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emerald [emrld]
[colour] esmeralda m inv
emerald green verde m esmeralda
the Emerald Isle Irlanda
emerald [emrld]
[stone] esmeralda f
In expressions of time
As an adverb
When after is used as an adverb in expressions of time, the usual translation is
two days after = dos das despus
As a preposition
The usual translation for after as a preposition in expressions of time is despus
after the meeting = despus de la reunin
As a conjunction
When after is used as a conjunction in expressions of time, it is generally tran
slated by despus de.
Where the two verbs have the same subject, after + verb is usually translated by
despus de + infinitive:
he went to work after taking the children to school or after he had taken t
he children to school = fue a trabajar despus de llevar a los nios al colegio or d
espus de haber llevado a los nios al colegio
after Ive had my dinner Im going to bed = despus de comer me voy acostar
Where the two verbs have different subjects and the verb is in the past tense, a
fter + verb is usually translated by despus (de) que + indicative verb:
after Mike phoned, we went to pick him up = despus (de) que Mike llam, fuimos
a buscarlo or recogerlo
after the rain had stopped, they played tennis = despus (de) que par de llove
r, jugaron tenis
Where the English refers to an event in the future, the usual translation is des
pus de que or cuando + subjunctive verb:

Ill let you watch television after youve finished your homework = te dejar ver
televisin despus de que or cuando termines tus deberes
For simplicity, Spanish sometimes uses the preposition despus de + noun to transl
ate after + verb:
after he died the house was sold = despus de su muerte se vendi la casa
---------------------------------------------------------------------------after [:ft]
[generally] despus de
after having ... despus de haber ...
after all my efforts despus de todos mis esfuerzos
after you! usted primero!
day after day da tras da
the day after tomorrow pasado maana
the week after next no la semana que viene sino la otra
(inf) [in search of]
to be after something buscar algo
to be after somebody andar detrs de alguien
[with the name of]
to be named after somebody/something llamarse as por alguien/algo
[towards retreating person]
to call after somebody llamar a alguien
to run after somebody correr tras alguien
after Titian copia de Ticiano
(US) [telling the time]
it s twenty after three son las tres y veinte
after [:ft]
ms tarde, despus
after [:ft]
despus (de) que
after you had done it

despus de que lo hubieras hecho

plural noun
(inf) postre m
after all
[in spite of everything] despus de todo
[it should be remembered] al fin y al cabo
3. that [t] (weak form of pronoun an conjunction
[t]) ( pl those )
(demonstrative use: plural those ) se m, sa f, sos mpl, sas fpl
(indefinite) eso
that sounds familiar eso me resulta familiar
who s that? [who is it?] quin es?

what s that? qu es eso?

that s a shame es una pena
is that Maureen? [asking someone else] es sa Maureen?
[asking person in question] eres Maureen?
like that as
do you like these or those? te gustan stos o sos?
[further away in distance, time] aqul m, aqulla f, aqullos mpl, aqullas fp
(indefinite) aquello
that was the life! aquello s que era vida!
all those who helped me todos aquellos que me ayudaron
(to introduce relative clauses) que
a path that led into the woods un sendero que conduca al bosque
everything that I have done todo lo que he hecho
the room that I sleep in el cuarto donde or en (el) que duermo
the day that he arrived el da en que lleg
the firm that he s applying to la empresa a la que solicita trabajo
that [t] (weak form of pronoun an conjunction
(demonstrative: plural those ) ese ( f esa), esos ( f esas) (plural)
[further away in distance, time] aquel ( f aquella), aquellos ( f aquellas) (p
those chocolates are delicious esos bombones estn exquisitos
I ll have that book at the back yo coger aquel libro del fondo
later that day ms tarde ese/aquel mismo da
that [t] (weak form of pronoun an conjunction
it wasn t that bad no estuvo tan mal
it doesn t cost that much no cuesta tanto
it was that big fue as de grande


that [t] (weak form of pronoun an conjunction

he recommended that I phone you aconsej que te telefoneara
it s time that we were leaving deberamos irnos ya, ya va siendo hora de irse
at that
she s an artist, and a good one at that es artista, y adems de las buenas
[on saying/doing that]
and at that, he left y en ese momento, se fue
that is
es decir
that s it
that s it!, there s no more! ya est!, ya no quedan ms!
that s it, I m leaving! se acab!, me marcho!
that s that

