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Guidelines for Authors of Acoustical Physics

1. GENERAL Recommended maximum length of a paper is 12

The editorial board of Acoustical Physics consid- pages of text with tables, and 8 figures.
ers for publication manuscripts describing original All files should be tested for viruses prior to sub-
theoretical and experimental research in physical and mission. Large files should be archived using one of
technical acoustics. Submitted manuscripts should be the widely available programs.
new and correspond to substantiated physical models. Any questions on manuscript preparations may be
Information that is not the result of scientific research addressed to the editorial board: tel: +7(495) 939-
is not accepted for publication. 2918; e-mail:
Standard rubrics of the journal are as follows: 1. All illustrations should be black and white; pub-
(1) Classical Problems of Linear Acoustics and lication of illustrations in color is at the discretion of
Wave Theory; the editorial board.
(2) Nonlinear Acoustics; 2. Files of illustrations should be named so that it
(3) Physical Acoustics; is clear to which paper they belong and what order
(4) Ocean Acoustics and Hydroacoustics; they should follow in the text. Each file should con-
(5) Atmospheric and Aeroacoustics; tain one figure.
(6) Acoustics of Structurally Inhomogeneous Sol-
3. If the editorial board for any reason cannot ac-
ids. Geological Acoustics;
cept and transfer quality graphics files to the publish-
(7) Acoustical Ecology, Noise and Vibration;
ing house, you can additionally submit them to
(8) Chamber Acoustics, Musical Acoustics; as attached files or as a link to a file
(9) Acoustic Signals Processing, Computer Simu-
exchange service. The issue and title of the journal, as
well as the surname of the first author, must be indi-
(10) Acoustics of Living Systems, Biomedical
(11) Physical Principles of Engineering Acoustics.
3. SUBMISSION AND FORMAT 1. Illustrations should have a resolution of no less
Manuscripts with accompanying documents that 150 dpi. Recommended resolution is:
(copyright transfer agreement with Pleiades Publish- (1) Halftone (color or grayscale), 225–300 dpi;
ing, Ltd.) should be submitted to the editorial board (2) Bitmap, 600–1200 dpi.
by e-mail. The forms of copyright transfer agreement
2. Illustrations should not be narrower than 8 cm
can be found at the publisher’s web site.
(for one-column layout) or 17 cm (for two-column
Hard copies of documents are not mandatory. layout).
The electronic version of a manuscript should in- 3. Line thickness in illustrations should be no less
clude the text portion in Microsoft Word format (ex- than 0.5 point.
ceptions can be made with the consent of the editorial
4. Graphics, diagrams, etc., should be prepared in
board). Illustrations should be in the form of separate
vector graphics editors (CorelDRAW, Adobe Illustra-
graphics files (each file should contain one figure). A
tor) and be submitted in the native format thereof
manuscript is submitted in a “clean” copy; i.e., it
(*.cdr, *.ai), or in *.eps.
should not contain corrections in the margins or in the
text. A PDF copy of the paper may also be submitted. 5. All other illustrations should be in *.tif or *.jpg
The manuscript should include the rubric, the
manuscript title, the list of authors, their affiliations, 6. Photographs should be submitted in two ver-
e-mail addresses for correspondence, an abstract, sions, the first corresponding to the original with all
keywords, a structured text, a list of literature cited, a inscriptions and notations; the second should be clean
list of figure captions and tables on separate pages. (no text, notations, etc.). The preferred format is *.tif
Copies of the figures may also be included in the text or *.jpg. Grayscale gradation of photographs is per-
portion. Formulas and diagrams should be located mitted from 9 to 93%.
where they appear in the text. 7. We do not recommend submitting illustrations
in *.doc format. If this is absolutely necessary, then

