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The Values of Local Wisdom: Mega Mendung

Mega Mendung is a batik design that is well-known not only in Cirebonwhere it is

originated frombut also in other regions. Some sources say that the history of Mega
Mendung is related to the arrival of Chinese who brought some art works to Cirebon, such as
ceramics, plates, and fabrics that are decorated with clouds pattern. In Taoism, the pattern is
seen as a symbol for a broad, free, and transcendental world. The marriage of Sunan Gunung
Jati and Queen Ong Tien in the 16th Century can be said as the gateway for the Chineses
culture and tradition to enter Cirebon Palace which influenced the craftsmen in the palace to
adopt the culture and tradition to the pattern of batik that they made.
The values of Mega Mendung, just like in other art works, can be seen using these
three approaches:
1. Appearance Value
Appearance value is the value that is seen from the form of art works that embodies the
artwork itself. From this approach, Mega Mendung is seen as a beautiful fabric,
regardless of the type of fabric that is used. If applied in everyday life, we can take this
value to our world view, more specifically, the way we view the beauty in people and
things. We often connect the beauty of somebody to the wardrobe or other exterior things
that is associated to that person and it can sometimes interfere with our objectivity to
actually see the beauty of the person. So, wouldnt it be better if we start to set aside
those secondary things and try to really appreciate something fully for the value of the
object itself?
2. Content Value
Content value consists of cognition value, sense value, institution, ideas, and life value.
In the design of Mega Mendung, we can see the pattern of clouds that are formed by
connected curved lines that are arranged orderly from the inside of the cloud until it
expands to the outer lines to form the clouds pattern. These lines are seen to bring the
moral value in human life; that there is always up and down in our life and that at some
point in our life, we have to try to find our own identity by socializing with the outside
world until we finally died and go to where we originally belong.
3. Presentation Value
Presentation value displays the talent and creativity value from the artist and also the
value of the medium that is used to create the art work. Presentation value that is
displayed by batik craftsmen are actually the creation process of batik that is divine in
itself and requires patience, concentration, creativity, etc. Mega Mendung generally uses

the color of blue and red which describe the masculinity and dynamic situation that
arouses because of the involvement of men in the process. Those colors also describe the
psychological state of the people of Cirebon as coastal people who are straightforward,
open, and egalitarian.
So, there are at least three values that we can get from batik Mega Mendung. First,
we have to appreciate somebody or something for themselves regardless of the exterior things
that are affiliated with them. Second, we have to understand that there will always be up and
down in our life and that at some point in our life we have to start building our social life
because it will help us to grow, be wiser and more mature. So, we have to always do our best
in life and never give up until the day we have to come back to our one and only creator.
Third, just like the colors in Mega Mendung that represents the characteristic of coastal
people, we can also learn to be someone who is straightforward, open, and treat people

This Assignment is compiled by

Group 3 of Class 1F:
Fajry Nur Islami (115060160)
Dio Lazuardi Habiebie (115060129)
Frida Rismayanti Ningsih (115060128)
Indah Yulistiana Giantini (115060156)
Shizuka Nadya Nur Imani (115060134)
Vivi Dwiwidianingsih
Suhendi Wijaya

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