punto, se acab
4. which [w]
(in direct, indirect questions) qu
which house is yours? cul es tu casa?, qu casa es la tuya?
which one? cul?
which ones? cules?
[to refer back to]
in which case en cuyo caso
we won t arrive until 6, by which time it will be dark no llegaremos hasta la
6, hora a la cual ya ser de noche
which [w]
(in direct, indirect questions) cul, cules (plural)
which do you prefer? cul prefieres?
I can t decide which to have no s cul coger
(in relative clause replacing noun) que
the table, which was made of wood, ... la mesa, que or la cual era de madera,
the world in which we live el mundo en que or en el cual vivimos
(to refer back to a clause) lo cual
she denied it, which surprised me lo neg, lo cual me sorprendi
before which antes de lo cual
5. what [wt]
(in direct, indirect questions) qu
what kind of car has she got? qu coche tiene?
what shape is it? qu forma tiene?
he asked me what shape it was me pregunt qu forma tena
what colour is it? de qu color es?
(in exclamations) qu
what a surprise! qu sorpresa!
what a stupid idea! qu idea ms tonta!
what [wt]
(interrogative) qu
what are they doing? qu hacen?
she asked me what they were doing me pregunt qu estaban haciendo
what are they talking about? de qu estn hablando?
what is it called? cmo se llama?
what does it cost? cunto cuesta?
what is it like? cmo es?
what s the Spanish for `book ? cmo se dice `book en espaol?
what is this for? para qu es esto?
what about another drink/going out for a meal? qu tal otra copa/si salimos a co
what about me? y yo qu?
what if nobody comes? y si no viene nadie, qu?
(relative) lo que
I saw what happened/he did yo vi lo que ocurri/hizo
I don t know what to do no s qu hacer
what we need is... lo que nos hace falta es...

what [wt]
[expressing disbelief] qu?
what, no milk! cmo? que no hay leche?
6. who [hu:]
(in direct, indirect questions) quin, quines (plural)
who are you? quin eres t?
who is it? [at door etc] quin es?
who did you see? a quin viste?
I didn t know who she was no saba quin era
(in relative clauses) que
he s the doctor who treated me es el mdico que me atendi
those who are in favour los que estn a favor
7. where [we]
(in direct, indirect questions) dnde
where do you live? dnde vives?
do you know where he lives? sabes dnde vive?
where are you from? de dnde eres?
where are we going? adnde vamos?
I don t know where to start no s por dnde empezar
where [we]
[referring to place, situation] donde
this is where ... es aqu donde ...
go where you like vete (a) donde quieras
children often understand where adults don t los nios a menudo entienden en ca
sos en los que los adultos no
where possible siempre que sea posible
8. enough [nf]
bastante, suficiente
do you have enough glasses? tienes suficientes vasos?
enough [nf]
is this enough? basta con eso?
more than enough ms que suficiente
that s enough [sufficient] ya est bien
enough is enough ya basta, ya est bien
that s enough (of that)! basta ya!
to have had enough (of) [expressing annoyance]

estar harto ( f harta) (de)

enough [nf]
bastante, suficientemente
I was stupid enough to believe her fui lo bastante tonto como para creerla
he was good enough to lend me his car (fml) tuvo la bondad de dejarme su coch
strangely enough curiosamente
9. too [tu:]

[also] tambin
me too yo tambin
[excessively] demasiado
too much demasiado
too many things demasiadas cosas
it finished all or only too soon termin demasiado pronto
I d be only too happy to help me encantara ayudarte
not too ... no muy ...
10. back [bk]
[in position] atrs
stand back! chense para atrs!
to push back empujar hacia atrs
[to former position or state] de vuelta
to come back volver
to go back volver
to look back volver la mirada
to walk back volver andando
to give something back devolver algo
to be back (in fashion) estar de vuelta
he has been there and back ha estado all y ha vuelto
I spent all day going back and forth pas todo el da yendo y viniendo
[in time]
two weeks back hace dos semanas
it dates back to 1960 data de 1960
back in March all en marzo
to think back (to something) recordar (algo)
[phone, write] de vuelta
to pay somebody back [give back money] devolverle el dinero a alguien
back [bk]
[of person] espalda f
[of animal] lomo m
lying on one s back tumbado de espaldas
to break the back of (fig) pasar lo peor or la peor parte de
behind somebody s back a espaldas de alguien
to put somebody s back up poner negro a alguien
to stab somebody in the back (fig) darle a alguien una pualada por la espalda
or trapera
to turn one s back on somebody/something dar la espalda a alguien/algo, volve
r la espalda a alguien/algo
[of hand, cheque] dorso m
[of coin, page] reverso m
[of car, book, head] parte f trasera
[of chair] respaldo m
[of queue] final m
[of room, cupboard] fondo m
the back of beyond (UK) el quinto pino
to know somewhere like the back of one s hand conocer un sitio como la palma
de la mano
sport [player] defensa m
back [bk]
adjective (in compounds)
[at the back - door, legs, seat]

trasero ( f trasera)

[ - page] ltimo ( f ltima)

