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The year 2012 marks the 10th anniversary of the Godlike Heroes saga.

Since 2002,
from starting being a story that focuses only on eliminating factions and gangsters, the
lore of Ezarra and Vipera alike evolved into a universe rich in mythology and
complex characters. Here, the author will present the draft that will remake the story
that started it all, the first Godlike Hero. In contrast of the too simplistic first part of L.
Vipers saga, the remake shall expand the saga of the Chaozes, new but important
characters, originality and more in depth storyline to grow beyond just simply fighting
gangsters. Here, the author shall present the draft on the incoming remake of the first
Godlike Hero that is the Wrath of the Chaozes due in 2012 in commemoration of the
10th anniversary of LGL Epic Tales.
The story makes particular changes especially behind the Chaoz organization.
In the original saga, Chaoz is simply a trouble maker, a stronger version of the
Tondonian gangster. In the new remake, Chaoz is presented having a sinister
backstory. The Chaoz is not only a stronger faction of gangsters but also an
organization hellbent on the destruction of the great Leonen family. Not only
that, the Chaozs real intentions are revealed when a certain unknown figure
directing a group of gangsters about the so called descendants of the Ezarran
family that includes L. Viper and the Leonen family of their destruction.
The backstory of E. Viper is expanded. The original states that E. Viper is a
doppelganger or double of L. Viper but the remake states the contrary. E.
Viper is a godlike figure designed to destroy the great Raynzeor of Ezarra and
to inflict chaos in all four corners of the universe. E. Viper is even feared by
the gods themselves. In the original, E. Viper is one of a kind but in the new
remake, E. Viper is one of the many E. Vipers existing in the past but the one
in Kalitamatu is a special one and has a bigger chance to destroy the son of
Ezarra. E. Viper is one of the means of the Chaozes to inflict chaos around
Viperas known world and to destroy any descendant of the Ezarran family
that is the Leonen clan and with special emphasis to L. Viper.
E. Viper in the original is poorly written simply another L. Viper and his evil
side. In the remake, E. Viper is not L. Vipers evil side but is simply mind
controlling L. Viper to finish his opponent so the two can finally square off
once and for all fulfilling a sinister plan. One important thing to note that E.
Viper is simply pretending to be a clone as part of his pranks to gullible
mortals he might victimize. L. Viper called E. Viper a clone just because the
latter arranged himself to look like the former.
Regarding the age of L. Viper, in the original, though labelled as a fourteen
year old boy, L. Viper is drawn as a man too muscular for his age. After GH1,
L. Viper is in his late teens. In the remake, L. Viper is fourteen year old young
man. Two years after the Tondonian saga, he is sixteen years old. In the special
movie, one year after the remake, he is seventeen years old turning at his late
teens at GH2 or possibly in his 20s. In contrast of the original, L. Viper in the
remake will be portrayed in a more realistic manner in which his physical built
will be what age he is in.
In the original story, Tondonia is simply a gang city infested with people who
wanted to spread chaos like an unstable society with a snippet of a backstory
being one of the cradles of Kayngran-Ezarran Empire. In the remake,
Tondonia being one of the most unstable cities in the planet is actually more

than an unstable society but can actually trace her history back when
Kayngrans from Ezarra migrated there to settle escaping from some wars with
the Ezarrans. The Tondonian gangs in the original are an organization of their
own with loose affiliations with the Chaozes. In the remake, the gangs of
Tondonia are connected to the Chaozes. In fact, they are a branch of the Chaoz
During the first part, in the remake in contrast of the original when L. Viper
and Alexander simply walks into the chaos, the saga starts when a certain
Chaoz sponsored fighter Franklin Chao being bludgeoned to near death
viewed in ones television. That event symbolizes the cloud of Chaoz around
Viperas known world. Instead of walking into the chaos, L. Viper and
Alexander used vacant motorcycles cruising into action. The new scenes are
used for the audience to feel the adrenaline into the heat of Tondonian action.
The Cabarlo brothers gimmicks are expanded. Nelson Cabarlo stays the same
gimmick the fight and bomb gimmick except with new additions like a well
balanced melee and fist fighting to show that the Cabarlos are truly formidable
fighters. Yet in the end it stays the same, he kills himself after being defeated.
The Juanings have great improvements since the original. Patrick Lee in the
remake shows his menacing tall appearance not simply a wimp tall man.
Basada is shown not only as a fat man wielding a mini gun but his mini gun is
a lot longer and he is more in a cross of a fat man and a muscular man. Jordan
Lee is portrayed in the remake as the speedy yet frustrating type of opponent.
Gangsters of all ranks shall be equipped with pipe guns or sumpaks.
James Cabarlo in the original is simply an underling of Benson Maramag
nothing extraordinary but in the remake James Cabarlo is a versatile Cabarlo
fighter riding a stallion proficient in melee and armed combat.
Benson Maramag, the last man of the Tondonian gangs in the original is
simply a man who used a tank and a Vulcan to destroy his opponents. In the
remake, Maramag claims that he is the new emperor of Tondonia attempting to
trace his lineage to the great Kayngrans. Maramag is also revealed to be
proficient in hand to hand combat.
There are new interesting characters in the remake. One is Bernice Rubigail
Collazo, one of Juanings strongest members and a former volleyball champ.
Rubigail is a woman but can strike a man like a man. The last but not the least
is, Rigoberto Hoawards arguably the strongest and the toughest of all
Tondonian gangs. In contrast of the rest of the Tondonian gangsters to inflict
chaos, Rigoberto simply wanted a great challenge that he believed only L.
Viper and Alexander can fulfill. Rigoberto might look like a Tondonian
slasher-killer but inside him is a noble soul that respects every opponent he
faced. He even helped L. Viper and friends on special occasions. He used his
giant motorcycle to storm into action. Some say if GH1 would be made as a
game the difficulty to defeat Rigoberto should put him as a secret or hidden
boss not only due to his uniqueness but the physical and mental efforts needed
to overcome him.
One woman Chaoz member character will be added. Rachel Fatimah al
Umayyad is the only woman member in the Chaoz organization. Covered by
her thick veil, Rachel is one dangerous assassin. Beneath her veil hides tons of
bombs sufficient enough to vaporize any target she desires. Rachel is also

proficient in melee and long range combat just like the rest of the Chaoz
One of the most important changes in the remake is how L. Viper met Larissa
Leonen. In the original, L. Viper and Larissa met as if they are total strangers
to each other as if they never met with each other even in time immemorial. In
the remake, the contradiction is answered when in fact L. Viper and Larissa
are not total strangers but already have known each other even completed
numerous challenges along with each other in the past. One nice scene added
when L. Viper asked Larissa her name, Larissa in fit of rage slapped the head
of L. Viper. As a result, L. Viper regained his memory of her. The explanation
here is that the explosion sent by the Chaozes to destroy the Leonen clan is too
intense even temporarily blinded the memory of L. Viper. In fact, L. Viper
took a share of the explosion trying to shield Larissa from peril cost his
memory to be temporarily lapsed.
In the original GH1, there is no appearance of Ron Carlos Leonen. In the
remake, there would be appearances from Ron because in the prequel before
the remake, Ron is already very active and a sworn rival of L. Viper with a
mixture of unholy alliance. In the remake, Ron himself played major roles
helping the allies against Dai Daruma and also helping them defeat Kenshins
army. He will also be seen of having bitter rivalry with the real Kenshin. Their
bitter rivalry against each other might have led to General Eduardo Leonens
death in the hands of Kenshin towards the end of GH2.
There are name changes to the members of the Chaozes. Jasper Kimling Yu
will be Ling Kim Yu. Frederick Yao will be Federico Tepes Lee. Patrick Sy
will be Patrick Nightman. Daryl Chan will be Daryl Nightblade. Ryan Uy will
be renamed as Ryan Scourgeflame Uy. And Joshua Young would be renamed
as Joshua Youngblade.
Federico Lee will be equipped with a long stake similar to Vlad Tepes. He is
also armed with his trusty Mp5 navy.
Nightmans battles will be in a dark place in which the hitman will all have the
The elite members of the Chaozes in the Wealthian presidential palace will die
unique deaths instead of conventional ones in the original. Federico will be
impaled by his own weapon. Nightblade will be outsmarted by Alexander.
General Kim will die like a true warrior by allowing himself to fall into the
furnace instead of dying on L. Vipers hands.
In the original, the motive of going into Kalitamatu is to search for Kenshin to
avenge Maika. In the remake, Maika will be kidnapped by Kameda to be
reprimanded by Kenshin for telling the heroes of his activities. Two reasons
more of going into Kalitamatu is that for Kenshin to challenge the heroes and
bait them of encountering the destroyer god of Chaoz, E. Viper.
In the original, Shitenia is simply a small village inhabited by Japanese like
people. In the remake, especially after seeing in the saga of Rayn Ezarra that
Shitenia is one major power and one of the grandest empires ever existed in
the annals of Ezarra, Shitenia in the foothills and slopes of Kalitamatu is just a
small village inhabited by the descendants of the rebels of Shitenia who
disagrees with the puppet ruler installed by Rayn Ezarra. It is like the
squatters version of Shitenia.

In the original the character Kenshin is a total ripoff from the Ruroni Kenshin
franchise but the in remake, there are two Kenshins existing. One is simply a
weak yet formidable retainer Hironobu Kameda. The other is simply one of
the major villains of GH2 revamped. Talking of the latter, Kenshin went
beyond from his original typical samurai wife beater of Maika. In the remake,
Kenshin is more than a wife beater but a major player on the Chaozes plans.
Kenshin in the remake is designed to be more elaborate, commanding respect
and worship. Like a shogun in ancient Japan, Kenshin commands grandeur
and sophistication mixed with a more megalomaniac attitude. He is designed
with a set of armors with a mixture from Kamakura and Sengoku era. He is
also featured with a head cowl similar to Kenshin Uesugi. His face resembles
a more evil version of Minamoto Yoritomo so the readers can feel that
Kenshin is one dangerous man to mess up with.
In the original due to poor writing, the special forms of L. Viper and friends
seemed to be a pale knock off of the characters of one popular anime. In the
remake, the special forms of L. Viper and friends are known as Harpazo in
which in biblical terms means rapture. In the rapture Christians will have a
glorified body immune from pain, sorrow and even death.
In the original, the allies simply spent their stay in Shitenia. In the remake,
their stay in Shitenia will be slightly elaborated with them encountering the
post General Kim Chaoz members and even the real Kenshin himself. Ron
will also participate alongside the allies searching for Kenshin.
In the original, the Buddha robot is simply a sentai like robot with a mixture of
the weapons monsters from Final Fantasy 7 simply with the head of Amida
Buddha for the convenience of recognition. In the remake, the Buddha robot is
known as Tosho Dai Daruma or Great Dharma Machine. The Buddha robot
has more features that will resemble him as if like how Buddha will look like
in mechanized form. One prominent addition is the robe cloths around his
limbs and a great halo signifying ultimate enlightenment that will really make
a great challenge to the allies.
The Commonwealth Albatross in the original illustration is simply an
overpowered bird like jet. In the remake Albatross will be a cross between a
bird jet and an aircraft carrier. The original Albatross will still be used but only
as one of the units to assist the flagship. In fact if you will see, the new
Albatross is inspired by the robots from Jet Man in spaceship bird mode and
the god phoenix from Gatchaman series.
The onslaught of E. Viper to the Shitenians in the original is simply a drive to
kill for pleasure and to inflict Chaos. In the remake, the motive of E. Viper in
exterminating multitudes of Shitenians is one psychological drive to intimidate
and instil fear to L. Viper and his allies. The motive of chaos will also be used
since E. Viper, as a godlike being to the Chaozes, is a being of pure destruction
and a being capable of fulfilling the mission vision of the Chaozes. Also, as
previously said, E. Viper is one of the factors of the fall of the once great
Ezarran Empire.
In the original, Patrick Nightman and Ryan Uy are simply encountered in the
building facilitys roof deck. In the remake, L. Viper and Alexander went on
their separate ways enduring numerous obstacles and traps before finishing
these elite Chaoz members. The battle against Nightman is not as simple as in

the original version. In the remake, L. Viper must endure numerous traps and
darkness itself before he can land a hand towards Nightman.
In the original, the Chaosaurus is simply a slow moving dinosaur easy to kill.
In the remake the Chaosaurus is more dangerous especially it is faster, more
durable, harder to kill, has more firearms and realistically larger. The
Chaosaurus could also spray lasers to the ones who tried to escape from his
awesome might. Also in the remake, the battle against Chaosaurus does not
end in the destruction of the dinosaur, the battle will end after the allies
destroyed Joshuas escape helicopter including him within the chopper.
In the original, everything ends with Joshua Youngblade, the leader of the
Chaozes but in the remake, there is one challenge left that is the machine
Master Chaos. Chaoz itself is a mechanical terror armed with multiple
nuclear silos with an instinct only comparable to Death himself. Chaoz can fly
instilling frustration to its enemies even peppering them especially when they
are helpless. Rest assured, you may have your opinions about Chaoz but most
will agree it is a machine that is pure destruction even some saying it is the
god of all war machines. With all missiles gone and his artilleries, Chaoz
can transform into another mode even more difficult to overcome that can
equate with something labelled as apocalyptic. In fact, the end of Chaoz will
only come after the allies tracked down renegade Wealthian politicians
including the so called founding father of Commonwealth City.
In the original, Ron is never seen in the war against the last of the Chaozes. In
the remake, Ron playing a pivotal role destroying Kenshins renegade
Shitenian army and even defeating him leading to his incarceration in
Commonwealth City.
In the original there are clones of E. Viper designed to distract the L. Viper and
E. Viper personal rivalry. In fact, the clones are cheaply made. In the remake,
the E. Viper clones are stronger, smarter and nearly on par to the real E. Viper
which will make the allies left even triply more difficult.
In the original during the battle with E. Viper, it is simply an unrealistic aerial
battle until E. Viper met his defeat and seemingly demise.
In the remake, the battle against E. Viper will be harder, more dynamic and
hopefully more innovative. In the remake, the battle starts at the carrier pad of
Albatross where E. Viper engages L. Viper into a brutal fight with L. Viper
managing to get rid of E. Viper by pumping him pointblank with Eduards ion
antitank rifle. After the first battle, E. Viper forced Albatross crashing into the
ground in the plains of Commonwealth killing the pilots. The allies saw E.
Viper in his armoured form engaging him in another epic fight. With his
newfound form, E. Viper easily dominated L. Viper and his allies. The time he
is about to annihilate the allies, Rigoberto came into their rescue throwing
himself to E.Viper eventually ended up sacrificing himself for the allies. L.
Viper and his allies tracked E. Viper beneath the large hole and ended up
which seemed to be an icy burial site. Before they reached E. Viper, they
battled and defeated numerous clones along the way. Upon encountering E.
Viper, E. Viper also called out many of his clones to stop the allies. To E.
Vipers shock the allies fought an organized battle rendering his clones
useless. E. Viper proceeded to merge the ruby within him to do battle with the
allies. The allies fought a gallant fight but E. Vipers more dangerous godlike
powers easily dominated them leaving L. Viper alone. But L. Viper didnt

allow himself simply to be one of E. Vipers victims. In fact, he endured

everything E. Viper unleashed towards him. He even fought E. Viper in a
standstill rattling him with numerous combinations. But in the end, L. Viper
ended up being battered by E. Viper, but L. Viper didnt lose hope, E. Viper
heard Larissa turning on one of the faucets, before E. Viper proceeds to hurt
Larissa, L. Viper capitalized E. Vipers mistakes pushing him down to his icy
grave ending the god of destructions reign of terror once and for all or just
After the events of GH1, in the original, the Chaoz as an organization ended
but in the remake, the Chaoz, as an organization continues. It seems that
Youngblade is the leader of Chaoz but it is too far from things really are. Back
in the Wealthian political scene, there are certain persons who dont like the
influence the Leonens are putting in the political scene. In fact, they are
buying their time to perfectly execute their plans to end the Leonen clan. In
one heated political boiling point, one man named Teodoro Santiago
Nakamura Chuoa is the only man in the scene whose hatred for the Leonen
clan went beyond the oppositions. As he made his move as he revealed to be
the real leader of Chaoz. Though not as great as E. Viper and to that unknown
progenitor, Nakamura is megalomaniac in his own right, dictatorial,
tyrannical, brilliant, influential, powerful and wealthy, despite failing his first
attempt to destroy L. Viper and the Leonens, he is ready to make one last stand
to inflict chaos in Vipera, destroy the Leonen clan and finally ruling Vipera all
by himself for the glory of the Chuoan Empire.
In the original the ending is simply after the aerial defeat of L. Viper, he and
his allies went to Larissas home and together they celebrated their victory. In
the remake, after E. Vipers defeat in the underground facility, L. Viper went
towards his allies thanking them of what they had done also thanked and
embraced Larissa. Ron and his troops arrived in the scene. Although he
ignored the allies except his sister, he ordered his troops to confine the allies in
a Wealthian hospital for the treatment of their injuries. After their release from
the hospital, L. Viper and his friends went up to the summit of Mt. Gustavvi
enjoying a panoramic view under a large moonlit night. Moments later, L.
Viper received a call from one of the officers informing him that there are still
individuals planning to run Chaoz continuing its sinister plans, alarmed, L.
Viper and his friends proceeded to go down from the summit to deal with
Chaoz once again.

1. L. Viper: L. Viper is the main hero of the story and the future Raynzeor of
Ezarra in which at last, Ezarra shall have a great leader since the
disappearance of Rayn Ezarra. L. Viper is not his real name but his alias in
which he named himself due to his swift nature to subdue opponents and
threats extending to the ones whom a lot stronger than himself. L. Vipers
reputation is not only known to his opponents. It is also known to the people
whom societies he had saved and restored order. L. Viper is not only known as
a powerful individual but also a person who has a potential to be a great
leader. A young man whose past is clouded by obscurity, nonetheless he
stormed into action to do the right thing. L. Viper is proficient in hand to hand
combat and preferred to use his sword to fight his opponents. He also
demonstrated proficiency in long range projectile warfare.

2. Larissa Leonen: L. Vipers childhood friend in which he met when he is

studying in high school. She is known around the campus and along her
fathers peers as the gem and the future of the Leonen clan. She is known to be
brave, strong willed, caring, compassionate and a young woman who will fight
for what she believes. Her companionship with L. Viper on several occasions
that led them enduring several challenges will create an inseparable bond
between them for times to come. Larissa is not only proficient in long range
combat. She is also known to find ways to overcome challenges which seemed
she cannot overcome.
3. Alexander Tiu Scizor: Alexander Tiu can trace his descendants to the great
scythe wielding masters known as Scizors. Although he one of L. Vipers
closest allies, their ancestors probably fought a bitter rivalry that shook the
ancients. Alexander in fact, referred himself as the soul master even becoming
L. Vipers rival in the past. Despite having rivalry with each other, Alexander
respects the abilities of L. Viper eventually joining with him in his adventures
in which he undoubtedly proved that he is more than a worthy ally. Alexander
is prominent in close quarter combat using his scythe and has a limited
command of psychic abilities.
4. Eduard Chua Durant: Eduard is introduced when he is seeking help after his
forces were obliterated by Tosho Dai Daruma. The readers may think he is
after all a helpless, failed military man but after reading his history, Eduard is
one of Futechs city finest military personnel. Eduard is known for his
reciprocity which made him a valuable ally and a friend in times of need. His
men made a testimony of him being a generous officer in spite of being
ruthless to unredeemable threats. His good qualities helped him ascend among
the ranks. Eduards fighting style is purely militaristic. From long range, close
quarter combat even infiltration, Eduard is a versatile fighter whose name will
be scribed in the annals of Viperan military.
5. Charmaine Maika Ong: Larissa Leonens best friend and also childhood
friend. Maika is forced to marry with Kenshin in which the latter domestically
abused her and lowered her status in society. Despite being domestically
abused, Maika is a long suffering individual in which in her trials and storms
in life made her a stronger person and fearless when being put in a crisis.
Maika is shown to be a tough young woman who can hold on her own. Being
trained in the Shitenian style in fighting, she can fight using in katana
primarily for self-defense. She is also trained in ninjutsu where she is
proficient in handling locks, infiltration and even explosives.
6. Ron Carlos Leonen: Despite not appearing in the original GH1, Ron Carlos
Leonen has sworn rivalry with L. Viper not only for pride but supremacy in all
aspects especially the future of the Leonen clan is in his hands. Ron in fact,
encountered and even fought L. Viper in the past. Despite being outclassed
and defeated, Ron will not stop until he finally proved himself that he is
superior to L. Viper for the glory of the Leonen clan. Ron is known not only as
a versatile fighter but also an orator, a disciplined man due to strict training
from Eduardo Leonen and a person whose brilliance and confidence could end
him up in top leadership in a very young age. Ron is shown as a versatile
fighter, a formidable opponent to the great L. Viper. He fights with his
specially made sabre. In contrast to L. Viper who fights every time using his
sword, Ron preferred to fight tactically avoiding putting himself into

unnecessary troubles. Ron will be the second husband of Maika and the future
leader of the Wealthian nation.
7. General Eduardo Leonen: The patriarch of the Leonen clan and the father of
Larissa and Ron. General Leonen is known in his own country not only as a
great and brilliant general but also strict, unwavering, ruthless and has all the
means to influence the Wealthian political scene. He began as an ordinary
soldier. After he emerged victorious from tons of battles that gained
admiration among those all around him, General Leonen was promoted to an
even higher position that made him cross from his military comfort zone to the
brutal world of politics. As a neophyte in politics, General Leonen proved his
critics and his oppositions wrong as he is shown to be a great administrator
and a future leader in the Wealthian nation. After he made his mark in the
political world, he is well respected by the people even fearing him due to his
uncompromising stances. After his wife Lorna and his daughter were
massacred by the Chaozes, General Leonen became even more ruthless unto
the extent ambitioning himself to rule Viperas known world. Even before
becoming a politician he already installed his nephew to the Wealthian
political battleground. His children Larissa and Ron, all became independent,
disciplined, cultured, brilliant and decisive thanks to his strict methods of
disciplining the heirs of the Leonen family. General Leonen has also contempt
for L. Viper whom he believed he is using his daughter just to get to the power
plays. General Leonen may be an aging military politician but he remained to
be a great military leader who still retained his old school military prowess
and has the ability to influence everything in Commonwealth City.
8. John Nelson Cabarlo: One of the members of the TBS gang member in
Tondonia, Nelson is reputed to be very ruthless and dangerous when
encountered. He is feared not because he is powerful but is swift and fast
when dealing with his oppositions. He even gave L. Viper the run for his
money when the latter challenged him. L. Viper had problems with the
punching speed and power of Nelson the first time he encountered him.
Nelson has also his own concept of pride. When defeated rather than dying in
the hands of his opponent, he is willing to blow himself up believing in the
end he still won the war. Nelson is labelled as a master when comes in brutal
street fighting. He is a legend when comes to speed especially when he
pummels his opponent. He is armed with a fan knife typical of a Tondonian
gangster and a bomb to blow himself up when things didnt come into his
9. James Michael Cabarlo: The younger brother of the dangerous Nelson
Cabarlo. Like his brother, he is proficient in street fighting skills. He is also
known for his speed especially constantly hitting his opponent in the eyes
rendering them blind. Unlike his conventional brother, James has a taste when
comes in class and sophistication. Than directly confronting L. Viper and
Alexander, he tends to ride his favourite horse that made him a hero and a
saint among the gangs of Tondonia. He too has the same concept of pride his
brother has. He also blows himself when defeated. James Cabarlo is proficient
not only in street fighting, he is also great when comes in long range fighting
and is believed to be a brilliant strategist as well for the gangs of Tondonia. He
is equipped with his favourite horse, a long barrelled shotgun and a fan knife
for melee combat. Not to forget to mention, he is armed with a bomb strapped
into his body to be activated when defeated.

10. Aldrin Basada: One of the four members of Juanings, a more elite branch of
the Tondonian gangsters. Basada is known like any gangsters to be ruthless.
He is famed to bully his opponent first before destroying them. He finally met
his match when Alexander pushed him beyond his limits. As a result, Basada
was killed in a short but dangerous battle. Basada is mainly concentrated on
long range fighting as he is equipped with a gatling gun. When needed, he can
use his physique to overpower his opponents.
11. Patrick Lee: Another member of Juanings. Patrick is known to be a tall and
intimidating opponent. He is the enforcer of the elite members of the Juanings.
Patrick though tall and intimidating, he is a cool head who wants the thrill of a
great battle in contrast of the hot tempered bully Basada. Patrick may taunt his
opponents but in reality he wanted the best of they can be so he can be
fulfilled of what he is ordered to do. Patrick, like most of the members of
Juanings, fell in the hands of Alexander Scizor. Patrick is proficient in street
fighting and he uses his sheer physical size to overcome his opponents.
12. Jordan Li: The speedy member of the Juanings. Jordan is known as a serious
individual who simply kills and victimizes for pleasure. He has pure hatred for
L. Viper for storming into their territories. Unlike his colleagues, Jordan is
pure ruthlessness and a classic example of the worst kind of gangsters in
Tondonia. Despite his speed, Jordan was picked apart by L. Viper. Jordan is
proficient in close combat fighting. Armed with a fan knife and smaller blades
executed in raw speed, Jordan is more than enough to be a dangerous
opponent. He is not only a killer in whole but also his unpredictability is his
greatest asset.
13. Bernice Rubigail Collazo: The amazon in the Juanings elite member of gangs.
Bernice is a former volleyball champion, a current accounting student, a
woman whose future is in her hands and whose hobbies is hanging out with
her gangster friends. Bernice, despite being a woman has the power to hit like
man. Her spikes during her volleyball career are legendary. Bernice even
didnt flinch when encountering L. Viper. She even aware that L. Viper is
something beyond Ezarran Viperan human limits. She even fought L. Viper in
a competitive and close battle. In the end although L. Viper won, he explained
to Bernice that she has everything, her future in her hands. Bernice though a
muscular woman due to her athleticism, has a soft heart who thinks that
hanging out with gangsters is cool but not to be corrupted by their activities.
After fighting with L. Viper, they both have mutual respects with each other
believing that they might meet in the future in some other way. After the
demise of the Chaozes, Bernice went on to graduate accountancy as the top of
her class. Bernice is a former volleyball champion and she uses her ball to
punish her opponents. Alongside her volleyball skills, her athleticism is her
greatest asset even giving L. Viper a difficult challenge never expecting she
would fare well against the legendary future Ezarran hero.
14. Benson Maramag: The leader of all the gangsters in Tondonia and temporarily
de facto leader of Tondonia. Benson decided to face L. Viper and Alexander
after he realized that he is the only one left after the duo blitzed his gangs to
oblivion. Benson functioned not only as the leader of the Tondonian gangs but
believed himself to be the heir of the long lost Kayngran Tondonian Empire.
He presented himself with class as a Kayngran royalty who wore Kayngran
battle suit fitting his beliefs. He can be the one who influenced his henchman
James Cabarlo to be sophisticated as well talking of public image. Benson is

the only rightful person who can be described as the ultimate gangster. Mixed
with great administration proficiency over huge parts of Tondonia a little notch
below Mayor Garcia, Benson can even get the credit of temporarily ruling
Tondonia with the mayor as his hostage. In battle, he is armed with a tank to
make his opponents feel that he is an invincible foe to mess up with. When his
tank is gone he is revealed to be a master of the Kayngran style of street
fighting. He is also armed with a Kayngran sword since he believed himself to
be the heir of the Kayngran monarchs.
15. General Ling Kim Yu: The second in command of the feared organization of
Chaoz. Kim is known by his opponents and allies alike to exhibit leadership
abilities, battle prowess and his ruthlessness. He is also known to be
disciplined as well. Despite, second his command, he played a major role in
administering not only the Chaoz organization but also the gangs of Tondonia.
Think about it when Benson can rule a country by making its mayor as a
hostage, how about Kim, more dangerous and even stronger foe for his
opponents. Kim may outlive his superiors but his pride cost him when he
prematurely forced himself in an attempt to kill L. Viper once and for all.
Ironically, Kim possessed a very strong weapon which L. Viper obtained from
him to complete his harder missions. In laymans term it is Kim who helped L.
Viper continue his mission to the end. Kim is armed with a Chaoz blade a
strong weapon capable to destroying any opponent when used proficiently. He
is also proficient in long range combat even spitting acids to his unsuspecting
16. Federico Tepes Lee: Another dangerous member in the organization of Chaoz.
Federico is responsible for killing Larissas mother and younger sister in an
ambush in the outskirts of Commonwealth city. Federico is no stranger when
comes to L. Viper and company. He actually encountered them when he is
working with the former leader of the Chaoz organization. Federico has great
taste in humans blood. He has a habit of defeating his opponent into
helplessness rather than killing them instantly. After the opponent rendered
incapable, there he will drink and drain all the blood from his opponent. He
has an ambition to drain the Leonens all of the blood from their bodies. Not
only that, when Federico knew he is not in the winning side, he can transform
into a more horrible demonic form. Federico is armed with a long impaling
stake and is legendary comes his sneaky nature and his unpredictability. He is
the master when comes in rendering oppositions helplessness. Lastly, skilled
in switching sides which helped him survives alliances that might include him
as a casualty.
17. Patrick Nightman: The hitman of the organization of Chaoz. Patrick might
seem good in joking but when comes in dealing with intruders to the
brotherhood of Chaozes, he is ruthless comes eliminating his target. His skills
in assassinations earned him one of the top spots in the organization. Patrick is
not an opponent to be taken for granted. He is also an expert on booby traps
especially fighting in dark places, who will do everything just for his target to
die without notice. Patrick is armed with a stronger version of a semi
automatic shotgun, knives at his disposals, bullet-knifeproof armor and booby
traps sent to surprise his opponents only them realizing death after they
vaporized into nothingness.
18. Daryl Nightblade: The tall man of the elite Chaoz organization. Daryl in
contrast to the other members is a cool headed individual who enjoyed

challenges than being frustrated into them. Despite being a cool headed
individual, Daryl still retained his killing instinct and the Chaoz mission vision
to inflict chaos into the whole planet and put themselves into authority. Daryl
is first seen by the organization when he is a young boy. Discovered by his tall
stature, the organization recruited Daryl expecting him to make short works of
his opponent. He is eventually trained with the blades as great addition not
only from his sheer physical height but also killer instincts. Daryl is armed
with blades in his arms. As a member of the organization, he never let go of
his killer instincts besides being a cool head. Daryl in fact is more deceptive
since he exhibits more of his good nature self to deceive than genuine.
19. Rachel Fatimah Al Umayyad: The woman member of the elite Chaoz
organization. In spite of being a woman Rachel is in fact one of the most elite
members of the organization. She was discovered when the organization found
her orphaned in some distant war also, she demonstrated remarkable survival
skills. She is known for her versatility and her wits. Being a woman, a
potential victim is easily deceived since she can be compassionate at times.
The victim never knowing he or she is giving his life to be taken out by the
organization. Rachel, as she joined the elite ranks of the Chaoz, she developed
her skills and participated in assassinations, organized bombings, kidnapping
and infiltration. The organization took note of her spying skills thats why it is
one of the reasons why the Chaozes managed to get all information without
much difficulty. Rachel is proficient in hand to hand combat, melee combat
and also long range combat as she is equipped with a high powered rifle. Her
bombing skills are dangerous that may also rout the likes of the Leonen forces
and even L. Viper. Of all the Chaoz members, she has the greater chance to be
redeemable due to her compassionate nature who thinks that she is only
fulfilling what her superiors tell her to do.
20. Ryan Scourgeflame Uy: The sentinel of the organization of Chaoz, not much is
known about Ryan except he was once a colleague of Joshua Youngblade who
allowed himself to be experimented resulted in a charred body who needs
survival through a thick exoskeleton armor. As a result, Ryan went beyond the
level of humanity into one of the Chaozes killing machines. Ryan is known to
be extremely durable and can emit projectiles from his imposing tentacles.
21. Joshua Youngblade: The leader of the elite Chaoz organization and believed to
be first in command during the time L. Viper and friends stormed their
headquarters and their Tondonian branch. Joshua in contrast of the great
General Ling Kim Yu, is more concentrated on administrative affairs than a
warrior administrator function. Joshua like most of the people in the
organization is ruthless and simply do not care around his surroundings only to
make the Chaoz mission of destroying the Leonen clan and inflict chaos
around the globe fulfilled. What made Youngblade even more dangerous is
that he has connections inside the Wealthian political scene even making the
Leonens safety even more volatile. When he was young Youngblade is
reputed to be a great Chaoz member ascending to the ranks and replaced the
former Chaoz leader. His brilliance separated him from the rest of the
members in which the members are purely confrontational in nature.
Youngblade never stops thinking of ways to overcome his opponent.
Youngblade is proficient in close quarter combat armed with an improved
Chaoz blade. Renowned for his speed and his unpredictability, truly,
Youngblade is a dangerous foe to encounter with. He has also abilities to

operate large machines enough to crush the opposing Wealthians involving L.

