will be provided. This is a
great opportunity to invite family and friends to join the Advent family for a fun afternoon. Watch the bulletin
and announcement board for more details. Questions?? Call Lori Burchard at 330-938-2723.
NOOMA continues on Tuesdays in May at 7 PM. NOOMA is a series of short films that explore our world from a
perspective of Jesus. Pastor Jim will be leading conversation that invites you to search, question, and learn through selected
films from the Nooma series. In May will be watching: Store - Is anger the issue, or is the real problem what you get
angry about? Corner - Why do we often feel empty even when we get what we want? Breathe - Is our physical
breath actually a picture of a deeper spiritual reality? Flame - Could love be the most misunderstood and misused
word in our vocabulary?
Lectionary at Lunch Bring your own lunch each Thursday from noon to 1 pm. Join us in the library for conversation, prayer
and study of the lessons for the upcoming Sunday led by Pastor Jim.

Pierstorf Laan Lutheran students who need financial assistance and who are or will be enrolled full time in a four-
year undergraduate program at any accredited college or university are encouraged to apply for this interest-
free loan. For more information, go to Download the 2010-2011 application from this website.
The deadline for all applications is Friday, May 28, 2010.

Ohio Lutheran Campus Ministry

Going to college is a huge transition in the life of a young adult. Suddenly, one is alone amid a world of
possibilities, attractions, opportunities and temptation. It is a time in the life of young adults during which the
love of God is desperately needed and keenly felt.
Ohio Lutheran Campus Ministry supports ministries on six campuses across Ohio. While each ministry has its own
character, all reach out to students with God’s love. Students study their faith as they study for their classes.
They serve each other and reach out to those around them. They become leaders and learn to live in Christian
community in a “home away from home.”
Campus ministry equips students to connect their faith to their lives during a time when they are discerning who
they are and who they will become. Graduates from campus ministries are the future leaders of
our church, serving on councils, committees, and as pastors. They take the skills and faith from
their campus experience into the wider church and world.
OLCM is severely underfunded and our ministries are at risk. Please help us to minister to our
college students – where the light of God’s love is so intensely needed and felt. Our Campus
Ministries are vitally important –to our youth, to concerned parents and to the future of our
church. To learn more, please visit our website,

May-June 2010 Page 11

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Discovering the 4 Keys for a Vibrant Faith - Sundays in May

May is the month of Mother’s life before we miss another busy-ness of our world. The
Day, Confirmation, high school season’s opportunities to deepen keys are about transforming
proms, graduations, and relationships and appreciate the individuals, couples, and families
Memorial day picnics, It is a beauty that God brings us in through simple and effective
month of celebrations that bring each new day. ways of building a living, vibrant
families and friends together. If as you read this you find faith instead of squeezing a
It is a month when neighbors yourself saying, “That would be little bit of God into a life that
that have been in hiding through nice, but…” you need to make it is crammed with things that are,
the winter months start meeting a point to be present in worship well not godly.
for backyard barbecues, when each Sunday during the month Come and experience life
running and bike paths become of May at Advent. We will be differently this May. Come and
as crowded as coffee shops and exploring in worship “Four Keys discover the key to a vibrant
movie theatres. May is a month for Practicing Faith.” The keys faith. Come and learn to live life
to plant gardens to open up are all about relationship, they in a new way for a
cabins, to prepare for the new are all about life, they are all new season.
life of the summer months to about helping you discover the
come. May is a month to shift joy of life in the Kingdom of God
gears and change the pace of See you on Sunday!
that so often eludes us in the

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