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decrease an investigation

At Justins favourite skateboard shop their

initial 40% off sale has been made even
better with an extra 20% off in addition to
the first discount of 40%... But, whats that
as a single % thought Justin?

In this task YOU are going to EXPLORE situations were an amount is decreased
by more than one percentage.

Where to begin?
Multiple percentage Decrease
Exploring the OVERALL EFFECT of decreasing an amount by two percentages, both of which
are multiples of ten.
1. The percentage pair shown below decreases a quantity; find the equivalent

single percentage decrease in each case.

a. 10% followed by 20%

b. 10% followed by 30%

c. 10% followed by 40%

Does it matter the order in which the percentages are calculated is 10% followed by
30% the same as 30% followed by 10%?

2. Based on the example given and what you have done in part 1) above, can you see
any connections between the pairs of percentages and the equivalent single
Hint: using a table to organise the information you have would be useful.

3. Investigate your ideas further by looking at what happens in the following cases

a. 10% followed by 50% b. 10% followed by 60%
c. 10% followed by 70%
Hint: add this new information to what you already have this will make it easier to spot patterns

4. DESCRIBE patterns in the information you have collected so far.

5. Based on what you have found out, can you write a rule for finding the equivalent

single percentage decrease when an amount is decreased by 10% followed by a

second percentage decrease of a multiple of 10.

Hint: write your rule in words and symbols and show that it works

6. Investigate what happens when the first percentage decrease is no longer 10%. For
example, what would the equivalent single percentage decrease be when the
first % increase is

a. 20%, followed by another % which is a multiple of 10
b. 30%, followed by another % which is a multiple of 10

Hint: again put your information in a table.

7. Do any of the PATTERNS you saw in part 4) still apply? Are there any new PATTERNS
you are able to describe this time?

8. Does your previous RULE still work ordo you need a new one..?

9. What would your advice be to Justinhow could he quickly, without electronic help,
have calculated the net discount?

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