[overdue - pay, rent] atrasado ( f atrasada)
back [bk]
transitive verb
AUT [reverse]
to back one s car into the garage meter el coche marcha atrs en el garaje
[support] Conjugaison respaldar
[bet on] apostar por
[strengthen with material] Conjugaison reforzar
back [bk]
intransitive verb
[drive backwards] ir marcha atrs
[walk backwards] ir hacia atrs
back to back
[with backs facing]

espalda con espalda

back to front
al revs
back away
intransitive verb Conjugaison
Conjugaison retroceder
back down
intransitive verb Conjugaison
Conjugaison echarse or volverse atrs
back off
intransitive verb Conjugaison
echarse atrs
back onto
transitive verb
(UK) Conjugaison dar (por la parte de atrs) a
back out
intransitive verb Conjugaison
Conjugaison echarse or volverse atrs
back up
transitive verb separable Conjugaison
[support] Conjugaison apoyar
[reverse] dar marcha atrs a
COMPUT hacer una copia de seguridad de
back up
intransitive verb Conjugaison
[reverse] ir marcha atrs
COMPUT hacer copias de seguridad
11. around [ra nd]

[about, round] por ah
to walk/look around andar/mirar por ah
[on all sides] alrededor
[present, available]
is John around? [there] est John por ah?
[here] est John por aqu?
[turn, look]
to turn around volverse
to look around volver la cabeza
to have been around (inf) haber visto mundo
around [ra nd]
[on all sides of] alrededor de
[about, round - place] por
[in the area of] cerca de
[approximately] alrededor de
Ingls americano: /ra nd/
Ingls britnico: /ra nd/
Traduccin de around en espaol:
around often appears as the second element of certain verb structures in English
( fool around, knock around, move around, etc). For translations, see the relev
ant verb entry ( fool, knock, move, etc).
1 1.1 (in a circle) around and around they drove
estuvieron dando vueltas y vueltas con el coche
Oraciones de ejemplo
1.2 (so as to face in different direction) she glanced around
ech un vistazo a su alrededor
see also look around turn around etc
Oraciones de ejemplo
1.3 (on all sides) all around are towering skyscrapers
todo alrededor hay rascacielos altsimos
there s nothing for miles around
no hay nada en millas a la redonda
everyone crowded around
todo el mundo se api alrededor
Oraciones de ejemplo
1.4 (in circumference)
de circunferencia
it is 12m around
tiene 12m de circunferencia
2 2.1 (in the vicinity) is John around?
anda or est John por ah?
there s no one around
aqu no hay nadie
he s around somewhere, he s somewhere around
anda por ah
I m usually around after eight
suelo estar a partir de las ocho
(I ll) see you around! [colloquial]
nos vemos!
Oraciones de ejemplo

2.2 (in existence) [colloquial]computers weren t around in those days

en aquellos tiempos no haba computadoras
she s the only person around who really understands
es la nica persona que entiende de verdad
the idea had been around for quite a while
la idea no era nueva
in 40 years none of us will be around
dentro de 40 aos vamos a estar todos bajo tierra
it s the best one around
es lo mejor que hay (en plaza)
3 3.1 (from one place, person to another) the dog followed us around
el perro nos segua a todas partes
she showed us around
nos mostr or ense la casa ( or la fbrica etc)
he knows his way around
conoce la ciudad ( or la zona etc)
she offered the chocolates around
le ofreci bombones a todo el mundo
there s a rumor going around
corre un rumor
I phoned around
hice unas cuantas llamadas
llam a varios sitios
he s been around [colloquial]
tiene mucho mundo
3.2 (to and fro) she was rolling around on the floor
se revolcaba por el suelo
she was waving a knife around
blanda un cuchillo
he prefers to travel around on his own
prefiere viajar solo
she rummaged around in her bag
revolvi en el bolso
4 (at, to different place) I ll be around at Angela s
estar en casa de Angela
she sent me
me mand al
we had some
invitamos a

around to the bank

friends around for a meal
unos amigos a comer

5 (approximately)
ms o menos
she s around my age
tiene ms o menos mi edad
he must be around 35
debe (de) tener unos 35
debe (de) andar por los 35
at around five thirty
alrededor de or a eso de las cinco y media
sobre las cinco y media (Spain)
around two million people

unos dos millones de personas

she was born around 1660
naci alrededor de 1660
around the turn of the century
hacia finales de siglo
they flower around mid-June
florecen hacia mediados de junio
Oraciones de ejemplo
1 (encircling)
alrededor de
they sat around the fire
estaban sentados alrededor del fuego
he put his arm around her
la rode con el brazo
they sailed around the world
dieron la vuelta al mundo en un velero
she looked around her
mir a su alrededor
the myths that have grown up around these events
los mitos que han surgido en torno a estos acontecimientos
2 2.1 (in the vicinity of)
alrededor de
places to visit around Madrid
lugares para visitar alrededor de Madrid
do you live around here?
vives por or cerca de aqu?
2.2 (within, through) I had things to do around the house
tena cosas que hacer en casa
they traveled around Europe
viajaron por Europa
she took them around the house
les mostr or ense la casa
12. request [rkwest]
request (for) peticin f (de)
on request a peticin del interesado
at somebody s request a peticin de alguien
request [rkwest]
transitive verb Conjugaison
Conjugaison solicitar, Conjugaison pedir
to request somebody to do something rogar a alguien que haga algo
-----------------------------------------------------------------------request noun [C/U] us /rkwest/
an act of asking for something, or the thing asked for: [C] The library gets a lot o
f requests for books about new babies. [U] An application will be sent to you upon r
equest (= if you ask).
verb [T] us /rkwest/
[+ that clause] The caller requested that his name not be mentioned on the air.
13. permission [pmn]

