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The Russian revolution

The Russian Revolution of 1917 centers around two

primary events: the February Revolution and the October
Revolution. The February Revolution, which removed Tsar
Nicholas II from power, was developed when
demonstrations and riots were started in Petrograd when
Tsar was away from the capital. The February revolution
was not a popular uprising as it was limited to Petrograd
but the temporary government (provisional government)
favored rule that was at least partially democratic.
The October Revolution was much more deliberate,
orchestrated by a small group of people. The Bolsheviks,
who led this coup, prepared their coup in only six months.
They were generally viewed as an extremist group and
had very little popular support when they began serious
efforts in April 1917. The Bolsheviks then realized that
they could not maintain power in an election-based
system without compromising their principles. As a result,
they formally abandoned the democratic process in
January 1918. In response, the Russian Civil War broke out
in the summer of that year.

Main people Involved

Lenin- founded the communist party in Russia and led the
October revolution of 1917
Stalin- Russian leader who succeeded Lenin as the head of
the communist party.
Nicolas II -last tsar of Russia.
Rasputin- self-proclaimed holy man who claimed to heal
the sick and have prophecy, had influence over tsarina
Alexandra and she often went to him for advice
Alexandra- last tsarina of Russia. Wife of Nicolas II.
Bolsheviks - in 1917 they attacked the government and
overthrew it in a matter of days.

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