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INTECO (Instituto de Normas Tcnicas de Costa Rica)

Is a private association of public interest without non-profit. Founded in 1987 to foment and
support the quality development in the production of goods and services. INTECO follows the
government rules.

INTECO provide services related to Management System Certification, Product Certification,
Standardization, Training programs and Information. We are located in San Jos, Costa Rica.
Besides INTECO has been recognized by the Costa Rican government as the National
Standardization Body by the law 8279 of our "Quality National System", represents to Costa
Rica in the ISO, IEC, COPANT and CANENA. INTECO has agreements with AENOR, IRAM
and with ASTM.

Services related with INTECO

INTECO is formed by 5 departments which are: Management System Certification, Product
Certification, Standardization, Training programs and Information.
Management System Certification: this department certified with the ISO 9001
(quality management), ISO 14001 (environmental management), OHSAS 18000
(security prevention), HACCP (hazard analysis control critical points), EUREPGAP
(agriculture sector with European protocols), BMP (manufactured sector) and BPA
(agriculture sector).
Standardization department: this department is in charge of the development of the
national standards. We follow the ISO good practices for the standardization and the
TBT agreement established by the WTO. To elaborate a standard we identify the
sector, conform a CTN or Technical Committee and invite to all interest parties to keep
and guarantee the consensus.
Training program: this department is in charge of the training of internal and external
personal. The skill and applications to develop methodologies and technicians to teach
how to implement a Management System in their organizations. Also we provide
training in issues like quality, environment, standardization, metrology, security,
occupational health, etc.
Information Center: this department offers information regarding national standards,
sector standards and international standards.
Product Certification: this department provides the product certification against a
product standard. This department has a kind of MOU with IRAM (Argentine
Standardization Institute) to certify organizations.

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