Viper and the Leonens. He is also known to think in a long term perspective
putting an escape helicopter in the Chaosaurus in case of failure thus
continuing his missions in the future.
22. Rigoberto Hoawards: One of the toughest even among the legendary
Tondonian gangsters. In contrast to his colleagues, Rigoberto only waits for
decent challengers and opponents rather than inflicting chaos on society.
Although he seemed a little like an autistic retard, Rigoberto is an imposing
and a serious opponent when fought against. Only few ever challenged his
might and his proficiency in noble battles. One thing that made Rigoberto a
legend even a lore among Tondonian gangsters is that he seemed like a gentle
and playful giant when encountered in a conventional way. When challenged,
he turns into a dangerous killer at the same time waiting for the strongest
opponent for him to go beyond his conventions. Rigoberto despite his being a
gangster, he respects his opponent especially stronger ones. He is willing to
sacrifice himself all for the ones he had mutual respect with. Rigoberto can be
arguably the most dangerous fighter gangster of all Tondonia. He is armed
with large butcher knives and a chainsaw. His sheer size and his punching
power are only for the strongest opponents he might expect. Even L. Viper and
the legendary soul master Alexander Scizor combined is not enough against
this hulking behemoth. He rides his gigantic motorcycle as he stormed into
23. Hironobu Kameda: The retainer of Yoshihiro Kenshin Minamoto. Hironobu
is encountered when L. Viper and his companions went down into the depths
of Kalitamatu after enduring all of Kenshins samurais. Hironobu like his lord
is a very ruthless individual. He supports what his lord believes that women
are inferior beings and must be put into their place. Hironobu is famous for
being a catalyst to unleash the full potential of L. Viper. Ironically, L. Viper
went Harpazo courtesy from E. Vipers psychic controls. E. Viper in fact used
L. Viper to eliminate Kenshin so the son of Ezarra and the Ezarran destroyer
can finally settle their score. Although Hironobu is a retainer, he is quite a
great swordsman. He is even mistakenly referred as Kenshin due to the
similarity of their styles. He is armed with a katana with multitudes of
swordsmanship skills to deliver punishing blows to his opponents. One thing
so interesting to mention is that the real Kenshin works behind the scenes and
Hironobu is the acting lord of all Shitenian samurais which means the real one
is confident that his retainer is a duplicate of himself.
24. Yoshihiro Kenshin Minamoto: Yoshihiro Minamoto can trace his ancestry to
the great ancient Shitenian swordsmasters. He is also the husband of
Charmaine Maika Ong. Yoshihiro is a great swordsman with legendary skills
but has a low view of women. He believes women should be put into their
place. He is known to be a megalomaniac in his interactions with his
compatriots and clans. As a leader, although a great administrator, he always
employs unique ways of executions to his detractors. He is not content with
simply ruling over the Shitenians. He even involved himself joining criminal
and terroristic organizations such as the Chaozes to serve his agendas. Some
claimed he joined to Chaozes to know their operations with a conspiracy to
replace their leader as him their future leader further planning to conquer
Viperas known world. He views the Leonens as a hindrance to his ambitious
world domination. Despite being ruthless, dictatorial, sadistic and

unconventional, Kenshins swordsmanship is quite legendary. His

swordsmanship can be on par with the greatest swordsman of all Shitenia. He
can even stand toe to toe with L. Viper and company combined. He is also a
great administrator and a one who will take any opportunity to further his
goals. His involvement with the Chaozes is not because he is allied with them.
He is simply getting his opportunity to use the organization to further his
25. E. Viper: The godlike figure the Chaozes worship. The origin of E. Viper is
lost in antiquities. His imprisoned form is found by the successor of the former
leader of Chaoz. Upon founding out his origins, one of the leaders of Chaoz
started worshipping him as the god of chaos. E. Vipers origin is that he is
once a war machine built to destroy the Ezarran Empire by some unknown
mystical figure. Originally, E. Viper is not alone. There are legions of him to
fulfill that beings desire for universal domination with the elimination of the
great Raynzeor of Ezarra. The E. Viper found by the members of Chaoz is the
special kind of E. Viper in an attempt to destroy the Raynzeor of Ezarra. His
imprisoned form may suggest he is imprisoned after defeat but releasing him
shall unleash untold chaos and apocalypse in the whole of Vipera. A popular
saying that the gods tremble at the wrath of the legions. E. Viper, as a god of
chaos and destruction, an ancient war machine, it is known that his abilities
stayed true to what he is. E. Viper is godlike in hand to hand combat judging
the length of his experience and he is designed to be that way. His awkward
zig zag style of sword fighting presumed to have frustrated the might of many
Empires. One prominent feature is that despite not a full powered destroyer he
once is, E. Viper has an array of mystical commands at his disposal. He even
manipulated L. Viper to go Harpazo as a result helped him kill Hironobu
Kameda so they can settle an ancient score. He can also be L. Vipers
doppelganger so they can have a rivalry that they can never forget. After
turning into semi true form, E. Viper commands spikes around his body to
brutally desecrate his opponents. He also commands legions of projectile
weapons thus solidifying his mythology as chaos incarnate. No wonder the
Chaozes made a god out of him due to his unstoppable nature.
26. Teodoro Santiago Nakamura: A prominent Wealthian politician who is the
rival of Eduardo Leonen. As he dreams of going beyond the ranks, he always
fell short of the generals brilliance. Rather than becoming the solution of the
Wealthian state affairs, he kept on opposing the policies of general Leonen
who always go for the greater good of the nation. Teodoro Santiago is
rumoured to orchestrate assassination attempts to the Leonens. He is said to be
the real mastermind of the organization of Chaoz. He is also a part of the
prominent Eastern royalties known as the Chuaons. Teodoro Nakamura,
though a short man is a pretty dangerous individual. He has a lot of
connections from politicians and wealthy people alike. He is said to be
tyrannical towards to his staffs and employees. His administration skills is
demonstrated when he unites with all of Leonens oppositions in an attempt to
conspire against the general. He is also fond of sports cars, horses and cowboy
lifestyle. His cowboy gimmick is what made him popular to all those who
knew him.
1. L. Viper: Old sword, kris, Chaoz Blade and katana.

2. Alexander Scizor: Death scythe and soul based psychic powers.

3. Larissa Leonen: Rocket launcher, handgun, sub machine gun and Rachels
Rail gun.
4. Eduard Chua Durant: Anti tank rocket launcher, hand gun, grenades and
Futech battle sabre.
5. Charmaine Maika Ong- Minamoto: Katana, small daggers, ninja based
explosives and shurikens.
6. Ron Carlos Leonen: Wealthian special beam sabre, grenades and magnum.
7. General Eduardo Leonen: Generals handgun and royal Wealthian battle sabre.
8. John Nelson Cabarlo: Lightning knuckles, fan knife and self destruction bomb.
9. James Cabarlo: Fan knife, revolver, lightning knuckles and self destruction
10. Aldrin Basada: Vulcan minigun.
11. Patrick Lee: Battle gloves, Tondonian gang knife and pipe shotgun.
12. Jordan Li: Fan knives and knuckles.
13. Bernice Rubigail Collazo: Champions ball.
14. Rigoberto Hoawards: Dual butcher swords, chainsaw, boxing gloves and Class
3 RPG rocket.
15. Benson Maramag: Kayngran royal armor, Kayngran royal blade, fan knife,
gatling gun and Tondonian battle destroyer.
16. General Ling Kim Yu: Chaoz Blade.
17. Federico Tepes Lee: Vampire fangs, Mp5 navy and long stake.
18. Daryl Nightblade: Nightvision glasses, handgun with telescope and laser and
bladed arms.
19. Ryan Scourgeflame Uy: High technological armor, sub machine gun and
projectile tentacles.
20. Patrick Nightman: Semi automatic shotgun, magnum, self defense knife and
various booby traps.
21. Rachel Fatimah Al Umayyad: Rail gun, self destruction bomb, grenades and
22. Joshua Youngblade: Chaoz battle blade, Chaosaurus and Chaochopper.
23. Hironobu Kameda: Katana, wakizashi and other samurai based weapons.
24. Yoshihiro Kenshin Minamoto: Katana, Wakizashi, muskets and divine
Shitenian armor.
25. E. Viper: Megiddo sword, battle spikes and various purely godlike destructive
26. Teodoro Santiago Nakamura: Wealthian political assassination weapons.
Vehicles and Machines:
1. Tondonian motorcycles: Popular high speed motorcycles in Tondonia rode by
gangsters to hype themselves up and provide them the adrenaline to feel the
heat of the action. It is also used by men to show off to women. L. Viper and
Scizor rode those motorcycles to storm into the stronghold of the Tondonian
2. Tondonian battle tanks: Roofless tanks armed with a machinegun designed to
keep gangsters at bay. They are used when a situation becomes volatile when
only the death of the gangsters is the only way to provide peace.
3. Kayngran destroyer: An ancient Kayngran tank used by Benson Maramag who
believed he is the heir to the lost empire to destroy the likes of those who

opposed to his policies especially L. Viper and Scizor. The tank is armed with
the baddest artilleries sufficient enough to brutally silence every opposition.
4. Tondonian Jeep: A light Tondonian vehicle used in navigating rough terrains to
cross the border towards Commonwealth city.
5. CW Albatross: A large avian carrier like plane used by the wealthiest officials
to survey the whole of the planet. It is armed with an ion cannon with tons of
machine guns for self defense. One of the best spots in the ship is its deck in
which officials stepped into to survey the whole Viperan landscape. Used by
L. Viper and company as they track down E. Viper and the Chaoz.
6. Tosho Dai Daruma: A large mechanical machine inspired by the features of
Amida Buddha. It is brought up from the ocean by E. Viper by finding the
ruby that empowers it. The mechanical Buddha is more than enough to
obliterate the combined forces from the Viperas known world. It is also armed
with wings that can shoot lasers and a halo that provides its awesome mystical
might. Its fists of meditation can crush even the hardest machines without an
7. Chaosaurus: A large behemoth controlled by Joshua Youngblade after being
frustrated by the allies. It is inspired by the extinct Tyrannosaurus Rex. It is
armed with a laser in the groin to stop ground forces. It can also shoot fiery
projectiles against the greatest threats available. One interesting thing about
this machine is that its sheer physical force is incalculable. It will unleash a
deafening roar before it will crush every opposition available. It is said when it
is mass produced, it could mean absolute victory for the Chaozes.
8. Chaochopper: An escape chopper hidden inside the dinosaur. It served as an
escape pod to Youngblade. Although he planned to escape and continue
fighting another day, its small firepower only for self defense failed to save
Youngblade from the allies resulting to his demise and the end of the Chaozes.
9. Master Chaoz: The machine that fought during the last stand of the Chaozes. It
is designed to be the last resort of the organization. It is unleashed when the
organizations existence is threatened. After Youngblades death, the facility
unleashed this hidden mechanical beast to stop the allies and fulfill the vision
of the Chaozes. This machine alone tells everything about the organization as
it really is. It is armed with multiple missile silos that can vaporize everything
within its range. When heavily damaged, the machine will reveal itself as
another idealized Chaoz warrior. Although undountedly a machine that causes
untold destruction, in the end, it still fell in the hands of the allies destroying it
once and for all.
10. Rigobertos tractor cycle: A custom gigantic motorcycle used by Rigoberto as
he stormed into action trying to save his friends from the evil of E. Viper. It is
also armed with multiple projectiles with rocket like speed.
Draft Plot Summary:
One tragic morning in the city of Tondonia, the gangsters set their plan into motion.
The activities of the gangsters escalated and became even more intense. As a result,
the gangsters, courtesy from their leaders rampage the streets of Tondonia. They
destroyed everything that comes into their way. Routing every establishments

available, they turned Tondonia into hell on the planet. The gangsters razed every
towns lived by people who hold grudges on them. So violent is the start of the day,
every schools, businesses, banks and even government institution are forced to close
due to the volatility of the situation. Instead of finding hope in the face of poverty,
Tondonia witnessed her people shedding pile of tears over the corpses of their loved
ones. The sky above Tondonia hopes to see the one who will liberate Tondonia from
one of its darkest chapters in its violent history.
In one obscure town around the city in which violence has never yet entered lived one
promising individual named as L. Viper. In the time when the gangsters unleashed hell
on Tondonia, L. Viper watched a fight between a gang sponsored fighter named
Franklin Cho, who has connection to the dangerous Chaoz organization facing David
Prideman Holyfield. During the course of the fight, just as L. Viper expected, he saw
Prideman pummelling Franklin Cho literally ending his career. Nearing the end of the
spectacle, L. Viper saw gangsters advancing toward his town. L. Viper believes that
the gangsters are not simply destroying Tondonia in the name of chaos but also they
are bent on getting rid of their threats once and for all.
Knowing that he cannot finish the fight with the gangsters already advancing just
outside his house, L. Viper believes himself that he is the only one Tondonia can rely
upon in these trying times. Since the gangsters have sheer grudges towards L. Viper,
he expected the gangsters to murder him if they reached him. He started dressing up
and equipping himself for the fight that will determine his future. Going outside the
house, the gangsters started to surround him. L. Viper with his weapon easily disposed
the angry mob. Disappointed that he cannot see the end of Chos career, he whispered
to himself that Chos career is nothing but a made up show baked by the gangsters and
their associates. Too bad Chos first legitimate fight will be against an all time legend
that will result to his downfall. Alexander Scizor showed up telling L. Viper the
gangsters are everywhere and without them stopping the gangsters shall result to
Tondonias erasure from existence.
L. Viper and Alexander found out vacant motorcycles riding them to bring them into
the heat of the action. Their odyssey to the headquarters aint easy for there are many
gangsters who wanted a piece of them. In time, they reached the street that is near to

the gangsters headquarters. L. Viper and Alexander thinks that the motorcycles are
not enough for a grand entrance. They occupied two of the abandoned infantry tanks
storming into the threshold of the gangster headquarters.
Killing unimaginable number of gangsters blocking their way through a military
machine, the roads are set clear for the duo to end one of the darkest chapters in
Tondonian history. While on their way to the entrance, a living legend to the gangsters
John Nelson Cabarlo served as the last stand for the duo not to enter the compound. L.
Viper told Alexander that he will be the one to fight Cabarlo. Against L. Viper,
Cabarlo gave L. Viper the run for his money. With his proficiency in melee combat,
lightning lethal punches and battle experience rattled L. Viper on several occasions. L.
Viper even commented it is one of his toughest fights to date. In the end, even Cabarlo
is unable to outmatch L. Viper. Even in the brink of defeat, Cabarlo retained his pride.
He activated the bomb inside his clothes to die a honourable death and even
destroying L. Viper. After the explosion, only the mortal remains of Cabarlo and the
surrounding objects are consumed. L. Viper survived thanks to his fast reflexes. In the
summit of the gangsters headquarters, Nelsons brother James Cabarlo, instead of
shedding tears to his partner in crime, he vows to destroy L. Viper when they finally
destined to encounter to fight a fateful battle.
The duo reached the entrance of the headquarters. Alexander, being the more
analytical of the two, advised L. Viper to endure the harsh ventilations to get into the
top gangs without unnecessary risks. L. Viper knowing that Alexander is once part of
the gangs trusted his friend and there they entered the ventilation shaft. Enduring the
narrow space, the smell and the pitch black environment of the shaft, the duo ended
up just outside a special elevator.
They rode the elevator to reach the elite members but they are forced to stop on
certain floors so that gangsters will have their chances to destroy their threats. When
the elevator stops on certain floors, the duo quickly disposed all those who wished
them dead. Expecting that the gangsters already set them in for a trap, the duo
anticipated that they wont be riding the elevator to the top floor. As predicted, they
stopped a little higher than the middle floors. When the elevator door opened, a knife
suddenly lunged toward L. Viper. L. Viper found out the assailant and quickly

disposed him with Alexander helping him destroy his lackeys. They eventually
reached the fire exit whose stairs shall lead them to the top guns.
Unfortunately for the duo, the road to the leaders of the gangsters will be long and
difficult. The stairs supposedly leading to the top are heavily guarded by gangsters
ordered by their leaders after knowing they are being infiltrated. The duo with their
determination, principles and fighting spirit intact, they braved the stairs that might
bring their sudden death. Going beyond the stair guards, they ended up which is
believed to be a warehouse storing the gangsters goods.
Going inside the warehouse, the duo is surprised by an elite gangster organization
known as the Juanings. They are composed by members, Aldrin Basada the bully,
Patrick Lee the enforcer, Jordan Li the silent assassin and Bernice Rubigail Collazo
the Amazonian champion. L. Viper and Alexander were welcomed by the elite
members but their deaths shall follow. They divided themselves into two. Each of
them shall deal at least two members of their Juaning counterparts
Basada like all gangsters knows that the duo is in their territory to eliminate every
trace of their existence. Instead of letting Patrick Lee do the job for him, he allowed
his overconfidence and psychological intimidation assure him the victory the
gangsters need the most. The duo as always as firm to their objectives knows that the
only thing peace and order in Tondonia will be secured is to destroy every trace of
these violent gangsters. Alexander steps up to Basadas challenge. Basada being the
master of intimidation and bullying, equipped his gatling gun. He taunted Alexander
first before attempting to pepper him with bullets. The two fought in a competitive
match until Alexander overwhelmed Basada with his unnatural speed, reflexes and
power. He even overwhelmed Basada in his own fighting game. Delivering the fatal
blow, Alexander scythed Basada into the chest down to severe his body. Not accepting
defeat, Basada picked what remained of his weapon and frantically firing towards
Alexander. The loss of blood and serious injuries killed the bully champion. In the
wake of Basadas death, Alexander properly prepares and conditioned himself against
the vengeance of Basadas friend and bodyguard, Patrick Lee.
While Alexander deals with Basada, L. Viper is in no luck situation. He is to fight and
figure out the silent assassin Jordan Li. It is the serious nature of Jordan that makes

him a dangerous opponent. Conditioning himself to deal with the silent assassin, L.
Viper seemed too slow for Jordan already jumping towards him with his unseen speed
and killer instincts. Like the battles from the past, L. Viper will not allow himself to
be a petty victim of a glorified gang member. L. Viper reacted everything what Jordan
could give to him. In the first part of this tough battle, L. Viper had to use his reflexes
trying to figure out Jordan. After figuring Jordan out, he managed to disarm Jordan.
Jordan attempted to get his weapon but was stopped by L. Viper instead to engage
him with classic hand to hand combat. Although knowing that he is started to feel the
power and ferocity of L. Viper, Jordan uses his experiences from his killing days.
Grabbing the opportunity, he quickly regained his weapon and started swinging
against L. Viper. L. Viper almost disarmed Jordan but Jordan shall never be denied.
Jordan used everything he learned during his violent days to turn the tide of the battle.
He started to use his ninja like speed against L. Viper. One thing he failed to realize
that using his killer instincts, L. Viper already mastered his unpredictability. He made
the unpredictable predictable. With one sudden slice from his kris, L. Viper
decapitated the ever dangerous Jordan Li. With two Juaning members dead, the duo
knows that the terror of the Tondonian gangsters are about to end.
Alexander calmly expected the vengeance Patrick will bring to him after killing his
friend. In the battle, Patrick uses his tall stature to halt Alexander. Failing to hit
Alexander convincingly, he used a pipe gun to kill the soul master. Being a smart
fighter, Alexander successfully avoided the pipe gunshots. Instead of engaging Patrick
toe to toe, the two are on a chasing game. He let Patrick chased him until stepping
into one of the boxes. With Patrick going for the kill with sheer hatred, Alexander
fatally destroyed him by slicing his tall stature into halves powered up by his soul
L. Viper warned Bernice Rubigail Collazo to stop coordinating with the gangsters and
go back to a normal life for a bright future. Rubigail ended up being accurate with her
suspicions that L. Viper is underestimating a womans power. Rubigail answered L.
Vipers miscalculations by telling him she is a former volleyball champion and with
her athleticism she can humiliate L. Viper. She told L. Viper that like what her peers
told her she may be a woman but hits like a man. L. Viper persuaded Rubigail further
but without avail. Rubigail told L. Viper that she is not a real member of the

gangsters. She added that she is only hanging out with her gangster friends. Before L.
Viper argues with her, Rubigail told L. Viper that she will pay the price of killing her
friends and insulting a woman. Rubigail being a champion volleyball player, she uses
her trusty ball to inflict damages and follow where L. Viper is. L. Viper continuously
evaded the dangerous spikes Rubigail is using against him. After some spike balls, the
two didnt make a difference in the battle until one occasion when L. Viper found
himself beneath Rubigail. He seized the opportunity to finally catch her. While he is
attempting to pin her down into submission, Rubigail, backing up her claims, she
engaged L. Viper into a competitive power struggle. L. Viper was even surprised how
a woman can hold long against him. Being an athlete, Rubigail is blessed with peak
physical condition good enough to hold on her own against one of the most powerful
persons in Tondonia. In the duration of the struggle, Rubigail inevitably submitted to
L. Vipers strength. Rubigail didnt simply allow that a young man should be above
her, she pushed L. Viper eventually standing on her own. L. Viper complimented
Rubigail that he did not expect she would be that tough. He told Rubigail that she has
a bright future ahead. He asked her what course she is planning to get. After learning
Rubigail is an accounting student and simply loves hanging out with her friends, L.
Viper advises her to go back in normal life and pursue her dream to help Tondonias
eventual improvement. Rubigail in response thanked L. Viper and told him that she is
honoured to have a competitive fight with him. Being satisfied everything she gave to
hold on her own against L. Viper, she followed his advice that will be beneficial for
her in the long run. The two parted ways telling to each other that they are going to
meet again next time but not in a violent way and a violent environment.
With the Juanings out of the picture, the duo made one step further to the lair of the
gang lords. The duo already made their way just outside where the leaders are in. The
leaders are not dumb after all. They called up more gangsters to deal with the duo.
The duo started to take the gangsters for granted. They treated the gangsters like dogs
and provoked them to chase them in some place expecting the gangsters shall fall into
their baits. The duo made the wrong decision as they ended up in a dark place where
danger lurks beyond the pitch black concrete. While inside, a voice told the duo to
stay down. After the duo followed the voices advice, missiles and gunshots
obliterated the gangsters that were chasing the duo. The duo ended up clueless on
what has just happened. They never expect that they are in for another huge battle.

After the lights turned on, the duo found themselves in the territory of a huge sitting
and hulking behemoth ready to brutalize them as he pleased. The duo saw that all
possible doors for exit are automatically locked up. The duo has no choice except to
fight the large man just for their survival.
The behemoth introduced himself as Rigoberto Hoawards. A large gangster believed
by Tondonians to be one of the toughest gangsters in Tondonia with a retarded
attitude. Rigoberto told the duo that he has been waiting for decent challengers for a
very long time. He added that he wanted people who entered his domain provide him
which will test his abilities as a fighter. The duo has no choice but to fight Rigoberto
to advance towards the leaders of the gangsters. They replied Rigoberto that if they
needed to advance further; they need to remove the thorn along their way. Rigoberto
rose from his seat and equipped his missile launcher to destroy the duo just like he did
to the gangsters. In fact, Rigoberto will not waste this opportunity to fight the most
decent challengers he ever encountered. The battle against Rigoberto is divided into
four parts. Rigoberto expected that the duo will end up like what he did to the
gangsters. Rigoberto ended up wrong. He found out that the duo is too much for him.
Despite the scary moments the duo has to encounter, they successfully utilized their
reflexes and speed destroying Rigobertos launcher. Rigoberto was impressed what
the duo just accomplished. He unleashed his chainsaw vowing to rip the duo into
shreds. The combatants fought a great battle which neither sides can dominate each
other. The duo found out an opportunity with L. Viper slashing the chainsaw into
pieces which made Rigoberto lose another valued weapon. Rigoberto started equipped
his butcher swords. The duo anticipated that he is designed to butcher anything in his
path. The combatants fought in a see saw fight trying to overwhelm each other.
Knowing the size and prowess of Rigoberto is already part of Tondonian gangster
lore, The duo combined their strength hoping to overcome Rigoberto. Eventually with
his strength, Rigoberto disarmed L. Viper. Alexander saw this opportunity and used
his soul powered scythe to separate the swords from Rigoberto. Rigoberto told
Alexander that he has never seen opponents like that before. With joy in his face,
Rigoberto started to engage the duo in a hand to hand combat. Rigoberto started to use
his sheer size and feared punching powers. The duo did what they need to do. They
dodged every dangerous blow Rigoberto has in store for them. When the duo found
an opening, he rattled Rigoberto which constantly stunned him. Rigoberto like always

is trying to impose himself to the duo. The duo countered him with barrages of shots
adding Alexanders powered up fists. Rigoberto had also his moments when he hit the
unsuspecting duo. Again, neither side has been able to deliver the decisive outcome. It
is size and power against reflexes and determination. The battle ended when the duo is
about to deliver the deathblow but was blocked by Rigobertos large fists. Both sides
knew that if they push it through, they are all both going to die. Without a decisive
outcome, the battle ended up in a draw. The duos hands are already in Rigobertos
body but they cannot push it through due to Rigobertos dangerous uppercuts.
Rigoberto cannot deliver the uppercuts because when he pushes them through, the
punches will go through his body killing him fatally.
Even without a decisive victor, both sides started to have mutual respects to each
other. The duo admittedly told Rigoberto that he is different from the other gangsters
who are mean and violent. They expanded that in contrast to the others, he has a noble
heart and simply wished to fight the best. They suggested Rigoberto that if he defects
from the gangsters, he will be a big help to Tondonias society. Rigoberto told the duo
that only this time he can fight a decent fight. He told the duo they earned his respect.
He complimented the duo that they are very special kind of people which are absolute
rarity in the dying society. He laughed that even small opponents like the duo can
potentially kill him if he does not give beyond his best. He wished to fight the duo
again in a more epic battle in the days to come. Earning the respect even from the
feared Rigoberto, Rigoberto provided the duo the way that will lead to the Tondonian
masterminds. Rigoberto shouted to the duo that they can seek his help if they need
him in desperate situations.
The duo eventually ended up where the masterminds resided. The masterminds are
revealed to be Benson Maramag, the leader of the gangsters who believed he is the
descendant of the lost Kayngran Empire and will be the one to revive it. Another is
James Cabarlo, Nelsons partner in crime who is also regarded as a legend in
Tondonia gangsterhood. Maramag told the duo that they will not be able to stop them.
Cabarlo told the duo that they will pay what they did to his brother. They called upon
battalions of gangsters to keep the duo busy as they made their escape route.
After making short work of the gangsters, the duo proceeded to track down the last of
the Tondonian gangsters. They followed where the masterminds have gone into and

found themselves in the back of the headquarters. They suspected in contrast of the
placid environment lurks a grand scheme to permanently shut them down. Moments
later, they found out they are surrounded by gangsters. Alexander saw the magnitude
of the gangsters and unleashed his soul powers destroying more than halves of the
gangsters. L. Viper utilized the opportunity to hunt down the last of them.
Immediately, another battalion of gangsters are ordered to destroy the duo but this
time there would be a difference. In the midst of the siege, a man mounted on a horse
who is none other than James Cabarlo galloping his own men who are blocking his
way. Cabarlo with his vengeance so intense, he will be willing to throw himself to the
duo just to destroy them for good.
Aware of Cabarlos vengeance, the duo equipped themselves to end the Cabarlo
legacy. Cabarlo shot Alexander in the waist. He called his gangsters to take care of
him while he and L. Viper fight a final battle. Cabarlo used his beloved revolver
hoping the kill L. Viper. He managed to nearly hit L. Viper in the head but he ran out
of bullets before he can kill L. Viper. Cabarlo equipped his pipe shotgun not only to
kill L. Viper but also psychologically damage him. L. Viper utilized his speed and
reflexes managed to exhaust some of Cabarlos bullets. He picked some of the
gangsters weapon and shot Cabarlo to the body but instead of killing Cabarlo, he just
stunned Cabarlo bidding his time to make an opportunity. Cabarlo continued to shoot
him even destroying his weapon. L. Viper baited Cabarlo as he pretended he is
retreating from Cabarlos onslaught. He eventually found a narrow section of the
warehouse goods and hid in the shadows. Cabarlo filled with vengeance advances
himself toward L. Viper. He taunted L. Viper that he is a coward and is afraid of a
vengeful person. He even insulted L. Viper that he has an irrational fear of any
vengeful persons. Taking advantage of Cabarlos confidence and hatred, L. Viper
climbed on one of the boxes and wrestled with Cabarlo with both men falling from
the horse. Upon rising up from the dusty ground, both men engaged in a duel to the
death. Like Nelson, James exhibited similar but more intense fighting skills than his
brother Nelson. Both men engaged in intense melee combat from fist fight to sword
fight. Like Nelson, Cabarlo exhibited lethal fighting skills but L. Viper after fighting
many gangsters with fighting skills similar to him managed to masterfully deconstruct
his opponent. Even with his power fuelled by vengeance, Cabarlo met his end when
L. Viper defeated him stabbing him to the chest and slashing him towards his neck.

