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Baz Luhrmanns transformation

of The Great Gatsby isnt a

calamity. Every prop, clip, filter
has been fitted with detail making the whole movie profound. I
was drawn into the 3D adaption
which was a clever idea, Luhrmann fitted movements and
actions from the characters into
the movie that gives the 3D viewer a better, more engaging visual


The Great Gatsby slightly
reminded me off Romeo &
Juliet, no not just because both
films cast Leonardo DiCaprio,
but because they are both acting
and shot similarly. However,
this film could have been slightly adjusted and made better, I
personally think the film should
have been more aimed at why
Gatsby loves, and wants to be
with Daisy Overall this movie
personally reach out and bought
my expectations of a brilliant
exhilarating movie.

Grinning Gatsby enjoying one of

his many large partys

The narrotor in the movie - Nick

Great gatsby article.indd 1

I know if you enjoy a Luhrmann styled movie, (like his

other movie Romeo & Juliet
or Moulin Rouge) you will
find The Great Gatsby a
higher evolved better visual/
quality movie. However if you
have never see a movie created/ produced by Luhramann,
the style he goes for is old content mixed with high quality
standards. We see the books
era and settings, east egg and
west egg, through the eyes of
the narrator, Nick Carraway,
whos writing a memoir-confession from an asylum.

Baz Luhrmann attending the world premiere for

The Great Gatsby!
03/03/2016 09:34:44

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