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amaze [mez]
transitive verb Conjugaison
Conjugaison asombrar
---------------------------------------amaze verb [T] us /mez/
to cause someone to be extremely surprised: The prices theyre getting for
ust amaze me. Im amazed at how well your little girl can read.
noun [U] us /mezmnt/
Much to my amazement, she liked the idea.
2. amusing [mju:z]
divertido ( f divertida), gracioso ( f graciosa)
--------------------------------------amusing adjective uk us /mju.z/
B1 entertaining: an amusing story/ person/ situation


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It s a very amusing play with an uproarious final act.
He told one or two amusing anecdotes about his years as a policeman.
I was listening to an amusing programme on the radio, which made me laugh out


Some people seem to find it amusing that I ve broken my toe.
I only said I want to be a pop star. What is so amusing about that?

adverb uk us /-li/
On the subject of childbirth she is amusingly frank.
3. artistic [:tstk]
[generally] artstico ( f artstica)
[good at art]
to be artistic tener sensibilidad artstica
------------------------------------------------artistic adjective uk / us /
B2 [before noun] relating to art: the artistic director of the theatre artistic endea
vours a work of artistic meritB2 able to create or enjoy art: His friends are all arti
tic - they re painters, musicians, and writers. skilfully and attractively made: That
s a very artistic flower arrangement you have there.
4. circus [s:ks]
[for entertainment] circo m
[in place names] glorieta f
-------------------------------------------------------circus noun [C] us /srks/
a group of traveling entertainers including acrobats, clowns, and trained animals,
erformance by such a group, often in a tent: He quit school in the eighth grade to joi
n the circus. We saw the circus set up in a tent in the middle of the city. A circus
is also something noisy and confused: The media circus covering the trial took over t
he courthouse steps.
______________________________________________________________5. court [k:t]
[place of trial, judge, jury etc] tribunal m
to appear in court comparecer ante el juez
to go to court ir a juicio

to take somebody to court llevar a alguien a juicio

sport cancha f, pista f
on court en la cancha or pista
[of king, queen etc] corte f
[courtyard] patio m
court [k:t]
transitive verb Conjugaison
[danger] exponerse a
[favour] Conjugaison solicitar
court [k:t]
intransitive verb Conjugaison
(dated) [go out together] cortejarse
----------------------------------------------------court noun us /krt, ko rt/
court noun (LAW)

[C/U] the place where trials and other legal cases happen: [U] He is bringing charge
gainst us and said, "Ill see you in court." [U] The newspaper agreed to settle the cas
e out of court (= agreed to a deal that avoided a trial). [C/U] The court is the judge
or judges who are in charge of the way a legal case happens and sometimes make decisi
ons about it.
court noun (SPORTS)
[C] a rectangular area used as the
courtverb [T] us /krt, ko rt/


area in some

sports: a racquetball/ tennis

court verb [T] (PLEASE)

to try to please someone in the hope of receiving that person s support, approval, or
ffection, or to try to get something that benefits you: Both candidates had been co
urting independent voters, who are likely to decide the election.
court verb [T] (RISK)
to increase the risk of something bad happening: If you hire people who are not very
arp or creative, you re courting disaster.
6. depend [dpend]
intransitive verb Conjugaison
to depend on depender de
you can depend on me puedes confiar en m
it depends depende
depending on segn, dependiendo de
------------------------------------------------depend verb [I] uk /dpend/ us /dpend/
B1 to be decided by or to change according to the stated thing: Whether or not we go
to Mexico for our holiday depends on the cost. [+ question word] I might go to the
cinema tomorrow - it depends what time I get home from (all) depends B1 info
rmal it is not decided yet: "Are you going to Emma s party?" "I don t know, it depen
ds - we might be going away that weekend."
expend iconexpend iconMore examples