Having his sheer hatred to his conqueror intact, like his brother, to preserve his pride
Cabarlo activated his bomb to end his existence in an honourable fashion and to also
destroy L. Viper. Cabarlo instead ended up himself but failed to realize L. Vipers
durability is beyond extraordinary. The bomb simply drove L. Viper further from
ground zero due to the force without critically damaging him. Thus ends the chapter
of the Cabarlo in the history of Tondonian gangsterhood.
L. Viper seeing Alexander having problems to the gangsters summoned by Cabarlo,
he picked a projectile weapon and eliminated every last of them. Peace started to
envelope Tondonia almost guaranteeing her with a bright future until an ancient
Kayngran war destroyer comes crashing towards the duo in its attempt to destroy
them once and for all.
L. Viper and Alexanders moment for peace was easily interrupted as the final
hindrance for Tondonias future in the form of an ancient war destroyer makes its one
last attempt to secure the survival of Tondonias most violent gangsters. Despite its
enormous size and heavy artillery, the duo is not intimidated by this great machine
and what it can offer. They picked the anti tank missiles from the corpses of higher
ranked gangsters. The pilot of the war destroyer is revealed to be none other than
Benson Maramag, he introduced himself as the new leader of Tondonia. He revealed
to the duo that he made Mayor Jeff Garcia as his hostage. He made his point that even
the government of Tondonia is saturated with gangsters more or less impossible to
stop the rise of the gangsters as the rulers of Tondonia. He boasted himself to the duo
that he is the heir to the ancient Kayngran Empire and the rightful person to inherit
their grandeur. Maramag told the duo that he is going to shut the saviours first before
he will feast whats left of the Mayor. He dared the duo to penetrate the tank as their
objective is to end the era of Tondonian gangsters. L. Viper replied Maramag that he
is going to eat his words. Maramag started firing like an insane person towards the
allies. Using the bulk of the tanks heavy artilleries, he guarantees that he will be the
one to leave the duo in charred pieces. L. Viper told Alexander to power himself up
when necessary. L. Viper ordered his friend to separate from him to confuse the
enemy. The duo moved away from where they are standing to waste everything the
tank has to offer. At fist, the ancient war destroyer is such a dangerous machine. It
blows everything in its path. Thankfully, the duo with their determination will not let
themselves succumb to the might of the tank. After some proper timing, they caught

the tank firing in other direction still looking for one of the duo. The tank finally
found one of the duo but the duo fired heavy anti tank missiles destroying some parts
of the tank. Alexander appeared from no where and threw some grenades that made
Maramag uncomfortable. The tanks just like an ancient ultimate war machine kept
firing until its oppositions are lost. The duo took turns constantly countering the tank
through anti tank missiles. After the tank lost its former solidity, the duo kept firing
until disappearing from Maramags sight. Maramag as the leader of Tondonia and
currently in status quo, he will not allow the duo to destroy him and the existence of
his organization. He kept firing to the duo using the main turret of the tank.
Unfortunately, it gave Maramag the shock of his once dominant criminal career, he
found out the duo already destroyed almost everything dangerous from the tank.
Alexander powered himself up and destroyed the main turret damaging Maramag
inside due to the explosion from its unused shell. L. Viper kept slashing around the
tank until softening it up. The duo didnt intend to destroy Maramag in a quick way.
They wanted to humiliate him from what he had done to the population of Tondonia
not only in that fateful morning but for the whole of the organizations existence. The
tank literally softened up thanks to L. Vipers powerful slashes and Alexanders soul
powers combining them with anti tank accumulations. With Maramag already
helpless inside the tank, the duo moved away from the tank. They equipped their anti
tank missiles blowing the tank into smithereens.
In the wake of the explosion, Maramag emerged as if a phoenix rises out from the
ashes. He was equipped with a giant Vulcan gun. He is also seen wearing ancient
Kayngran royalty battle armor. Maramag started shooting to the duo claiming he is the
descendant of a long lost Kayngran Empire. The duo instead laughing his claims, they
concentrated how to get rid of the pest once and for all. The duo eventually
overcomes Maramags relentless firepower. Even nearing defeat, Maramag will never
stop until he destroys the duo to secure his organizations existence. Maramag like an
ancient Kayngran royalty unleashed his ancient Kayngran sword. The three fought for
the future of Tondonia. It demonstrated not only Maramags administrative abilities
and battle prowess; he can also fight to the death as a warrior. In this brutal sword
fight, Alexander, despite powered up was easily disarmed and defeated by Maramag.
Maramag successfully stunned Alexander making the battle personal between him and
the son of Ezarra. Like the ancient Ezarran-Kayngran War, both men attempted to get

the upper hand. Maramag felt that L. Viper is fighting his first serious and legitimate
fight. At first, he seemed toying at L. Viper interchanging with his sword prowess and
hand to hand combat. Like all other who fell before him, Maramag realized that L.
Viper is going to be the one who will end the battle ending not only his life but the
organizations influence. In one fateful moment in the battle, after a difficult sword
fight between two of the greatest men in Tondonia, L. Viper took advantage of
Maramags opening slashing him to the neck diagonally towards his body severing his
upper torso in halves. L. Viper assisted the temporarily incapable Alexander
afterwards. The duo approached where Mayor Garcia is held as a hostage. After
freeing the Mayor, government security forces rushed through the headquarters to the
site where the Mayor is held as a hostage.
Ending the threat of the gangsters in Tondonias violent history, Mayor Garcia
thanked the duo not only for saving him but ending one of Tondonias darkest eras.
Mayor Garcia saw the merits of the duo. He promised them to take care of their
education. He ordered the duo to work part time for him for the betterment of
Tondonia. The aftermath of the end of the gangsters era marked a bright future for
Tondonia. The day after that fateful morning, Mayor Garcia and his officials alongside
with the ones who lost their loved ones in that fateful morning mourned each other
and vowed to move on for a new life filled with promise of a bright future. He
promised the people who lost their beloved ones that the government will try its best
to make up for the lost. He added that the ones who lost their beloved ones will
receive support from the government as one of their plans for Tondonias recovery.
The duo consoled those people who lost their beloved in that fateful morning. He
promised them that they will do everything to protect Tondonia and assure its
competitiveness in the future. The saga ended when Mayor Garcia told the people that
in the wake of the gangsters end, he will concentrate on education so that it will
greatly reduce the risks of people becoming gangsters themselves. He stressed the
importance of education for the countrys future competitiveness alongside with its
neighbors. He concluded that from now on every establishment available should unite
as one nation for Tondonias prosperity and for its greatest good.
Two years have passed since the end of the gangsters; peace and order have been
restored in Tondonia. In this span of time Tondonia is slowly experiencing economic

recovery and eventual progress. Cruising in the outskirts of Tondonia near the borders
of Commonwealth City, L. Viper noticed a corpse being investigated by Wealthian
security forces. In the scenario, a young woman instantly recognized the corpse
belonged to Franklin Cho, a former fighter who is infamous due to his fixed fights.
One of the soldiers began making their assertions that Cho was probably killed
because of his strong ties with another mysterious gangster organization. The other
presumed that Cho was silenced because he defected from the organization planning
to expose them out. With the assertions entering the mind of the young woman, her
curiosity was even aroused even planning to investigate the case even further. When
the young woman is about to read between the lines, a missile approached the team
killing all the soldiers except the young woman due to the violent explosion. The
young woman was supposedly to be included to the casualties but with L. Viper
rushing to her rescue she was spared from the inevitable. The flight to safety is not
without a cost. As a result, L. Vipers mind was temporarily distorted due to the sheer
force of the explosion. L. Viper and the young woman nonetheless reached the safer
place. In the shadows of the explosion, they saw sinister figures threatening them that
their days are numbered, in fact, they just got lucky. The mysterious figures vanished
from sight. With all signs of danger temporarily gone, L. Viper asked for the womans
identity. The woman in rage seemed insulted that L. Viper either forgot her or as if he
did not know her. She slapped L. Viper and told her name to him. L. Viper
remembered her as Larissa Leonen, one of his best friends and former allies whom he
fought alongside with in their past adventures. L. Viper apologized to Larissa that his
mind is temporarily blanked due to the force of the explosion. He told Larissa that the
assassins are obsessed to kill her. Larissa told L. Viper that the organization of Chaoz
has returned from their deep inactivity. She explained that they retained their main
objective to eliminate the Leonen family and inflicting chaos in the known world. L.
Viper replied Larissa that two years ago chaos is centered in Tondonia but now in
Commonwealth City. Larissa told L. Viper that unless the Chaoz is already nonexisting, only peace will be permanently restored. She gave L. Viper a hint that even
the gangsters of Tondonia might be a branch of the Chaozes. Larissa showed her
desire to avenge her family by eliminating the Chaozes once and for all. L. Viper told
Larissa that he is willing to cooperate with her when necessary. In fact, he even
assured Larissa that he is going to protect her until everything is under control. L.
Viper told Larissa to get inside Commonwealth City so that they will be out from

harms way for the time being. The time she stepped into the threshold of her city,
Larissa received a call from her fathers friend that she should be careful because the
Chaoz has already occupied the presidential palace by force to set their plans into
motion. Larissa affirmed the caller that she will be okay but in mind she can finally
track the oppressive organization once and for all. The two headed into the weapon
shop to purchase their weapons immediately after the caller revealed the Chaozes
whereabouts. The two headed to the grounds of the presidential palace afterwards.
While on the road towards the palace, they killed several Chaoz members to clear
their path. In the entrance, they saw corpses of both Chaoz soldiers and Wealthian
soldiers piled up everywhere as a proof that the Chaozes are serious and dangerous
threats to the Wealthian society.
Reaching the entrance, the two reunited with Alexander. Alexander told the two that
he managed to track them down due to the explosion. He explained that wherever
there is danger, there is L. Viper. He added that wherever there is a high profile
mission, there is always the presence of his friend. Larissa was happy to reunite with
her friend Alexander. Alexander commented that he is never that happy until he and
his friends can fight alongside each other once again for an epic finish. L. Vipers
adrenaline rushed when he, Alexander and Larissa can fight alongside with each other
once again. After a happy reunion, they entered the presidential palace. On the road to
save the president, they disposed many Chaoz soldiers. In time, they managed to
reach the president. They found out the president is grievously injured and partially
tortured by the Chaozes. He told the allies that they went into their secret underground
base beneath his palace. Larissa scolded the president that he allowed the Chaozes to
thrive even in his own house. She complained the president that he is so irresponsible
much less the leader of the Wealthian people. She called one of her fathers friend to
provide troops for backup and securing the presidents safety. The allies went further
and found a helpless and abused young Shitenian woman. Larissa recognized her as
Charmaine Maika Minamoto, her childhood friend and also her best friend. L. Viper
asked Charmaine who made that for her. Charmaine told L. Viper that she has been
searching for her husband because she felt alone in the house. Larissa reasoned out
with her that why should she still search for a man that abuses her. Charmaine broke
down in tears and saying she needed desperate help. L. Viper assured her that they
will look for her husband to pay what he had done to her. Charmaine told Larissa that

she saw her brother advancing towards the underbelly of the palace. Larissa thanked
her friend about the tips and ordered some guards to protect her while she and her
friends track down the Chaozes.
On their way to the depths of the palace, the allies met more Chaoz soldiers blocking
their path. They destroyed the soldiers advancing to the underground entrance. Going
beyond the gateway to the secret facility, the allies found themselves in a series of
walkways above a fiery furnace. Alexander asked his permission to separate with the
two temporarily so that he can eliminate those who wanted to block the twos way to
the end. Larissa thanked Alexander and wished him safety. The two advanced deeper
into the facility until meeting up an elite member of the Chaozes also the vampire of
the Chaozes, Federico Tepes Lee.
Due to their previous encounter with him, L. Viper and Larissa recognized that the
elite Chaoz member is Federico Tepes Lee who worked alongside the previous leader
of the Chaozes which they killed for good. Not the least to mention, he is also
responsible for the murder of Larissas mother and younger sister. Federico smells
Larissas blood and instantly felt that another Leonen will be destroyed. L. Viper told
Federico that in the previous mission he survived but not this time. Federico assures
the two that their road ends with him. He surprised L. Viper by biting him at the back
knocking him down. Federico intimidated Larissa that he has no man to save her from
him. He also guarantees Larissa that he is going to destroy every member of her
family so as drinking their bloods to empower him even more for inflicting chaos in
Vipera. Disgusted, Larissa readied herself against what Federico can do to her.
Federico taunted Larissa that the time of the Leonens domination will end in a
humiliating way. Federico disappeared from Larissas site. He showed his
unpredictability and ferocity by interchanging his surprise bite attacks and sub
machine gun attacks against Larissa. Larissa momentarily reflected her vow to avenge
her family promising herself that she will survive and see the end of the Chaozes, she
started to find a way to stop Federico. Larissa with her determination and battle
training, she managed to exhaust Federicos sub machine gun attacks. Failing to shoot
Larissa like he did to her family members, he started to use his surprise bite attacks to
drain Larissas blood. But Larissa is never to easily give up to Federicos cravings.
She properly timed an attacking Federico and always shoots him into his mouth

confusing him. She even peppered his mouth with some of her explosives. Angered,
Federico started to become sadistic, he started to use his long stake to impale Larissa.
Larissa with her battle training and fighting spirit, she successfully endured the
turbulence Federico is giving her. She even timed the lunges from the stake going to a
safer place and constantly peppers Federico into submission. In the course of the
battle, although Federico is one dangerous and unpredictable opponent, Larissa turned
the tide after she accumulated Federicos body with her heavy firepower. Even in his
critical state, Federico told Larissa that her bullets will run out before she can kill him.
This time, Federico threw his impaler stake towards Larissa but in her desperate
efforts, she managed to dodge the long stake that might kill her. As a man, Federico
wanted to end Larissas existence by mauling her to death before draining her blood
out of her system. When Federico attempted to hit Larissa on her face, Larissa was
partially hit by the vampires punch. Accompanied by the impact of the punchs sheer
force, Larissa was knocked down towards her friend L. Viper. Federico slowly
approaches her to deal her with the deathblow. Almost helpless, she will not give up
to her familys murderer. In a last ditch of efforts, she used L. Vipers kris slashing the
confident Federico from his torso to the neck.
Hoping to end the battle, she tries to approach Federico to permanently kill him off.
However, Federico has one last trick up on his sleeve. In his dying stage he
transformed into his demonic self. He sprouted up wings and with his nails protruding
like swords. Vowing to destroy Larissa once and for all, he unleashed hellish fiery
shots to incinerate Larissa in process but Larissa ran around the fiery balls for her
survival. She ran around Federico to confuse her opponent. Federico got fed up and
threw himself towards Larissa. Larissa countered what Federico could offer through
the last of her ammunitions and L. Vipers kris to stun him for an opening. Larissa
saw Federicos stake resting on the floor and picked it up. She took the opportunity of
Federicos opening. She impaled Federico into his heart going through his neck. At
last, her family members have been avenged. She destroyed Federico Tepes Lee, the
vampire of the Chaozes. Loathed what he did to her family, she pushed Federico
through the stake down to the furnace killing the thorn in her family once and for all.
She found vials and vaccines left by Federico scattered on the floor. She felt that they
must be the answer to revive L. Viper and disinfect him from becoming like Federico.
She injected L. Viper in the back and after a few seconds, L. Viper regained his

consciousness and congratulated Larissa. He told Larissa she had done a great job and
made not only her family but also her whole countrymen proud. He complimented her
that she is a strong woman who is not only long suffering but can also fight for what
she believe is right. Larissa thanked L. Viper and asked him if he is okay. L. Viper
affirms her that they are ready for their next mission.
Continuing their way to track down the rest of the Chaozes, L. Viper and Larissa
reunited with Alexander on the middle of their way. Having Alexander at their side, L.
Viper and Larissa gained even more confidence as they braved the difficult road
leading to the end of the facility where they believed the leader of Chaoz awaits them.
The allies eventually entered a pitch black room in the midst of a series of walkways.
While inside the dark room, the allies felt that they are being watched by someone
who is bent on ending their existence. Alexander Scizor, the one who is more
proficient on figuring out his opponent than the other two told his friends to leave him
and telling them after the battle, he is going to catch up to them. L. Viper and Larissa
respected the decision of his friend. Larissa told Alexander to make a promise that he
will make it alive and reunite with them. Alexander winked his friends vying for the
Inside the pitch black room, a voice suddenly spoke to Alexander. At first, he
complimented the reputation of Alexander. He told Alexander that being a soul master
he would be a worthy opponent. Alexander asked who is behind the voice that is
speaking to him. The voice revealed himself to be Daryl Nightblade, Chaozs master
of the blades. Daryl spoke about Alexanders accomplishments according to those he
heard. He connected his statement that even if Alexander is a fighter of the
extraordinary kind, he will be forever a target as a threat to the organization of Chaoz.
Alexander taunted Daryl that if he wanted to destroy him then he should die trying to
do it. Daryl told Alexander that in the fight against him, he will no longer be
extraordinary. He dared Alexander to find him first before he can hit him dead. In the
battle, Daryl started using his every advantages ranging from his weapons and using
the pitch black environment to ambush his opponent guided by his night vision
glasses. First, he used his hand gun to catch the unsuspecting soul master. Alexander
at first became clueless on how to overcome his opponent which he cannot see. After
powering up his soul power, the might of the souls lightened up the whole area seeing

his opponent as is. Daryl was impressed telling Alexander that he fights a smart battle
but does not guarantee he will be able to defeat the master of blades. Daryl had his
moments when he almost caught Alexander off guard. Daryl eventually discarded his
handgun in exchange for his famed blades. He engaged Alexander in a melee combat
trying to overpower him. Daryl managed to hit Alexander in one of his limbs to
immobilize him. Alexander countered Daryl into one of his armors. With the battle
getting longer, Daryls mastery of melee combat becomes evident. He gave Alexander
a hard time almost killing him. Alexander is doing nothing but is using his scythe to
defend himself. On one occasion, Alexander saw an opening due to Daryls missed
shots and scythed him cleanly leaving him on a retreat mode. Alexander unequipped
his scythe, powered up his fists became the faster of the two even comfortably
damaging Daryl. Daryl slashed Alexander to the face temporarily confusing him.
Knowing that his opponent is beyond any opponent he encountered, he unleashed the
blades installed in his body. Alexander equipped his scythe again with the two
entering a more brutal melee combat. In the first half of the overpowering game,
Daryl with his blades is clearly overwhelming Alexander but the soul masters
fighting spirits remained. Even overwhelmed, Alexander does not stop to think what
to do to overcome his opponent. The battle is slowly drawing to a close, when he
figured out how Daryl used his every advantage. His answer to the master of the blade
is to find just one opportunity to finish him off. This time Daryl went on using the full
force of his blades, he wanted the battle to end by giving Alexander every dose of his
blades. Unfortunately, while overpowering Alexander, Alexander used his opponents
advantages and weight against his opponent. He managed to sneak a shot removing
Daryls night vision glasses. Making sure that Daryl cannot see anything coming,
Alexander reverted back to his original form. Even in serious trouble, Daryl is still
attempting to time his opponent to deliver the fatal blow. Alexander lightened up a
little and threw himself to opponent. Daryl saw his opponent coming and unleashed
the full force of his blades. He forgot to realize that Alexander faked to catch him off
guard and defenceless. With the room returning to darkness, Daryl unleashed the
power of his blades on all directions. Unfortunately, Alexander went slipping one of
his blades slashing up his chest to his neck fatally decapitating him. After seeing the
corpse to make sure he wont be salvaged by any means, he powered up and blasted
the Chaoz member into bits. Seeing his opponent no more he went out to join his
friends once again.

With the end of the facility within their reach, L. Viper and Larissa saw mutilated
corpses of Chaoz and Wealthian soldiers alike scattered on the walkways making it
clear that the organization they are trying to bring down is sufficient enough to
conquer the whole known world. The two eventually saw Larissas brother, Ron
Carlos Leonen trying to defeat the so called leader of the Chaozes. With his efforts
against the Chaoz leader in vain, the two fighters faced the new comers. Larissa was
not happy to reunite with her brother. First, she told him that he is putting himself in
unnecessary risks due to pride. Second, he is an irresponsible soldier prioritizing his
ego than efficiently assisting his own troops. In fact, his own troops are poorly
organized due to negligence giving the Chaozes easy obliteration of them. And last, he
is still putting L. Viper in his mind trying to erase his insecurities by defeating the
leader of the Chaozes. Facing L. Viper, Ron told L. Viper to his face that like him, he
cannot defeat the leader of the Chaozes. Before he left, he told L. Viper to stop using
his sister for his own gain and they will meet again in the future for a duel to the
death. The leader of the Chaozes told that one reason why the known world will easily
fall into the Chaoz hands because they are divided and poorly coordinated. L. Viper
told the leader that he needs to shut up. He added that the leader can only talk about
his accomplishments after he saturated the world with the vision of Chaoz which will
never happen. The Chaoz leader with his oratorical skills combined with sarcastic
politeness told that L. Viper is a great opponent and already a legend in Tondonia. He
introduced himself to the two as General Ling Kim Yu, the leader and warrior of the
Chaozes. Kim trying to psychologically damage L. Viper, he told that L. Viper once
faced a legendary Chaoz fighter named Anglon. L. Viper kept silent but nodded for
the affirmative. He told L. Viper not to worry for he will give what the other warrior
cannot give. Making sure that L. Viper cannot have the time to react; he revealed to
the two that the Tondonian gangster organizations led by Maramag are simply
branches of the great organization of Chaoz. The peace in Tondonia was not caused
by L. Viper and his ally Alexander themselves. There is only peace because the Chaoz
just went inactive planning for their grandest plans for their complete domination of
Viperas known world. Like a saying goes, there is calm before the storm. There is
seemingly long lasting peace but after that a war which few can only comprehend its
magnitude. Kim noticed Larissa and was impressed on her courage telling her that her
dad sent her in his facility; never knowing that another Leonen will end up as a
casualty. Larissa exclaimed Kim that she is here not because of orders but to do what

is right that is to avenge her country and her family from the influence of the Chaozes
once and for all. Kim lamented how irresponsible is General Eduardo Leonen. L.
Viper told Kim that the battle is between them two. He told Kim to leave Larissa
alone. Kim replied L. Viper that whoever crosses path with the Chaoz shall suffer a
miserable end. Kim told the two that he is going to remove every trace that threatens
the existence of his organization. In his chivalric attitude, he told L. Viper that he is
going to fight his first legitimate fight since losing against Anglon. Like a warrior he
paraded himself to be, he unleashed his sword to deal with the intruders.
For L. Viper, he expected that the battle against Kim will be almost reminiscent of his
difficult battle against Anglon. In the first part the battle against Kim, Kim shocked L.
Viper and Larissa that he can spit some deadly acids. After the two are aware of this
deadly attack, they devised a strategy where L. Viper is going to engage Kim with a
swordfight while Larissa shoots him from afar. Kim out from the open managed to hit
L. Viper couple of deadly shots but was surprised because of L. Vipers regenerative
abilities. To distract Kim from approaching the shooting Larissa, L. Viper engaged
Kim to a deadly swordfight primarily to make Kim busy. Kim easily overpowered L.
Viper and successfully delivered a stunning slash to his torso. He performed some
immobilizing attack for Larissa to be helpless once again. Larissa and Kim were left
to fight each other. Larissa threw some explosives to Kim probably to destroy his
tough armor. Kim told Larissa that his armor is one of the best in the planet and there
is no way she can penetrate it. Never letting the enemy catch her, Larissa moved
around the place and peppered Kim with bullets. Kim simply walked in to her shots.
After some chasing game, Kim managed to catch Larissa stunning her instead of
killing her for he believes that as a warrior, it is between him and L. Viper alone. Kim
with his Chaoz blade, created a barrier that will imprison Larissa so that she cannot
interfere for the rest of their personal fight with L. Viper. Kim saw L. Viper still
immobilized from the power of his sword. He continued spitting L. Viper acid which
L. Viper needs to roll up hanging for dear life. The time when he tries to stab L. Viper,
L. Viper found an opening and countered Kim slashing his armor. Although L. Viper
slashed his armor, it simply scratched it than pierced it. Kim surprise L. Viper by
spitting acid again into his face. Seeing L. Viper still recovering from the might of his
blade, he opted to do the fatal blow. L. Viper, learning from the bulk of his battles in
the past, countered Kims final blow. With both men standing toe to toe, both vow to

fight to the death as true warrior. L. Viper found out Kim as a unique gangster boss
because he has a concept of honor that is even greater thanthe concept of pride of the
Cabarlos of Tondonia. As true warriors, both men engage with each other with their
swords even more intense than ever before. L. Viper, he started to imagine Kim as the
more talkative and administrative version of Anglon. Kim thought of L. Viper as a
pest that needed to be destroyed to preserve the Chaoz. The two fuelled their
respective fires within them trying to deliver every fatal blow to every opportunity
they can get. With the walkways above the furnace and a trapped Larissa witnessing
manly settlement of disputes, L. Viper and Kim demonstrated their battle prowess
through engaging each other in swordfights, delivering blows to each other, utilization
of their speed and reflexes and the future of the known world in their hands. Like the
battle against Anglon, with his Chaoz blade, Kim is seemingly dominating L. Viper.
He managed to trick and confused L. Viper just like what Anglon did. But L. Viper is
never to be stopped and given up easily, General Kim, the leader of the Chaoz that can
escape anytime he needed or can outlive every member available chose to fight to the
death. Even with the stakes against him especially with the Chaoz blade, L. Viper took
advantage of Kims overconfidence, found an opening cutting through his armor,
injuring his abdomen and slicing him into halves. Kim dropped his powerful weapon
after being mortally damaged by L. Viper. General Kim, denying he has been defeated
by an inferior fighter, struggled to the railings of the walkway with his almost severed
body. Facing L. Viper one last time, he told L. Viper that the way he fought, he failed
and will never be able to kill him. He told him that he has no chance against the
legendary Anglon whenever they will meet each other again. Before falling into the
furnace, his last words are that the Chaoz will live forever. Their plans to rule the
world is imminent in which the allies and the Wealthian forces will never ever be able
to stop in time. He cried out Long Live the Chaozes. Immediately at the same time,
General Ling Kim Yu fell into the furnace dying as a martyr to the Chaozes like his
other comrades before him. After his death, the Chaozes are once again without a
leader to continue their operations.
In the aftermath of General Kims death, L. Viper obtained Kims weapon, the Chaoz
blade. He used the weapon to remove the barrier that imprisons Larissa. A short time
after Larissa is freed, Alexander caught up with his friends reuniting with them. He
was followed by some Wealthian soldiers to investigate the site and to check Larissas

condition. The allies decided to go back to the palace grounds. Some soldiers escorted
them back to civilization while the rest remained in the site to investigate more about
the mysterious organization of the Chaoz. Upon going back to the palace, L. Viper
and his friends found out that Charmaine is gone. All they have found is a letter
pierced by a katana sword daring L. Viper and his friends to find her. In their minds,
they are sure that it is Charmaines evil husband that abducted his wife for the allies to
pass through him before saving her for good. One Wealthian soldier told Larissa that
her brother fought with a very strong swordsman presumably Charmaines husband.
He informed Larissa that Ron is also going to save Charmaine. L. Viper told the
soldier that they will do the same just for Charmaine to be in safer hands. Moments
later, the president summoned L. Viper and his friends regarding the situations going
on in the city.
L. Viper and his friends went to see the president. The president apologized to L.
Viper and his friends that he failed to secure the safety of the people. Larissa replied
the president that he should be more alert and beef up his soldiers so that the Chaozes
will not outsmart him again. Knowing what the allies have done to the Chaozes, he
brought the allies to an underground hangar. While inside, the president introduced
the allies of their reward for their accomplishments. L. Viper, with a heart of gratitude
thanked the president. The president told the allies that the plane is all theirs to
command. The president and the allies went inside the plane and introduced them to
the crew. The crew knew what the allies had done to secure Commonwealth Citys
peace and order were very honoured to serve them in battle. The president wished the
allies good luck and left the plane for them to take control. While discussing inside
the plane, the allies got a call from Ron Carlos Leonen. Ron told the allies to help him
find Charmaine. He revealed to the allies that according to intelligence reports,
Charmaines husband along with his men are tracked down by satellites hiding in
Shitenia Village. Ron told the allies that in this time of need, they need to work as
one. With the same feeling that Charmaine is a Shitenian, L. Viper agreed to what Ron
revealed that there is no place where her husband could hide except his hometown. He
ordered the crew to bring them to Shitenia Village which is north of Commonwealth
While in the air, the allies saw Shitenia Village as a thriving yet isolated village
surrounded by an icy environment. Accompanied by some Wealthian troops, L. Viper

and his friends probed the Shitenian villagers about Charmaines whereabouts. One
reliable villager, who has a history with Charmaines husband told L. Viper and his
friends that her husband along with his men went deep into Mount Kalitamatu waiting
for them. Having gratitude to the information provided by the quick responsive
villager, L. Viper gave the villager decent money for him to enjoy the rest of the day.
He and his friends eventually proceeded into the volcano. In the summit, even before
they entered the cave, L. Viper and his friends are attacked by Shitenian swordsmen.
L. Viper and Alexander quickly disposed the swordsmen with Larissa taking care of
the musketeers. Alexander ripped off a number of musketeers while strolling down to
the depth of the volcano. During the duration of their descent to the main part of the
volcano, they faced many Shitenian warriors but with their battle experience, they
destroyed anyone who stood in their way. They killed Shitenian warriors every chance
they get. Although there is nothing significant encountered during the descent, there is
one valiant Shitenian warrior that L. Viper encountered. The warrior is not a pure
Shitenian but a Tondonian who was trained in Shitenian swordsmanship. The
warriors name is Ryosuke Ramidad. Ramidad inherited the Shitenian way of
arrogantly challenging any opponent he encountered. Immediately after challenging
L. Viper, he threw himself to L. Viper hoping to kill him. L. Viper easily dodged his
lethal strikes. Ramidad fought bravely even with valor but like any other, he fell in the
hands of L. Vipers blade. After killing a brave warrior like Ramidad, L. Viper and his
friends plunged deeper nearing the main part of the volcano where true Shitenian
warriors settle their scores with their most bitter rivals.
In the threshold of their enemy, L. Viper found themselves in the main part of the
volcano which resembled like a temple shrine. They saw Charmaine being tied up as
if she will be presented as a sacrifice. Upon approaching Charmaine, a mans voice
told them to stop, telling them that they need to kill him first before saving
Charmaine. L. Viper asked the man if he is Charmaines husband. The man introduced
himself to L. Viper and company as Kenshin which is the allegedly the name of
Charmaines husband. Kenshin told L. Viper and company that instead of them saving
Charmaine, they ignorantly descended into the volcano as baits. He exclaimed the
allies that they will be presenting things that are beyond their comprehension.
Laughing, he replied to the allies that Charmaine is a worthless wife much less the
ones saving her are worthless beings too. He recited a brief poem that worthless

beings are always saved by their own kind. L. Viper angered what Kenshin have said
replied Kenshin that if he is going to marry but simply abuse his wife he should not
marry at all. In fact, men who abuse women are not men at all but the other way
around. Insulted, Kenshin challenged L. Viper and his allies warning them that to
insult a true Shitenian warrior means certain death.
In the battle, Kenshin proved to be too great and too quick for the allies to handle. He
didnt focus himself against L. Viper probably momentarily sparing him for the last.
His swordsmanship is unparalleled confirming his reputation to his rivals. He endured
Alexanders potent soul powers alongside Larissas projectiles easily knocking them
out for the purpose of his legendary fight against L. Viper. Even with his friends easily
defeated by Kenshin, he believes that in the end with his power and skills, he is going
to overcome his opponent beyond his expectations. Like his friends before him,
Kenshins swordsmanship is too much for L. Viper. He toys L. Viper by constantly
using his speed combined with his deadly skills. Most of the time, L. Viper delivers
the offense but in the battle, he simply defends himself. Even defending himself,
Kenshin managed to see an opening to seriously frustrate and hurt him. L. Viper
might have slashed Kenshin on occasion but it is far from enough to defeat his
opponent. After being repeatedly played around by the Shitenian swordsman, L. Viper
heard something sinister entering him. Clueless and helpless, the only thing he can do
is to witness that the force is pushing him beyond his limits. Although he went beyond
his limits, he cannot enjoy its advantages because he is seemingly possessed by a
force that took absolute control of him. Kenshin, thinking L. Viper had become a
lunatic took the opportunity to destroy him while he is still transforming. For
Kenshin, unfortunately, victory is not in his side. The time he is going to slice L. Viper
into pieces, his sword is powerfully deflected by the possessed L. Viper. The two
started to fight like two ancient warrior rivals complying with the rhythm of the fiery
environment. Even possessed, Kenshin seemed to be getting the upper hand thanks to
his skills and swordsmanship. He realized that even his skills cannot help him against
a possessed individual. Clashing their metals with each other to the death, the two
warriors fought even more fiercely trying to overpower with each other like ancient
warriors. This time, L. Viper started to get the upper hand. He overwhelms Kenshins
power damaging him on several occasions. Being possessed, he proved to be too
much for Kenshin by starting to play around him in a sadistic manner. Before falling

