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1.Long and established

brand since 1949.

1.High Price of product so

only limited customers
can purchase

2. Product has diversified

product portfolio ranging
from footwear to
3. Endorsement by
renowned sports celebrity
4.Sposnsoring major
sports events like 2014
World Cup
5. Strong financial
performance whereby
their gross profit 2015 to
profit increased 20% to
2.304 billion frm previous years
6. Is known for their innovative
7. Allow customer to purchase their
products via Adidas online store

1.Use other sporting
celebrities for
2. Expand and have more
stores worldwide
3. Utilized the growing
population of social
media users by doing
promotion via social
4.Expand the product line
to cater other sports need

2. Outsourced 97% of
their production to third
party in Asian Markets
which there is concern
over quality.
3.Limited product line
whereby when they
acquired Reebok, only 2
brands under the group.

like swimming
5.More focused on
premium product and
services to cater the
changing lifestyle and
needs of consumers

1.Too much competition
from other sporting
brands like Nie,Puma and
Under Armour
2. Imitable Adidas
products are selling like
hot cakes in night market
whereby price is way
much lower
3. Adidas has to face too
much government
regulation, restriction,
import tariff since their
products are sold in other
4.Adidas due to the
production being
outsourced, suppliers
have more bargaining
power than the company

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