long the

journey takes will depend on how

long it

takes to get through the


"Would you get ever involved in a fight?" "It would depend on the situation."
"Can you lift this case?" "It depends how heavy it is."
I might come - it depends. I ll have to find out what Andrew wants to do.
Whether or not you re given a car depends on your position in the company.
---------------------------------------------------depend on/upon sb/sth
phrasal verb with depend uk /dpend/ us /dpend/ verb [I]
B2 to trust someone or something and know that that person or thing will help you or
do what you want or expect him, her, or it to do: You can always depend on Michael
in a crisis. [+ to infinitive] I m depending on you to keep your promise. [+ -ing ve
rb] You can t always depend on flights arriving on time.humorous You can depend on J
ana to be late (= she is always late).
expend iconexpend iconMore examples
In her last difficult years, she depended completely on her husband to look after
Surely a friend should be someone you can depend on in difficult times?
She was a fiercely independent lady who refused to depend on anyone.
I can t employ him in the shop if I can t depend on him to act responsibly.
You can depend on Jack - he s the most reliable man I know.
7. detail [di:tel]
[small point] detalle m
(uncountable noun) [facts, points] detalles mpl
to go into detail entrar en detalles
in detail detalladamente, con detalle
MIL destacamento m
detail [di:tel]
transitive verb Conjugaison
[list] Conjugaison detallar
plural noun
[information] informacin f
[personal] datos mpl
----------------------------------------------------------------detail noun us /dtel, ditel/
detail noun (INFORMATION)

[C/U] a particular fact or item of information, often noticed only after giving somet
hing your close attention, or such facts or items considered as a group: [C] We have a
eport of a serious accident on Route 23, but so far no details. [U] She showed a busi
nesslike attention to detail. [U] I cant go into much detail, but Ive been having s
ome health problems recently. We know roughly what he wants to do, but we havent disc
ed his plans in detail (= considering all the particular facts).
detail noun (GROUP)
[C] a small group, esp. of soldiers or police, ordered to perform a
detail of five police officers accompanied the diplomat to his hotel.

particular duty:

adjective us /dteld, diteld/

a detailed account/ description
detailverb [T] us /dtel, ditel/
detail verb [T] (GIVE INFORMATION)
to give exact and complete information about something: The committee
brief statement detailing their plans.
8. difference [dfrns]
diferencia f
it didn t make any difference [changed nothing] no cambi nada
it doesn t make any difference [it s all the same] da lo mismo
to make all the difference suponer una gran diferencia
they settled their differences resolvieron sus diferencias
--------------------------------------------------------------------difference noun uk /df.r.ns/ us /df..ns/

members issued

difference noun (NOT THE SAME)

A2 [C or U] the way in which two or more things which you are comparing are not t
he same: What s the difference between an ape and a monkey? Is there any significan
t difference in quality between these two items?make a (big) difference B2 (also m
ake all the difference) to improve a situation (a lot): Exercise can make a big dif
ference to your state of health. Putting up some new wallpaper has made all the diff
erence to the place.not make any difference B2 (also not make the slightest diffe
rence) to not change a situation in any way: You can ask him again if you want, but
it won t make any difference - he ll still say no. It makes no difference wh ere y
ou put the plants - they won t grow in this soil.with a difference used to say that
something is unusual, and more interesting or better than other things of the same
type: Try new Cremetti - the ice cream with a difference.
expend iconexpend iconMore examples
Can you tell the the difference between poisonous mushrooms and edible varieties?
I forget the exact age difference between Mark and his brother - they re two or t
hree years apart.
There s not much difference between the two products.
There s a big difference between starting up a business and just talking about i
The things which bind the two of them together are greater than their differenc
expend iconexpend icon Thesaurus
difference noun (NOT AGREEING)
C2 [C usually plural] a disagreement: They had a terrible argument a few weeks ago,
but now they ve settled/ resolved their differences.have a difference of opinion to d
isagree: They had a difference of opinion about/over their child s education.
difference noun (AMOUNT)
B1 [C or U] the amount by which one thing is different from another: a(n) age/ price
/ temperature difference There s a big difference in age between them. There s a dif
ference of eight years between them.
expend iconexpend icon Thesaurus

for all the difference sth makes

9. disappoint [ dspnt]
transitive verb Conjugaison
[person] Conjugaison decepcionar, Conjugaison desilusionar
[expectations, hopes] Conjugaison defraudar
---------------------------------disappoint verb [I or T] uk / ds.pnt/ us / ds.pnt/
B1 to fail to satisfy someone or their hopes, wishes, etc., or to make someone feel
appy: I m sorry to disappoint you, but I m afraid I can t come after all. We don t
want to disappoint the fans.


