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To make the learning of spelling more varied and more entertaining we have published

these materials.
Diccionario Ortogrfico Ideovisual. (Spelling Dictionary) With 1.236 pictures. It
covers an 87% of the difficult words until the end of College.
Eight books of Ortografa Ideovisual, graded in different levels, for students from 6
to 14 years of age.
Eight Cuadernos de Vacaciones (Holiday Revision Booklets).
A book for Adults and College students.
Autoprendizaje ortogrfico (Self-learning of Spelling), Book + interactive CDROM.
Juegos, adivinanzas y ejercicios ortogrficos (Spelling Games, Riddles and
Exercises). Book + CD-ROM
Memoria Ortogrfica (Spelling Memory Game): 144 cards with a picture which,
besides playing, allow an endless range of exercises: series, classifications, lexical fields,
writing of stories, etc.
Barajas ortogrficas (Spelling Cards): Four sets of 33 cards, each one with a word
and a picture. They are very useful for children who begin to study spelling, for foreign
students and also for students with reading disabilities (e.g. dyslexia).
Domin ortogrfico (Spelling Dominoes): 36 cards, each one with two pictures
which allow to establish a connection between words of similar spelling difficulty: b, v, g, j,
h, x, ll, y.
10. Dislexia, ortografa y lectura (Dyslexia, Spelling and Reading). Book + CD-ROM. It
will give invaluable help to students with reading or spelling disabilities.

Besides, we have also published a series of Spelling Stories. The pictures appear in the middle
of the text, so that spelling is learnt in an entertaining way. The stories are lively, humorous and
always amusing. The difficult words are defined, and each of the drawings is explained to help
La taberna alegre. (The Merry Tavern)
El granjero parlanchn. (The Talkative Farmer)
Rebelin en el arca. (Rebellion in the Ark)
Piel de asno. (Donkey Skin, adapted from Perrault)
El cuarteto de Bremen. (The Musicians of Bremen, adapted from the Grimm Brothers)

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