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Our Countrys Geography

Social Studies
Indicator 1
Boston International School
Second term 2016

Objective 1: Recognize every item related to geography to

determine the differences and similarities between Colombia
and the U.S.A. according to their location and physical
Learning objective 1:
Locate the U.S.A. and Colombia by using geographic tools
that will help identify the surroundings, the hemisphere and
the continent where these countries are placed.

God created the nations
Genesis 10:32
These are the families of the sons of Noah, after their
generations, in their nations: and by these were the
nations divided in the earth after the flood.

1. * Physical
2. * Mountain
3. * Valley
4. * Plateau
5. * Vegetation
6. * Growing

Physical feature: Characteristics of the

land that includes land, water, climate and
plant life.
Mountain range: Is a chain of mountains
Valley: Is a low area of land that lies
between hills or mountains.
Plateau: Is a landform with steep sides
that rise to a flat top.
Vegetation: or a plant life in a place can
be affected by the climate.
Growing season: The time when plants
can grow.
Erosion: Is the wearing away of Earths
surface. Water, wind, and sand can all
cause erosion. (Physical process).
Ecosystem: Is made up of the plants,
animals, land, water, and climate that

Land Features
We can describe a place by listing its physical
features. Many communities have both land and
water features.
The land features basically describe the different
landforms and bodies of water that an
ecosystem may have in which we might also find
physical processes like erosion, and vegetation.

Writing Project (Project # 1).

"USA and Colombia location"
This task will be done in class.
Students will go to the computer room and investigate about those countries. Then
they will present what they found the rest of the class with the help of a poster
containing the following information.
Country (Colombia / The U.S.A.)
Bodies of water
Natural resources
Materials: Cardboard, markers, scissors, glue, magazines, colors.
Group: Pairs (classwork)
Due date: April 26, 2016

1- Locate in which hemispheres are United
States and Colombia located
2- Landforms and bodies of water in United
States and Colombia.
3- Lets work on Pages 98 and 99

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