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Getting a B for that essay really disappointed me, as I was hoping for an A.
He failed to turn up for the concert, disappointing the crowds of fans waiting out
Now I m expecting a fantastic performance from you tonight, so don t disappoint
I ve promised my class cakes today as a treat and I don t want to disappoint them
Have the actions of this government disappointed you, as someone who voted for
them at the last election?
10. entertain [ entten]
transitive verb Conjugaison
[amuse] Conjugaison divertir, Conjugaison entretener
[invite] Conjugaison recibir (en casa)
(fml) [idea, proposal] Conjugaison considerar
(fml) [hopes, ambitions] Conjugaison abrigar
entertain [ entten]
intransitive verb Conjugaison
[amuse] Conjugaison divertir, Conjugaison entretener
[have guests] Conjugaison recibir
---------------------------------------------------------------entertain verb us / entrten/
entertain verb (AMUSE)

[I/T] to keep a person or a group of people interested or amused: [I] Childrens gam
d books seek to teach and entertain at the same time. [T] Kerry and Bill entertained
listeners of their radio show with tales of their adventures on an ocean cruise.
entertain verb (INVITE)

[I/T] to invite one or more people to your house and give food and drink to them: [T]
She was a good cook and liked to entertain her friends with new dishes. [I] We didnt
entertain much over the holidays this year.
entertain verb (THINK ABOUT)
[T] to hold in your mind or to be willing to consider or accept: He entertained some
ubts about how truthful the government was.
imaginary [mdnr]
imaginario ( f imaginaria)

----------------------------------------------------imaginary adjective uk / us /md..ner.i/

C1 Something that is imaginary is created by and exists only in the mind: As a child
I had an imaginary friend. The story is set in an imaginary world. imaginary fears
12. sale [sel]
[generally] venta f
on sale en venta
(up) for sale en venta
for sale se vende
[at reduced prices] liquidacin f, saldo m
plural noun
ECON ventas fpl
[at reduced prices]
the sales las rebajas
de ventas
---------------------------------------------------------sale noun us /sel/
sale noun (ACT OF SELLING)

[C/U] an act of exchanging something for money: [U] You pay tax on the profits from t
e sale of buildings. [C] The school raised money from book sales, bake sales, and indi
idual contributors. [U] When I bought this house, there were many, many homes for sa
le (= available to be bought).
[C] an occasion when goods are sold at a lower price than
hese dresses on sale (= reduced in price)?
13. original [rdnl]
the original owner el primer propietario

usual: a

clearance sale Ar

original [rdnl]
original m
---------------------------------------------------------------original noun [C] us /rdnl/
the first one made and not a copy: Send a copy of your receipt, but keep the original
. An original is also a piece of work by an artist or designer and not a copy by someo
ne else. Someone who is an original behaves or speaks in a way that is not like othe
r people.
originaladjective [not gradable] us /rdnl/
in the earliest form of something, or in the form that existed at the beginning: The
original plans have been changed. Original can also mean different from anything or
anyone else and therefore new and interesting: Our teacher said wed better come up wit
h something original. An original piece of work, such as a painting or drawing, is pro
duced by the artist or writer and is not a copy.