into the hands of his blade, L. Viper systematically broke and dissected Kenshin down
literally destroying him. Kenshin as a real warrior would not allow himself to be
humiliated by an inferior being, with his skills he made his last stand attempting to
finish L. Viper for good but instead, he was caught by L. Viper and was mutilated into
pieces. Seeing what had become of her husband, a semi conscious Charmaine was
shocked seeing a man slashed into pieces. But a possessed L. Viper is not contented
how his opponent life should end. He obtained Kenshins katana and drove the blade
into Kenshins carcass telling him that he forgot to kill himself to die an honourable
death as per Shitenian warrior custom. Being possessed by an unseen force, L. Viper
enjoyed increase in strength, his speed, his intelligence and everything but not
without a price.
Supposedly, after a significant battle with a significant victory, L. Viper should be
celebrating his hard earned victory but, instead his friends saw him starting to exhibit
multiple personalities struggling with an unseen force. Charmaine being conscious
was absolutely terrified even nearly traumatized of what became of L. Viper. The
force inside L. Viper continued to manipulate him until obtaining all L. Vipers
personality and attributes. Alexander and Larissa may have tried to stop a possessed
L. Viper but realized all they can do is to witness what became of their friend. The
force successfully obtained L. Vipers attributes and went out from L. Vipers body
leaving L. Viper weak and tired. The allies along with Charmaine continued
witnessing the wonders the force is creating. The force finally finished its
transformation literally becoming L. Vipers destructive clone. The force revealed
himself as E. Viper. He told the allies that he is an ancient war machine designed to
destroy the ancient Ezarrans. He revealed to the allies that Charmaines abduction is
just an excuse for more sinister plans. In reality, Kenshin, collaborating with the
Chaozes, devised a plan to introduce them to the root of all evil that makes the
Chaozes still running loose around Viperas known world. E. Viper shockingly
revealed to L. Viper and friends that the one he killed is not Kenshin but simply a
tough retainer in the name of Hironobu Kameda. Hironobu Kameda emulates Kenshin
perfectly because of his training to be like him, his swordsmanship and his also
ruthless attributes personally honed by the Shitenian madman. Sensing L. Viper and
his allies are still in the state of shock and denial, E. Viper warned L. Viper and
company that in three days he will destroy Shitenia Village as his first step to finally

fulfill what he is designed to do to destroy everything in his path. Before he left the
fiery volcano, he told the allies that they cannot destroy the Chaozes because they
chose the right entity to show their adoration that will lead them to their eventual
world domination.
Moments later after E. Viper left, L. Viper and company retained to their normal
senses. They freed Charmaine from her shackles and started to discuss about E. Viper.
All of them concluded that E. Viper is the entity that the Chaozes cling into making
them not only ruthless but fearless forged by unnatural thirst for destruction to
forcibly impose their plans to the whole of the known world. While making their way
back to their vehicle, L. Viper told his friends that while E. Viper is on the loose
alongside with the last of the Chaozes, it will be like doomsday in the whole of
Vipera. He told his allies to help him protect all Shitenians from the hands of raw
destruction. While navigating through their plane, the allies saw Ron engaging with
the real Kenshin. In that battle in the Shitenian fields, Ron, clearly with L. Viper in his
mind, fiercely fought Kenshin. The two attempted to impose their metals to each
other. Even a great swordsman like Kenshin is unable to decisively defeat Ron. In the
end, Kenshin noticed Rons great swordsmanship skills. Having a hard time trying to
seek an opening that might kill the proud Leonen heir, he ordered his men to destroy
Ron. While his men are approaching Ron to mob him up through their blades, Rons
soldiers came into his rescue driving every Shitenian warriors. Thus the battle ended
in a no contest. Though Kenshin retreated from the morally victorious Wealthians, his
rivalry with Ron is just starting to get bitter that might nearly ruin the Leonen clan in
the long run. L. Viper from his plane seeing the outcome of the battle commented to
his friends that it is a waste that although Ron is a smart and able fighter, thinking
about his rival 24/7 might put him in unnecessary risks. The night after that incident,
the allies went back to Shitenian Village to attend Hironobu Kameda which Shitenians
regarded as one of their legendary swordsman. During the funeral, Charmaine cannot
helped but wailed not because one of her household died but the trauma she received
from Kenshins abuse and her experiences in the volcano. L. Viper and Larissa
consoled their friend telling her that they are willing to give up their lives just to see
her safe while enduring this great trial in life. With the funeral nearing its conclusion,
L. Viper told the Shitenians to quickly prepare their things because in a couple of days
their village and everything dear to them will be destroyed by a destructive creature

on the loose presumed to be the real inspiration of the dark plans of the Chaozes. The
people at first didnt believed until seeing the serious tones in the allies faces assuring
them that they are dead serious when it is all about the whole Shitenian races safety.
One of the elders confirmed that beneath the ocean holding the Shitenian land, a great
creature is stored beneath serving as their divine guardian. At the same time, they
warned that when something dangerous took control of the creature beneath the land,
it will cause untold suffering not even to the Shitenians but also to the whole known
world. An old woman told the mourning crowd that she dreamt that a demonic
creature knew how to manipulate everything related to destruction managed to take
control of the creatures ushering doomsday to all sentient beings. Larissa told the
crowd that she already told the government to provide sanctuaries to the whole
Shitenian people even temporarily staying there until they solved the crisis. Alexander
told the Shitenians that it is better to temporarily withhold their nationalistic ideals
than being wantonly included in the casualties. Charmaine already tired of her
husbands evil deeds leaked her husbands plans to the whole Shitenian people. She
revealed to her countrymen that her husband actually collaborated with the Chaozes.
The organization he is in worships a deity who is said to be an ancient destroyed god.
The whole organization planned to release the god for them to finally dominate the
whole planet with their destructive tendencies as their foundations. Charmaine added
that the god they worshipped is newly released and is on the loose. She managed to
persuade the reluctant crowd that she witnessed how the god is released nearly killing
them within the hostile volcano. The crowd eventually realized that their existence as
a whole nation is threatened. They now believe that not even their pride and their
skills can overcome the god of destruction. With their great fear of demons grounded
by their rich mythology, the people without a second thought coordinated with the
allies hoping for the preservation of their endangered existence. Realizing the dark
future that awaits them, the Shitenians ended the day by collecting Hironobu
Kamedas ashes and disposing them to the river nearby where the funeral took place.
For three days, L. Viper and his friends stayed in Shitenia to assure the safety of the
Shitenian people while preparing themselves for their temporary relocation in
Commonwealth City. The three day stay of L. Viper and his friends in Shitenia ended
up unpleasantly. Even in the far corners of Shitenia, they are not safe from the
Chaozs hands. In their second day of stay, the Chaozes, with the death of General

Kim still fresh on their minds, they planned their revenge towards L. Viper and his
friends. They planned their attacks on one fateful morning just after the discussion of
L. Viper and his friends along with the Shitenian leaders about the relocation plan.
The time when L. Viper and his friends went out from their meeting place, they are
surrounded not only by Chaoz soldiers but also Kenshins troops. While fighting the
Chaozes and their Shitenian collaborators, L. Viper and his friends assured that the
leaders will be safe as long they stay with them. The Shitenian leaders thinking their
sovereignty has been threatened, they ordered their troops to assist not only L. Viper
and his friends but also their Wealthian counterpart. After the vengeful forces have
been obliterated, at last, Kenshin went out from hiding as he and his men galloped
toward L. Viper. The combined might of Shitenian and Wealthian troops made short
work of Kenshins troops. Knowing that his life is in danger, Kenshin galloped
towards L. Viper. He even tried to trample L. Viper, but ended up in failure because L.
Viper managed to dodge the might of his horse. Kenshin realized that if he stayed on
that place and try to do battle with L. Viper, he knows the allies will have the
advantage. Therefore, he ran towards the depth of the woods to outsmart the allies
once more. Thinking of a way to pursue Kenshin to finally engage with him in battle,
L. Viper found himself being charged by one of Kenshins horsemen. Being aware
that every second Kenshin is one step away, he killed the horseman and mounted on
his horse to pursue the escaping traitor. Alexander seeing the confused face of L.
Viper told his friend that he is going to stay in the site to assure not only the safety of
his friends but also the Shitenian leader. Knowing that Alexander will do everything
to make the job done, L. Viper had his confidence bringing it with him on his way to
track Kenshin down once and for all.
After realizing that L. Viper is coming close to him, Kenshin grinned knowing that his
pursuer will not be able to get him much less will fall into one of his traps deep in the
woods. In the middle of their chase around the woods, Kenshin successfully lured L.
Viper to his Chaoz soldiers waiting in the deep forest. The Chaoz assassins with the
death of their general in their mind will not waste a moment to hunt down their
generals murderer. They shot L. Viper with him falling from his horse. They killed
his horse next to make sure he wont have a thing to escape from them. Looking back
of what happened to his nemesis; Kenshin taunted L. Viper that he needs to use to
brain before he can approach him. The assassins thinking L. Viper as a helpless spoil

attempted to shoot him to death. Unfortunately for them, L. Viper easily destroyed his
assassins even in their place of advantages. More assassins approached L. Viper but
were quickly hunted. The leader of the assassins will not allow their mission to fail
simply in the hands of an obscure man, opened fire to L. Viper. Logically, the leader
of the assassins escaped deeper in the forest to evade from L. Vipers onslaught.
L. Viper knew that despite killing a number of Chaoz assassins, there are lot more
hiding in the woods to hunt him like an unsuspecting animal. Like expected, on the
way he met and killed as many assassins that tried to kill him while following their
team leader. The team leader thinking that he has all the advantages in the dark forest
started to throw some explosives to destroy L. Viper in a confused way. L. Viper
successfully dodged and deflected the explosives until meeting up with the team
leader in a swampy area to deal with him once and for all.
The leader of the assassin sarcastically congratulated L. Viper that he is the first one
to successfully go beyond his traps. He mocked L. Viper by trying to introduce
himself so the latter can die knowing who his killer was. He introduced himself as
Patrick Nightman, an elite Chaoz member who is the hitman of the organization. He
told L. Viper that there is a similarity between him (assassin) and his colleague
Nightblade yet there is a significant contrast between them two. He expounded that
their similarity is that both of them thrives in the dark to hunt down their opponents
while their differences rest on their methods. Nightman prefers to hunt opponents
with his hitmanship using projectile weapons in a subtle manner while Nightblade
uses the dark surprising his opponent in close quarter combat trying to overpower
them. After finishing his introduction, Nightman attempted to shoot L. Viper with his
semi automatic shotgun but L. Viper quickly slashed his weapon into pieces.
Undertaking the opportunity presented to him, Nightman equipped his battle machete
to engage L. Viper in close quarter combat. He told L. Viper that he only heard simply
a portion of the real story. Nightman subtly equipped his smaller knife slashing L.
Viper in the face. After slashing L. Viper, he tries to finish him with a machete but to
his surprise, L. Viper fought back with the two clashing their metals against each
other. L. Viper seemed to have the upper hand until Nightman slipped L. Viper to the
floor. Stepping back, Nightman bade L. Viper goodbye surrounding him with more
assassins coming out from nowhere to guarantee his fatal end for messing up the
Chaozes. As the assassins are going for L. Vipers head, an old rival distracted the

rhythm of the assassins by killing one of their members by blasting one of their
members. L. Viper witnessed his supposed to be killers are being blown one by one.
He took the opportunity and destroyed the rest of the assassins. However Nightman
knew that L. Viper will be busy dealing with his men before he can lay a hand on him
secretly escaped to the depth of the woods. L. Viper, searching for Nightman lost his
track to hunt down the rest of the Chaozes. He guaranteed the hitman of the Chaozes
that they will meet again but that time will be the final one.
In the midst of the silence in the deep hostile forest, L. Viper met Rigoberto and asked
him why what he is doing in the forest. Rigoberto answered L. Viper that he is in the
forest after finding out the latter is in danger being ruthlessly pursued by the Chaozes.
L. Viper asked him that since he is his rival why help him. Rigoberto made L. Viper
recall about the day he and his friend fought him in a standstill which no one did
before them. He added that immediately after the fight, they earned his respect. By
earning his respect, he considered them as a friend and it is a friends obligation to
help their friends when in dire need. L. Viper thanked Rigoberto about what he has
done. Before leaving back to the depth of the woods, Rigoberto told L. Viper that he
will be there to help him when he needed him. Short time after Rigoberto left back to
the wilderness, Wealthian troops are able to find L. Viper. Planning to escort him back
to the safety zone, L. Viper disagreed with the troops telling them that they should
together pursue Kenshin. One of the troops revealed to L. Viper that Ron drove away
without a trace probably to engage with that swordsman. L. Viper replied the troops
that thats why they should pursue Kenshin so that first, Kenshin will have no way to
go and second, to protect the heir of the Wealthian nation that is Ron from
unnecessary harm. Convinced by L. Vipers reasons, they embarked on a road to track
Kenshin down for good.
While L. Viper is chasing Kenshin to the depths of the woods, Larissa was left with
Alexander to defend the place from the onslaught of the Chaozes. After defeating
every Chaoz soldiers that wanted to destroy them and their allies, Larissa witnessed
her victorious patrolling soldiers being blown to bits. Alexander noticed that the
bombers are on the way to approach them for their destruction, he blasted the
bombers with his soul energies. Alexander easily managed to kill the rest of them by
blasting one member with his bomb taking his members with the explosion. Sooner

after he defeated the first battalion of bombers, there are more bombers jumping
towards them. Alexander used his speed to build up his range and blast the bombers
into pieces. Larissa was nearly caught up by the suicide bombers but miraculously
made it alive. Knowing that the bombers will stop at nothing to destroy every Leonen
household member commanded by the Chaozes, Larissa, in self defence blasted every
bomber that wanted to kill her. Wanting to take a break from the long battle, Larissa
suddenly encountered a well determined Chaoz suicide bomber trying to run over her.
Luckily, she managed to jump to the other direction in time before the jeep could
crush her into pieces. The driver started to attempt blasting her until running towards
the hill. Larissa, knowing while the Chaozes are on the loose, not only her family
members but also the whole world is far from being safe. By finding an abandoned
Shitenian light armor vehicle, she drove off leaving Alexander to follow the suicide
Leaving Alexander with a handful of troops to defend the place, Larissa drove away
finding herself going up to the hill until she managed to track down the bomber who
is driving downward to the opposite side of the hill. In an attempt to follow the Chaoz
member, she followed where the Chaoz member drove down. To her surprise, with the
Chaoz member just recently made his descent from the hill, she lost track of him.
Larissa knew that she has entered on someones trap. She felt like she is a prey being
lured to a bait. While exploring the opposite side of the hill, Larissa noticed that a
high powered blast is heading towards her. To her shock she accidentally turned her
vehicle in an upturn. In the most dangerous situation ever occurred in her life, she
found herself inside her vehicle with gas leaking out on every corner. With her
determination, she managed to get out from her vehicle in time. The Chaoz member is
not contented what he did to Larissa, he used his rifle to blast Larissas vehicle hoping
to kill Larissa with it. To his shock, Larissa was sent flying over the explosion but
suffered no injuries but the impact of the fall. Larissa knew that the assassin will not
stop until she is killed tried to get back on her feet. She started to equip her weapon to
prepare herself from a possible encounter. The Chaoz member saw Larissa clearly and
started to blast towards her hoping for her destruction. Larissa however, successfully
dodged and even shot the Chaoz member. Using her remaining grenade, she threw the
grenade to the Chaoz member hearing a womans scream signifying that not only the
Chaoz member is a woman but is also hit by the grenade. Although being hit by a

grenade, the Chaoz member nonetheless continued her efforts to kill Larissa. Larissa
finding out that she is continually dodging dangerous blasts decided to proceed where
her assassin waits in the dark. After finding no one where the shootings originated,
Larissa started to become puzzled but ironically she started to realize that her assassin
is simply waiting for her to play in her own game.
Sensing Larissa is unprepared for the assault, the Chaoz member with a sickle in hand
jumped towards Larissa in an attempt to decapitate her. With the blade of the
assassins sword is a inch away from her, Larissa dodged and equipped her battle
sabre to engage with her assassin. The two fought while the assassin went for the
offensive with Larissa for the defensive. Larissa saw the expression of the assassin
very much obsessed to have her dead. Even with the assassins sharp and intimidating
stare coupled with her deadly skills, Larissa remained fighting on until she managed
to dodge a deathblow countering the assassin by slashing her in some parts of her
clothes. As a result of the slash inflicted by Larissa, the veil covering the Chaoz
members identity is almost revealed. Knowing that it is not the right time to end
Larissa and her allies for good while anticipating she will be pursued when tried to
escape, she threw smoke grenades to keep her out from Larissas sight. She also
measured Larissas determination to keep track of her even losing track of her. What
she did to solve the problem is to throw a grenade that temporarily blinded Larissa
while she made her escape route. After her situation back to normal, Larissa started to
speculate the origin of the Chaoz member she just recently encountered. She even
assumed that the Chaoz member is one tortured soul rather than a real killer. With no
vehicle to drive back where she is in, she decided to slowly stroll back to the meeting
place. Turning back to the place of their brief encounter, she promised herself that in a
matter of short time, she will know the truth behind the Chaoz member she
encountered in the woods beneath the Shitenian hills.
Meanwhile back at the meeting place, while Larissa was away to pursue a Chaoz
member, Alexander did not stay idle, even though he and Larissa obliterated a
significant number of Chaoz soldiers, the meeting place is once again infested by the
angry Chaoz soldiers all whom desire revenge for what the allies did to their leaders
back in Commonwealth City. The soldiers, which seemed to be Chaoz ones
recognized the abilities of Alexander Scizor especially his victory over Daryl

Nightblade, the organization of Chaoz equipped its soldiers with death scythes with
addition of skull masks and exoskeleton armors to match the ferocity of Alexander.
Alexander believed that the new batch of Chaoz soldiers is designed to hunt him
down for good for what he did on Nightblade. Despite their extra armor and their
death scythes, the Chaozes made the wrong decision to exact their vengeance towards
Alexander. In the end, as usual, Alexander single-handedly destroyed the skull bearers
without any additional efforts. After more of the skull bearers are ruthlessly disposed,
another elite Chaoz member tried to challenge Alexander. He told Alexander that their
sufferings are just the beginning wherein the Chaozes are close on succeeding on their
plan to dominate the whole planet. Alexander even bet with the Chaoz member that
their plan will end in failure towards their extinction. The Chaoz member replied that
Alexander and his friends forgot that the god of the Chaozes is on the loose. He is
going to rule the whole of the known world with all the Chaozes as his stewards. With
his sometimes brash attitude, Alexander answered the member that he and his allies
will even put themselves in a race wherein they will even compete against each other
about who will be the first to put an end to E. Viper. The Chaoz member laughed at
Alexander and guaranteed him that before he is going to touch E. Viper; he will not
make it through against the Chaozes. The Chaoz member started to protrude his
tentacles and insanely firing projectiles towards Alexander. Even moderately hit,
Alexander fought on to try approaching the guy to force him to fight in his own game.
Using his extraordinary speed, Alexander managed to get near the Chaoz member and
attempt to hack his armor to pieces. To his disappointment, the exoskeleton of the
Chaoz member is designed to be immune from melee combat. Alexander powered up
his scythe to attack his opponent hoping to damage him but like before even his soul
powers failed him to find the chink of his opponents armor. The Chaoz member saw
what Alexander is doing to him certainly never allows himself to be hit like a sitting
duck. To keep Alexander at bay, he whipped the soul master with his tentacles and
blasted him repeatedly until falling violently on the floor. The Chaoz member already
found how to defeat Alexander thats putting up the pressure on him. After being
repeatedly hit, to his opponents shock, Alexander transformed into something which
is beyond human. The Chaoz member instead of putting a chill on himself, he started
to get excited to have his revenge of what his enemy did on his colleague Nightblade.
Alexander started to blast the Chaoz member with his more powerful soul powers but
the exoskeleton covering his opponent seemed too durable to absorb his best shots. He

then switched on his scythe trying to act like Death to claim the soul of his victim.
Even in his powered up mode, his Chaoz counterpart is still putting up a near upper
hand competitive fight. After so many attempts to break through his opponents
armor, Alexander was finally defeated by the Chaoz member after accumulating him
with his powerful projectile blasts sending the soul master into the ground out cold.
Although the Chaoz member have a lot of opportunity to exact his revenge by killing
Alexander for good, for the time being, he decided not to kill Alexander for killing
him instantly would simply end his suffering than killing him in a more painful death.
Over Alexanders unconscious body, The Chaoz member told Alexander that they are
destined to fight a final battle just moments before the dawn of a new era for the
Chaozs domination over Viperas whole wide world. With nothing left to do in
Shitenia except to demoralize the allies, The Chaoz member along with his remaining
skull bearers left the battlefield to assist their leaders on setting the final motion of the
Chaozes plan of dominating the planet.
Upon knowing Ron is in great trouble, L. Viper with a handful of Wealthian
reinforcement troops set their sights where Kenshin supposedly have gone. L. Viper
still remembered where Kenshins heading to when he fell from his horse being nearly
killed by the assassins. While travelling via the Wealthian soldiers military vehicles,
L. Viper and the troops navigated through the deep and hostile forest on their way to
the edge where Kenshin supposedly gone through. The time when L. Viper is dealing
with Patrick Nightman, Ron, driving a light armoured vehicle managed to kill most of
Kenshins galloping troops. Without men to help him escape, Ron confidently stood
against Kenshins way. Irritated, without hesitation Kenshin galloped towards Ron but
Ron drove away making Kenshins horse outbalanced. While the horse is outbalanced
and Kenshin is nearing a fall, Ron tackled him until both men landed on the floor.
Although Ron got on his feet first, even without standing, Kenshins swordsmanship
is further witnessed by slashing Rons right thigh thus slowing him down. After
Kenshin rose up getting back on his feet, both men have an intense duel at first, trying
to overpower each other. Kenshin fuelled Rons anger telling him that he should think
about preserving his household than fighting him. Irritating him, Ron is almost
overpowering Kenshin, Kenshin managed to expose one of his openings and poke his
sword on his openings. While poking his sword to Rons openings, Kenshin told Ron
that he should take care of the Chaozes first than foolishly fight him. After thrusting

his sword on one of his openings, Kenshin already sensed that he can finish Ron for
good. Thinking Ron is an easier target than the previous fight, he tried to apply the
pressure on Ron knocking Ron down many times due to the force coming in from his
sword. Like Kenshin, even in the floor, Ron managed to capitalize Kenshins
overconfidence by slashing him in his armor. Ron replied Kenshin that he is in the
right direction because he knew the Shitenian madman is part of the Chaozes thus
should be destroyed like the rest of the evil organization. Kenshin touched his armor
and saw blood meaning Rons sabre went through his armor. Now enraged, Kenshin
combined his swordsmanship with his rage manifested in his powerful strikes
attempted to overpower Ron. Ron with a Leonens determination to bring honour to
his family name, he gave everything to weather Kenshins insane swordsmanship
skills. Kenshin continuously trying to apply brutal offense to force Ron to submit to
his abilities but Ron fought on even managed to expose Kenshins openings even in
his slowed down version. Kenshin, with his experience of psychologically
manipulating his opponents on his previous wars, he pretended to succumb from
Rons accurate strikes. Ron as a proud heir to the great Leonens was brimming with
confidence and is about to finish Kenshin while he has no place to escape. Kenshin
knew he trapped the confident Leonen, he correctly timed one of Rons finishing
blows. As a result, he managed to disarm the Leonen heir. Kenshin mocked Ron
telling him is that you got? Even disarmed, Ron dodged Kenshins sword strikes and
cheaply slipped the swordsman to the ground. Ron replied Kenshin that he can do
more than what he can expect. While Kenshin is still struggling to get up on his feet,
Ron took the opportunity to regain his weapon so they could continue fighting. The
time he got his weapon, Kenshin also got up to engage with Ron once again. With
both men back on their feet, they continued fighting with this time Ron is starting to
get the upper hand by taking advantage of Kenshins outbalances since he is just
recovering from a previous fall. Although Ron is unable to penetrate his skills,
Kenshin believed that Ron is fighting in a dishonourable manner. To ease his
frustrations, he dodged one of Rons significant blows, putting his sword on the floor
and using it to pour sands over Rons face temporarily blinding him. When he is about
to finish Ron once and for all, Rons Wealthian troops managed to save Ron on time
forcing Kenshin to retreat from the battle. While galloping away, Kenshin told Ron
that they are far from finish. He assured him that they will meet again and that time
will result to Rons death. He cried out to the foolish Wealthians that whatever they

wanted to do, there is no way to stop the Chaozes. The Wealthian troops opened their
fire to Kenshin but were unable to hit Kenshin thanks to the speed of his trusty horse.
Once again, Kenshin has escaped to the wilderness to the dismay of the Wealthian
troops. Moments later, L. Viper and his escort troops arrived to the scene to check on
Ron. Ron told L. Viper that he is too slow, even unfit just to encounter Kenshin.
Knowing that Ron is already a frustrated man, L. Viper simply told Ron that they all
should be thankful for they are still alive. Not trying to argue with Ron, L. Viper told
the soldiers that since there is nothing anymore to do in the wilderness since the
enemies escaped to the wild; it might be as well that both parties should return back to
the meeting place to check the conditions of the Shitenians.
Upon their return, L. Viper and the troops checked on Larissa and their wounded
friend Alexander. The leaders thanked the allies for helping them during their trying
times. After all their recovery, L. Viper, his friends and the Shitenian leaders, for the
rest of their stay, they talked about subject matters ranging from the Chaozes
especially the new members the allies met, about Kenshins megalomaniac run and
especially, the Shitenians eventual relocation where their existence as a race will be
put on the line. Despite the negative events that plagued their stay in Shitenia, towards
the end of their stay, the allies finally found hope when a Futech official contacted
Larissa to offer some help. The official told Larissa that Futech technologies detected
a great disturbance originating from the Shitenian Ocean bent on primarily destroying
the whole Shitenian land even extending its devastations to the whole planet. The
official also offered his assistance to help the Wealthians neutralize the threat when it
emerges from its deep slumber down from the ocean. He even offered his help to the
allies that he is willing to coordinate with his government so they can help the
Wealthians relocate the Shitenians to Futech City so they might be a great help to the
development of the city through maximizing their talents while there. The official
asked Larissa to hand the phone to one of the Shitenian elders. After talking with the
Futech official, the whole of the Shitenian leaders felt gratitude to the official for
treating them as one of their own citizens. The whole party rejoices as they felt they
are not alone in this great conflict. Ending their stay in positive note, Larissa told L.
Viper to forgive Ron what he did to him. L. Viper replied Larissa that he understood
Ron because he carries the pressure to carry the name of the Leonen clan. Larissa told
L. Viper that Ron doesnt need to carry the burden as heir of the Leonen clan. She
simply wished they all might live in a life of peace and prosperity. L. Viper promised

Larissa and their allies that after the battle against the Chaoz, they simply need faith
that everything will be back to normal. Despite the darkest of their days, L. Viper and
his allies faced the future full of hope and determination to respond to the challenges
that might change their lives forever.
After their third day stay in Shitenia leading up to the day where E. Viper is said to
blow the Shitenian land as part of his warm up to eventually destroy the whole planet,
during the dawn, Wealthian and Futech military vessels came in into the Shitenian
land to escort the people to safety. In order to coordinate with the Shitenians swift
escape plans, L. Viper and his allies woke up early to help each other assist the
Shitenians to the military vessels for the preservation of their race. L. Viper and his
allies diligently used every ounce of their efforts to escort every living Shitenians to
the military vessels in time before the unthinkable happens. After L. Viper and his
allies successfully escorted every Shitenian people into their military vessels bound
for migration, L. Viper and his allies returned to their airship to look over the
Shitenians for their safe migration for a new life. With all is set, L. Viper and his
friends bade goodbye to the Shitenians bound for Futech promising them that they
will see each other again. To the Shitenians bound for Commonwealth City, L. Viper
and his allies escorted the military vessels bound to Commonwealth City to guarantee
them safety. L. Viper and his allies escorted the ones going to the Wealthian City than
the ones going to Futech believing that since the Chaozes are centered in the
Wealthian continent, the ones on the route to Commonwealth City are more
vulnerable and prone to danger. Interestingly, before L. Viper and his allies left the
Shitenian land, they saw a violent ripple probably fulfilling what E. Viper has planned
for the planet. To Larissas joy, Larissa looking at the window of her plane saw
Wealthian and Futech forces prepared to neutralize the threat. L. Viper told Larissa
that they will soon engage with the threat after they had done assuring the Shitenians
safe transition for a new life. Arriving at Wealthian City, the military officers who
were with L. Viper and his friends introduced the Shitenians to their new home.
Larissa led Charmaine to her new house and promised her that they will try all their
best for her to live in peace. Having peace of mind after they succeeded bringing the
Shitenians to their new home, L. Viper and his friends left to fight the threat that may
determine the future of the planet.

