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This is a battle for the very soul of our Nation Summer Soldiers and Sunshine

Patriots need not apply.

These are the times that try men's souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in
this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love
and thanks of man and woman.
On December 23rd, 1776, General Washington ordered Thomas Paines pamphlet, The American
Crisis, read aloud to the assembled Continental Army.
They were preparing to depart on the march toward Trenton from the winter encampment at Valley
There were many whose enlistments were all but up, and who wanted to return home to their
families for the Christmas holiday.
A loss in number now could mean defeat in New Jersey.
Sound familiar??
Washington knew that must not be.
I know EXACTLY how he felt.
Your voices matter, but it is a time for wisdom, not volume.
Right now, across that bridge in New Jersey, there are many supporters of Senator Sanders who feel
it most appropriate to withdraw their support from the Democratic Party in November, and to incite
others to do so. They would rather stand down than stand and fight.
That is their right.
It cannot, however, be understated that doing so also risks surrender to everything we have all stood
against in this election.

Further in the text of Paines work, comes the following sentence. Please read it twice.

Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the
harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

Should you take your ball and go home, as it were, you risk not only your own freedom but that of
I was raised to believe that there is nothing so precious as freedom, and nothing so vile as

Senator Sanders, I implore you, as a man of character, to UNITE this party, whatever
the outcome in the Convention.
If there is to be a battle for the soul of our Nation, let it begin here. - FJL
I am not against Secretary Clinton. I am FOR the Democratic Party but I am for
That is why I marched, today.
This day must transcend past political infighting, and even partisan politics.
The Republicans are not our enemiesbut there are those within their ranks AND
WITHIN OUR OWN who would see America broken and remolded to their own
ideals ideals ranging from fascism to socialism.
That is not who we areand, as long as I draw breath, it is not who we shall be.
We are a Democratic Republic. The blood of patriots has been spilled for
generations to keep it so.
I will not allow our freedom to be usurped on my watch.
I again quote our founding fathers, because they were far wiser than I we pledge
our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.
How many thousands have fallen so that you may assemble here, today?
Do not ever forget that. Do not disregard their noble sacrifice. Honor their memory.
For my friends who marched over the bridge with me, today. Rosa sat so
Martin could walk. Martin walked so Barack could run. Barack has served
now, our children can flybut you must ever hold in your heart this
memory - that thousands fell so Rosa could sit.

America has always faced enemies from without, and from within. We must stand
together with renewed vigor, and with renewed commitment to one another.
If there is to be a battle for the soul of our Nation, let it begin here. - FJL
I AM a free man, and I stand here for YOU.
Stand with me.
Please take one anothers hands. I ask that you bow your heads, and listen.
Not many know that our National Anthem has more than one verse. The last has
always been my favorite, and I can scarce recite it without being overwhelmed. I
share it with you now...
Oh, thus be it ever, when free men shall stand between their loved homes and
wars desolation. Blessed with victory and peace, may that heaven-rescued land
praise the power that made and preserved us one Nation. Then conquer, we
must, when our cause, it is just let this be our motto: In GOD is our trust. And so
shall that Star-Spangled Banner eer wave, oer THIS land of the free, and THIS
home of the brave.
In closing, I offer the following prayer.
With a firm reliance on Divine Providence, we hereby pledge our lives, our fortunes,
and our sacred honor to that enterprise, which is America.
Stand with me.

(777 words. Couldnt do THAT twice)

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