14. produce [prdju:s]

(uncountable noun) productos mpl agrcolas
produce of France producto de Francia
produce [prdju:s]
transitive verb Conjugaison
[generally] Conjugaison producir
[offspring, flowers] Conjugaison engendrar
[evidence, argument] Conjugaison presentar
[bring out] Conjugaison mostrar, Conjugaison ensear
THEAT poner en escena
----------------------------------------------------------------------produce verb [T] us /prdus/
produce verb [T] (MAKE)
to create something or bring into existence: Bukowski produced
ry goods and beef are produced locally.

poetry and

novels. Dai

produce verb [T] (ORGANIZE A SHOW)

to organize the financial and other
ovie, play, television show, or other
onderful films.

practical matters connected with the making of a

entertainment program: He produced a couple of w

produce verb [T] (BRING OUT)

to bring something out and show it: He

walked up and produced his


produce verb [T] (CAUSE)

to cause a reaction or result: Too much
producenoun [U] us /prdus, pro dus/

coffee can produce

unwanted side-effects.

produce noun [U] (FOOD)

food that is grown or raised through farming, esp. fruits and vegetables:
15. responsible [rspnsbl]
[generally] responsable
responsible (for) responsable (de)
responsible to somebody responsable ante alguien
[job, position] de responsabilidad
--------------------------------------------responsible adjective us /rspnsbl/

local prod

responsible adjective (DUTY)

having the duty of taking care of something: The governments Energy Regulatory Boa
rd is responsible for nuclear safety. A responsible job/ position is an important one i
volving control and authority over something.
responsible adjective (BLAME)
being the cause of a particular action or situation, esp. a
We are not responsible for things getting lost in the mail.

harmful or

unpleasant one

responsible adjective (GOOD JUDGMENT)

having good judgment and the ability to act correctly and make
We want to be responsible citizens.
16. run [rn]
[on foot] carrera f
to go for a run ir a correr
on the run en fuga
to make a run for it tratar de fugarse
[journey - in car] paseo m or vuelta f (en coche)
to go for a run ir a dar una vuelta
[ - in plane, ship] viaje m
[series - of wins, disasters] serie f
[ - of luck] racha f
the play had a 6-week run la obra estuvo en cartelera 6 semanas
[great demand]
a run on something una gran demanda de algo
[in tights] carrera f
[in cricket, baseball] carrera f
[for skiing etc] pista f
in the short/long run a corto/largo plazo

decisions on

run [rn] (
pt ran, pp run,
cont running )
transitive verb Conjugaison
[on foot] Conjugaison correr
[manage - business] Conjugaison dirigir, Conjugaison administrar
[ - life, event] Conjugaison organizar
[operate - computer program, machine, film] Conjugaison poner
[ - experiment] Conjugaison montar
[have and use - car etc] hacer funcionar
it s cheap to run es barato de mantener
it runs on diesel/off the mains funciona con diesel/electricidad
[open - tap] Conjugaison abrir
to run a bath llenar la baera
[publish] Conjugaison publicar
(inf) [transport by car] Conjugaison llevar
shall I run you to school? te llevo al colegio?
to run something along or over pasar algo por
run [rn] (
pt ran, pp run,
cont running )
intransitive verb Conjugaison
[on foot] Conjugaison correr
to run for it echar a correr
[follow a direction]
the road runs parallel to the river la carretera discurre paralela al ro
(esp US) [in election]
to run (for) presentarse como candidato ( f candidata)(a)
he s running for president se presenta a la presidencia
[factory, machine] Conjugaison funcionar
[engine] estar encendido ( f encendida)
to run on or off something funcionar con algo
to run smoothly ir bien
[bus, train] Conjugaison ir

your own:

[flow] Conjugaison correr
to run dry secarse, quedarse sin agua
[tap] Conjugaison gotear
somebody has left the tap running alguien se ha dejado el grifo abierto
[nose] Conjugaison moquear
my nose is running me moquea la nariz
[eyes] Conjugaison llorar
[colour] Conjugaison desteir
feelings were running high la gente estaba indignada
to be running late ir con retraso
run across
transitive verb inseparable Conjugaison
[meet] encontrarse con
run along
intransitive verb Conjugaison
run along now! vete!, anda ya!
run away
intransitive verb Conjugaison
to run away (from) huir or fugarse (de)
(fig) [avoid]
to run away from [responsibility, subject]
[thought] evitar
run away with
transitive verb inseparable
he lets his enthusiasm run away with him