Navigating over the oceans, L. Viper and his allies saw a large Buddha like creature
terrorizing the ocean. They saw Wealthian and Futech forces unleashing their heaviest
firepower but to no avail towards the creature. They saw the creature brutalizing the
combined might of Wealthian and Futech forces. The creature unleashed heavy
projectiles to ward off both major powers war machines. Although nearly obliterated,
Wealthian and Futech forces have great determination even managed to land
significant firepower to the creature but the creature simply shrugged off the blasts. In
desperation, the combined forces of both countries unleashed their larger war
machines to stop the creature but the creature with its giant meditating fists easily
destroyed the larger fleets. The allies saw little by little every war machines big or
small were helpless against the massive Buddhalike creature. The Buddha like
creature suddenly noticed the allies and prepared to blast them. Seeing E. Viper in the
horizon, L. Viper and his allies went up to the deck to confront E. Viper. E. Viper
simply grinned and let the creature unleashed heavy firepower to the allies craft. Due
to the intensity of heavy artilleries coming from the creature, the allies should have
plunged deep to their watery graves but thanks to their pilots navigating skills. The
allies plane managed to get towards E. Viper. E. Viper told the allies that even they
brought the Shitenians to safer places, they cannot prevent that every part of the
planet will succumb to great destruction. L. Viper replied E. Viper that he and his
friends are there to stop him even die trying. Thinking L. Viper is delusional, he
explained to L. Viper about the origin of Tosho Dai Daruma, the name given by the
Shitenians to the creature. E. Viper told L. Viper and his allies that Dai Daruma for the
Shitenians, is the earthly protector form of their saviour. He explained that Dai
Darumas heavenly form escorts every Shitenian to his paradise after death. That
made Dai Daruma special to the Shitenians according to E. Viper. He suddenly
explained to L. Viper that although Dai Daruma is a magnificent and powerful
guardian deity, it can be manipulated for the purpose of evil. As sadistic as always,
with a ruby in his hand believed to be Dai Darumas operating data infused with E.
Vipers evil, E. Viper put the ruby in Dai Darumas knot part successfully corrupting
the creature turning its purpose for the opposite. After corrupting the majestic Dai
Daruma, E. Viper bade L. Viper and his friends goodbye wishing them luck for they
are destined to go for the worst. Now all alone with a handful of fleets to face the
wrath of Dai Daruma, CW Albatross moved away from Dai Daruma to create space in
order to easily avoid its attacks. Corrupted by E. Vipers evil, Dai Daruma started to

act like E. Viper trying to use its every firepower to pulverize Albatross. Even nearly
alone, Albatross continued to move away from Dai Darumas heavy firepower.
Albatross even countered Dai Daruma with its own arsenals of special high powered
blasts temporarily stunning the Shitenian guardian. After Dai Daruma recovered from
the Albatross blasts, it unleashed energy blasts coming from its shoulders.
Supposedly, resulting from the blasts, it should kill L. Viper and his allies but a heavy
armoured Futech military vessel took the place of the Wealthian airship just for the
Albratross to survive and continue fighting. Seeing one of their allies destroyed, the
Futech military carriers allowed Albatross to buy some more time by fighting Dai
Daruma even more valiantly. They managed to damage some parts of Dai Daruma but
like their predecessors, they all fell from the might of Dai Daruma. Both Wealthian
and Futech forces sadly realized that Dai Daruma is too much even for their combined
forces even harder to accept especially they are known as major powers. Dai Daruma
started to focus on Albatross again. It unleashed everything it got to destroy Albatross
but instead Albatross moved away from danger zone and fed Dai Daruma the taste of
its own medicine. The time when Dai Daruma is about to unleashed its dangerous
mind blasts, Futech and Wealthian forces surrounded Daruma but ended up plunging
to the ocean. Albatross saw a young Futech soldier struggling to get out from his
burning vessel. Albatross dropped a rope for the young soldier to seek refuge inside
the airship. Even Albatross is not attacking Dai Daruma, the evil of E. Viper is
manifested in the giant creature. It continued to unleash heavy blasts even damaging
some parts of the Albatross airship. With no time for an introduction, L. Viper and his
allies stayed put along with their new yet unknown ally to brace themselves to see the
end of the battle. One pilot told L. Viper and his friends that they all ran out of decent
firepower strong enough to take down the creature. With gloom is looming at their
horizon, they have no choice but to unleash their last resort weapon to finally put an
end to the Buddha creature. Although Dai Daruma itself is aware that the Albatross
and the remnants of the defenders are certainly easy pickings for destruction, the road
to the battles end might be given credit to the determination of the combined
Wealthian and Futech forces. With reinforcements arriving at the scene, the pilot of
the Albatross contacted the reinforcements that they should instead focus to neutralize
Dai Darumas attacks. The reinforcements coordinated with the pilot of the Albatross.
Confident about their last resort, the pilot unleashed the ion cannon of the Albatross.
Albatross joined in with the storming reinforcements, using its ion cannon to blast the

head of the unsuspecting deity. With explosions, enveloping all around Dai Daruma,
Albatross emptied its ion cannon and connected even more blasts to the head of Dai
Daruma. With Dai Daruma is in his falling posture, the fleets temporarily celebrated
their victory until Dai Daruma rebounded from the explosion sporting a skull like
head. Dai Daruma probably angrier started to absorb everything around him for a
nihistic way to end things. One of the Futech vessels managed to scan the creature and
contacted the Albatross that Dai Daruma is not a guardian deity but a defence machine
designed by the Shitenians to look like their divine saviour figure. With Dai Daruma
is absorbing anything in its path, the pilot of the Albatross scolded one of the Futech
soldiers trivial matters. The whole fleets are in shock telling that Dai Daruma
becomes stronger when heavily damaged instead of weakening to nothingness. They
saw Dai Daruma not only absorb them turning them upside down but also everything
around it like a space vaccum absorbing and destroying everything in its path when
contracted. In the midst of hopelessness, Ron contacted the Albatross pilots telling
them to struggle against Dai Darumas storms and stay in the front of the creature.
The pilots at first were hesitant until Ron persuaded them to trust him and if they
dont, all will be lost. The time when the pilots successfully positioned Albatross near
Dai Daruma, a harrier piloted by Ron flying in full speed rammed towards Dai
Darumas skull head. Instead of perishing inside the plane like a martyr, Ron made it
alive by ejecting himself from the plane the time when his plane rammed towards the
creatures head. He dropped himself to the deck of the Albatross for safety. Making a
daring attempt to destroy Dai Daruma, Rons plane succeeded in literally decapitating
Dai Daruma, destroying its data, breaking it down due to the impact until it was
engulfed in flames. With the impact of the explosions around Dai Daruma, the
Albatross and its allies are driven far away from ground zero that is Dai Daruma.
From a distance, together, they witnessed the once majestic Shitenian guardian deity
is going down in flames to its watery grave which for some is a sight to behold. The
most important thing learned from this incident is not only about the determination of
major powers working together to stop a threat that might disrupt their existence but
also how a young and arrogant man like Ron could even be a model of sacrifice and
trust which is absolutely remarkable for generations to come.
Even in one of the most victorious moments to the allies battle career, the evil
Chaozes didnt give the allies enough time to enjoy their moment of victory. The
Chaozes like they always do, they never fail to disrupt even their enemies most

significant moments over them. Judging from their history, the Chaozes attempted to
scare and annihilate the allies back in their Shitenian stay. Now, they are trying to
intimidate the allies through their massive war carriers hovering above the ocean
telling the allies that their time is running out. The pilots of Albatross did see the
Chaozes overseeing their activities but instead of engaging with the enemies, they
simply prioritized checking on their Shitenian friends back to Commonwealth City.
Inside the plane, logically after the battle which they have all the time to know each
other, L. Viper and his friends asked the name of their new Futech ally. The brave
Futech soldier introduced himself to the allies as Eduard Chua Durant. He told L.
Viper and his allies that the world is getting more dangerous every time the Chaozes
are launching their sinister plans. L. Viper answered Eduard that there will be a time
that the Chaozes will be on their own. Alexander explained to Eduard that what L.
Viper meant is that after Chaoz as an organization is gone for good, every people
within that organization will be on their own separate ways. After some good chats,
the allies felt a disturbing noise coming from the deck of the plane slightly rocking
their plane as a whole. L. Viper told his friends that they are going to the deck to see
whats happening above. Upon entering the door to the deck, to their shock, they saw
E. Viper. E. Viper told the allies that he is impressed on what they had done to the
Shitenian deity. He warned the allies that the Shitenian deity is just the beginning of
their tribulation. E. Viper exclaimed himself over his enemies that he is the god that
the Chaozes rely upon to help them succeed to their plans. He added that after they
fulfilled their vision of chaos and rule of destruction, they will surrender the whole
known world to him. L. Viper was agitated and attacked E. Viper. The two fight until
E. Viper kept L. Viper at bay concentrating on his allies. Alexander used his scythe to
fend E. Viper off but was quickly disarmed and knocked on the ground. Larissa
equipped her heavy weapons started shooting at him but E. Viper, with his unnatural
speed managed to slash down Larissas weapon punching her to the face. He taunted
L. Viper to save his childhood friend while he feasts on Larissa. L. Viper may have
wanted to save Larissa but what E. Viper gave him needs a little time for recovery due
to the force he received from E. Viper. Eduard as a new ally fought with valor started
opening fire towards E. Viper calling him a beige colored dog. Eduard moved as far as
he can in order not to suffer like his friends did in the hands of E. Viper. Eduard
eventually ran out of bullets because he went inside the airship almost empty handed.
However, he threw his remaining grenades to damage E. Viper if not, slow him down.

He equipped his battle sabre to anticipate E. Vipers lethal nature. He sadly realized
that even his great determination failed to even give E. Viper a decent battle. E. Viper
easily reached Eduard and managed to disarm him towards his helpless state. When E.
Viper is about to kill Eduard with his tribulation sword, Alexander blasted E. Viper
with his soul energy to no avail but got his attention to halt his murderous attempt to
the defeated Futech soldier. Alexander struggled to stand and positioned his scythe to
the enemy but E. Viper intentionally delayed his movement knowing Alexander is a
helpless target when he made his move. The time when E. Viper is about to crush
Alexander, L. Viper recovered and tried his best to fight E. Viper. L. Viper rushed
towards E. Viper and the two started to fight trying to overwhelm with each other.
Although L. Viper outlasted his allies on taking on E. Viper, E. Viper clearly proved
that he is the more powerful and superior fighter. E. Viper overwhelmed L. Viper by
damaging the latter through his sword and brutally pounding him sending him lying
on the ground. After being overpowered, L. Viper told E. Viper to kill all of them
since it is his nature to inflict raw destruction, he should kill them all while they dont
pose a threat on him. E. Viper replied L. Viper that the rule of destruction is not
simply all about killing. He told L. Viper and his friends that like he said it is just the
beginning. According to the god of destruction, the rule of destruction is not only
about ending lives biologically but breaking down opponents physically, mentally,
psychologically, emotionally and spiritually until they are so helpless which the
ending of lives can now be applied to them. E. Viper told the allies that they are going
to meet each other again in a matter of short time. He exclaimed to the allies in a
joyful mood that he got the whole world in his hands ripe for destruction. E. Viper
suddenly went out from the allies sight. He may not be physically present but what he
had done to the allies may break every aspects connected to them before they will be
like lambs getting to the slaughterhouse. The crew of the plane sensed violence and
quickly went up to the deck to check things up especially some of them saw the allies
recently went up to the deck. The crew saw the allies seriously damaged by something
unnatural. For one of them, it is like the god of destruction manifested himself in
concrete manners. Feeling compassion, the crew brought the allies to the planes
infirmaries to treat them there so they can properly heal and continue living.
Returning to their health, the allies knowing that the Chaozes are still at large with the
addition of E. Viper, they proceeded to Commonwealth City to check on the
Shitenians. To their shock, not even nearing the entrance of the new Shitenian

community, they saw piled up corpses of Wealthian elite forces with large gashes on
their bodies caused by large blades. Upon entering the community, they killed many
Chaoz soldiers who tried to invade the Shitenians new community. They also met
many renegade Shitenian samurais probably to once again abduct Charmaine and
silence her off. After killing the renegades, they entered Charmaines new home and
found her sitting on the floor absolutely scared and helpless. Larissa apologizes to her
friend about what she is currently experiencing. Larissa told her sorry that she is one
of the people who proposed the plan to provide refuge to the Shitenians in foreign
lands. Charmaine understood the generosity of her friend and never blamed her of the
hardships she is currently experiencing. Charmaine bravely told Larissa that if the
death of her husband and the end of the Chaozes are the only solutions to end her
problems, she will join the allies to fight against Chaoz. She told the allies that she
will prefer to die like a true Shitenian warrior than die without fighting what is right.
L. Viper commented her attitude referring her as the gem of Shitenian womanhood.
Larissa told Charmaine to stay and not to go anywhere. She promised her friend that
they will come back for her after the smokes are cleared. The allies witnessed more
Wealthian soldiers losing against the Chaozes. The allies rushed in to the invaders and
managed to dispose all of them until they ran into E. Viper for a next epic encounter.
L. Viper and his friends encountered E. Viper for the third time after the latter is on
his killing spree to kill every Shitenians that stood his way. E. Viper anticipated the
allies great determination as they are willing to do anything just to stop him. E. Viper
told L. Vipers allies that they did not even have any worth to fight him. He expressed
his desire to personally settle the score between him and L. Viper. E. Viper will not
allow that L. Vipers allies will simply stay idle and fight cheap soldiers which they
have a history of making short of them. Instead, E. Viper created exact replicas of
himself to keep the allies busy. Larissa, Alexander and Eduard have fair shares of
difficulties their friend is soon going to endure. The clones are literally exact replicas
of E. Viper but bigger, stronger and looked more intimidating than E. Vipers normal
size. For Alexander, the clone he faced mimicked his techniques and his powerful soul
powers. He may have struggled against the clone but in the end, he managed to
destroy the clones giving him the confidence he needs as he and his friends set their
sight for a final showdown with the Chaozes and their god. Larissa fought E. Vipers
clone fully armed with several projectiles and rocket launchers. The clone inherited its
destructive instincts from E. Viper and started blasting like hell towards Larissa.

Larissa moved a lot more than she has ever been and started countering the clone
every opportunity available. She even unleashed a series of bicycle kicks to the clone
while in midair. After accumulating the clone with everything she got, she succeeded
in blasting the clone into pieces. Eduard Durant which E. Viper perceived as a
versatile soldier after holding out on his own a little bit longer than his allies against
E. Viper in the battle at the deck of the Albatross. E. Viper presented him a wraith like
version of E. Viper armed with heavy projectiles and a sword. Eduard had difficulties
against E. Vipers wraith at first. During the early stage of Eduards battle against the
wraith, the wraith managed to damage Eduard through hitting him with projectiles
and his physical strength. Eduard with his remarkable willpower, he stayed out from
the wraith. He started blasting at the wraiths mounted weapons to make him
incapable of blasting him with high powered blasts. After the wraith lost its long
range weapons, the wraith focused on its mystical skills. It overcame Eduard at times
but Eduard nonetheless continued blasting at the creature to keep it at bay. He
managed to weather the mystical abilities that the wraith is giving to him. Realizing
that his mystical abilities cannot even destroy which he believes he can easily destroy;
the wraith teleported to Eduard and planned to cut him with his sword. Eduard
carefully studied as the wraith is making his pattern to kill him. Upon familiarizing
with the wraiths pattern, he managed to capitalize on his mistakes. He quickly
countered the wraith unleashing various combinations of slashes that terminated E.
Vipers wraith for good. The time when his friends are fighting against the clones, L.
Viper faces E. Viper for the second time in battle hoping to end his terror in Viperas
known world. While L. Viper equips himself, E. Viper told him that they made the
wrong decision to move the Shitenians which they believed are safer places. He added
that it should be better if they leave the Shitenians alone rather than pretending to
know everything which in the end caused them more harm than good. He warned the
allies that they have the blood of the Shitenian race in their hands in which in due
time, they will pay their dues in the Shitenians hands. L. Viper replied E. Viper that
while E. Viper is living, he will be there to stop his reign of chaos. L. Viper equipped
his sword comes rushing towards E. Viper loudly telling him that it is him who is the
source of not only the Shitenians sufferings but also the sorrows of the whole world.
L. Viper swore to E. Viper telling him that he will destroy him in the front of the
people he wanted to include in his reign of chaos. With E. Viper grinning at his

opponent, he blocked L. Vipers sword. Including it with sheer force, L. Viper was
driven aback.
L. Viper told E. Viper that he cannot repeat what he did to him and his allies back at
their own plane. E. Viper replied L. Viper that the winners are always the ones who
dictate the battles. He likens L. Viper to a martyr with much determination yet ended
up in a tragic failure. L. Viper being the more motivated fighter tried his best clashing
his sword against E. Vipers Tribulation. E. Viper started to confuse L. Viper through
interchanging his swordfighting skills to his proficiency in hand to hand combat.
However, L. Viper became a wiser fighter. Instead of engaging E. Viper in a hand to
hand combat, he used his sword to force E. Viper to equip his sword again. In the first
half of the battle, E. Viper is clearly dominating L. Viper. He capitalized his mistakes
on several occasions almost destroying L. Viper for good. Even moderately damaged,
L. Viper continued to fight on. Through his sword, he threw himself and violently
clashed against E. Viper. The time E. Viper is going to unleash the deathblow on him,
L. Viper managed to detect E. Vipers shortcomings. He slashed E. Viper repeatedly
through his own combination of slashes. E. Viper countered L. Viper and sent him
violently to the floor. E. Viper introduced his new arsenal to destroy L. Viper while
blasting him with energy blasts while he is down. Assuming, he can now destroy the
one who is hindering his plan, E. Viper with his sword, walked into where L. Viper is
currently writhing in pain. During the time when he is about to thrust his sword into
L. Vipers seemingly helpless state, Charmaine came into L. Vipers rescue telling E.
Viper that she is tired of her husband and the Chaozes plan for world domination.
Talking in a powerful tone, Charmaine equipped her katana and rushed towards E.
Viper. As a master of psychologically breaking down his oppositions, E. Viper knew
what Charmaine does best in battle. He threw some daggers towards Charmaine but
only hit her left thigh because of her reflexes. Being raised in a Shitenian warrior
upbringing, Charmaine with her determination and will, she jumped towards E. Viper
and prepares to cut E. Viper into halves. E. Viper easily countered her advances
supposed to severe her legs but thanks to her speed, Charmaine simply suffered some
lacerations in one of her thighs cutting a part of her kimono bringing her down to the
ground in pain. E. Viper wanted to assure Charmaine that her allies cannot save her
from what she is presently at. L. Viper, being injured is also slightly helpless to save
his friend. In fact, E. Viper wanted to see how L. Viper and his friends are helpless

when comes saving their most vulnerable friend. Raised in a warrior culture that never
recognizes defeat and surrender, Charmaine threw explosives towards E. Viper
successfully distracting him giving L. Viper enough time to recover. Immediately after
his recovery, he rushed towards the distracted E. Viper. He took the opportunity
counter E. Viper with combination of slashes. E. Viper being the god of destruction
countered L. Vipers onslaughts with such a force that might repeat his loss back in
Albatross. Seeing L. Viper still stands from the blows he is giving him, he attempted
to destroy L. Viper by unleashing his high powered blasts hoping to get rid of the
thorn in his destructive plans once and for all. To his surprise, L. Viper dodged
everything he can dish out and both men again clashed their metals against each other.
E. Viper appeared to still dominate L. Viper but noticed while the battle is getting
longer, L. Viper becomes more furious and stronger slightly turning the battle to his
favour. E. Viper eventually saw L. Viper transformed in his Harpazo mode attempting
to end his train of destruction once and for all. Even in his Harpazo mode, L. Viper is
not dominant against E. Viper. The safest bet we can say is that they are now fighting
in a near even match still the god of destruction is in control. For the large part of the
Harpazo battle, E. Viper may still have the power and control over the more powerful
and improved L. Viper until L. Viper took advantage of E. Vipers over confidence
thus, he managed to see his shortcomings. He violently continuously slashed the god
of destruction forcing him to retreat from the battle. Upon retreating, E. Viper told L.
Viper that they are not over yet. They are still going to fight each other in one final
battle. He added that in the next battle, there would be no escape for L. Viper and his
friends. In fact, he assures them that they will see the full measure of pure destruction.
He gave the allies a hint that the Chaozes are in the final stages of their plan to rule
the whole planet under his name. Before he left, he discouraged L. Viper reminding
him that whatever they are going to do, they cannot prevent the eventual dominance
ushered by Chaoz. In fact, according to E. Viper, to stop the Chaozes results in
premature destruction! E. Viper eventually disappeared from the scene. L. Viper and
his friends are not discouraged what E. Viper has warned them. In the stage of their
self reflection, L. Viper apologized to Charmaine that he let her fight E. Viper on her
own. He also apologized that not only he failed to save her but also being saved by a
woman from death is a dishonourable thing for a man to bear. Larissa approached
towards Charmaine and helped her stand again. L. Viper promised Charmaine that
they are going to end the Chaozes for the greatest good of the whole known world.

Eduard, being a young and proud soldier told L. Viper that he is going to die trying
than being enslaved by the Chaozes. L. Viper told his friends that the only way to be
victorious in these darkest times is to be brave enough to fight what they believe is
right. He reminded them that the victory comes to those who are brave enough to
respond to the challenges given to them. Alexander replied L. Viper telling him that
the days of E. Viper are numbered. He may have beaten them all at once but as the
battles are getting longer, his destructive instincts and dominance are slipping away
from him. Larissa suddenly received a call from one of the intelligence officials. The
official told Larissa that a missile silo base believed to be controlled by the Chaozes
not that far off from the Wealthian city. According to the reports, the Chaozes are in
the final stages of their plans and are planning to launch their missiles as their first
plan on destroying not only Commonwealth City but also the whole world. The
official told Larissa that together as one, they must quickly put an end to the rest of
the Chaozes until its too late. Before ending his call, the official promised Larissa and
his allies that he will be coordinating with the Futech government to send
reinforcements helping the Wealthian forces to shut the Chaozes down for the final
time once and for all. Upon knowing the details of the conversation, Charmaine told
L. Viper and her friend Larissa that she felt strange during her encounter with E.
Viper. She confessed that she never felt that brave before until facing with E. Viper.
She told her friends that her nightmares are only going to end if they allow her to fight
alongside with them in the final battle against the Chaozes. At first, L. Viper is
worried for her safety but after Charmaine convinced him that he should trust on her
abilities and her will, crediting her as a remarkable Shitenian woman, L. Viper finally
allowed her to fight alongside with them but she should be extra careful since the
Chaozes are deceptive enough to destroy greater threats than them. Eduard and
Alexander assured Charmaine that they are going to protect her while she fights
against the Chaozes. Both men even told her that they are going to beat her abusive
husband in front of her. Larissa told Charmaine that if joining them to fight the final
battle against the Chaozes will make her sufferings end then she can follow what her
heart says. Ecstatic that Futech forces are also going to get involved against the
Chaozes, Eduard exclaimed to his allies that the final battle against the Chaozes has
just begun!

Knowing that time is short before Chaoz bombs Commonwealth City and taking
control of the planet, L. Viper and his allies went to their airship. They travelled
eastward to the stronghold of the Chaozes. During their flight while approaching the
Chaoz stronghold, L. Viper and his allies saw the combined might of Wealthian and
Futech forces fighting against their Chaoz counterparts. Albatross was eventually
joined by a number of escorts. The escorts are mixed varieties of Wealthian and
Futech reinforcements. Larissa saw her brother is driving a light armoured vehicle
leading massive infantry units probably to engage Kenshins army and to defeat him
for the final time once and for all. As they navigated around the dangerous base, at
first, they had trouble solving the problem posed by the bases defences. With the
right strategy, they managed to rout the defences along with the help of their ground
forces. Moving forward, Albatross and her allies swiftly destroyed most of the bases
defences. They managed to rout the Chaoz tanks with the help of their allies.
Equipped with the latest version of their ion cannons, they easily destroyed their
Chaoz aerial counterparts. After disposing the Chaoz war planes, Albatross and her
allies felt great confidence that the base is the last stand of the Chaozes. Albatross and
her allies continued to navigate their way destroying even more defences that can be
detrimental to their victory until reaching near the building facility of the base.
Sensing that the last of the Chaozes are waiting for them inside the building facility,
L. Viper and his allies asked the pilots to disembark them to go inside the facility.
Taking the allies request into account, the pilots are concerned for the allies safety
telling the allies that they should stay on their seats and wait a little longer for they are
going to clean the area first before they can step into the base. Going for a grand
entrance, Albatross and her allies swiftly rushed to the battle scene destroying
everything that stood against their path. After the smokes are cleared, L. Viper and his
allies disembarked to go inside the building facility to finally get rid of the Chaozes
for good.
After their pilots paving way for them to be able to enter the building facility safely,
L. Viper and his allies successfully entered the building facility. Upon entering, they
are surprised by combined forces of Shitenian renegades and Chaoz soldiers. The
allies managed to dispose both batches of soldiers to go deeper within the base. Along
the way, they encountered even more varieties of Chaoz soldiers assisted by their
Shitenian allies. Being used on facing battalions of Chaoz soldiers, they made short

work of the defenders. The allies managed to find an elevator which will take them to
upper floors. After ascending to the middle floors, the elevator stopped probably
caused by the Chaozes to lure them into a trap. While they go out from the elevator, L.
Viper told his allies he had a feeling that the last of the elite members of Chaoz
planned to confuse and separate them. Alexander replied L. Viper that in case they all
got separated, they are all going to give the Chaozes a part of their history. L. Viper
and his allies continued to walk into the middle of the hall and were confronted by
another massive battalion of Chaoz soldiers. They gave every soldier solid reasons
that stood against their ways to permanently abandon their posts for the sake of living.
The allies eventually found themselves ended up inside a large hall. The allies felt that
they are nearing the culmination of the Chaoz war. Alexander felt that L. Viper is
going to face his assassin once more. He gave L. Viper Nightblades night vision
glasses telling him that it is his turn to use it since he already graduated from using the
glasses. In the dark, the allies started to hear voices telling them that they will pay for
what they did to their leader. They heard another voice telling them that their quest
ends in their base and another crying out glory to the Chaoz.
L. Viper felt that someone is aiming to kill him. He put on his glasses and saw an
assassin is a split second away from killing him. The assassin finally opened fire
attempting to kill him. He almost got L. Viper but L. Viper successfully dodged the
assassin. Even though he cannot see the assassin clearly, he threw daggers hoping to
kill if not to incapacitate the assassin. He managed to hit the assassin but only in the
arms. The assassin shoots him with another couple of rounds but L. Viper managed to
evade the dangerous rounds. L. Viper saw the assassin disappears from the sight
probably using the dark as his place of refuge to successfully put him down without
warning. Leaving L. Viper puzzled, the assassin may not have been able to kill him
but successfully confusing every one of them conditioning them for their annihilation.
Just as the Chaozes have expected, their plans to break the allies down seemed to
work when L. Vipers friends rushing to his aid. The Chaozes prepared to move to the
next part of their plan seeing the allies getting panicked. They are now planning to
separate the allies making them even more vulnerable inside a foreign stronghold
leading to their eventual demise. The elite Chaoz members sent suicide bombers
probably not to kill the allies but to use them as means for their higher purposes.
Eduard equipped his anti tank rifle and started blasting the bombers. Every time he
kills the bombers, the bomb goes off with the bombers creating bright explosions.

Eduard realized that when an explosion takes place illuminating the room, he vaguely
saw some passage ways leading up further into the base. The elite members of Chaoz
sent even more bombers to disrupt the allies reminding them that inside the Chaoz
stronghold, they are inside the gate of doom. Eduard eventually realized that he
cannot defeat the seemingly unlimited supply of Chaoz soldiers obsessed of just
ending their existence. Knowing his supplies are almost exhausted, Larissa and
Charmaine offered their help fending off the bombers. With the quantity of bombers
killed, the explosions became even brighter revealing to the allies everything around
the room. The Chaozes knew that when the allies saw everything inside the room,
they will not be confused anymore. They will be even more united with each other
just to bring them down. Unfortunately for the allies, the Chaozes executes their plans
to break the allies down by separating them. Just before the room returns to silence, at
the same time, the elite Chaoz members started coming out from their hiding to
personally engage with the allies to deconstruct them once and for all. The assassin
that attempts to kill L. Viper inside the same room started shooting at him again.
Although L. Viper managed to evade death, he felt that he needed to chase the
assassin to settle the score with him. He told Alexander and Eduard to take care of
Larissa while he tracks the assassin down. At the same time a little after L. Viper
embarks to pursue the hitman, the same Chaoz bomber that Larissa encountered back
in Shitenia started firing at her with her rail gun. Larissa warned her allies as they all
dodged the high powered blasts. She disappears into the darkness of the passageway
and sent more suicide bombers to distract the allies from pursuing her. The allies
managed to defeat the bombers but are on a new set of puzzle to silence the last of the
Chaozes. Alexander told Larissa that the bomber she faced is not an ordinary one. He
offered Larissa to assist her in defeating the bomber. Larissa politely refused
Alexanders offer telling him that she has to face her own fears and needs to win her
own battle. She advised Alexander to go with L. Viper since he needs him and is
facing the more dangerous battles. Eduard and Charmaine offered their help to Larissa
as they went beyond to face the uncertainties of their future.
Even in the darkest of the times, Alexander is proved not only to be a principled and a
strong fighter but is also a resourceful and useful ally. In the middle of the uncertain
road to the assassin, Alexander catches up with L. Viper. He knew L. Viper is not in a
good situation. Being the more resourceful and smarter between the two, Alexander

gave L. Viper Nightblades glasses telling him that he already graduated from using it.
He also told him that he needs the glasses to see beyond the dark. While strolling, L.
Viper thanked Alexander until he stepped on something he felt that can kill him. The
duo jumped as far as they can to spare themselves from the bomb that just exploded.
Alexander reinforced L. Viper that he desperately needs the glasses to save him from
the assassins preliminary traps. The two went further navigating the darkened road
enduring everything the assassin has to offer until they were separated when
Alexander is forced to pursue the elite Chaoz member that once defeated him back in
Shitenia. He told L. Viper that the glasses he gave is all he can offer but he needs to
get to the assassin all by himself. L. Viper thanked Alexander of giving him
Nightblades glasses. With the glasses, he set his path to an eventual showdown with
the assassin. In the remaining course of the road, L. Viper endured everything that the
assassin can offer ranging from his dangerous traps set to destroy him to pitfalls that
are designed to lead L. Viper to his death. While going through to all his assassins
obstacles, L. Viper also faces the constant threat of being shot by the assassin. Upon
getting closer to the assassin, the assassin started to throw explosives to stop L. Viper
but L. Viper kept going on to the assassin. The assassin started to felt getting
frustrated of not be able to successfully destroy his target. As he escapes from L.
Viper, he started to violently opening fire just to have L. Viper killed but he realized
L. Viper is going to catch him dead soon. He threw even more explosives but L. Viper
managed to get out of his traps. He chased the assassin until they arrived in a narrow
room. The assassin threw his explosives but ended in failure when L. Viper simply
deflected his dangerous bombs. Out of desperation, he unleashed everything up on his
sleeve hoping to end L. Viper. He realized that even his high powered bullets are
unable to save him when L. Viper slashed his weapons into pieces. Probably to
distract and give L. Viper an awe of intimidation, the assassin introduced himself as
Patrick Nightman. He dubbed himself as the hitman of Chaoz. He told L. Viper that
he is not strictly limited on handling projectiles, he told L. Viper that even his enemies
who are very proficient in hand to hand combat also feared his hand to hand
proficiency. Nightman saw L. Vipers facial expression is expressing disgust and
boredom. As a result, he kicked L. Viper to the chin, slipping him down and threw
some daggers wounding L. Viper as he went deeper into the blackness of the room.
Despite wounded, L. Viper stayed strong and pursued Nightman to where he went. L.
Viper found himself inside a corridor filled by narrow walls equipped with traps being

set by Nightman as his final desperation plan to kill him for good. To Nightmans
surprise, L. Viper outsmarted Nightman and his traps getting him in a no way out
situation. Nonetheless, Nightman expected for the worse to come and he is surely
prepared for it.
L. Viper equipped his sword hoping to put and end to Nightman. Nightman proved to
L. Viper that even in hand to hand combat he is a force to reckon with. Taking
advantage of his wounds, Nightman succeeded in disarming the wounded L. Viper.
Using his knife, he stabbed L. Viper in the legs to immobilize him. He even landed a
few powerful blows even though L. Viper gave him a dose of his own medicine
beating him up and temporarily separating him from his knife. Nightman knew that L.
Viper is a beast when comes in fighting. He may be proficient in hand to hand combat
but he cannot overpower L. Viper through strength alone. He started to throw some
daggers to weaken L. Viper but due to his speed L. Viper started to overwhelm his
assassin. Nightman did not allow himself to be permanently overpowered by his
target. He quickly picked up his knife and started wildly slashing towards his nemesis.
He even slashed L. Viper a couple of times and also threw an explosive to him
sending him to the opposite side. Nightman gained confidence seeing L. Viper
accumulated every punishment he can dish out on him. He equipped himself with his
daggers and his knife planning to launch a final fatal blow to the already near death L.
Viper. Even in the brink of near death, L. Viper didnt stop thinking a way to end his
assassins life. He simply stayed on the ground to take advantage of his enemys
imminent mistake while recuperating from his wounds. Moments later, he saw
Nightman using his every energy and his natural killing instinct hoping to land a final
fatal blow on him. Pretending to be nearing his demise, L. Viper succeeded in
exploiting Nightmans mistake. As Nightmans daggers flashing themselves towards
him, L. Viper threw his own set of blades to the unsuspecting Nightman hitting him
on different parts of his body especially his brain fatally killing him. Being exhausted
from the battle against Nightman, L. Viper momentarily stayed in the dark place as he
gears towards his recovery healthy enough to face even more difficult battles and to
reunite with his friends.
While L. Viper is on his way to take his assassin down, Alexander left L. Viper after
he was distracted by the elite Chaoz member he faced back in Shitenia. The Chaoz

member provoked Alexander to have a final showdown with him. The Chaoz member
did not immediately fought Alexander. He confused Alexander as both of them
navigated the treacherous corridors in the building facility. The Chaoz member stood
firm on his objective, he told Alexander that he will do everything to avenge his
comrade, Daryl Nightblade. While Alexander is getting closer from where he stands,
he called out his armoured troops to break Alexander down with him getting what
remained of him. Being on a hurry, Alexander blitzed his way beyond every
troopsthat wanted a piece of him continuing his pursuit of the armoured Chaoz
member. The Chaoz member called even more troops that have great resemblance of
Alexanders fighting skills to have a greater chance to take him down but Alexander
proved too much even to the armoured ones. Alexander told the Chaoz member that
his soul will be his. The Chaoz member with pride replied Alexander that it is him
who will join Nightblade in hell. The Chaoz member started shooting at Alexander to
stop his pursuit of him. Alexander used his scythe to deflect the high powered shots to
carry him through the shoot out to get near the Chaoz member. After the Chaoz
member run out of machine gun bullets, he started firing his grenade rounds to
Alexander but thanks to Alexanders speed, it carried him through the dangerous
collapsing corridors due to being repeatedly blasted by missed grenade rounds.
Alexander answered the Chaoz member by firing soul blasts to his armor but as a
retaliation, the Chaoz member used his tentacles equipped with high powered blasts
and started blasting at Alexander. The Chaoz member consumed by pure vengeance
unleashed every high powered blasts his tentacles can offer hoping to put an end to
Alexander but Alexander never stopped thinking, he blasted one of the Chaoz
members tentacles via his soul blasts sending one of his tentacles to malfunction
forcing him to a retreat. Alexander took advantage of his retreat. He used his
unnatural speed to catch the pace of the retreating avenger. Both men embarked on a
chasing game until both men ended up in the lower deck of the building facility. The
Chaoz member was impressed after Alexander managed to reach him despite
unleashing high powered weapons which will put down any ordinary fools who
wanted to try their luck on chasing him. The Chaoz member started to recognize
Alexander as a great fighter yet is needed to be destroyed to avenge his comrade. The
Chaoz member told Alexander that it is unethical to start an epic battle without
introducing himself. The Chaoz member introduced himself as Ryan Flamescourge.
He told Alexander when he was recruited in Chaoz, he was forced to undergo an

experiment which made him bind with his armor. Alexander replied Flamescourge
that he doesnt care whether he wears the most durable armor but one thing is for sure,
he is out to claim every Chaoz souls that mess up with him. Flamescourge told
Alexander that he became too arrogant and is ripe for destruction. Flamescourge
started to distance himself towards Alexander. He started moving from one angle to
another attempting to blast Alexander using his tentacle projectiles but Alexander
managed to get near him due to his uncanny speed. Flamescourge realized that he
cannot rely at his projectiles always. He used his tentacles to heavily damage
Alexander. Alexander regrouped and slashed Flamescourges armor a couple of times
but to no avail. Flamescourge easily retaliated and further whipped Alexander with his
multiple tentacles. During the first half of the battle, Flamescourge constantly moved
from one angle to another confusing Alexander by making himself unpredictable by
constantly moving and interchanging the function of his tentacles between blasting
him and whipping him to inflict much damage on him. After Alexander got his
rhythm, he rushed towards Flamescourge forcing him into a melee fight and started
slashing his armor with a combination of scythe slashes but again to no avail.
Flamescourge equipped his halberd matching Alexanders battle standards and
managed to stun Alexander. Taking Alexanders mistake as an opportunity, he brutally
hurt Alexander with his tentacles and stabbing his abdomen with his halberd.
Flamescourge is not easily contented of what he is doing to Alexander. He vowed
himself to inflict even more punishments to Alexander as a payment of what he did to
Nightblade. Flamescourge moved a little further from Alexander and blasted him with
all of his tentacle blasts sending the soul master near the edge of the deck. With sheer
hatred, Flamescourge rushed to his dying enemy to execute the final move that will
complete avenging Nightblades death. As the armoured elite Chaoz member is about
to strike Alexander to his death, Alexander turned Harpazo and blasted Flamescourge
with a more powerful variety of his soul energies sending Flamescourge to the other
side knocking him down. Alexander notices that while Flamescourges armor is
immune from melee damages, it is not immune from powerful projectile blasts.
Accidentally, Alexander may have found a way to penetrate Flamescourges armor
that may lead to his eventual downfall.
Enraged of what Alexander has did to him. Flamescourge rose up from the ground to
engage the more powerful version of Alexander into a battle to the death.

