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Explore London

The ultimate tour guide

The Romans settled London
in 50 AD. The name London is
derived for the Celtic word
Londinios meaning place of
the bold one. By the 2nd
century a stonewall was built
around London, by the 3rd
century towers were added to
the wall. Londons population
had boomed to 45,000.


From Olympia Washington to

London an average price is:

$2,300 nonstop

Hotels in the heart of London:
The Montcalm Hotels


Park Plaza at Westminster Bridge

London City Hotel
The Rookery



Continued on page 2

Issue #: [Date]

Dolor Sit Amet

There are so many attractions in London.
It would take forever to see them all!!!!
Here are 5 of the best sights to see.
1. The Hampton Court Palace is Henry
the 8ths favorite royal residence. It was
constructed 502 years ago, and is located
in the town of East Molesey.

Double decker buses are a common mode

of transportation, in London.
4. The River Thames is part of the longest river in
England, it has 45 locks and more than 25 species
of fish.

2. Big
Ben is a massive bell in a clock tower!!! It
weighs more than 13 tons and each dial is
7 metres long.

3. Buckingham Palace hosts the current royal

5. Saint Pauls Cathedral is a fantastic and highly
intricate Baroque [certain artistic era] church.

family. Outside the palace is being guarded by

highly trained, and armed at all times. They
arent allowed to smile but you can try to.

Issue #: [Date]

Dolor Sit Amet

There are very different styles in
London and in the USA.

Rough Trade East

Best for: Rare vinyl and in-store gigs

La Coqueta

Good Eats

Best for: Spanish-style fashion for



Ray Man

Artusi- An Itallian restaurant that makes there own


Best for: Musical curiosities

Baltic- Makes the authentic taste of Central

Baiwei- Means 100 flavors in Chinese
Works Cited
N.p., n.d. Web. 08 June 2016.
"Explore London." N.p., n.d. Web.
"Hampton Court Palace." Wikipedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 June 2016.

Ray Man
Best for: Musical curiosities

John Bell &

Best for: An international edit of beauty

Cass Art

"London Pics." Home. N.p., n.d. Web.

Best for: Well-priced arts materials

"River Thames." Facts about the River Thames. N.p., n.d. Web.

Mungo & Maud

"The State Rooms, Buckingham Palace." What to See and Do. N.p., n.d.
"Stirring the Waters." River Thames. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 June 2016.

Best for: Posh pet gear

Olive Loves Alfie

Best for: Stylish kids gear
[Web address]

Issue #: [Date]

Dolor Sit Amet

Aliquam vel velit:

Lorem Ipsum
Sed quis nunc. Aenean metus. Cras sagittis interdum
velit. Aliquam vel velit. Donec urna. Vivamus suscipit,
leo id vehicula varius, ante pede gravida purus, id
rhoncus nibh massa in risus. Integer eu lacus. Proin
scelerisque eros sit amet neque. Vestibulum at sapien
non arcu luctus hendrerit. Nam ut risus eget lorem
iaculis pretium. In ligula. In lacus. Duis at nisi.

Integer tempus. Pellentesque in velit. Ut mauris. Vivamus vel

tellus. Nunc fermentum tortor. Praesent purus. Donec
scelerisque condimentum ante

Duis auctor dolor sit amet dui. Nulla accumsan, elit ac

fringilla auctor, mauris eros nonummy lorem, eu
fringilla lacus sem at odio. Phasellus vitae turpis.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse viverra, eros sed
nonummy mattis, neque mauris dignissim mi, ut
blandit lacus risus vel nunc. Cras tempor pulvinar nisi.
Nulla magna libero, rutrum eget, lobortis nec,
imperdiet id, tortor.

Curabitur at quam. In sit amet dolor sed massa eleifend mollis. Donec diam. Curabitur justo diam, faucibus sed, ornare id, posuere
vestibulum, nisl. Nunc augue. Morbi vitae lectus. Sed a mi. Fusce lectus tortor, condimentum tincidunt, aliquet vitae, viverra id, nisl.
Integer tincidunt nisl ut metus.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

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