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Abigail Toledo Jama

Its a Right not a Privilege

Birthright Citizenship contributes to birth tourism, a million dollar industry where
individuals create agencies advertising to families from undeveloped countries to visit
Canada while pregnant. These families have hopes to give birth on Canadian soil
guaranteeing their new born child a first world nationality and passport. For many
Canadian citizens the act of securing your child a better future by being born in Canada
might seem harmless, however the factors that are included in the equation of birth
tourism are in harm. Citizenship upon birth has several negative factors that work
against Canada as a nation jeopardising the future of our country. Minister of National
Defense and Minister for Multiculturalism, Jason Kenney will speak this speech.
Canada is known as a nation of tolerance, acceptance and generosity, however
our character is being taking advantage of through Citizenship Act 3(1)(a).

Our Canadian values and morals are not shared with the children and families
that participate in birth tourism. Therefore they represent our country in a
condition that Canadians are not recognized as.

Families who participate in birth tourism may not have the best intention at heart.
a) When the child is born in Canada the some families fly back to their country of
origin and raise the child without Canadian morals and values.
Canadians who seek medical care will be wait listed if the increase of birth
tourism worsens. Healthcare was created for permanent residents and citizens of
Canada who contribute to Canadian taxes not for birth tourists.
A quarter of a million dollars in unpaid hospital bills from non Ontario Health
Insurance Plan (OHIP) cardholders dating 2009 to 2013 were recorded at
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre.
Creates confusion with the process of immigration in Canada.
a) Families believe that their newborn Canadian baby will be able to sponsor
the family after the child turns the age of 18.
b) Families will live in Canada after the birth of their child, resulting in illegal

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