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Sparkling Words Edit

Stormy Nights

Texas is known for odd weather trends where all four seasons can exists in one
day. This chilling and howling night took up a summer storm. I was in fifth or sixth
grade at the time having a sleepover that stormy night; anything that roared like an
angry demon scared me out of my whits. Thunderstorms went as follows: ka-boom,
pause, ka-boom, Ka-boom, KA-BOOM! Thunder, lightning, and rain swarmed the
atmosphere as they gushed onto the old roof of my childhood home. Thunder and
wind shrieked and pierced just above us. Lightning split the sky like a sun flare
whipping a dark night sky. Rain clobbered every inch of the streets, the yard, and the
house with its increasing pitter-patter. Surveying the storm outside trembling
windows, I could see a tornado was close. Ear-splitting tornado warning sirens blared
through the innocent television. We locked all the doors, shut all the windows, and
covered the blinds as if fending off a beguiling monster. We waited all night for the
storm to subside, but it raged all through the night.

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