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Barry Turi // Pulp Studios // A2 Media Studies

A man emerges from psychological

turmoil due to his family dying, as a
government legislation acts allows
anybody to intervene and serve

Walter Kovacs takes us on a journey

through his mind, uncovering his
origin story, which leads to him
becoming masked vigilante
After a shattered Vietnam Veteran is
found with no arms, the Royal Navy
reconstruct him with cybernetic
enhancements to serve as a new
To see his family reunited, a man has been
ordered to comply by the government's
order to operate under their supervision
however he refuses and tried to find his
captured family himself.

At the funeral of a fellow friend, past

enemies return to make the day
even worse. It isn't till our
protagonist reassembles his skills
and takes them out in honour of his

After his father's timely death, one

man decides to continue his legacy,
by adopting a secret identity.


Jason Todd breaks free from The Joker's

custody after beating him to death. He
adopts the identity of the Red Hood and
uses ruthless means of justice to bring the
scum of Gotham down.

A man walks past a street fight while

minding his own business. When
kids' lives are being threatened, he
decides to return to his roots.

A superhero hasnt found live easy

after having to sacrifice his lover to
save the city from destruction.

The government are split in half, as

mixed opinions arise concerning the
legal involvement and allowances of

Before the passing of the Keane Act,

Rorschach uses ruthless and violent
methods of justice to bring down a
man who kidnapped and murdered a
young girl.

When the president orders men to kill a

retired vigilante, his wife and newborn
daughter are killed in the process. In
response, he adopts his title to avenge his

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