permission (to do something) permiso m (para hacer algo)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------permissionnoun [U] us /prmn/
the act of allowing someone to do something, or of allowing something to happen: Par
ents have to give their permission for their children to go on school trips. [+ to in
finitive] We had to get permission (= approval) from the city to build an extension
to our house.
adjective us /prmsbl/
It is no longer permissible for athletic programs in universities to give a lot more
money for mens sports than for womens sports.
14. me [mi:]
personal pronoun
(direct, indirect) me
can you see/hear me? me ves/oyes?
it s me soy yo
they spoke to me hablaron conmigo
she gave it to me me lo dio
give it to me! dmelo!
you can t expect me to do it no esperars que yo lo haga
(after prep) m
they went with/without me fueron conmigo/sin m
(in comparisons) yo
she s shorter than me (ella) es ms baja que yo
---------------------------------------------------------------you [ju:]
personal pronoun
(subject - singular) t, vos (+ plural verb) (Amr C) (R Plata)
(- formal use) usted
(- plural) vosotros mpl, vosotras f (Esp)
(- formal use) ustedes (plural)
you re a good cook eres/usted es un buen cocinero
are you French? eres/es usted francs?
you idiot! imbcil!
there you are [you ve appeared] ya ests/est usted aqu!
[have this] ah tienes/tiene
that jacket isn t really you esa chaqueta no te/le pega
(direct object - unstressed - singular) te
(- plural) os or los/las (Amr)
(- formal use) le m or lo (Amr), la f
(- plural) les mpl or los (Amr), las fpl
I can see you te/os or los/las (Amr) veo
yes, Madam, I understand you s, seora, la comprendo
(direct object - stressed)
I don t expect you to do it no te voy a pedir que t lo hagas
(indirect object - singular) te
(- plural) os or los (Amr)
(- formal use) le
(- plural) les
she gave it to you te/os or se (Amr) lo dio
can I get you a chair, sir? le traigo una silla, seor?
(after prep, in comparisons etc. - singular) ti or vos (Amr C) (R Plata
(- plural) vosotros mpl, vosotras f or ustedes (Amr)
(- formal use) usted
(- plural) ustedes
we shall go with/without you iremos contigo/sin ti or vos (Amr C), (R Plata),

iremos con/sin vosotros or ustedes (Amr) (plural)

I m shorter than you soy ms bajo que t or vos (Amr C) (R Plata) /vosotros or ust
edes (Amr)
[anyone, one] uno
you wouldn t have thought so uno no lo habra pensado
exercise is good for you el ejercicio es bueno
------------------------------------------------------------------it [t]
[referring to specific thing or person - subj] l m, ella f
[ - direct object] lo m, la f
[ - indirect object] le
it is in my hand est en mi mano
it broke se rompi
did you find it? lo encontraste?
give it to me dmelo
I like it me gusta
he gave it a kick le dio una patada
(with prepositions) l m, ella f
[meaning `this matter etc] ello
as if his life depended on it como si le fuera la vida en ello
in it dentro
give this bone to it dale este hueso
have you been to it before? has estado antes?
he s good at it se le da bien
on it encima
to talk about it hablar de l/ella/ello
under/beneath it debajo
beside it al lado
from/of it de l/ella/ello
over it por encima
(impersonal use)
it was raining llova
it is cold today hace fro hoy
it s two o clock son las dos
who is it? - it s Mary/me quin es? - soy Mary/yo
what day is it? a qu (da) estamos hoy?
it s Monday es lunes
it says here that ... aqu dice que ...
it s the children who worry me most son los nios lo que ms me preocupa
----------------------------------------------------------------------------him [hm]
personal pronoun
(direct - unstressed) lo, le
(- stressed) l
I know him lo or le conozco
I like him me gusta
it s him es l
if I were or was him si (yo) fuera l
you can t expect him to do it no esperars que l lo haga
(indirect - generally) le
(- with other 3rd pers pronouns) se
she sent him a letter le mand una carta
we spoke to him hablamos con l
I gave it to him se lo di
(after prep, in comparisons etc.) l
I m shorter than him yo soy ms bajo que l
------------------------------------------------------------------us [s]
personal pronoun