Flamescourge told Alexander that he should not have engaged with him in a melee
combat. He started to move away from Alexander peppering him with his tentacles
blasts. He was puzzled to find out that the blasts are not damaging Alexander even
though they landed on him. Flamescourge felt that in the first part he is the one
dominating Alexander but he has a bad feeling that Alexander will now be the one
who will hunt him down while he is alive. Like before, he constantly moved away
from Alexander giving him everything he got but Alexander easily countered him
with his more powerful soul blasts cracking up his armor. Flamescourge managed to
fight a good fight against Alexanders more powerful version but failed to found out
the inevitability that every blasts he took from a retaliating Alexander makes him even
more vulnerable. Even fighting at his best, he cannot avoid the blasts he took from
Alexander making him even more vulnerable. Flamescourge eventually realized that
his armour cannot save him. He saw his arsenals being taken away from him.
Alexanders blasts made huge cracks into his armor, separating the tentacles from him
eventually, leaving only a little for desperate protection. Flamescourge found out the
necessity that in order to save his honour he must engage with Alexander one final
time in one fateful battle. He equipped his halberd and started rushing towards
Alexander. He told Alexander that while he is still alive he is going to destroy him for
the glory of Chaoz. Both men started to fight intensely until Alexander overpowered
Flamescourge driving him into the edge towards the railings. Even in the brink of
defeat, Flamescourge tried his best to avenge Nightblade and preserve Chaozs
existence but in the end, Alexander divided him into halves and decapitated his
remains with his scythe partially sending his remains down into the boiling furnace
below. After the battle, Alexander told Flamescourge that even the greatest of the
Chaozes cannot do a thing to avoid whats in store for them. He added that the whole
foundations of Chaoz are going into the great inevitable that is death! Alexander
temporarily rests on the site as he recovers from his wounds and waits for his allies.
Before the allies went on their own separate ways to take down the last of the
Chaozes, Larissa fighting alongside with Eduard and Charmaine saw the same Chaoz
bomber she encountered back in Shitenia. Judging from the bombers action of
repeatedly firing at her with her high powered blasts, she will stop at nothing to have
her dead without any valid reasons. Larissa realized that she has no choice but to
bravely step up and face the most important battle of her life. Larissa accompanied by
Eduard and Charmaine decided to follow the bomber for the truth to be finally

revealed what lies behind the bombers faade. Larissa apologized to L. Viper and
Alexander that she needs to temporarily leave them but will reunite with them soon.
Larissa and her friends found themselves in a maze like series of corridors and
eventually managed to find the bomber escaping from them. They met a number of
bombers who wanted to stop them from pursuing probably their comrade. Larissa
along with her friends easily put the bombers out of their equation as they continue
their trail to know the truth behind the bomber. They managed to see the escaping
bomber but the bomber threw some explosives to them to stop them from chasing her.
Larissa and her friends with their determination managed to weather the turbulence
along their way. The bomber started to shoot at the allies with her high powered blasts
but the allies narrowly dodged her high powered blasts. The allies continued to chase
the bomber until they found themselves in the threshold of a large hall. Larissa
noticed the bomber has stopped but she did not expect that Eduard and Charmaine are
locked up just before they reached the large hall. Seeing her friends are trapped in the
series of corridors shy of entering the large hall, Larissa realized that she has to face
the battle alone. Deep in her heart, she knew that she has no choice but to answer and
overcome what the bomber has in store for her. The bomber told Larissa that she
should always expect for the worse when embarking for battle. She added that she has
no friends to save her except herself from her wrath. She bitterly told Larissa that the
Wealthian government dominated by the Leonen are responsible for the death of her
loved ones. Larissa replied the bomber that it is the Chaozes that ruined her once
promising life. The bomber replied Larissa that Chaoz gave her new purpose in life
and she is going to show it to her. Larissa replied the bomber that she should
reconsider what she is planning to do especially with the Chaozes poisoning her way
of thinking. The bomber stayed true to what she had told Larissa. She started shooting
at her with her high powered rifle in hand. Larissa tried her best dodging the
destructive blasts and managed to counter the bomber by peppering her with her own
bullets. The bomber was not damaged due to the protective armour she is wearing in
the guise of her thick veil. The bomber started to shoot Larissa once again but Larissa
gave her the same answer by shooting her with her weapon. The bomber felt that she
has a hard time finishing Larissa in the large hall. She threw explosives towards
Larissa to destroy her if not disrupt her movements in order to be easy target for her.
Even with her explosives and her high powered rifle, she failed to defeat Larissa.
Thinking of postponing the end of their fateful rivalry, the bomber threw some flash

grenades temporarily blinding Larissa. She even threw some smoke grenades to lead
her astray from chasing her. But Larissa is not to be denied, with her determination
she will do everything to know the truth behind the bomber and to end their conflict.
She simply ran as fast as she could to advance further beyond the large hall. On her
way of tracking the bomber down, Larissa encountered more suicide bombers poised
by the lady bomber to distract and lose her way. Larissa firmly believed that she has
to end the encounter with the bomber as soon as possible. She distanced herself from
the angry bombers and blasted them all into pieces thanks to the bombs they had
inside their body. Larissa eventually got herself closer to the bomber. She carefully
followed the bomber until both of them ended up in the upper deck of the building
facility just outside where the commanders are controlling and overseeing the base.
Larissa was surprised upon seeing the bomber stopped in her tracks. The bomber told
Larissa that no elite member of Chaoz retreats from battle unless necessary. Larissa
replied the bomber that her mother and sisters murderer Federico did it a number of
times. The bomber replied Larissa that it is not important. She added that she should
not worry of tiring herself just to land a blow on her. She told Larissa that both of
them are here destined until the end of their rivalry. The bomber eventually turned
emotional telling Larissa that the Wealthian government is responsible not only killing
her loved ones but also denying her of a bright future. She then shifted from being
emotional to being angry. She told Larissa that there is no purpose in living until
Chaoz found her and gave her a second chance in life. She even proudly claimed that
she will gladly be a martyr for the organization that gave her life. Larissa replied the
bomber that she is making insane claims. She urged the bomber to turn her back from
Chaoz since they are the ones who really ruined her life. The proud bomber before she
fought Larissa, she introduced herself as Rachel Fatimah Al Umayyad dubbed as
Chaozs only elite woman fighter. Rachel replied Larissa that she wont buy from
the deceptions coming from her lips! Larissa replied Rachel that she will soon know
who is telling the truth.
Rachel equipped his high powered rifle and started shooting at Larissa. Larissa
managed to dodge the dangerous blasts and threw some daggers that stunned Rachel
momentarily. Larissa started countering Rachel by blasting everything she had got.
After both combatants nearly exhausted their projectile weapons, as a last resort
Rachel equipped her RPG hoping to end Larissa for good. With her flexibility, she

easily dodged the rockets wasting Rachels efforts on blowing her up into pieces.
After Rachels rocket launcher run out of rockets, she believed that both of them are
going to fight in a melee battle. Larissa equipped her sabre with her counterpart
unleashing her scimitar. Rachel suddenly rushed towards Larissa hoping to decapitate
her. Larissa has no choice but to weather her onslaughts. After few failed attempts to
decapitate her, Larissa countered Rachel with a combination of slashes from her sabre
destroying Rachels outer veil. Upon seeing her once strong outer veil getting
shredded by a Wealthian sabre, Rachel discarded her veil revealing the face of a sad
young woman. Rachel gained even more speed after taking off her outer veil. She told
Larissa that she and her family will have their fate sealed in the hands of Chaoz. Like
a martyr warrior, Rachel fought with full ferocity rushing towards Larissa with her
scimitar. There are times that Rachel nearly decapitated but Larissas determination
will turn the battle in her favour. After studying Rachels savage decapitating pattern,
Larissa managed to block one of Rachels attempted powerful strikes and started to
control the offensive against Rachel driving her to the edge of the deck to the railings.
Larissa and Rachel intensely crossed their swords against each other hoping to
overpower each other. Both women fought a nearly even fight until Larissa managed
to exploit Rachels mistake slashing her to the chest. Even in defeat, Rachel will not
allow herself to concede and fall in her rivals hands. She deliberately outbalanced
herself and almost fell down but Larissa gripped her hand to save her from falling to
her death. She told Rachel that there is still goodness inside her. She added that the
Wealthian government has nothing to do with the death of her loved ones instead it is
the work of Chaoz. Larissa even told Rachel that they could be friends and she will
help him find another purpose in life. Rachel replied Larissa that no matter how noble
her intentions are to help her, the damage has been done and death is the only solution
to end it all. She added to Larissa that the best way she can do to help her is simply let
her go and grant her freedom out from this cruel world. Mortified of what Rachel told
her, Larissa is literally lost in words. She does not know what to do to help Rachel in
a more effective way. Rachel simply told her there is no need to help her because she
had already done her part. Puzzled, Larissa was lost in her confusion. Rachel
unexpectedly grounded Larissas hand losing her grip on her rival. Larissa witnessed
Rachel falling to her death even worst, blowing herself up into pieces before plunging
into the ground. Traumatized by the way Rachel died, Larissa knelt down and cried

uncontrollably until Eduard and Charmaine managed to reunite with her to console
Larissa temporarily rejoiced after Eduard and Charmaine reunited with her. Eduard
apologized to Larissa that it took so long before they managed to reach her. He added
that the walls absolutely frustrated them until they decided to lose control and blow
the walls up just to reach her in time. Charmaine asked Larissa why she is crying.
Larissa responded to her friend that although she is no stranger from battles, it is the
first time she saw a gruesome yet tragic death. Eduard told Larissa that he felt that the
Chaoz bomber is not as evil as the rest of the organization. In fact, she is a conflicted
and tragic figure whose only solution is through the peace of death. Larissa told
Eduard that she felt great compassion to Rachel but the traumas she accumulated
made her paranoid driving herself to death. Charmaine responded to her friend telling
her that the organization of Chaoz is not only dangerous in terms of their military
capabilities but also their psychological impact to the ones they influenced. She told
Larissa that the longer they exist, the more people they are bringing to hell. Larissa
stood up and told her friends that even in the midst of a great tragedy, they must all
move on and stop the Chaoz at all cost before they impose their lust for destruction to
the whole planet. She told her friends that they are going to face the leader of Chaoz
to end it all. Charmaine told Larissa to wait for her allies because it is too dangerous.
Larissa replied Charmaine that time is running out, they need to move on and stop the
missiles before the Chaoz destroys the whole planet. Larissa, Eduard and Charmaine
faced more Chaoz soldiers as they advanced higher inside the facility. They made
their way inside a control room probably designed to stop the missiles. Charmaine
found a file and let Larissa read it. Larissa told her friend that she does not really
understand what is written due to technical terms. Eduard told Larissa to give him the
file. After reading, Eduard told his friends that the file is all about stopping the
missiles from launching that will destroy every part of the world. After reading the
details, Eduard ordered Larissa and Charmaine to sit in one of the missile control
terminals separately in order to help him stop the launch. Due to the technical nature
of the file, Eduard has the instruction beside him to guide him and the allies in the
most important procedures. While he already knew what to do, Eduard loudly reads
the instruction for Larissa and Charmaine to coordinate with him. After a few steps
more, the allies successfully stopped the missiles from launching halting Chaozs plan

of world domination. Eduard, Larissa and Charmaine felt that they have nothing
anymore to do within the control room. They decided to proceed further to confront
the leader hoping to end the dangerous organization once and for all. As a blessing in
disguise, Larissa found a small file with a code included in it written by a disgruntled
Chaoz scientist who is tired of all the evils perpetuated by the organization. He also
reveals that the time he reveals the code, he is now a target of being manhunted by
Chaoz. In the end of the file, he told the reader to use the code in case when Chaoz is
already near impossible to defeat. At first, the allies seemed puzzled about the nature
of the file yet they kept it for the sake of its usefulness later in their mission. With no
more things to do anymore inside the control room, the allies rode the elevator on
their way to the final floor where the Chaoz leaders office is located. Upon arriving
at the leaders office, the allies didnt found the Chaoz leader but interestingly they
found a large vault. Eduard insisted that they should try the code on the vault. After
successfully opening the vault through the code, the allies found a custom missile
launcher, extra missiles and most importantly a key that might lead them to the
whereabouts of the Chaoz leader. Larissa noticed that there is a key hole in the left
side of the office. She then proceeded to use the key to the keyhole. After turning the
key she found to the keyhole, another elevator is revealed to the allies. The time they
are about to go to the elevator, Chaoz soldiers stormed inside the office to stop the
allies from knowing the Chaoz secrets. By the time they are about to make them pay
for trespassing the leaders office, luckily, the allies rode the elevator on their way
down below the base to continue hunting down the leader of Chaoz. The time the
elevator doors opened for them, to their surprise, they do not need to try hard tracking
down the leader of Chaoz because the leader himself is actually waiting for them!
Right after they went out of the elevator, the allies were a little surprised as the Chaoz
leader anticipated their arrival to end Chaoz. Upon seeing the Chaoz leader, Larissa
turned all her frustrations to the Chaoz leader who is responsible not only for untold
casualties to the whole planet but also ruining their own comrades for the sake of their
destructive purposes in life. Larissa blamed the Chaoz leader as responsible for
ruining Rachels life leading towards her martyrdom in the name of Chaoz. The
Chaoz leader gave Larissa an insensitive answer telling her that they properly trained
and disciplined Rachel but in the end, it is all Rachels undoing that led to her end.
Eduard replied the Chaoz leader telling him that he must be the scientist Joshua
Youngblade who assumed leadership after General Kims death. Joshua asked Eduard

how did he managed to know who he is. Eduard replied Joshua that he saw his name
hanging all over his office. He added that it seemed Joshua left his leadership post
after knowing his organization is coming to an end. Joshua responded to the allies that
they are all dead wrong on their assumptions about Chaoz. He made it clear to the
allies that Chaoz domination will be inevitable. Charmaine discouraged Joshua that
they already stopped one of his major steps for world domination. Angered, Joshua
told the allies that even without the bomb he will personally destroy them after that
with the world falling into their hands. Larissa told Joshua that he and his
organization should stop blaming the Wealthian government of doing the things they
did not commit. She dared Joshua that the Chaoz will pay for every atrocities they did
costing untold casualties. Before battling Joshua, she cried out that the battle will be
dedicated not only for Rachel, for her family but also for everyone who suffered at the
hands of Chaoz. Joshua was impressed by Larissas bravery and determination but
will still push in his plans to destroy everyone who opposes the Chaoz. Joshua told the
allies that the time they went out of the elevator, they are now in deaths hands.
Equipping his blade and preparing himself for an eventual showdown, Joshua told the
allies that they are everything to be blamed and with his leadership, the Chaoz will
experience its prime and will be responsible of wiping out all their oppositions.
Anxious for a showdown, Joshua vowed himself that in the end, in his hands, the
Chaoz will achieve its ultimate victory.
During the battle against Joshua, Joshua exhibited unparalleled lighting speed and
lethal power. In the initial part of the battle, even with Eduard and Larissas high
powered projectiles, they are not even a match against Joshuas battle prowess. Joshua
easily walked through and dominated one half of the allies. Charmaine managed to
held on her own against Joshua giving her all ranging from her explosives to her
fighting skills but soon fell prey to his dangerous battle abilities. Joshua continued to
brutally beat the allies until his overconfidence took over him. Joshua started to take
pride of his accomplishments, his abilities and even boasting he is only the solution of
the allies destruction. He even slammed his palm to his forehead when he gets
ecstatic and sometimes when insulting his opponents of their inabilities to deal with
him. While he is insulting the allies and taking pride of his abilities, Eduard helped
Larissa to recall about the missile launcher she got inside the vault revealed by a
former Chaoz employee. He also urged Larissa to use the launcher that might be

useful to neutralize Joshuas fighting prowess. Charmaine, as the one who managed to
hold on her own against Joshua successfully observed Joshuas uncanny fighting
prowess. She told Larissa that Joshuas fighting ability is rather artificial than natural.
She advised Larissa that the missile launcher she possessed might disrupt whats
inside Joshua. Joshua told the allies that they should stop planning because no matter
how great is their strategy it would be far from sufficient to defeat him. To destroy
their will, Joshua attempted to land a kick to the allies. The allies successfully dodged
Joshuas kick. They distanced themselves from Joshua and started blasting him
everything they possessed. Taking advantage of their frustration, Joshua used his
speed to approach the allies to land larger blows but to his surprise, Larissa
unexpectedly used her missile launcher assisted by gravitational shockwave energies
slowing him down. The allies saw Joshua slowing down thanks to Eduard and
Charmaines newfound strategy. The allies used their available opportunity seriously
damaging the now sluggish Joshua. Moments later, Joshua recovered and regained his
battle prowess. He again gave the allies fits through his uncanny abilities but with the
right timing, with the help of the launcher, they slowed Joshua down multiple times
inflicting him sufficient damages until the burden of the damages forced him
retreating. While running away from his opponents, Joshua slammed his palm on his
head as a sign of frustration. Larissa told her friends that they should not stop Joshua
from escaping but to end the reign of Chaoz in their very own place! The allies
walked through the catwalks pursuing the leader of Chaoz. While on the catwalks,
Larissa, Eduard and Charmaine reunited with L. Viper and Alexander who just
destroyed the remaining Chaoz soldiers who are there to protect and escort Joshua to
help him escape from the base. They navigated through the catwalks until they ended
up in a hangar seeing Joshua climbing up his way to his mechanical dinosaur. Joshua,
slamming his palm on his head told the allies that they are stupid enough to buy into
his bait. He also told the allies that no matter how many they are, they will not be able
to defeat and outsmart him. L. Viper told Larissa that Joshua Youngblade will always
remain as a scientist. Even with that something inside him, he will not be able a great
fighter who can stand on his own against anyone who posed a threat to him and his
organization. Alexander told L. Viper that you cannot teach new tricks to an old dog
especially Joshua Youngblade.

Although irritated by the allies mumbling words, Joshua simply ignored every harsh
words being thrown to him. He simply made his way to Chaosaurus control room. As
the allies continued their insults to his battle abilities, Joshua activated Chaosaurus
and told the allies that he is simply warming up. He told the allies that he will make
them as sacrifices offered to the spirit of Chaoz and to the god of destruction. As
Joshua is nearing his fingers to activate Chaosaurus into motion, Joshua told the allies
that their destruction is simply a prelude to their greater plans. With the battle against
the last of the Chaozes is commencing, Joshua slammed his palm to his head saying
that only this time that they will understand the true meaning of Chaoz and only this
time they will feel the destructive force of Chaosaurus. Joshua unleashed Chaosaurus
roaring sound deafening the allies. He seized the opportunity using Chaosaurus
massive head crushing the catwalks making the allies fall down to the ground below.
Even though the allies are slightly groggy due to the fall, they never allowed
themselves to fall into Chaosaurus destructive force. Recovering from the fall, the
allies started surrounding Chaosaurus and started blasting towards it hoping to score
heavy damages that might result to Chaozs downfall. Chaosaurus answered the allies
by using the sheer power of its head hoping to crush the allies. The allies distanced
themselves from the massive head and started blasting it again. The allies found out
that their weapons cannot pierce Chaosaurus invincible exterior. They started to run
towards to the gigantic hangar gate so when they are outside, their Wealthian and
Futech allies might help them get rid of the dinosaur. While they are nearing the
gigantic hangar gate, Chaosaurus unleashed one of its missiles to stop the allies from
activating the switch to get out of the hangar. Unable to get out of the hangar,
Chaosaurus appeared to have successfully pursued the allies and is about to unleash
its massive jaws to bite the allies into death. When Chaosaurus rammed its head
towards the allies, the allies successfully avoided which seemed to be the inevitable.
With too much incalculable force being unleashed by Chaosaurus colossal head, it
literally destroyed the hangar gate giving the allies opportunity to temporarily escape
from the mechanical dinosaur. While outside the hangar, the allies called upon their
Wealthian and Futech allies to help them defeat Chaosaurus. To their dismay, they
ended up costing their allies lives. Chaosaurus was not intimidated of the combined
forces of Wealthian and Futech war machines. Using its missiles and the giant cannon
mounted above it, Chaosaurus easily destroyed any enemies that wanted its
destruction. The dinosaur even bit a lot of intermediate sized war machines into

shreds. With nobody to save the allies, Chaosaurus started to bully the allies by
exhibiting the full measure of its dangerous aspects. Joshua unleashed its shrieking
noise to stun the allies in order for him to make them easy targets. Even being
stunned, the allies managed to evade Chaosaurus dangerous projectiles. They
answered Chaosaurus by blasting it everything they got. Unfortunately for the allies,
instead of fending off the dinosaur, Chaosaurus simply went nearer and nearer to the
allies. At one occasion one of the allies almost got stomped to death. Chaosaurus even
unleashed fire balls to halt the escaping allies. After thinking that they cannot land a
convincing and decisive damage to Chaosaurus, the allies agreed to each other that
they need a good strategy in order to stop being Chaosaurus prey. Joshua told the
allies that he is dead serious in crushing every part of their bones to pieces. As Joshua
pilots his Chaosaurus towards stomping one of the allies, L. Viper unleashed
combinations of slashes temporarily stunning Chaosaurus stopping its plan to crush
every one of them. L. Viper told his allies that they need to be separated into two
groups so that they can easily confuse Joshua to turn the tide of the battle. He divided
themselves into two groups where the melee fighters like L. Viper and Alexander will
be stay on the ground while longer ranged fighters like Larissa, Eduard and
Charmaine will fight Chaosaurus in the deck of the building facility.
While Larissa, Eduard and Charmaine making their way up to the deck, L. Viper and
Alexander served as distractions for Chaosaurus. Chaosaurus unleashed a lot of
missiles to destroy the duo but the duo countered Chaosaurus with their combined
melee slashes incapacitating the dinosaur. Alexander blasted Chaosaurus with his soul
blasts but still failed to seriously damage the mechanical predator. As a response for
their annoyance, Chaosaurus blasted the duo through the giant cannon in the back.
The blast made the duo burned in pain knocking them off further from the battlefield.
Chaosaurus was surprised by another battalion of Wealthian-Futech forces but
managed to blast every one of them into destruction. Chaosaurus focused its
unfinished business in destroying L. Viper and Alexander for good. With the
memories of being blasted by the dinosaur that almost cost their death, the duo turned
Harpazo and jumped towards the giant cannon hoping to destroy it. They realized that
even the giant cannon is immune from powerful blows in which a good observation is
needed to get rid of it. Agitated by the duos activities, Chaosaurus threw the duo like
unwanted toys sending them violently to the ground. Chaosaurus then charged the

power of its giant cannon to give them another blast to finally shut them out. While
the cannons power is charging to unleash more powerful blasts, L. Viper told
Alexander that the key of destroying the cannon lies in the fact that they should try
blasting the cannon while it is charging. Coordinating with each other, the duo started
to blast the cannon while it is charging. To their amazement, they saw the cannon
cancelling its blasts as if something went wrong within it. The duo took every
opportunity to blast the cannon while it is charging until they managed to destroy one
of Chaosaurus dangerous weapons. The duo temporarily rejoiced until Chaosaurus
rammed the duo knocking them to the ground. When Chaosaurus is about to bite the
helpless duo, the duo found themselves having a vision whereas the road to death
begins from the gate of hell towards the abyss. With sheer willpower to defeat a
greater threat, L. Viper threw his kris towards Chaosaurus jaws. It seemed L. Viper
knew what he is doing. Instead of Chaosaurus swallowing the sword, the sword
simply stuck between the jaws of the dinosaur. Joshua found out that L. Vipers sword
is a special one. Even the dinosaurs massive jaws are unable to remove the sword
stuck in its jaws. Joshua made his revenge when he unleashed missiles to the duo
knocking them out cold. Immediately after defeating the duo, Chaosaurus received
annoying projectile blasts from the rest of the allies. Chaosaurus started to get near to
the allies. It unleashed multiple fire balls to destroy them into pieces but the allies
successfully eluded the dangerous blasts. In anger and frustration, Joshua piloted
Chaosaurus to ram its head to the allies. Chaosaurus even tried in vain to get the allies
into its jaws. Larissa, Eduard and Charmaine felt that L. Viper and Alexander did
extreme efforts by risking themselves just to set a foundation that might led to
Joshuas and Chaosaurus defeat. They remembered that by simply blasting
Chaosaurus body, they are unable to pierce his armor. Upon seeing Chaosaurus is
trying even harder just to get everyone of them into pieces, the allies felt the urgency
to stop Chaosaurus and its pilot once and for all. Larissa, Eduard and Charmaine took
the opportunity and started blasting everything they got towards the dinosaurs jaws.
After inflicting sufficient damages, Joshua found out that the damages Chaosaurus
accumulated started to take a toll on the machine. He felt that everything within the
machine is about to go out in flames. Joshua pressed the escape button to spare
himself from the destruction. It is also revealed that the Chaosaurus cockpit is
actually a war helicopter. Before he is about to escape from the battle, to hype up their
next encounter, Joshua taunted Larissa giving her and the allies hint that the plan to

destroy every member of the Leonen household does not start within Chaoz but
within the Wealthian bureaucrats. With Larissa and her allies already puzzled, Joshua
also hinted to the allies that Rachel is absolutely right in her assessments. She is right
upon concluding that the Wealthian government is the one to be blamed for destroying
her life and also the one who is behind the creation of Chaoz and that man is. The
time when Joshua is about to reveal the identity of the mysterious man who is
assumed to be the mastermind of all these events, three harriers with one shouting
BASTARD shot down Joshuas escape helicopter killing him instantly. Larissa in fit
of rage towards Joshuas deceptions emptied her missile launcher as she continuously
blasted Joshuas helicopter even it is already engulfed into a ball of flame. The allies
witnessed the end of Chaoz when the remains of Joshuas helicopter crashes into the
Chaosaurus with both machines ending up in a dramatic explosion. With the death of
Joshua Youngblade, it is assumed that Chaoz is absolutely no more!
While L. Viper and his friends fought their way inside the building facility, Ron
Carlos Leonen prepares himself for the most important battle of his whole military
career. Ron prepares all his men in battle position knowing that Kenshin is just
somewhere around the area trying to defend the Chaoz stronghold from the combined
Wealthian-Futech forces. He and his men also managed to know Kenshins plan after
learning it from a former Kenshin samurai now living in the Shitenian community
back in Commonwealth City. After some time, Ron and his men were surprised by
hordes of Kenshins musketeers from the mountain ready to obliterate them. With all
the disadvantages ruling out against Ron and his men, they are about to be obliterated
in a split second but with the help of some Wealthian harriers, Ron and his men once
again cheated death. The Wealthian harriers routed and destroyed Kenshins gun
wielding army but for Ron and his army, it is just the beginning of another fateful
encounter. Moments later, Ron and his army saw Kenshin and his army charging
towards them. Ron told his men to get into their respective vehicles and open fire to
the charging cavalries. He also told his infantry unit to stay with him and prepare their
best weapons against the charging cavalries. With his men properly organized, they
managed to shot down much of Kenshins army. They also killed a couple of his
retainers. Unfortunately, Kenshin is never to be fooled, one of his armies came
charging from the sides Ron and his men never anticipated. The charging cavalries
managed to reach Rons men forcing them into a melee combat. The Shitenian

samurais easily killed much of Rons men but Rons battle abilities turned the tide of
the violent battle. He rallied with his remaining men and managed to defeat more
renegade Shitenian samurais. He also used his Desert Eagle to hunt down one of the
charging cavalries also killing a couple more of Kenshins retainers. Kenshin charged
his horse towards Ron trampling him. He personally engages Ron in battle. To his
surprise, he is unable to defeat Ron even with the latter on the ground. Later in the
skirmish, Ron managed to outbalance Kenshin dismounting him from his horse.
Kenshin told Ron that he and his family will pay for meddling the Chaozs plan for
world domination. Ron replied Kenshin that people like him should be removed from
the face of the planet. Through sheer hatred harnessed by his uncanny swordsmanship
abilities, Kenshin dominated Ron in their swordfight but dramatically, he started to
feel being overwhelmed by Rons determination backed by his improving
swordsmanship skills. Little by little, Kenshin felt that he is started to be dominated
by his Wealthian opponent. As a last resort to save his face from defeat, through his
sword, he threw sands towards Rons face and performed a temporarily blinding
technique incapacitating his Wealthian opponent. When he is about to finish off the
Leonen, one of his men went to his rescue and managed to drive Kenshin away
retreating along with his men. After Ron recovered from Kenshins desperate
technique, he commanded his men that they are all going with him to pursue Kenshin
into the mountain ranges. Ron and his men in their respective military vehicles drove
up to the mountain ranges in search of the evil samurai. Navigating within the
mountain ranges, as they anticipated, Ron and his men encountered many of
Kenshins men waiting for them for an ambush. Using the weapons in their respective
military vehicles, Ron and his men gunned down Kenshins army to clear them out of
their way. They encountered more Kenshin samurais as they approach the threshold of
Kenshins camp and did the same to go on with their pursuit of Kenshin. Upon
arriving at Kenshins camp, Kenshin and his men routed Ron and his army by
surprising them with mines blowing up their vehicles leaving them disorganized.
Kenshin also used his musket shooting much of Rons helpless men to death. As a
result, Ron suffered massive lost of his men so as losing control of his vehicle sending
him towards Kenshin. Taking advantage of Rons misfortune, Kenshin emptied his
musket attempting to finish Ron off. The disorganized Wealthian army was forced to
engage against Kenshins massive swordsmen. Kenshin told Ron that there are a lot of
ways why he should kill him. First, he and his friends meddled with his marital affairs

turning his wife against him. Second, they attempt to bring the Chaoz down and lastly,
he cannot wait to destroy anyone who pretends they are greater than him. Kenshin
jumped from his seat and is about to land the fatal blow on Ron. Ron dodged
Kenshins fatal blow and instead saw his vehicle being cut into pieces. Kenshin told
Ron that when he rules Chaoz, he is going to hunt every member of his family much
less everyone who collaborated with him and his allies to bring him down. Ron
replied Kenshin that he has no tolerance to a wife beater. While their men fight each
other to death, Ron and Kenshin started to fiercely clash their metals against each
other. In the end of the struggle, Kenshin overpowered Ron forcing the latter to retreat
from him. Kenshin with his speed started to pursue Ron relentlessly. Ron saw one of
Kenshins men attempted to disrupt their battle. He unleashed the full power of his
sabre to stop them from ruining the battle. Kenshin took advantage of the distraction
and almost caught Ron off guard but Ron managed to defend himself against Kenshin.
Ron managed to capitalize one of Kenshins openings and slashed one of his armors.
As a response, Kenshin attempted to counter Ron but Rons dodging skills saved him
from another fatal blow. Kenshin started to use his relentless pressure to pin Ron
down but Ron never gave up even managed to land slashes on him. Ron went away
from Kenshin to mitigate his onslaughts but Kenshins speed easily reached Ron
hoping to finally fatally destroy him. Although Ron seemed to be dominated, these
two great swordsmen brought their intense rivalry to another level. Even with his
improved skills, Ron found out that Kenshins defences are hard to penetrate much
more due to his armor covering him. It seems the only way for Ron to defeat Kenshin
is to seriously take advantage of the opportunities presented to him by Kenshins
mistakes. During the rest of the course of the battle, these two warriors fought a
technical and competitive fight with neither men being able to dominate each other let
alone Kenshins constant pursuit of the elusive Leonen. The battle only ended when
Ron managed to take advantage of Kenshins relentless pressure on him. When
Kenshin is about to strike him while in midair, Ron unleashed his benelli crusher
immobilizing him. While he is unable to move, Ron performed a beautiful
combination of slashes that mortally wounded him sending him to the ground.
Towards the end of the battle, Ron and his men started to rejoice when Wealthian
harriers bombed the last of Kenshins men and they also enjoyed the arrival of
reinforcements units that came sending them their aids. Helpless and defeated,
Kenshin told Ron to preserve his Shitenian honour by killing him. Ron replied

