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The Great Schism:

In 313, Emperor Constantine of Rome officially allowed recognized the rights of Christians to
practice their religion within the Roman Empire. In 325, at another meeting at Nicaea, church leaders
agreed to canonize some parts of religious history while omitting others. At this point, there was literally
one doctrine. All other ideas were heresy.
Over the next several hundred years, there were many adaptations to this original doctrine. In
many cases, this led to violence between one group and another group. In 1054, one of the most
important events in the history of Christendom occurred. This Great Schism divided the church into
two parts. In the East, there was a church that would later be called the Eastern Orthodox Church. In the
West, another Church called the Catholic Church emerged.
Mr. Creechs Warning:
This document comes from the Orthodox Christian Information Center. While this article gives
an extremely detailed and well written history of the Great Schism, it also has some opinions of the
author. Mr. Creech does not condone or deny the opinions of the author. You have been warned.
Proceed with caution!!!
Your Assignment:
Step 1: Read the Article on The Great Schism
Do The Following:
1. Explain how differences in culture between Western Europe and Eastern Europe may have been a
cause of the Great Schism.
2. Explain how some of the differences between Catholic and Eastern Orthodox doctrine may have been
an issue that caused the Great Schism.
3. How did the creation of the Holy Roman Empire under Charlemagne cause a rift between the Eastern
Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church?
4. What was the Filioque and how did it cause problems between the Western and Eastern churches?
5. How did the Crusades widen the gulf that between the Eastern and Western churches?

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