(direct, indirect) nos
can you see/hear us? puedes vernos/ornos?
it s us somos nosotros
he sent us a letter nos mand una carta
she gave it to us nos lo dio
(stressed, after prep, in comparisons etc.) nosotros ( f nosotras)
you can t expect us to do it no esperars que lo hagamos nosotros
with/without us con/sin nosotros
they are more wealthy than us son ms ricos que nosotros
all of us todos (nosotros)
some of us algunos de nosotros
------------------------------------------------------------them (weak form
[m], , strong form
personal pronoun plural
(irect) los mpl, las fpl
I know them los conozco
I like them me gustan
if I were or was them si (yo) fuera ellos
(inirect - generally) les
(- with other 3r pers pronouns) se masculino plural, femenino plural
she sent them a letter les man una carta
we spoke to them hablamos con ellos
I gave it to them se lo i (a ellos)
(stresse, after prep, in comparisons etc.) ellos mpl, ellas fpl
you can't expect them to o it no esperars que ellos lo hagan
with/without them con/sin ellos
a few of them unos pocos
some of them algunos
all of them toos ellos
we're not as wealthy as them no somos tan ricos como ellos
15. (Oxfor)
moal noun
BrE /m dl/; NAmE /mo dl/
(also modal verb, modal auxiliary, modal auxiliary verb)
Add to my wordlist
a verb such as can, may or will that is used with another verb (not a modal) to
express possibility, permission, intention, etc.
Grammar Point
modal verbs
The modal verbs are can, could, may, might, must, ought to, shall, should, will
and would. Dare, need, have to and used to also share some of the features of mo
dal verbs.
Modal verbs have only one form. They have no -ing or -ed forms a
nd do not add -s to the 3rd person singular form:He can speak three languages. S
he will try and visit tomorrow. Modal verbs are followed by the infinitive of an
other verb without to. The exceptions are ought to, have to and used to:You must
find a job. You ought to stop smoking. I used to smoke but I gave up two years
Questions are formed without do/does in the present, or did in the past:
Can I invite Mary? Should I have invited Mary? Negative sentences are formed wi
th not or the short form -nt and do not use do/does or did.You will find more hel
p with how to use modal verbs at the dictionary entries for each verb.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Modal verbs (Cambridge)
Here are the main verbs we use to express modal meanings:
Core modal verbs: can, could, may, might, will, shall, would, should, must

Semi-modals: dare, need, ought to, used to

Other verbs with modal meanings: have (got) to, be going to and be able
15.1 dare [de]
transitive verb Conjugaison
[be brave enough]
to dare to do something atreverse a hacer algo, osar hacer algo
to dare somebody to do something desafiar a alguien a hacer algo
I dare say (...) supongo or me imagino (que...)
dare [de]
intransitive verb Conjugaison
Conjugaison atreverse, Conjugaison osar
how dare you! cmo te atreves?
dare [de]
desafo m, reto m
15.2 need [ni:d]
need (for something/to do something) necesidad f (de algo/de hacer algo)
to be in or to have need of something necesitar algo
he was in need of rest le haca falta descansar
to have no need of no necesitar
there s no need for you to cry no hace falta que llores
if need be si hace falta
in need necesitado ( f necesitada)
need [ni:d]
transitive verb Conjugaison
[require] Conjugaison necesitar
I need a haircut me hace falta un corte de pelo
the floor needs cleaning hay que limpiar el suelo
that s all we need! slo nos faltaba eso!
[be obliged]
to need to do something tener que hacer algo
need [ni:d]
modal verb Conjugaison
to need to do something necesitar hacer algo
need we go? tenemos que irnos?
it need not happen no tiene por qu ser as
if needs must si es menester
15.3 ought [:t]
auxiliary verb Conjugaison
Conjugaison deber
you ought to go/to be nicer deberas irte/ser ms amable
she ought to pass the exam debera aprobar el examen
it ought to be fun promete ser divertido

15.4 use [ju:s]

uso m
to be in use usarse
to be out of use no usarse
out of use no funciona
to make use of something utilizar or aprovechar algo
he still has the use of his legs todava le funcionan las piernas
to let somebody have the use of something dejar a alguien usar algo
to be of/no use ser til/intil
what s the use (of doing something)? de qu sirve (hacer algo)?
use [ju:s]
auxiliary verb Conjugaison
Conjugaison soler, Conjugaison acostumbrar
I used to go swimming sola or acostumbraba ir a nadar
he used to be fat antes estaba gordo
use [ju:z]
transitive verb Conjugaison
[utilize, employ] Conjugaison usar, Conjugaison emplear
[exploit] Conjugaison usar, Conjugaison manejar
use up
transitive verb separable Conjugaison
Conjugaison agotar
15.5 have [hv] (
pt & pp had )
auxiliary verb Conjugaison
(to form perfect tenses) Conjugaison haber
to have eaten haber comido
I ve been on holiday he estado de vacaciones
we ve never met before no nos conocemos
he hasn t gone yet, has he? no se habr ido ya no?
I ve finished have you? he terminado ah s?
no, he hasn t (done it) no, no lo ha hecho
yes, he has (done it) s, lo ha hecho
I was out of breath, having run all the way estaba sin aliento despus de haber
corrido todo el camino
have [hv] (
pt & pp had )
transitive verb Conjugaison
[possess, receive]
to have (got) tener
I have no money, I haven t got any money no tengo dinero
he has big hands tiene las manos grandes
I ve got things to do tengo cosas que hacer
I had a letter from her tuve carta de ella
she s got loads of imagination tiene mucha imaginacin
do you have a car?/have you got a car? tienes coche?
[experience, suffer] Conjugaison tener
I had an accident tuve un accidente
I had a nasty surprise me llev una desagradable sorpresa
to have a cold tener un resfriado
to have a good time pasarlo bien
(referring to an action, instead of another verb)
it will have no effect no tendr ningn efecto
to have a look mirar, echar una mirada
to have a walk dar un paseo