se deja llevar por el entusiasmo

run down
transitive verb separable Conjugaison
[run over] Conjugaison atropellar
[criticize] hablar mal de
run down
intransitive verb Conjugaison
[battery] acabarse
[clock] Conjugaison pararse
[project, business] debilitarse, perder energa
run into
transitive verb inseparable Conjugaison
[problem] Conjugaison encontrar
[person] tropezarse con
to run into debt endeudarse
[in vehicle] chocar con
[blend with]
to run into each other mezclarse
[amount to] ascender a
run off
transitive verb separable Conjugaison
[copies, photocopies] Conjugaison sacar

run off
intransitive verb Conjugaison
to run off (with) fugarse (con)
run on
intransitive verb Conjugaison
[continue] Conjugaison continuar
run out
intransitive verb Conjugaison
[become used up] acabarse
[expire] Conjugaison caducar
run out of
transitive verb inseparable Conjugaison
quedarse sin
we ve run out of food se nos ha acabado la comida
run over
transitive verb separable Conjugaison
Conjugaison atropellar
run through
transitive verb inseparable Conjugaison
[be present in] Conjugaison recorrer, Conjugaison atravesar
the vein of humour which ran through her work el tono de humor que est present
e en su trabajo
[practise] Conjugaison ensayar, Conjugaison practicar
[read through] echar un vistazo a
run to
transitive verb inseparable Conjugaison
[amount to] ascender a
the bill ran to thousands la cuenta suba a varios miles
[afford] Conjugaison permitirse
I can t run to a new car no me puedo permitir un nuevo coche
run up
transitive verb inseparable Conjugaison
[amass] incurrir en, Conjugaison contraer
he ran up a huge bill acumul una factura enorme
run up against
transitive verb inseparable Conjugaison
tropezar con
17. senior citizen
ciudadano m, cindadana f de la tercera edad
-------------------------------------------------------senior citizen noun [C] us /sinjr stzn/ (short form senior)
an older person, usually over the age of 60 or 65, esp. one who is no longer
: Senior citizens get a discount.
18. tale [tel]


[fictional story] cuento m
[anecdote] ancdota f
---------------------------------------------tale noun [C] uk /tel/ us /tel/
B2 a story, especially one that might be invented or difficult to believe: He told so
me fascinating tales about his life in India. She told me/ invented/ concocted a tale a
bout missing the bus to explain her lateness.
tale of woe
19. tour [t ]
[long journey] viaje m largo
to go on a tour of Germany hacer un recorrido por Alemania
[of pop group etc] gira f
[for sightseeing] recorrido m, visita f
tour [t

verb Conjugaison
Conjugaison visitar
Conjugaison recorrer, viajar por

tour [t ]
intransitive verb Conjugaison
estar de gira
to tour round something viajar por or recorrer algo
------------------------------------------------------------tour noun [C] us /t r/
a visit to a place or area, esp. one during which you look around the place or area a
d learn about it: a walking tour a sightseeing tour A tour is also a planned visit to
several places to give performances: The band is currently on tour in Australia.
tourverb [I/T] us /t r/
to go on a tour somewhere: [T] We spent a month touring France. [I] Alanis is touri
ng to promote her new album.
20. bring back
transitive verb separable Conjugaison
[books etc] Conjugaison devolver
[person] traer de vuelta
[shopping] Conjugaison traer
[memories] Conjugaison traer (a la memoria)
[practice, hanging] volver a introducir
[fashion] Conjugaison recuperar
21. cheer []
[shout] aclamacin f, grito m de entusiasmo
cheers vtores mpl
cheer []
transitive verb Conjugaison
[shout approval, encouragement at]
[gladden] Conjugaison animar
cheer []
intransitive verb Conjugaison
gritar con entusiasmo