Kenshin that there is more than by simply killing him. He assured Kenshin that he
will be accountable and rightly pay for the atrocities he had done. He closed the
rivalry reminding Kenshin his Shitenian upbringing that losing a warriors honour is a
fate worst than death. He added that from now on Kenshin will now be subject to the
Wealthian jurisdiction. Kenshin replied Ron that it is just the beginning. He threatened
Ron that when he comes back, he will hunt down every member of his family along
with all his friends. He warned Ron that he will regret his decision. Ron felt that
Kenshin became an insane man since his defeat at his hands. He told his men to take
him away in order to be tried by the Wealthian justice system. Ron told his men that
their battle is not yet over. He commanded his men to help him end the threat of
Chaoz for the last time in history.
In the aftermath of Joshuas death, L. Viper approached Larissa and was about to
console her regarding Rachels death. L. Viper explained Larissa about the hypocrisy
of human nature. He told Larissa that he also lamented what had become of Rachel.
He told her that Chaoz absolutely ruined her life. In case, she returned back to
civilization, people might not accept her as a productive member of society.
Consoling Larissa, he ended the conversation saying that Rachel is left with no choice
except ending her life that will liberate her from the cruel and judgemental world.
Charmaine told Larissa that it is a good thing that Chaoz is no more and from now on
there will be no more lives to be subject from their untold cruelties. Shortly, L. Viper
and his friends felt a series of strong tremor until a mechanical machine rose out from
the dome structure not far from them. Alexander told his friends that the machine
might be the last resort of Chaoz to save itself from the inevitable. The allies found
themselves in the middle of another huge battle that may be considered their toughest
battles to date. After struggling itself to rise out from the structure, the machine
managed to emerge from where it came from and started to tower over the allies.
Alexander referred the machine as Master Chaoz because it is the Chaozs final
attempt not only to save itself from the inevitable but also to fulfill its plan to
dominate the whole planet. The allies suddenly heard the voice of E. Viper from the
middle of nowhere. E. Viper told the allies that under his reign, the Chaoz will regain
its lost glory and will stop at nothing until the allies are destroyed into the void of
nothingness. L. Viper told his friends that they are going to wipe the Chaoz out once
and for all. Knowing that Master Chaoz is not an enemy to be engaged in

conventional warfare, L. Vipers friend tried to push him back from further harm
telling him that they can defeat the monstrosity in some other ways. L. Viper stayed
firm in his decision that he is going to cut Master Chaoz into pieces like what he did
to the rest of his enemies. When Master Chaoz is about to unleash some nuclear
missile directed to the allies, Albatross managed to get to their rescue in time, as a
result, the allies dragged the reluctant L. Viper back to the airship. The time Albatross
was about to take off, the missile directly hit the ground creating a giant dome of fire.
Thinking that the allies was about to escape it, Master Chaoz started to launch its
nuclear missiles towards the allies with furious speed. The missiles left Albatross
confused floating aimlessly in the air. The time Master Chaoz is about to launch
another round of nuclear missiles that were about to successfully hit Albatross, a wave
of Wealthian and Futech war machines went into the Albatross rescue. They started to
unleash their best shots hoping to halt Master Chaoz but even with their combined
forces, Master Chaoz handily routed the strength of the major powers. Another series
of harriers came to attack Master Chaoz but Master Chaoz made a great nuclear
explosion out of them. The pilots and the allies knew that they are alone to deal with
Master Chaoz and might also believe that they have no chance against the might of
the colossal Chaoz. They tried to fly around Master Chaoz unleashing a series of
blasts from their improved ion cannon but even their ion cannon cannot penetrate the
armor of Master Chaoz. Master Chaoz started to shoot the allies with its machine
guns. Albatross was slightly hit but it answered Master Chaoz a full powered blast
from its ion cannon. Master Chaoz simply shrugged off the seemingly powerful blast
and started to unleash another series of nuclear missiles to destroy Albatross. To avoid
the worst, Albatross soared up higher in the sky to avoid Master Chaoz but the allies
and the pilots failed to realize that Master Chaoz is also designed to pursue its
airborne targets. Using its wings, in less than a split second, Master Chaoz managed
to find where Albatross is hiding from him. Upon finding its airborne opponent,
Master Chaoz unleashed its gravitational pull technique to immobilize the allies and is
about to directly hit the allies point-blank with its nuclear missile. Even in the midst
of death, the allies found themselves once again in the side of luck. Ron managed to
get to them in time and fired a special kind of missile from his plane towards Master
Chaoz delaying him from unleashing the missile that will destroy Albatross. The
pilots of Albatross saw the coming of Ron and gladly rejoiced. They coordinated with
Ron telling him that he can act as a support so together they can put an end to the

Chaozs reign of terror. Ron agreed to the pilots telling them that what he had done to
the missile might be the key to defeat the seemingly godlike presence of Master
Chaoz. Ron clearly told everyone that he did not come to fix L. Vipers mess but will
do it not only for his friends, for his fallen family members, for his country but also to
anyone who fell in the hands of Chaozs atrocities. After paving a way for Albatross to
escape, Ron fired another missile that almost destroyed Master Chaozs nuclear
missile. He felt that what he did is insufficient. As a gratitude for saving Albatross,
Albatross unleashed a full powered ion blast engulfing Master Chaozs arm with a
giant explosion. The two ships immediately went away from the colossus sight. For
the rest of the battle, Master Chaoz did what he is supposed to do. He furiously
unleashed series of nuclear missiles to put the allies down but the outcome of the
battle is starting to reveal when with the right timing, Ron successfully stunned
Master Chaoz from launching his missiles. Leaving its missiles open for an attack,
Albatross blasted the missiles with a full powered ion cannon enveloping one of
Master Chaoz body parts with a cloud of explosion. Ron advised the crew that to
damage Master Chaoz, you must wait it unleash its missiles to use them against it.
Master Chaoz repeated its pattern of launching its missiles hoping to get the allies but
every chance they get, they managed to halt the speed of Master Chaoz leaving its
missile for an open and using the destruction of its missiles perfectly damaging it. The
allies eventually found the way to defeat Master Chaoz. The key of defeating him is to
wait for it to launch one of its more powerful missiles and successfully stun it. After
stunning its missiles, destroy the missiles with everything you got, with the ensuing
explosion the godlike presence of the colossus is reduced to a mere man made
machine. With the right determination and with the right strategy, despite the godlike
abilities possessed by Master Chaoz, the allies managed to dramatically destroy every
missile silos situated around Master Chaozs body even destroying much of wings
leaving the lone missile silo in his head for one final blast that will signal Chaozs
destruction. While the allies prepared to destroy the head of Master Chaoz, Master
Chaoz squatted and played possum hoping to catch the allies off guard. Yet, the allies
went through flying towards Master Chaoz. Expectedly, they saw Master Chaoz who
is about to unleash its last attempt to hit them clean with his nuclear missile but before
the missile is about to destroy the last of the Chaoz opposition, Ron unleashed the last
of his missiles securing the allies victory over Chaoz. Leaving no time for Master
Chaoz to recover, Albatross blasted Master Chaoz to destruction with every full

powered ion blasts they had. Knowing that the destruction of Master Chaoz will result
into a violent explosion, both ships went away to see the fate of Master Chaoz. Master
Chaoz started to slowly stand upright with flames jutting out from his armor as he
walked towards the Chaoz base and eventually gave up resulting in a mushroom cloud
explosion taking the Chaoz stronghold along with him. Ron and the allies are joined
by the remnants of the Wealthian Futech forces they fought alongside with in the
Chaoz war. For a moment, together, they reflected about everything the Chaoz has
done and the things they need to do to restore permanent peace and order around the
known world.
Even long after the destruction of Master Chaoz, Albatross and a handful of her allies
decided to have some more time remaining in the place. Ron and the rest decided to
leave before Albatross and her allies bidding their farewell and hoping to celebrate
with them later that day. When Albatross was about to turn its direction back to
Commonwealth City, it was deliberately hit by blasts coming from where Master
Chaoz succumbed to the flames. The pilots were surprised and immediately
concluded that the battle against Chaoz is not yet over. L. Viper and his friends arent
fazed by what has happened. Since the beginning they knew that Chaoz will stop at
nothing just to assure the destruction of the planet. They also knew that E. Viper is
even going to use Chaoz as one of his means to rule the planet with his destructive
vision. Knowing that Chaoz remained a dangerous threat to the known world,
Albatross and a handful of allies rushed to the heat of the action to the once mighty
stronghold of Chaoz. Upon arriving at the site, they saw an armorless Master Chaoz
preparing himself for one final attempt to regain what is lost. E. Viper telepathically
told the allies that there is no way they are going to destroy Chaoz. He added that the
more they struggle the more they are placing themselves to the inevitable. He warned
the allies that this is just the beginning of the end. L. Viper responded to E. Viper that
he should stop hiding from the Chaoz name but to step up so they could settle the
score for the future of the planet. E. Viper responded L .Viper that they needed to
destroy gods little minions before they can face god himself. In contempt and disgust
seeing Master Chaoz alive, Albatross and her allies started to blast it in order to take it
down. Master Chaoz responded the allies by unleashing massive psychic energies
outbalancing Albatross even sending down many of its allies to the ground in flames.
After stunning Albatross and company while in midair, Master Chaoz added insult to

the damages blasting Albatross critically damaging it sending it crashing to the ground
with her allies turning into ball of flames. The last of Albatross allies continued
opened fire to Master Chaoz but Master Chaoz used its gigantic blade cutting down
the valiant allies like flies leaving Albatross alone. L. Viper and his friends decided to
go out and face Master Chaoz. They reminded the crew to stay inside the plane no
matter what happens. They encourage the crew to focus on fixing the plane rather than
an extreme act of nobility. L. Viper and his allies went out and confronted Master
Chaoz. Upon seeing the allies, Master Chaoz started used its rifle to blast the allies
down yet the allies successfully dodged the dangerous blasts. Eduard and Larissa
responded to Master Chaoz by firing towards his projectile. Master Chaoz unleashed
more blasts but Eduard and Larissa managed to land into a vantage point and
destroyed Master Chaozs projectile weapon. Even without a projectile weapon,
Master Chaoz continues to fire blasts towards the allies from its fingers. Knowing that
Master Chaoz is not as powerful as he used to be, L. Viper told his allies that they are
all going to approach Master Chaoz to inflict damages it would not forget. Enduring
machine gun blasts and dangerous blasts, the allies managed to get near Master
Chaoz. Although L. Viper and his allies tried their best to inflict damages to Master
Chaoz, even without his armour, Master Chaoz still seemed invincible even though
going through to all kinds of destruction possible. Master Chaoz used its blasts to fend
Eduard, Charmaine and Larissa off but the three continued firing projectiles to the
Chaoz machine. Even almost invincible, Master Chaoz was annoyed by L. Viper and
Alexander whom trying their best to turn it into shreds. Master Chaoz recognized that
L. Viper and Alexander have always fought a warriors way. To make the battle more
dramatic and entertaining, Master Chaoz started to use its blade against L .Viper and
Alexander to give them a dose of heir own undoing. In the battle, even weakened by
its previous defeat, Master Chaoz remained a dangerous opponent to the allies. It
showed its versatility when it successfully held on its own against the strong allies by
firing blasts towards Eduard, Larissa and Charmaine while at the same time using its
blade engaging with the duo to fight a classic Chaoz warriors way. In contrast to
Master Chaoz AI expectations, L. Viper and Alexander decided not to take their
chances trying to overpower Master Chaoz and its gigantic blade. Instead, they
pressured Master Chaoz to pursue them so they can have more chances on
capitalizing on the mistakes it might make. Master Chaoz gave in to the bait and
started insanely swinging its blade towards the duo. The duo saw large deficits on

Master Chaozs warrior skills. The duo countered Master Chaoz and started insanely
performing melee combinations on it. To the duos disappointment, Master Chaoz
seemed too invincible against their constant attacks. The duo even thought off that
there is no solid way to put Master Chaoz to rest. Master Chaoz recovered from the
agitation the duo has been giving it and even almost sliced the duo in halves. The duo
started going away from Master Chaoz to anticipate its moves with Master Chaoz
using its speed to stalk the duo down. Seeing the duo is in deep trouble, Eduard,
Larissa and Charmaine started to unleash projectiles blast not expecting it to fall but
simply as a distraction. L. Viper and Alexander performed another series of
combinations to frustrate the colossus. With no signs of decisiveness, Master Chaoz
begins charging its blade. It started to unpredictably pursue every member of the allies
attempting to put an end to them. It even went further attacking Albatross and her
helpless crew but thanks to L. Viper and his friends, they quickly went towards the
busy mechanical machine and dished out some heavy punishments frustrating Master
Chaoz even more. L. Viper and his friends gave Master Chaoz a variety of damages
ranging from ruthless melee combinations to projectile blasts until Master Chaoz held
up his blade high pointing towards the lightning for the reunification of machine and
the forces of nature. After Master Chaoz infused its blade with lightning, he unleashed
a series of waves trying to immediately finish the allies but the allies managed to get
away from certain death. The allies felt that what Master Chaoz did is just the
beginning. To the end of the battle, Master Chaoz seemed even more active so as even
more persistent to finish off the allies. It started to become even more dangerous when
catching the allies. It executed tons of psychic energies incapacitating the allies
connecting the attacks with its finishing move. To its disappointment, the determined
allies once again survived its finishing move. L. Viper, being the one most obsessed
on destroying Master Chaoz hinted his friends that after Master Chaoz finished
executing his finishing move, it started to suffer temporary short circuit due to
massive energies needed to execute its desperate attack. The allies went on with their
game plan. They stopped trying to inflict damages while Master Chaoz ruthlessly
trails them. They went into survival mode until Master Chaoz executes its finishing
attack. Alexander told his friends that they should not worry about Master Chaoz stop
using desperate attacks because it is so desperate enough to retain Chaozs existence
so as regain its lost pride. Once Master Chaoz finished executing its finishing attack,
the allies threw themselves to the massive giant dished out every punishment they can

conceive just to bring the last of Chaoz down. Taking advantage of Master Chaozs
temporary immobilization, L. Viper and Alexander turned Harpazo mode slashing all
the way down around Master Chaozs body with Alexander closing in with his more
powerful soul blasts. Eduard, Larissa and Charmaine also accumulated projectiles
hoping the giant will soon succumb to them. A few moments later, Master Chaoz
recovered but the damages it took made it even more vulnerable in an extent it is
never the same anymore. Although Master Chaoz became even more resilient and
dangerous after its recovery, the allies went through with their strategy opening
themselves to any opportunities that might bring the downfall. After few rounds of
dishing out decent damages to the exhausted Master Chaoz, the allies finally
destroyed Master Chaoz. The allies closed the battle by giving everything all they got
succumbing Master Chaoz to the accumulation of the damages they gave it. L. Viper
seemed not contented. He wanted to end the battle in a spectacular way. Seeing
Master Chaoz is about to fall like a house of cards, L. Viper rushed towards what used
to be the god of Chaoz and sliced it into halves officially ending the known worlds
crusade against Chaoz once and for all. L. Viper and his allies returned back to
Albatross but before going up to the plane, they witnessed the end of Chaoz seeing the
remains of Master Chaoz consumed in the explosion. The pilots congratulated L.
Viper and his friends. They also told them of the good news that Albatross is back to
normal and they are all ready to head back home. L. Viper told everyone that
wherever E. Viper is, with the death of Chaoz, he lost everything and is simply no
more than garbage that needs to be disposed when found.
L. Viper and his allies aboard the Albatross are on their way back to Commonwealth
City until a violent noise disturbed all the crew of the Albatross. L. Viper knowing
whos behind the noise calmly went to the pilots and told them to ignore the noise and
instead focus themselves bringing all of them back to the city. He assured the pilots
that while he and his allies are aboard the plane, no harm could ever get to them. L.
Viper went back to his friends and told them to protect everyone inside the plane. he
told them whatever battle is in line for him, it would be personal strictly between him
and the enemy for the future of the known world. He assured his friends that he will
be alright as he is going to the deck to answer deaths phone call. Eduard objected L.
Viper telling him that they are going to fight E. Viper as a team. L. Viper politely
declined Eduards pleas telling all his friends to take a good rest instead, to calm them

all, he thanked his friends for all they had done. Alexander told L. Viper while they
protect everyone aboard Albatross, he should not hesitate to ask for their help when
needed. Larissa told L. Viper that he should not die on her. As L. Viper makes his way
to the deck, Eduard reminded him that in time of great need, E. Viper is going to see
anti tank ion blasts pumping into E. Viper. L. Viper assured his friends that although
its between him and E. Viper, he is going to dedicate the battle to all his friends and
to everybody to the whole known world. With him reaching the stairs that will lead to
the deck, L. Viper reminded himself that his most beloved friends are the ones that
motivate him even more to decisively win against E. Viper closing their bitter rivalry.
L. Viper entered the door leading to the deck and saw E. Viper waiting for him for the
final battle.
L. Viper asked E. Viper what is he doing up in the Albatross deck. He added that E.
Viper is the one behind controlling Master Chaoz hoping to save Chaoz from the
inevitable. He also tried to agitate E. Viper that it is a losers own defense mechanism
to force his way on those who ruined his plan. E. Viper responded L. Viper that Chaoz
meant nothing to his eventual reign in the known world. He added that they are just
means to his larger plan to dominate the whole known world. L. Viper responded to E.
Viper that since he is the god of destruction and chaos that Chaoz worshipped and
trusted him wholeheartedly yet, he neglected them even treated them as garbage, L.
Viper then concluded that E. Vipers godhood and reputations are merely make
believe so as simply Chaoz fantasy. E. Viper felt enough of L. Vipers insults. He
responded him that L. Viper and the rest are like lambs who do not know anything
that are going to be led to the slaughterhouse. L. Viper replied E. Viper that with
Chaoz no more, his plan for domination is over so as he has throne in the face of
Viperas known world. L. Viper also tried to psychologically intimidate E. Viper
telling him that he is all alone with no one is going to help him. E. Viper laughed at L.
Vipers remarks. He told L. Viper that he do not know that the great defenders of the
civilizations he destroyed all tremble before him. He added that even their gods are
helpless to help them deal with him. With everything heating up in the deck, before
starting the battle, E. Viper exclaimed L. Viper that he do not need anyone or anything
to establish the foundation of his kingdom. With furious stare penetrating the depth of
L. Vipers soul, he told him that he is not only the god of destruction but also the god
of re-creation. He also made it clear that he is going to establish the foundation of his

kingdom out the wake of his destruction of the planet. He also told L. Viper that he
will design the fabric of his throne out of L. Vipers rotting corpse coupled with the
worlds finest gems. With no time to bluff, L. Viper commences the battle by telling
E. Viper that he knew him better than he knew himself. He added that he is not a god
but only a defective copy of himself. L. Viper dared E. Viper that even he die trying,
he will never ever fulfill his make believe delusions to dominate him and the rest of
the planet. E. Viper taunted L. Viper that he will be the first one to feel the full
measure of destruction. L. Viper equipped his weapon and rushed towards E. Viper. E.
Viper blocked L. Vipers every attacks. The two started to clash their metals against
each other trying to overpower each other. After some turns, in a very close struggle,
L. Viper narrowly overpowered E. Viper performing combinations of slashes towards
him. E. Viper tried to fight off L. Viper but L. Viper kept coming and continues
raining down torrents of slashes on him that forced him on a retreat. L. Viper
continued to stalk his bitter rival down but eventually, E. Viper managed to read his
moves planning a way to derail his onslaught. By the time L. Viper is going to deliver
another series of big slashes, E. Viper countered the Viperan express delivering him
with a couple of big slashes sending L. Viper to the ground. E. Viper started blasting
L. Viper with his energy blasts taunting L. Viper that he cannot even beat his clone.
E. Viper also told L. Viper that since time immemorial, he always had L. Vipers
number. Beaten and badly damaged, E. Viper started to toy L. Viper by immobilizing
him through his psychic skills. While having L. Viper immobilized and dazed, E.
Viper started to beat L. Viper relentlessly. Even beaten into a pulp, through sheer will,
L. Viper even managed to break through E. Vipers control landing a couple of blows
to the god of destruction. In agitation, E. Viper intensified his psychic skills and
hurled L. Viper across the deck with the latter violently landing on one of the railings.
Seeing his opponent in a bloody mess, E. Viper told L. Viper that god himself will
make a sacrifice out of his most prized victim to grant himself a boon to establish the
rule of destruction to every civilization. He started to equip his sword and slowly
approach the critically injured L. Viper for the killing blow. To his dismay, the time he
is going to thrust his sword towards L. Viper, L. Viper turned Harpazo mode. During
Harpazo mode, L. Viper and E. Viper briefly struggled with each other but comparing
to the previous ones where it is clearly between mortal and godly strength, this one
makes no more distinction with the two are even more evenly matched. Little by little
with the help of a demi glorified Harpazo state, L. Viper overpowered E. Viper. He

even wrested his weapon out from him ending up stabbing the god of destruction. For
the first time in his long destructive career, E. Viper briefly lost his self confidence, he
was even distracted in a way that no one ever did this to him in such a humiliating
way until the encounter in the deck, he firmly believed that he also lost his invincible
mentality. Taking the opportunity, L. Viper mauled E. Viper sending him to ground in
great pain. After beating up E. Viper, L. Viper proceeded to get his weapon in order to
end the battle once and for all but even in a brink of defeat, E. Viper did not stop
thinking, he has a lot of tricks up in his sleeves for L. Viper. After getting back his
weapon, L. Viper rushed towards E. Viper to end the battle but in turn, E. Viper
blasted L. Viper with his energy blasts stunning him. E. Viper turned the tide of the
battle by unleashing combinations of zigzag slashes not only damaging L. Viper but
confusing him due to his opponents unpredictability. E. Viper told L. Viper that he
can only deal short term decent damages whereas he can deal not simply powerful
damages but he is also capable of resigning his opponent into frustration. He also tried
to school L. Viper that coupling a powerful damage to something mental can cost long
term damages before death. Regaining footing, he saw L. Viper trying to capitalize on
the opportunity to finish him off but surprised even the Harpazoed L. Viper by
strafing around him, weaving around him and dealing him with combinations of
zigzag damages. However even in a confused state, L. Viper is never to be stopped, E.
Viper continued to haunt him through his awkward zigzag sword abilities but
eventually L. Viper patiently studied and found a way to neutralize E. Vipers
unpredictable ability. With the right timing, L. Viper successfully halted E. Vipers
zigzag combinations. After a few more rounds, L. Viper effectively mastered
neutralizing E. Vipers unpredictable abilities sending the frustrated opponent
retreating. Desperately, E. Viper tried to stop L. Viper through his psychic attacks but
L. Viper always managed to break through even ending up pursuing him. Using every
ounce of his energy and strength, L. Viper caught E. Viper walking through
everything he can give answering him with lethal combinations seemingly sending
him into the world of defeat. L. Viper responded him that one of the ways to gain a
satisfying victory is to defeat the enemy in his own game in which he is the one who
cost him long term damages. E. Viper responded him that anything can still happen
and suggested L. Viper should stop being overconfident. L. Viper saw that they are
approaching the outskirts of Commonwealth City. L. Viper objected the pilots ideas
on flying above the city. He told them that since E. Viper is still alive and the battle is

still ongoing, he would be too dangerous for the Wealthian citizens down below. The
pilots cryptically replied L. Viper that he should rather trust them and everything will
be under control. E. Viper took advantage of the distracted L. Viper by uppercutting
him and using his psychic powers throwing him like a ragdoll all over the deck. He
even blasted him in order for him to be unable to chase him down. E. Viper saw a
military plane taunted L. Viper and jumped towards it. He exclaimed to the whole of
Albatross that they made a wrong decision and everything will happen as planned like
the ancient of the days.
Upon seeing the arrival of the Albatross, Wealthian forces quickly noticed that
something is not right regarding the Albatross. They are also alarmed about the
presence of E. Viper and the threat he presented to the Wealthian citizens. With the
need to protect the Wealthians from E. Vipers menace, L. Viper with his sheer
determination tried his best to get back on his feet. Capitalizing on his vulnerable
state, E. Viper taunted L. Viper to pursue him to end the battle for good. E. Viper even
blasted the military carrier he is stepping into before jumping into the next vehicle
available to lure L. Viper to get a piece of him. With his destruction of that specific
Wealthian military carrier, he effectively earned the wrath of the whole Wealthian
military forces. Wealthian military forces started surrounding E. Viper attempting to
stop him but the god of destruction easily obliterated his military opponents. As proud
as always, Wealthian military commanders will not allow that a mere lone entity is
going to annihilate their forces, they called out more battalions to increase their
chances to defeat E. Viper but in the end, like before, E. Viper made short work of his
military oppositions. He even toyed with the larger and more powerful vehicles
courtesy from his melee prowess. Despite being annihilated, the efforts of the
Wealthian military forces did not end in vain, in fact, it bought L. Viper time to sneak
upon his enemy. L. Viper took the opportunity leaping towards E. Viper. E. Viper
proceeded to jump towards the next available vehicle to wait for L. Viper so both
Vipers can fight an even more intense battle. The time L. Viper arrives towards E.
Viper, E. Viper surprised L. Viper with his zigzag combinations but L. Viper
countered E. Viper forcing him to move to the next available vehicle. During the
battle above the outskirts of Commonwealth City, both men intensely fought a purely
cautious battle. In fact, they havent done much except demonstrating their uncanny
abilities by leaping from one vehicle to another waiting for the perfect opportunity to

deliver the perfect end of their battle. With no decisive outcome from both
combatants, they continued to pursue each other until they went back to the deck. The
pilots eventually decided that in order to lessen casualties, they are going to move
Albatross back a little further from Commonwealth City. In the deck, the battle
between L. Viper and E. Viper became even more intense as both men tried their best
to put a period to their battle. E. Viper tried to stop L. Viper by blasting him energy
blasts and trying to pin him down through his psychic energies but L. Vipers will
proved doubly too much for E. Viper to handle. In desperation, E. Viper combined his
swordsmanship skills and his zigzag combinations with the latter being used more of
surprising L. Viper. Walking through his lethal abilities, L. Viper came close towards
E. Viper forcing him into another intense struggle. Both Vipers struggled even more
intensely due to the fact both combatants are anxious enough to know whos the better
man. At first, E. Viper started to overpower L. Viper that might kill him if he gave up
but through L. Vipers determination and will to win powered up by his Harpazo
mode, L. Viper slowly turned the battle into his favour eventually overpowering E.
Viper. Even overwhelmed, E. Viper unleashed the full measure of his dark abilities by
still performing his dangerous zigzag combinations coupled with raining down comets
towards the unsuspecting L. Viper. But L. Viper did not waste his time. In fact, he
considered E. Vipers stunts as momentous opportunity towards victory. L. Viper went
through E. Vipers wrath unleashing multitude of melee combinations and summoning
the full power stemming from the Chaoz Blade sending E. Viper into near destruction.
Despite already into the brink of what he represented, E. Viper attempts to unleash
another set of melee combinations but through the sheer force of L. Vipers
combinations, L. Viper literally sent E. Viper hanging into the railings. L. Viper saw
E. Viper eventually slipping through the railings due to the accumulation of damages.
E. Viper knew that L. Viper would be curious enough to look what becomes of him.
The time L. Viper comes to the edge of railing, E. Viper pulled L. Viper down through
his head almost causing him to fall to his death but the pilots provided L. Viper a rope
to cling into life. Persistent as always, E. Viper will not allow himself to fall to his
death until he pulls down L. Viper with him. While clinging upon dear life, L. Viper
remembered what Eduard told him that in times of need, one powerful blast from an
ion anti tank round will fix everything back to normal. L. Viper eventually realized
that the last resort weapon Eduard gave him will separate him between him and E.
Viper. While E. Viper is trying his best to pull him to his death, L. Viper took out his

anti tank weapon Eduard gave him and blasted E. Viper with a powerful ion blast
leaving E. Viper in a violent yet spectacular explosion before falling to his death.
Making his way back, L. Viper used the hatch to get back inside Albatross to take a
rest and celebrate his hard earned victory from E. Viper.
The victory of L. Viper and his allies inside Albatross is short lived. Without warning,
Albatross was dragged by an unknown force into the opposite direction crashing the
plane into the ground. With the plane in flames and the allies partially conscious,
nonetheless, they tried their best to check everything out. L. Viper and his allies went
into the cockpit to check the pilots condition but they found all the pilots dead with
some huge slashes in their bodies. L. Viper told the allies that the battle is not yet
over, in fact, it is just the beginning. Eduard replied L. Viper that after all, all of them
will be fighting alongside him especially whoever he once defeated will be angrier
and more aggressive. The allies saw a large hole beyond the pilots cockpit and went
out of the plane. The time they went out of the plane, they saw E. Viper in his
armoured form approaching towards them telling them like in the ancient of times.
L. Viper asked E. Viper that why he cannot just simply die after having his head
blasted into smithereens and suffering a horrible high altitude fall. E. Viper responded
L. Viper that only a fool may think that way. E. Viper replied L. Viper that he is an
ancient war machine designed to guarantee destruction to all of those who stood in his
way. E. Viper also told L. Viper that he cannot stop his eventual reign over the
remnants of their carcasses. E. Viper made it clear to L. Viper and his allies that the
time Chaoz heralded his arrival, L. Viper and the rest of the planet are heading
towards the inevitable. Eduard told E. Viper that they meet again and this time it will
be decisive in the favour of him and his allies. Eduard remarked towards E. Viper that
he will be the one to pump loads of antitank rounds into the cells of his brain.
Alexander told E. Viper that even his armoured form cannot save himself from having
his soul ripped off from his body. Larissa told E. Viper that this battle will be
dedicated from everyone who lost their lives in the hands of Chaoz and their god.
Charmaine told E. Viper that Shitenia will no longer hide secrets anymore so as
Kenshin spending his time just to dedicate his insanity for him. L. Viper assumed E.
Viper must be in his armoured form when he rampages ancient Ezarra, he told him
that even with his godlike strength and his invincible armour, his destructive
ambitions ends in the Wealthian field. L. Viper even mocked E. Viper that he is the