to have a swim darse un bao, nadar

to have breakfast desayunar
to have lunch comer
to have dinner cenar
to have a cigarette fumarse un cigarrillo
to have an operation operarse
[give birth to]
to have a baby tener un nio
[cause to be done]
to have somebody do something hacer que alguien haga algo
she had me clean my teeth again me hizo lavarme los dientes otra vez
to have something done hacer que se haga algo
I m having the house decorated voy a contratar a alguien para que me decore l
a casa
to have one s hair cut (ir a) cortarse el pelo
[be treated in a certain way]
I had my car stolen me robaron el coche
(inf) [cheat]
you ve been had te han timado
to have it in for somebody tenerla tomada con alguien
to have had it car, machine estar para el arrastre
these clothes have had it esta ropa est para tirarla
I ve had it! expressing exhaustion no puedo ms!
have [hv] (
pt & pp had )
modal verb Conjugaison
[be obliged]
to have (got) to do something tener que hacer algo
do you have to go?/have you got to go? tienes que irte?
I ve got to go to work tengo que ir a trabajar
plural noun
the haves and have nots

los ricos y los pobres

have off
transitive verb separable Conjugaison
[as holiday] tener libre
have on
transitive verb separable Conjugaison
[be wearing] Conjugaison llevar (puesto)
to have nothing on no llevar nada encima or puesto
[tease] Conjugaison vacilar, tomar el pelo a
[have to do]
to have (got) a lot on tener mucho que hacer
have you got anything on Friday? ests libre or haces algo el viernes?
have out
transitive verb separable Conjugaison
[have removed]
to have one s tonsils out operarse de las amgdalas
she had a tooth out le sacaron una muela
[discuss frankly]
to have it out with somebody poner las cuentas claras con alguien
have up

transitive verb separable Conjugaison

(inf & UK)
to have somebody up for something llevar a alguien al juzgado por algo
15.6 able [ebl]
to be able to do something poder hacer algo
to feel able to do something sentirse capaz de hacer algo
[skilful] capaz, competente
16. can [kn]
[for drink, food] lata f, bote m
[for oil, paint] lata
(US) [for garbage] cubo m
can [kn] (
pt & pp canned,
cont canning )
transitive verb Conjugaison
Conjugaison enlatar
-----------------------------------------------------------can (weak form [kn], , strong form [kn], conditionnal and preterite form
d ; negative form
can t)
modal verb
[be able to] poder
can you come to lunch? puedes venir a comer?
she couldn t come no pudo venir
I can t or cannot afford it no me lo puedo permitir
can you see/hear something? ves/oyes algo?
[know how to] Conjugaison saber
I can speak French hablo francs, s hablar francs
I can play the piano s tocar el piano
can you drive/cook? sabes conducir/cocinar?
[indicating permission, in polite requests] poder
you can use my car if you like puedes utilizar mi coche si quieres
we can t wear jeans to work no nos dejan llevar vaqueros en el trabajo
can I speak to John, please? puedo hablar con John, por favor?
[indicating disbelief, puzzlement]
you can t be serious ests de broma no?
what can she have done with it? qu puede haber hecho con ello?
we can t just leave him here no podemos dejarlo aqu de esta forma
[indicating possibility] poder
you could have done it podras haberlo hecho
I could see you tomorrow podramos vernos maana
[indicating usual state or behaviour] poder
she can be a bit stubborn sometimes a veces puede ser un poco terca
this city can be very chilly esta ciudad puede llegar a ser muy fra
17. could [k d] past tense can
_________________________________________________________18. may [me]
modal verb Conjugaison
the coast may be seen se puede ver la costa
you may like it puede or es posible que te guste
I may come, I may not puede que venga, puede que no
will you do it? I may do lo hars? puede que s
it may be done in two different ways puede hacerse de dos maneras (distintas)

may I come in? se puede (pasar)?