all illustrations in this format should be contained in the surname by a space (A. A. Ivanov).
one file. 6. The correct form for dates is Month (spelled in
8. The use of dot printing in vector graphics pro- full) day (numeral), year (e.g., February 2, 1991; De-
grams, such as Noise, Black&White Noise, and Top cember 26, 1874; etc.)
Noise, is not permitted. 7. Periods are not placed after the following: ru-
9. Do not add a grid or a gray background to brics, paper headings, authors, addresses, text head-
graphics and diagrams. ings and subheadings, table titles, or units of measure
10. Inscriptions in illustrations should not come in (g, grams; s, seconds; km, kilometers).
contact with any of its parts. 8. Periods are placed after the following: notes to
tables, figure captions, and abstract.
1. Compose the paper in Microsfot Word. We rec- FORMATTING FORMULAS
ommend using the publisher’s style file, which will 1. Mathematical formulas rendered on separate
aid in preparing the manuscript. Any paper published lines should be composed completely in a single
in Acoustical Physics in 2011 or later can be used as equation editor box. Composite formulas made from
an example of proper formatting. different elements (tables, text fragments, and em-
2. Avoid using macros. bedded objects) are not permitted. Formulas inserted
as images are not permitted either.
3. The text should have 1.5 line spacing. Use Win-
dows TrueType fonts (Times New Roman for text, 2. For formulas composed in an equation editor,
Symbol for symbols and Greek letters), point size 12. common fonts, symbol sizes, and their placement
should be used. Manual alteration for individual sym-
4. Scalar quantities denoted by Latin letters should
bols or formula elements is not permitted.
be italicized (e.g., n, T); quantities denoted with
Greek letters should be in Roman text (e.g., ρ, Ω. Use 3. Wherever possible, avoid using “stacked” for-
boldfaced Roman text to denote vector quantities, mulas. In particular, in complex formulas, representa-
without an arrow above (e.g., E, B). tion of an exponent as “exp” is recommended.
5. The text should be in English.
6. Do not use more than a single blank space (in-
cluding numeration of formulas); use indents and 1. Units of measure are separated from a number
tabs. by a space (100 kPa, 77 K, 50 m/s2) except for de-
grees, percentages, and per mille: 90°, 20°C, 50%,
7. Do not use ENTER at the end of a line; use it 10‰.
only to start a new paragraph.
2. For complex units of measure, use is allowed of
8. Employ the functions of the text editor: auto- both negative exponents (J mol−1 K−1) and parenthe-
footnote, autohyphen, lists, autoformat, etc. ses ((J/(mol K) or J (mol K)−1) for ease of readability.
9. Create tables using the special applications of The chief thing is to maintain consistency in writing
Microsoft Office; do not create them manually using identical units of measure throughout the text and il-
a large number of spaces or tabs. lustrations.
3. When listing values, or indicating numerical in-
7. RECOMMENDATIONS ON TEXT tervals, units of measure are given after the final
FORMATTING number (18–20 J/mol), with the exception of degrees.
1. For formatting of headings, check the style file. 4. Degrees Celsius should be written 5°C, not sim-
2. Decimals should be rendered with a period, not ply 5°. Angular degrees are never omitted: 5°–10°,
with a comma (0.25, not 0,25). not 5–10°.
3. Use inverted commas for quotation marks.
4. Single letters or symbols, variables or notation 10. SPACES BETWEEN WORDS
having only a super- or subscript, units of measure, Numbers with letters in notation are written with-
numerals in text, as well as simple mathematical or out spaces: IVd; 1.1.14a; Fig. 1e).
chemical formulas (e.g., a2 + b2 = c2; H2SO4) should
be text without embedding Microsoft Office objects 11. REFERENCES
(equation editors like Equation, MathType, etc.). 1. All references are given in the original language
5. In the heading, the initials of authors come be- and numbered in order of their appearance in the
fore surnames and are separated from each other and manuscript. Every item in the list of references should

contain a reference to one source. books: Authors are cited in the same way as in 2. The
2. Author’s initials go before the surname with a title of the book is written in italics. Any subsequent
space between the initials. Use and between the last edition after the first edition is mentioned following
two authors: F. Mortessagne, O. Legrand, and the title. The publication information follows the title
D. Sornette. (and edition) in parentheses in the order publisher,
city, and year. The publisher’s name is generally writ-
3. The name of the journal is written in the stan-
ten in a standard shortened form. Volume number
dard CASSI-abbreviated form in plain text.
(Vol.), part number (Part), chapter number (Chap.),
4. The volume number follows the journal title in and page numbers (pp.) follow the publication infor-
bold without a preceding comma. mation. Example: L. S. Birks, Electron Probe Micro-
5. If the page numbering is continuous throughout analysis, 2nd ed. (Wiley, New York, 1971). In a
the volume, the issue number is not indicated. In this collection: D. R. Edwards, in Proceedings of the 1972
case, the first page number of the article follows the Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Institute, Ed. by
volume number separated by a comma. If the page Raymond B. Landis and Gary J. Hordemann (Stan-
numbering is not continuous, the issue number is ford Univ., Stanford, CA, 1972), pp. 71–72.
written in parentheses in plain text following the vol- References should be complete; in particular, they
ume number with a comma placed after the issue should contain the initials and surnames of all au-
number, followed by the page number. In both cases, thors, no matter how many. Constructions such as et
the year of publication follows the page number in al. and ibid. are not permitted.
parentheses: J. Appl. Phys. 44, 5151 (1973). Phys.
Today 30 (5), 44 (1977). 12. GUIDELINES FOR WORKING WITH
6. If the volume number is missing, the issue num- ELECTRONIC PROOFS
ber is indicated instead as shown by the following The main guidelines for authors on working with
example: J. Appl. Phys., No. 12, 5151 (1973). the electronic proofs can be found at the publisher’s
7. The following rules apply for references to web site.

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