Conjugaison aclamar, Conjugaison vi

[when drinking] salud!
(UK & inf) [thank you] gracias!
(inf) [goodbye] hasta luego!
cheer on
transitive verb separable Conjugaison
animar con gritos de aliento
cheer up
transitive verb separable Conjugaison
Conjugaison animar

cheer up
intransitive verb Conjugaison
Conjugaison animarse
--------------------------------------cheer verb [I/T] us /tr/
to give a shout of approval or encouragement for someone: [I] I was one of the peopl
e who jumped up and cheered after that speech.
noun [C] us /tr/
He demanded the resignation of the police chief, touching off loud applause and chee
in the audience.
Phrasal verbs
cheer someone on
cheer up (someone)
22. come across
transitive verb inseparable Conjugaison
[find] Conjugaison encontrar
come across
intransitive verb Conjugaison
[speaker, message]
to come across well/badly causar buena/mala impresin
to come across as something resultar ser algo
--------------------------------------------------------come across
phrasal verb with come uk /km/ us /km/ verb (came, come)
C1 to behave in a way that makes people believe that you have a particular characteri
stic: She comes across really well (= creates a positive image) on television. He com
es across as a bit of a bore in interview.
23. let down
transitive verb separable Conjugaison
[deflate] Conjugaison desinflar
[disappoint] Conjugaison fallar, Conjugaison defraudar
------------------------------------------------------------let sb down
phrasal verb with let uk /let/ us /let/ verb (present participle letting, p
ast tense and past participle let)
B2 to disappoint someone by failing to do what you agreed to do or were expected to
do: You will be there tomorrow - you won t let me down, will you? When I was sent t
o prison, I really felt I had let my parents down.

24.log [lg]
[of wood] tronco m
[for fire] leo m
[written record - of ship] diario m de a bordo
[ - COMPUT] registro m
log [lg] ( pt & pp logged, cont logging )
transitive verb Conjugaison
Conjugaison registrar
log in
intransitive verb Conjugaison
COMPUT Conjugaison entrar
log off
intransitive verb Conjugaison
COMPUT Conjugaison salir
log on
intransitive verb Conjugaison
COMPUT Conjugaison entrar
log out
intransitive verb Conjugaison
COMPUT Conjugaison salir
------------------------------------------------------------------------log on (also log in)
phrasal verb with log us /l, l/ verb (-gg-)
to start using a computer system or program by giving a password (= a secret word by
hich the system recognizes an approved user): About 40,000 gamers have been logging
on every day since the website appeared last month.
25. sell [sel] (
pt & pp sold )
transitive verb Conjugaison
[generally] Conjugaison vender
to sell something to somebody, to sell somebody something vender algo a algui
to sell something for vender algo por
(fig) [make acceptable, desirable]
I m not really sold on it no estoy convencido ( f convencida) de ello
to sell oneself venderse
sell [sel] (
pt & pp sold )
intransitive verb Conjugaison
[subj: businessman, firm] Conjugaison vender
[subj: merchandise] Conjugaison venderse
this model sells well este modelo se vende muy bien
to sell (for or at) venderse (a)
sell off
transitive verb separable Conjugaison
Conjugaison liquidar
sell out
transitive verb separable Conjugaison

to have sold out

estar agotado ( f agatoda)

sell out
intransitive verb Conjugaison
to sell out (of something) agotar las existencias (de algo)
[be disloyal, unprincipled] Conjugaison venderse
sell up
intransitive verb Conjugaison
venderlo todo
-----------------------------------------------------------sell verb [I/T] us /sel/ (past tense and past participle sold /so ld/ )
sell verb [I/T] (EXCHANGE FOR MONEY)
to give a thing or perform a service in exchange for money: [T] The
nade. [I] These baskets sell well (= people buy a lot of them).

children sold lem

sell verb [I/T] (PERSUADE)

to persuade someone to accept an idea or plan, or to cause something to be
T] That is a plan we can easily sell to the school board.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------sell out
phrasal verb with sell uk /sel/ us /sel/ verb (sold, sold)


to sell all of the supply that you have of something: We sold out of the T-shirts i
n the first couple of hours.B2 If a supply of something sells out, there is no more
of that thing to buy: The first issue of the magazine sold out within two days. [passi
ve] When a film, concert, etc. is sold out, all of the tickets for it have been sold:
We couldn t get seats - the concert was sold out.

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