may I? me permite?
if I may si me permite
it may be cheap, but it s good puede que sea barato, pero es bueno
may all your dreams come true! que todos tus sueos se hagan realidad!
be that as it may aunque as sea
come what may pase lo que pase
19. might [mat]
modal verb Conjugaison
[expressing possibility]
he might be armed podra estar armado
I might do it puede que or quizs lo haga
I might come, I might not puede que venga, puede que no
will you do it? I might do lo hars? puede que s
we might have been killed, had we not been careful si no hubiramos tenido cuid
ado, podramos haber muerto
will you tell them? I might as well se lo dirs? por qu no?
[expressing suggestion]
you might have told me! podras habrmelo dicho!
it might be better to wait quizs sea mejor esperar
(fml) [asking permission]
he asked if he might leave the room pidi permiso para salir
[expressing concession]
you might well be right, but ... puede que tengas razn, pero ...
I might have known or guessed podra haberlo sospechado
might [mat]
(uncountable noun) fuerza f, poder m
20. will [wl]
[generally] voluntad f
against one s will contra la voluntad de uno
to do something of one s own free will hacer algo por propia voluntad
at will a voluntad
[document] testamento m
to make a will hacer testamento
will [wl]
transitive verb Conjugaison
to will something to happen desear mucho que ocurra algo
to will somebody to do something desear mucho que alguien haga algo
-------------------------------------------------------------------will [wl]
modal verb Conjugaison
[to express future tense]
they say it will rain tomorrow dicen que llover or va a llover maana
I ll be arriving at six llegar a las seis
we will have arrived by midday habremos llegado a medioda
when will we get paid? cundo nos pagarn?
will they come? yes, they will/no, they won t vendrn? s/no
you will come, won t you? (emphatic) vas a venir, no?
[indicating willingness]
will you have some more tea? te apetece ms t?
I won t do it no lo har
[in commands, requests]

you will leave this house at once vas a salir de esta casa ahora mismo
close that window, will you? cierra la ventana, quieres?
will you be quiet! queris hacer el favor de callaros?
[indicating possibility, what usually happens]
the hall will hold up to 1,000 people la sala tiene cabida para 1.000 persona
this will stop any draughts esto evitar las corrientes
[expressing an assumption]
that ll be your father ese va a ser or ser tu padre
as you ll have gathered, I m not keen on the idea como ya os imaginaris, a m no
me hace gracia la idea
[indicating irritation]
well, if you will leave your toys everywhere ... normal, si vais dejando los
juguetes por todas partes ...
she will keep phoning me y venga a llamarme!
21. shall (weak form
[l], , strong form
auxiliary verb Conjugaison
(1st pers singular, 1st pers plural) [to express future tense]
we shall be there tomorrow maana estaremos ah
I shan t be home till ten no estar en casa hasta las diez
(esp 1st pers singular & 1st pers plural) [in questions]
shall we go for a walk? vamos a dar una vuelta?
shall I give her a ring? la llamo?
I ll do that, shall I? hago esto, vale?
[will definitely]
we shall overcome! venceremos!
[in orders]
you shall do as I tell you! hars lo que yo te diga!
no one shall leave until I say so que nadie salga hasta que yo lo diga
22. would [w d]
modal verb Conjugaison
(in reported speech)
she said she would come dijo que vendra
(in conditional phrases)
if she couldn t come she would tell us si no pudiera venir nos lo dira
what would you do? qu haras?
if he had known, he would have resigned si lo hubiera sabido, habra dimitido
(indicating willingness)
she wouldn t go no quiso/quera ir
he would do anything for her hara cualquier cosa por ella
(in polite questions)
would you like a drink? quieres beber algo?
would you mind closing the window? le importara cerrar la ventana?
help me shut this suitcase, would you? aydame a cerrar esta maleta, quieres?
[indicating inevitability]
he would say that, wouldn t he? hombre, era de esperar que dijera eso, no?
[expressing opinions]
I would have thought (that) it would be easy hubiera pensado que sera fcil
I would prefer ... preferira ...
I would like ... quisiera ..., quiero ...
[giving advice]
I would report it if I were you yo en tu lugar lo denunciara
[indicating habit]
he would smoke a cigar after dinner sola fumar un puro despus de la cena
she would often complain about the neighbours se quejaba a menudo de los veci
[in conjectures]
it would have been around 2 o clock seran las dos

