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Report on customer opinions

Executive summary
First email shows a customer who is complaining about the helpline so there should be provided
more helplines. The second-one is about a mobile phone that has problems with the battery, the
battery must be improved. In the third-one costumer service doesnt work and probably there
should be an emergency button. The fax transmission present a subscriber who was tricked by a
service that promised loyalty. Finaly the letter reflects health problems of a customer, the reason
beeing the mobile phone so the risks must be said.
The purpose of this report is to summarise customers perspective and show other options.
Customers have complained about the following issues:
1. The customer called at various times of the day and night and he never get an answer.
2. The customer noticed that the phone that he bought one month ago is loosing battery
power very quickly.
3. The customer decided to write a complain because he couldt make an important call.
4. After three mounths of subscribeing a service that promise six months of cheap-rate, the
subscriber was tricked.
5. The customer went to the doctor with headaches that may were due to the mobile phone
The companie must consider the costumers complaints and sugest solutions to resolve the
problems and to make sure that they will never reoccur.
1. More helplines should be provided, to make sure that every client can receive the
assistance they need.
2. The company should improve the phone battery to make sure that it will resist more time.
3. In the cases were a phone is not working at all, there may be an emergency button
incorporated in the phone design.
4. The service should keep the promise made to the subscriber and if the terms of the
contract change, the subscriber must receive a true and logical explanation.
5. The company must try to improve the mechanism of their products.

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