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Notes for contributors



Cultural Perspectives. Journal for Literary and British Cultural

Studies in Romania (CP) issue 21/ 2016 invites submissions on all
aspects of cultural studies related to ness (Britishness etc.) in all
countries. Its main aim is to include different perspectives on cultural
studies, coming from different fields, such as literature, linguistics,
semiotics, political and sociological studies, communication, public
relations, anthropology, translation studies, comparative studies of
cultural discourses.
The issue 21/2016 is focused on urban scapes.
The journal operates a blind peer review. Submissions are sent to 1-2
reviewers (see the website for details).
The manuscript should conform to the following norms:
1. The papers on electronic format A4 (maximum 10-15 pages)
shall be sent to the following address:
2. The book reviews on electronic format A4 (maximum 2
pages) shall be sent to the following address:
3. Cultural Perspectives. Journal for Literary and British
Cultural Studies in Romania is issued annually, in
December. The manuscripts should be sent by JULY, 1, 2016
for issue 21/2016.
4. The papers shall be written in English, format A4, font Times
New Roman, size 12, single line spacing, justify, Page setup:
Top 2.5 cm; Bottom 2.5 cm; Left 2.5 cm; Right 2.5 cm.
5. The paper title shall be written in capital letters, centred, bold,
authors names and their affiliation shall be written under the
title, aligned to the right.

Cultural Perspectives 20/ 2015


Cultural Perspectives (CP)

6. Each paper shall have an abstract (maximum 250 words), and
5-7 keywords, size 12, justify, italics, single line spacing. The
abstract should include purpose, approach/methodology,
research limitations, practical implications, findings/
empirical analysis, originality/creative value.
7. Manuscripts should be reasonably divided into sections, and
where necessary, subsections, with numbered headings.
8. The charts and figures shall be saved as jpeg and the
reference should be (Fig. 1).
9. The manuscript should include footnotes.
10. References may be cited in the text by giving the name of the
author(s) and year of publication (in parentheses), and page
number. For example: Barry (1971: 231-232).
11. The Bibliography should be presented as follows:
- books:
Barry, Peter (2002): Beginning Theory. An Introduction to Literary
and Cultural Theory, Manchester & New York: Manchester
University Press.
Argumentarea publicitar, trans. by Mihai-Eugen Avdanei,
Iai: Institutul European.
- articles:
Barthes, Roland (1964): Rhtorique de l'image in
Communications, nr. 4, Paris: Seuil, pp. 40-52.
Olis, Wally (2003): Corporate Identity: the Myth and the
Reality (adapted from Journal of the Royal Society of Arts,
December 1978- November 1979, 127:209-218) in Balmer,
J.M.T., Greyser, S. A. (2003): Revealing the Corporation:
Perspectives on Identity, Image, Reputation, Corporate Branding,
and Corporate-Level Marketing. An Anthology, New York:
Low, M. Setha (2003): Embodied Space(s): Anthropological Theories
of Body, in Space and Culture, 2003, 6, online version at
- Internet sources should contain information on the retrieval date.

Cultural Perspectives 20/ 2015

Notes for contributors

12. Please include at the end of the article:
research interests:
selected publications:
13. All rights, including the rights of publication, distribution and
sales, as well as the right to translations, are reserved. No part
of this work covered by the copyrights hereon may be
reproduced or copied in any form or by any means graphic,
electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording,
taping, or information and retrieval systems without
written permission of the publisher.

Cultural Perspectives 20/ 2015

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