23. should [ d]
auxiliary verb Conjugaison
[be desirable]
we should leave now deberamos irnos ya or ahora
[seeking advice, permission]
should I go too? voy yo tambin?
[as suggestion]
I should deny everything yo lo negara todo
[indicating probability]
she should be home soon tiene que llegar a casa pronto
[have been expected]
they should have won the match tendran que or deberan haber ganado el partido
[indicating intention, wish]
I should like to come with you me gustara ir contigo
(as conditional)
if you should see Mary, could you ask her to phone me? si vieras a Mary, le po
dras pedir que me llamara?
should you decide to accept the job... si decide aceptar el trabajo...
(in that clauses)
we decided that you should do it decidimos que lo hicieras t
[expressing uncertain opinion]
I should think he s about 50 (years old) yo dira que tiene unos 50 (aos)
[expressing indignation]
he tidied up afterwards so he should! despus lo limpi era lo menos que poda hacer
I should hope so! eso espero!
I should think so, too! es lo mnimo que poda hacer!
24. must [mst]
auxiliary verb Conjugaison
[have to, intend to] Conjugaison deber, tener que
I must go tengo que or debo irme
if I must si no hay ms remedio
[as suggestion] tener que
you must come and see us tienes que venir a vernos
[to express likelihood] Conjugaison deber (de)
it must be true debe (de) ser verdad
they must have known deben de haberlo sabido
must [mst]
binoculars are a must unos prismticos son imprescindibles
the film is a must no puedes perderte esta pelcula
______________________________________________________________25. sure [ ]
[generally] seguro ( f segura)
I m sure I know him estoy seguro de que lo conozco
I m not sure why he said that no estoy seguro de por qu dijo eso
[certain - of outcome]
to be sure of poder estar seguro ( f segura) de
it s sure to happen (es) seguro que pasar
make sure (that) you do it asegrate de que lo haces
to be sure of oneself estar seguro ( f segura) de uno mismo
be sure to lock the door! no te olvides de cerrar la puerta!

sure [ ]
(esp US & inf) [yes] por supuesto, pues claro
(US) [really] realmente
for sure
con seguridad, a ciencia cierta
I don t know for sure no lo s con total seguridad
sure enough
26. disturb [dst:b]
transitive verb Conjugaison
[interrupt - person] Conjugaison molestar
[ - concentration, sleep] Conjugaison perturbar
[upset, worry] Conjugaison inquietar
[alter - surface, arrangement] Conjugaison alterar
[ - papers] Conjugaison desordenar
27. early [:l] (
compar earlier,
superl earliest )
[before expected time, in day] temprano ( f temprana)
she was early lleg temprano
I ll take an early lunch almorzar pronto or temprano
to get up early madrugar
[at beginning]
early morning la madrugada
the early chapters los primeros captulos
her early life los primeros aos de su vida
in the early 1950s a principios de los aos 50
early [:l]
[before expected time] temprano, pronto
we got up early nos levantamos temprano
it arrived ten minutes early lleg con diez minutos de adelanto
[at beginning]
as early as 1920 ya en 1920
early this morning esta maana temprano
early in the year a principios de ao
early in the book al comienzo del libro
early on temprano
28. picnic [pknk]
comida f campestre, picnic m
picnic [pknk] ( pt & pp picnicked, cont picnicking )
intransitive verb Conjugaison
ir de merienda al campo
29. wait [wet]
espera f

to lie in wait for somebody

estar al acecho de alguien

wait [wet]
intransitive verb Conjugaison
to wait (for something/somebody) esperar (algo/a alguien)
I can t wait for the holidays/to see her estoy impaciente por comenzar las va
(just) you wait! me las pagars!
to wait and see esperar y ver lo que pasa
wait a minute or second or moment! [interrupting somebody] espera un minuto or
segundo or momento!
[interrupting o.s.] espera!
keys cut while you wait se hacen llaves en el acto
wait [wet]
transitive verb Conjugaison
(US) [delay] Conjugaison retrasar
wait about
intransitive verb Conjugaison ,
wait around
intransitive verb
Conjugaison esperar
wait for
transitive verb inseparable Conjugaison
Conjugaison esperar
wait on
transitive verb inseparable Conjugaison
[serve food to] Conjugaison servir
wait up
intransitive verb Conjugaison
quedarse despierto ( f despierta) esperando
wait up! un momento!
30. ring [r]
[telephone call]
to give somebody a ring llamar a alguien (por telfono)
[sound of doorbell] timbrazo m
it has a familiar ring me suena (familiar)
[on finger, around planet] anillo m
[metal hoop] aro m
[for curtains, drinks can] anilla f
[circle - of trees] crculo m
[ - of people] corro m
[for boxing] cuadriltero m
[at circus] pista f
[illegal group] red f
ring [r]
transitive verb Conjugaison
( rang rung )
(UK) [phone] llamar por telfono, Conjugaison telefonear
( rang rung )

[bell] Conjugaison tocar

( ringed )
[draw a circle round] sealar con un crculo
( rang rung )
[surround] Conjugaison cercar, Conjugaison rodear
to be ringed with estar rodeado de
ring [r] ( pt rang,
pp rung )
intransitive verb Conjugaison
(UK) [phone] llamar por telfono, Conjugaison telefonear
[bell] sonar
[to attract attention]
to ring (for) llamar (para)
to ring with resonar con
to ring true sonar a ser cierto
ring back
transitive verb separable & intransitive verb Conjugaison
(UK) llamar ms tarde
ring off
intransitive verb Conjugaison
(UK) Conjugaison colgar
ring out
intransitive verb Conjugaison
[sound] sonar
(UK) TELEC Conjugaison llamar
ring up
transitive verb separable Conjugaison
(UK) [telec] Conjugaison llamar (por telfono)

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