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ED 449 Senior Practicum Observation Form

Based on Charlotte Danielsons Framework for Teaching

Pre-service Teacher: Mishayla Pelletier
Evaluator: Michael G. Marshall

Date: 3-17-16
School: Rimrock Elementary

Time: 9:50-10:20 a.m.

Lesson plan and materials ready at the beginning of the lesson:

Domain 2: Classroom
2a Creating an Environment of
Respect and Rapport
2b Establishing a Culture for
2c Managing Classroom
2d Managing Student Behavior
2e Organizing Physical Space

(Yes) No

Domain 3: Instruction
3a Communicating with Students
3b Using Questions and Discussion
3c Engaging Students in Learning
3d Using Assessment in
3e Demonstrating Flexibility and

What I observed:
As I entered the classroom you had the whole group actively engaged a game of treasure hunting where
they were looking for cards with words on them. You were using this game to allow students to practice
pairing synonyms and opposites. Students hid the cards and then as a group they would go and find them.
Students would then pair themselves up as similar words and opposite words. You reviewed words with the
whole group if they did not know the meaning or were having trouble with their use. You made the game
fun but kept excellent control of the class.
Observations included:

It was apparent that you had done a good job of teaching synonyms and opposites.
Students were able to demonstrate their understanding of pairing opposites, and words
that have similar meaning.
The activity that you chose gave the students lots of guided practice and having them pair
with opposite and synonyms helped to reinforce the concept.
You were able to quickly assess students understanding about how these word
relationships multiple times during the lesson. Well done.
You created lots enthusiasm for the lesson by being enthusiastic and rewarding the
students for following good guidelines for behavior. Excellent use of voice to settle
students and reinforce the expectation.
You kept a clear focus the objective of the lesson. It was obvious students were
understanding the concepts.
You held the students to a high standard for behavior and participating as a group. You
took time to reinforce your expectations. i.e. One, two, eyes on me. With student
repeat. You also corrected an individual student but did so with dignity for the child, yet
with high expectations to stay within your structure. Nicely done.


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