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Going from the streets of New York City to competitions and performances
all over the world, I will teach you how hip hop dance came about and how
it has grown to what it is now.

Detailed Outline

The beginning will show various styles of hip hop dance. it will then tell you
how hip hop dance started and where it began for each style, it then shows
the main people who helped create it. As the programme goes on people are
asked how they got into dance and would those people recommend dance to
another person. Archive footage is shown throughout of each style of dance
im talking about. This is used to keep the viewers engaged in the
documentary and not get bored by me constantly talking

I am going to air my documentary on ITV2 because its target audience fits the
target audience of my documentary. They are both aimed for young adults
and families. It will be an entertaining documentary which will keep you
engaged throughout.

My documentary will be a performative documentary. I think this because the

way I will tell the audience where it started and how it grew will take the
shape of a story. Within it I will also be taking part in some of the dances in
the documentary

Why is my documentary important?

My documentary is important because it is very factual about the history of

dance and how it grew into a worldwide culture. It is also important
because not many people know about the history of hip hop dance and I
believe they should know about it and they would enjoy finding out about it.
This might encourage more people to join a dance class and get involved.
This allows more money to be brought into the dance world which means
that it can grow much bigger

With thanks to

Charlene Smith

Paris Crossley

Josh Brackenbury

For taking part in my documentary

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