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Assignments for DAC Course

(Feb 2016 Batch)

Last date for submission
Total Marks

: 9th June 2016

: 13th June 2016
: 20

SEM assignment submission instructions


A batch of 2 members can submit assignment.

Incomplete submission will be rejected or resent back for completion.
Every document/assignments should have course name, students names and their roll number.
Work should be original and innovative. Neatness is anticipated.
Every student need to give presentation on any one question, presentation duration will be
3 minutes.
Every student will be reviewed during presentation.
Last date for submission is: 13th June 2016
Completed assignment should be mailed to with appropriate subject line.
For any clarification please contact Divya at 6486.

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Assignment question:
Answer all the questions. Each question caries equal marks. Answer can be half page to
maximum one page.
1. Provide 4 examples, both positive and negative that indicate the impact of software on our
2. Many modern applications change frequently before they are presented to the end user and then
after the first version have been put into use. Suggest a few ways to build software to stop
deterioration due to change.
3. Is software engineering applicable when WebApps/Internet of Things (IoT)/Middleware for
Cloud/ are build? If, so how might it be modified to accommodate the unique characteristics
above said applications.
4. Provide 2 examples of software project that would be amenable to the prototyping model. Be
5. You have been given the responsibility to elicit requirements from a customer who tells you
he/she is too busy to meet with you. What should you do?
6. Write brief note on Coding Standards.
7. You work for a very small Startup company. Only 12 engineers are involved in developing
software. Should you follow any of Software Quality Management standards (or Software
process improvement SPI)? Explain your answer.
8. What is White box testing? Explain the different techniques involved in WBT
9. Write a concise note on integration testing.
10. Identify any 5 characteristics of a good software design technique and give one example for any
one characteristic.

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