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By Ellia


She was born on August 16 in1958 and is a famous American singer. She
has sold more than 300 million records worldwide and has won many
awards such as Grammies , MTV music awards, Golden Globes and Brit

She is mainly of the pop genre, however has crossed into the pop/rock and
electronica genre.

The track Material Girl is about asking for a rich and lavish life, rather
than romance and relationships.

Madonna said the concept of the song was indicative of her life at that

Text Reference
The intertextuality used in Madonnas
Material Girl refers to Marilyn Monroe's
film made in 1953, Gentlemen Prefer
Blondes, more specifically the scene where
she performs Diamonds are a Girls Best

How is the Intertextuality Incorporated?

Different areas of conventions are

followed between the two. The next
slides will go through each piece and
show where it is present.


Mise-en-scene is hugely used to show

and spot intertextuality in these
Firstly, the costume where both
singers are wearing similar pink
dresses, wearing diamond jewellery
and have similar blonde hairstyles.

Secondly, the props used are the
same, if not similar. For example, the
males holding hearts and offering
both women forms of

The setting used are the same, if not
similar. This is seen by the red
coloured background with steps.


The first proper shot of the two women beginning

to sing is very similar, if not the same. Seen by
the female being central and males holding
hearts. Shots similar to this and between the two
videos are often seen.

Another similar shot is the group shot
of the singer and dancers together.

Which is used and why?

I feel homage is used in this situation.
Homage is where a intersexual references
respects the original and pays homage to it. I
feel this as Madonnas Material Girl isnt
mocking the original text and is using it to
refer to lyrics in her song. This connection can
be seen as Madonna is saying she is a
material girl and likes lavish items, whereas
Marilyn was also saying girls like diamonds
and can be viewed as suggesting females are
materialistic and like luxury.

Marilyn Monroe is a world famous actress and
Hollywood idol and combining something she was in
due to its/her popularity and making reference to it
can/will boost the amount viewing the music video
It allows the audience to further understand Madonnas
song lyrics and illustrate them further thanks to a
previous song that is of a similar sense. This gives the
audience more of an insight.
It makes it more fun to watch and see how they have
recreated it and how well they have.
The audience would respond positively to the link due
to it being from an iconic original in a respectful way.

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