god of destruction only in his delusions. E. Viper replied the allies like before, like
lambs led to slaughter, not knowing the extent of their enemy will lead them to
another fatal destruction. E. Viper didnt allow the allies to reply back to him instead
he glorified himself telling the allies that since in the most ancient of times, as the god
of destruction, he laid waste to many great civilizations and in this present one in the
known world, he will simply run over it making the carcasses of his oppositions as his
throne and the rest as part of his destructive reign towards eternity. L. Viper and his
allies told E. Viper instead of reciting a boring poem they should end this battle
together once and for all. Before commencing the battle, E. Viper told the allies that
they once fought him as a clone but now as a god. E. Viper tried to fuel the already
bitter rivalry telling the allies that if they didnt even stand a chance against a clone
how can they stand a chance against a god whose mind only filled with sheer
destruction. L. Viper replied E. Viper that he once bested him and he is going to do it
and this time in a decisive manner.
Military forces back in Commonwealth did not remain passive, knowing that
Albatross and its occupants are in great danger; they called out the best of their forces
to locate the lost airship. The time they approach towards the wreckage of Albatross,
they told the allies to stay back as they attempt to blast E. Viper into nothingness.
Even with their great number forged with their great firepower, E. Viper easily
withstood and walked through the blasts. Thinking that Wealthian forces have enough
on him, E. Viper retaliated and single-handedly destroyed the Wealthian forces with
his solar storm blasts. More Wealthian battalions came and even put up a more valiant
fight but like the others, they fell into the hands of E. Viper. To a neutral point of view,
E. Viper doesnt need to talk too much but what he did to the Wealthian war
machines, alone, it is a proof the allies are soon to face an incredible and dangerous
foe. L. Viper and his allies took E. Vipers destruction over the Wealthian forces as an
opportunity and started rushing towards him. E. Viper took notice of the allies and
started blasting them with his solar storms to keep them at bay but the allies managed
to dodge and get closer towards E. Viper forcing him into an even more intense
showdown. Driven by sheer will to protect the whole known world from the wrath of
E. Viper, compared to the previous encounters, L. Viper and his allies are now even
more prepared and more organized to weather E. Vipers onslaughts. L. Viper and
Alexander successfully went into E. Viper forcing him to engage them in an epic

swordfight. While the three warriors collided, under L. Vipers instructions, Eduard,
Larissa and Charmaine started supporting the duo by unleashing projectiles adding
damages to E. Viper. After a few power struggles, E. Viper overpowered the duo. He
even continuously beat the duo up to embarrass them in front of their allies but most
importantly to remove the greatest threats posed to him. E. Viper then unleashed his
solar blasts putting the duo in their place. While E. Viper is concentrating himself
against the duo, Eduard, Larissa and Charmaine unceasingly blasting E. Viper hoping
him to wear down and succumb to the blasts, in fact, E. Viper simply shrugged the
blasts assuring the rest that their time will also come. After E. Viper brutally beat the
duo, he took his sight towards the rest of the allies. Eduard equipped the ion antitank
rifle he gave L. Viper that led to E. Vipers first legitimate defeat. He unceasingly
blasted E. Viper hoping to repeat what L. Viper had done to keep E. Viper away but
unfortunately as retaliation, E. Viper blasted Eduard with his solar blasts also
destroying his most powerful weapon. E. Viper then proceeded to use his psychic
attacks to torture Larissa and Charmaine. Charmaine threw some shurikens and
daggers to E. Viper but was only further tortured due to E. Vipers agitation of her. E.
Viper remarked that although women are strong and persistent, they should face cold
dose of reality that eventually, they will be put into their respective places. Larissa
told E. Viper that what he is doing towards them will not last for long for L. Viper and
Alexander will eventually recover and send him to what he represents. E. Viper turned
his attention to the injured duo and blasted them a couple of solar blasts forcing the
girls to lose their hopes. E. Viper as sadistic as always, continued his torture to the
girls. Eduard, while still in a recovery stage, equipped his sabre rushed towards E.
Viper. E. Viper then threw the girls like rag dolls. E. Viper equipped his sword to deal
with his Futech challenger. Although Eduard fought valiantly like a real warrior with
much persistence and will to win, he was eventually confused by E. Vipers zigzag
attacks and was ruthlessly overpowered. E. Viper then used his psychic powers
torturing him first before blasting him sending him violently to the ground. Never
giving E. Viper a chance to rest and savour his victory, the duo coped up with their
injuries by turning Harpazo giving them another chance to defeat e. Viper. L. Viper
rushed towards E. Viper first engaging him to another melee power struggle while
Alexander from the distance continuously soul blasting him. After a few rounds, even
powered up, L. Viper had an even more difficult time to penetrate E. Vipers guard.
Eventually, E. Viper overpowered L. Viper and surprised him with his improved

zigzag slashes. Alexander went into his friends rescue and gave E. Viper the depth of
his darkest abilities but like his friend, the god of destruction made a short work of
him defeating both Harpazoed warriors. Eduard, even though in the brink of
unconsciousness, he will never allow E. Viper to reign over them and the planet.
Eduard with the last ounce of his energy relentlessly dodged E. Vipers blasts and
even his melee abilities. With his never say die attitude, he clashed his sabre against
E. Vipers gigantic sword. At first, he managed to get even with E. Viper but soon E.
Viper reminded him of his condition sending him again reeling on the ground.
Annoyed by his will to win, E. Viper proceeded to jump towards Eduard for the kill
but was distracted by Larissas constant blasts of him. E. Viper abandoned Eduard and
proceeded towards Larissa. To keep her friend away from the god of destruction,
Charmaine momentarily halted E. Viper throw her explosives. Larissa continued to
move away from E. Viper but she and Charmaine were once again under his
psychological tortures. Seeing Larissa and Charmaine in danger, Alexander tried to
distract E. Viper by blasting him with his soul abilities but it didnt work. E. Viper
continued to torture the female allies. Alexander started to rush towards E. Viper and
with the intensity he brought along with him, he got E. Vipers attention and the two
started fighting violently again. L. Viper eventually recovered and joined Alexander to
help him fight E. Viper. Together, the duo clashed their weapons against E. Viper with
this time hoping to overwhelm him. Expectedly, E. Viper has still the upper hand
overpowering the duo but the duo didnt stop in fact, they distanced themselves
towards E. Viper. E. Viper started to pursue the elusive duo for the kill but to his
disappointment, the duo gave him the run of his money by dodging everything he can
do to them. E. Viper might have blasted the duo but their Harpazos increased their
durability saving them from the most damaging of the attacks. The duo continuously
dodged what E. Viper can give even managed to capitalizing his mistakes. Alexander
slashed E. Viper as hard as he can, hoping to wear down his armoured body. L. Viper
joined Alexander and performed numerous slashes trying to inflict greater damages
towards E. Viper. But the moment of excitement for the duo didnt last. E. Viper
managed to get back his footings and surprised the duo with his zigzag slashes.
Although the duo anticipated and dodged his dangerous zigzag slashes, E. Viper
eventually bested the duo only with his basic slashes. Tired of the duos resilience, E.
Viper used his psychic powers and started torturing the duo like he did to their female
allies. E. Viper crumpled the duo as hard as he can for them unable to recover to fight

him again. Eduard saw that his stronger allies started to succumb unto E. Vipers
powers. As a great ally, he will not endure to see his friends being bullied by their
enemy. He equipped his magnum pistol and fired shots at E. Viper. E. Viper told
Eduard that if he wanted to join his allies then so be it. E. Viper started to use his
powers on Eduard torturing his already weakened body for the sake of joining the
duo. E. Viper also proceeded to use his psychic powers on their female allies so they
can have an equal and fair share of destructive experiences. With all the allies at his
grasp, he started to toy the defeated allies by crumpling them, destroying their will
and even blasting one of them for his amusement. E. Viper told the allies that he is
right telling them that like lambs led to slaughter, not knowing the true extent of their
enemies abilities; they wrongfully mocked him as if he is nothing. E. Viper then
persuaded the allies to seek his forgiveness to their mistakes. L. Viper responded E.
Viper that he and his allies did nothing and never are they going to seek forgiveness to
a loser like him. Alexander replied E. Viper that in fact he should seek the forgiveness
of his mistakes and if not his soul will be graphically ripped out from his body.
Larissa replied E. Viper that he should feel sorry of what he had done, to step into the
wrong territory and facing the wrong set of enemies. Charmaine replied E. Viper that
with him resting inside their volcano for a couple of millennia brought them nothing
but bad luck. Even more annoyed, E. Viper took hold of the allies with even more
intensity trying to strip them of their hopes plunging them into a state of desperation
and hopelessness. E. Viper told the allies that they havent seen much of his abilities.
He started to use the spikes from his armour violently whipping the allies into
submission. After so many whippings, E. Viper found out L. Viper and his allies will
not succumb to the beatings he inflicted toward them. He then used the depth of his
psychic abilities to drive the allies into extinction. With the allies already heading
towards their destruction, an old an unexpected ally crashed the party. L. Viper
recognized the guy as Rigoberto Hoawards, the toughest opponent he and Alexander
fought in the gang infested world of Tondonia. E. Viper wanting to test Rigobertos
challenge threw away the allies to the ground like unwanted toys. L. Viper told
Rigoberto that he does not need to do it. Rigoberto replied L. Viper that he and
Alexander gave him the greatest challenge he is seeking upon for a very long time
earning them his respect and he wanted to redeem himself from his once criminal
past. Rigoberto pleaded L. Viper that let him do him a favour not simply as
reciprocation but wanting himself to be remembered as one of the people who saved

Vipera from destruction itself. E. Viper started to pressure Rigoberto to bite into the
bait telling him and the allies that even though there are tearful reunions all will fall
into the depth of destruction. Larissa told Rigoberto to beat that E. Viper for good. L.
Viper told Rigoberto to be careful. Rigoberto bid his farewell to the allies. Rigoberto
with his motorcycle rushed towards E. Viper. E. Viper tried to confuse him by
teleporting into farther distance for Rigoberto to lose his way. E. Viper mocked
Rigoberto that people with mental deficiency cannot do what sane people can do.
Rigoberto replied E. Viper that due to the number of sane people everyday, the world
hasnt become a progressive place after all. Rigoberto sped up his motorcycle rushed
into E. Viper hoping to get him. At the middle of the road, E. Viper blasted
Rigobertos motorcycle derailing the latter from getting near him. E. Viper told
Rigoberto that he should be careful of what he is wishing for. He added that Rigoberto
should also know that the challenge he may seek might result to his destruction.
Rigoberto never uttered a word but his response towards E. Viper was crystal clear
when he speared E. Viper violently creating a crack in the ground having both men
falling down the large hole. L. Viper and his allies proceeded to the place where the
two titans collided. Peeking down the hole, they saw nothing except darkness but
heard weapons clashing against each other proving that down the hole, Rigoberto is
fighting the fight of his life not only for himself and his allies but also to redeem
himself from his past wrongdoings.
Unable to see whats going on between Rigoberto and E. Viper, Eduard provided a
rope for his allies. Using the rope provided, L. Viper and his friends went down to
check out whats happening beneath the hole. While they are navigating the dark
tunnel, they heard Rigobertos scream which made them rushing towards Rigobertos
aid. The time they located Rigoberto, they saw Rigoberto divided into halves. L. Viper
and the rest of his allies saluted their fallen friend as a great and valiant warrior yet
they wasted no time to locate E. Vipers whereabouts. L. Viper told Eduard that he
should feel free picking up Rigobertos rocket launcher. L. Viper and his allies went
further into the tunnel and they started to find out that they ended up into another huge
facility. Larissa told L. Viper and the rest that the place they ended up is where
Wealthian forces sealed their most dangerous enemies. L. Viper replied Larissa that
her compatriots have too many ways of punishing their criminals. Eduard replied L.
Viper that there are many righteous yet brutal men in Commonwealth City. He

advised L. Viper to take notice of the sealed containers that might contain Wealthian
public enemies. L. Viper and his allies are unexpectedly surprised by another batch of
E. Vipers clones. Alexander told the clones that their master knew that he is going to
be defeated in due time that is why he called them out to preserve himself from the
worst. Although the clones are near E. Vipers capabilities, L. Viper and his allies
made short work of them and continued exploring deeper into the facility. Stretching
the foreign facility, L. Viper and his allies defeated more E. Viper and clones and
arrived in a large room specifically designed to incapacitate Commonwealth Citys
most dangerous enemies. L. Viper and his allies went inside the room and found a
weakened E. Viper. E. Viper asked the allies whether they noticed the containers along
the hallways. Alexander replied E. Viper that within the containers lay the enemies of
the Wealthian people. E. Viper affirmed Alexanders conclusion that indeed Wealthian
enemies are within those cylindrical containers. E. Viper then continued telling the
allies that soon, being public enemies of his reign, scraps of their sinews, bones and
their flesh will be inside the containers. Charmaine replied E. Viper that will be the
opposite case. E. Viper replied the allies that it is inevitable that this eventual battle
will be the foundation of his reign where part of their beings will be used to design his
throne and the other scraps will be sealed inside one of those containers for future
references. Eduard advised E. Viper not to quickly assume as if his reign will come
into fulfilment. E. Viper ended the conversation telling the allies that its a good and
rejuvenating thing to see that they are being destroyed beyond pieces. E. Viper then
told the allies that there must be appetizers before tackling on the main dish. E. Viper
ambushed L. Viper and his allies with his clones coming out from nowhere. E. Viper
frankly told the allies that if they cannot destroy the clones, they better think about
other things other than derailing destruction and chaos himself. L. Viper and his allies
are surrounded by a huge number of E. Viper clones. To E. Vipers amazement, L.
Viper and his allies fought an organized and disciplined fight defeating every clone
that comes into their way and more important, they all literally destroyed the clones
sending E. Viper a warning sign that their constant improvements may end his reign
of terror once and for all. After defeating the clones, L. Viper and his allies set their
sight for a final showdown with E. Viper.
Before fighting the allies for the final time, E. Viper told the allies that he forgot to
mention what he did to Rigoberto. In fact, E. Viper even disrespected Rigobertos

death referring him as someone not important. He added that Rigoberto got what we
wished for a very long time not even L. Viper and Alexander can grant his wish for
the greatest challenge. E. Viper also told the allies that due to the intensity of their
rivalry, Rigoberto is almost put out of the picture. L. Viper replied E. Viper that
Rigoberto is a great warrior and even in death he succeeded redeeming himself. He
added that he and his allies are going to see how much damage Rigoberto inflicted on
him. E. Viper responded to L. Viper telling him that he and his friends should be
ashamed of themselves of sacrificing a mental deficient person just for their own
selfish cause. E. Viper mocked the allies telling them that there is no one to save them
but they are all alone to deal with him and this time the dawn of destruction will shine
into the barren lands of the Viperan world. E. Viper started to prepare himself to deal
with the allies but L. Viper and his allies wasting no time suddenly rushed towards E.
Viper. L. Viper and Alexander led his allies and unleashed multiple combinations of
slashes towards E. Viper while the rest fired up projectiles seemingly confused the
god of destruction. L. Viper whispered himself that Rigoberto undoubtedly inflicted
him some major punishments. Alexander also told Charmaine that after a brief fight
with Rigoberto, E. Viper is never the same. E. Viper managed to get away from the
allies and executed his dangerous zigzag combinations but with Larissa and Eduards
projectiles, it confused and staggered E. Viper. L. Viper and Alexander went on
hacking E. Viper with Charmaine throwing some explosives also slashing him a bit.
E. Viper as always, overpowered the three and started to blast them with his solar
blasts. E. Viper unleashed his solar storms but cannot fend off the advancing allies.
The time he is going to deliver his deathblows, L. Viper, Alexander and Charmaine
managed to counter him and unceasingly performed their respective combinations
backing him off. Alexander finished the show by unleashing the true extent of his soul
powers finally forcing him in a retreat to the edge of the room. Even retreating and
nearly on the verge of defeat, E. Viper was continuously pursued by L. Viper,
Alexander and Charmaine. The three allies went closer towards E. Viper and clashed
their metals against the defender. Although weakened, E. Viper still competitively
struggled with them but eventually he was overwhelmed with the three unleashing
more melee combinations knocking him into the ground almost into oblivion. As a
last resort, E. Viper used his psychic powers driving the allies away sending them
violently crashing into the walls to the ground. E. Viper eventually told the defeated

allies that Rigoberto surely gave him some uncomfortable disturbances but it is much
or less nothing.
After keeping the allies at bay, E. Viper is to undergo another major transformation. E.
Viper told the allies that they are far from over much less far from decisively beating
him. E. Viper turned his attention to Charmaine telling her that Shitenians didnt
waste their time on entrusting him their precious ruby. E. Viper then mentioned to the
allies that inside him is the Shitenian ruby that will complete his transformation
towards his original godhood. L. Viper told E. Viper that not all Shitenians are
responsible for giving him the right to inflict untold destruction. E. Viper replied L.
Viper that since from the start, he and his friends are should be blamed. He added that
if they are smart enough they wont stupidly bite Kenshin and the Chaozs bait on
unleashing him. E. Viper made it clear to the allies that they can actually defeat the
Chaoz without passing through him. E. Viper told the allies that they should be filled
with fear and trembling for he and the legendary Shitenian ruby merges to regain the
extent of his true godly omnipotence. E. Viper taunted the allies that everything
around him is destruction with the large room acting as a witness for the first batch of
human sacrifices conducted since time immemorial. E. Viper merged with the ruby
with his bulk and height increasing, with crimson spikes protruding around him and
giving him almost the true extent of his original godly powers. L. Viper told his allies
that even though they are weakened by godlike punishments, with determination and
perseverance, they are going to be able to determine the future of peace for the whole
known world. He added that they have gone so far and even against a godlike being,
they will not allow themselves to be defeated by a being with destruction filling only
his feeble mind. L. Viper gave his allies new vigor and hope as they attempt to stop E.
Vipers destructive ambitions. Looking down on exhausted mortals, E. Viper started
to unleash the true extent of his powers. E. Viper started to unleash huge solar storms
to confuse and destroy the allies. L. Viper and his allies easily dodged the dangerous
storms and got themselves closer to E. Viper. E. Viper started to keep L. Viper and
company at bay by blasting them with his solar blasts but L. Viper and his friends kept
coming and unleashed everything the best they can to damage E. Viper but to no avail.
E. Viper continued pressuring the allies by combining his solar blasts and solar
storms. L. Viper and his allies with much determination and heart weathered the
storms and countered E. Viper with multiple melee slashes and projectiles. Eduard

fired rockets from Rigobertos rocket launcher hitting E. Vipers face but only resulted
to his distraction than inflicting real damage. E. Viper proceeded to control the allies
through his psychological torture telling them that in a short time many shall fall and
be his human sacrifices for a god becomes stronger seeing the blood of mortals. L.
Viper and his allies didnt gave up on E. Vipers torture and instead flew towards E.
Viper performing numerous combinations so as heavy projectile blasts. E. Viper
unexpectedly unleashed his dangerous crimson spikes whipping L. Viper and his
company. With L. Viper and his friends knocking down in the ground, E. Viper
summoned multitude of comets damaging the allies. E. Viper took control of the allies
again trying to brutally crumple them like tincans. After few rounds of torture, E.
Viper hanged the allies suspended in midair as he prepares his sword to zigzag the
allies. The time E. Viper leapt towards the allies to perform his zigzag combinations,
L. Viper and his friends broke free and dished out decent damages to the god of
destruction. E. Viper was impressed by the allies determination. He decided to play
fire with fire with the allies. E. Viper rushed towards the allies clashing his sword
against L. Viper and Alexander. L. Viper told E. Viper that he had always fought in a
one dimensional way. Larissa, Charmaine and Eduard continuously unleashed
projectiles and explosives towards E. Viper. Charmaine even took the risk in
snatching a slash towards E. Viper staggering him even more. L. Viper and Alexander
took the opportunity and performed multitude of combinations. The times the duo is
going into their second round of inflicting punishments to E. Viper, E. Viper easily
caught the rampaging duo and continuously beat them up. E. Viper used his
psychokinesis on hurling containers towards the duo and proceeded to crumple them
through his psychic attacks. E. Viper broke the allies organizations by unleashing
massive pillars of energies engulfing half of the room confusing the rest of the allies.
While E. Viper is concentrating on disorganizing Larissa, Eduard and Charmaine, the
duo broke free from E. Vipers control and performed another barrages of melee
combinations. Alexander gave E. Viper every soul powers he possessed to further
damage E. Viper. Seeing E. Viper staggered by Alexanders abilities, the duo took the
opportunity attempting to perform another round of decent damages. Unfortunately,
E. Viper caught the duo overpowering them and slashed them with his zigzag
combinations. Knowing, Eduard, Larissa and Charmaine posed no threats, E. Viper
proceeded to beat L. Viper and Alexander. Interchanging his solar blasts, comet blasts,
energy pillars, psychic attacks and lethal combinations, E. Viper might have

permanently put the duo where they belong. Having exhausted all of his ammunition,
Eduard gallantly went towards E. Viper and slashed him with his sabre. As E. Viper is
just turning his attention on him, Eduard didnt get intimidated by E. Vipers large
build and unceasingly performed combinations while he can. Suddenly as Eduard is
going to inflict more slashes, E. Viper managed to disarm Eduard and ruthlessly
slashed him sending him to the opposite side. Agitated by the allies doings, E. Viper
used his psychic powers driving Larissa, Eduard and Charmaine away whipping them
with his crimson spikes and engulfing them with huge energy pillars knocking them
out cold in flames. After silencing the rest of the allies, Alexander angrily get back to
his feet telling E. Viper that he is so pathetic on simply beating enemies weaker than
him but not someone who has the equal capabilities with him. Alexander started to
blast E. Viper with the depth of his soul powers and used his scythe attempting to rip
E. Vipers soul from his reddened body. E. Viper replied Alexander that getting too
much beating made Alexander a delusional individual. Alexander seemed not to
understand E. Vipers response or sarcastically sporting a mocking stare on someone
assessing him as a faiure, unable to comprehend Alexanders delusion, E. Viper
brutally blasted Alexander with barrages of his solar energies shutting the soul master
out. To assure the soul masters defeat, E. Viper used his psychic powers controlling
an unconscious Alexander and threw up soul energies Alexander gave him, E. Viper
then ended the show with a spectacular fashion crumpling Alexander hurling him
violently to the ground. E. Viper proceeded to a weakened L. Viper and started madly
beating him. E. Viper surrounded himself with huge quantities of energy reminding L.
Viper that they stood no chance against destruction itself. E. Viper continued beating
L. Viper and started throwing him around the place with him violently hitting the
walls into the ground. E. Viper equipped his sword to try another method of
sadistically dealing the killing blow to L. Viper. As a sadistic individual, E. Viper
wanted to seek the attention of a mortally wounded L. Viper by intimidating him
through using his godlike speed moving and teleporting around the place even faking
his zigzag combinations and melee attacks giving L. Viper a sense of awe and
hopelessness. Seeing L. Viper trying to anticipate his attacks, E. Viper surprised L.
Viper with massive solar blasts and suspended him in midair punishing him with
another chunks of massive energies. With L. Viper on the verge of destruction, E.
Viper lowered his intensity and proceeded to beat L. Viper. E. Viper went on
unleashing punishing blows to L. Viper. After contented beating him into a pulp, he

used his psychic powers to crumple him down and hurl him around the room. Taking
advantage of L. Vipers critical condition, E. Viper utilized his great speed went into
L. Vipers location. He gave L. Viper another series of beatings until hurling him into
the opposite direction. Realizing that L. Vipers destruction is within reach, E. Viper
slowly approaches L. Viper. L. Viper started trying hard to get back to his feet but due
to the accumulation of damages he got from E. Viper, he was unable to get back to
action. E. Viper taunted L. Viper that he and his friends are all wrong that they are on
the winning side, he added that with due respect to the damages he gave the allies, the
allies are starting to be deluded by something far from reality. E. Viper asked L. Viper
look around him where all his friends succumb to the wrath of destruction. He told L.
Viper not to worry because in a matter of short time, he will be joining his friends as
designs for his sovereign throne. With partially blurred vision and broken bones, L.
Viper looked around the place. Looking at his defeated allies, L. Viper reflected that
even without the aid of his allies, alone, he must stopped E. Vipers destructive
ambitions at all cost. He also reflected the times and the challenges he endured
alongside with his allies so as important victories that led them to the end of the road.
Again, looking around the place that caters his defeated allies, L. Viper decided to
dedicate the most important battle of his life to all his fallen friends especially to his
childhood friend Larissa Leonen. Like every predators, E. Viper seemed not contented
on simply beating L. Viper to death. He drew his colossal sword to deal the finishing
blow to the last of his oppositions. The time E. Viper rushed towards L. Viper to
deliver his death, L. Viper surprised him by springing back to life becoming
aggressive, drawing his sword backing E. Viper off. With his newfound vitality, L.
Viper relentlessly hacked his way towards E. Viper. Giving E. Viper legitimate
trouble, L. Viper turned Harpazo and performed another series of combinations. L.
Viper banged his sword so hard towards E. Viper with the god of destruction only
effective by going defensive. L. Viper continued his onslaught towards E. Viper but
was stopped when E. Viper countered him with the two warriors clashing their metals
against each other. During the struggle, L. Viper managed to hold on his own against
E. Viper but knowing that E. Viper always wins the power struggle, L. Viper carefully
detached himself from E. Viper. Taking advantage of E. Vipers puzzled look, L. Viper
hacked E. Viper with numerous slashes and unleashed the full extent of the power his
blade. L. Viper also switched to his katana performing numerous lethal slashes to E.
Viper. Although L. Viper managed to perform numerous combinations on E. Viper, he

never truly damaged him but only staggered him. E. Viper took his turn turning
unpredictable executing numerous lethal slashes towards L. Viper and countered him
with a few deadly solar blows with his fists surrounded by a large red hot star. With L.
Viper rolling on the floor, E. Viper jumped towards L. Viper for the deathblow but L.
Viper countered E. Viper using his zigzag combinations knocking E. Viper to the
ground. Angered, E. Viper used his psychic powers to crumple L. Vipers momentum
throwing him into the walls crashing him violently to the ground. Due to Harpazo
mode, L. Viper only endured minimal damages. Seeing L. Viper recovering from his
psychic attacks, E. Viper unleashed his crimson spikes but L. Viper managed to
defend himself fending off the spikes through his sword. E. Viper told L. Viper that he
fought a better battle but E. Viper retracted from his statement telling L. Viper that he
is just firing up for the latter has yet to seen the true extent of his being. E. Viper
added that L. Viper should feel blessed because he is going to witness someone
unleashed something which only few have seen millenias ago. E. Viper told L. Viper
that it is now the time to fight like a god raining down destruction on a hopeless
planet to usher the dawn of a new era with destruction and chaos rebuilding
everything putting them in great order. L. Viper replied E. Viper that the godhood
thing is only an excuse after so much frustrations of being bested by him. L. Viper
added that E. Viper to stop deluding himself and instead get in shape and fight him to
the death.
E. Viper replied L. Viper that he and his company are the ones that are actually
deluded. He added that there is absolutely nothing they do that can be counted not
even as a significant damage. E. Viper provoked L. Viper telling him that the real
battle has only begun. L. Viper went towards E. Viper performing numerous slashes
on him. E. Viper managed to stop L. Vipers onslaughts executing his zigzag
combinations while L. Viper is in midair. E. Viper then proceeded to unleash lethal
slashes towards L. Viper but L. Viper carefully defended himelf and answered E.
Viper with numerous combinations. E. Viper continued to utilize his godlike speed
circling around L. Viper executing another batch of lethal strikes. L. Viper started
backing off fom E. Viper and surprised him with some decent combinations. E. Viper
managed to get away from L. Vipers relentlessness and jumped towards L. Viper
almost cleaving him into two. L. Viper performed an upper slash staggering L. Viper.
E. Viper proceeded to force his way towards L. Viper trying to engage him in another

power struggle, L. Viper properly timed E. Viper and managed to disarm him. L.
Viper unleashed his variation of zigzag slashes slashing his way towards E. Viper. E.
Viper told L. Viper that he will be the first one to be his human sacrifice victim. E.
Viper quickly picked up his sword unleashing numerous comets raining down on L.
Viper. L. Viper uses his amplified speed with his reflexes to get rid of the comets. E.
Viper proceeded to unleash numerous spikes from the middle of nowhere attempting
to impale him serving him as his first human sacrifice. E. Viper found out that L.
Viper managed to easily get away from his dangerous attacks. E. Viper started to
become more unpredictable disappearing from L. Vipers sight. E. Viper surprisingly
lunged his way to cut L. Viper but L. Viper anticipated his plans countering him with
another batch of powerful slashes. After L. Viper dealt him with moderate damages,
E. Viper used his godlike speed circling around L. Viper. He unleashed the true extent
of his godhood empowered by the ruby by releasing eye blasts trying to erase L. Viper
from existence. E. Viper proceeded to confuse L. Viper by unleashing barrages of
pillars of energy covering half of the room. Upon finding out that L. Viper is busy
escaping from the energy pillars. E. Viper surprised him with barrages of eye blasts
dealing L. Viper decent damages. E. Viper managed to lure L. Viper in his bait
unleashing crimson spikes impaling L. Viper. E. Viper started to feel confident that
part of L. Viper will soon be part of his throne. He unleashed another series of spikes
but L. Viper in desperation used every ounce of his strength cutting the spikes down.
Nonetheless, the spikes continued to regenerate until L. Viper is dead. E. Viper
continued his unpredictability interchanging his energy blasts, energy pillars and his
lethal swordsmanship. The time E. Viper rushed towards L. Viper thinking the latter is
ripe for the kill. L. Viper gave him false sense of confidence overpowering him,
disarming him and gave him as many combinations as he can. E. Viper being a
godlike being was not truly damaged by L. Vipers desperation. E. Viper countered L.
Viper empowering his fists with stellar energies blundgeoning him with a series of
blows. E. Viper unleashed a large sphere hoping to shut L. Viper in a decisive manner.
Seeing L. Viper walking through his best attacks, E. Viper equipped his sword hoping
to finally grant L. Viper a warriors death. The time E. Viper jumps towards L. Viper
to end the battle, L. Viper dodged E. Vipers deathblow, he slashed his legs and
performed another breathtaking melee combinations almost knocking down the
durable E. Viper. L. Viper proceeded to unleash zigzag combinations to give him his
own dose of medicine. Unfortunately for L. Viper, E. Viper proved L. Viper that he

mastered his moves more than he could have ever been. He stopped L. Viper in his
tracks banging his sword hard on L. Viper. The two Vipers circled around the place
slashing their way with each other wanting to get rid of each other. E. Viper snatched
some opportunities to unleash some powerful eye blasts but L. Viper kept coming
towards him. E. Viper tried to outsmart L. Viper by pretending he cornered him but
the time L. Viper went towards E. Viper, E.Viper faked him with his godlike speed
with L. Viper only slashing one of the faucets instead of E. Viper. However, although
L. Viper failed to corner E. Viper for the kill, the slashing of one of the faucets might
prove the difference and the outcome of their brutal battle. L. Viper managed to stalk
E. Viper but towards the opposite of the room, E. Viper caught L. Viper executing the
more powerful version of his zigzag combinations breaking L. Vipers sword sending
him violently to the ground. E. Viper proceeded to discard his sword telling L. Viper
that proving himself as a far better warrior than L. Viper, there is no point of using it
anymore. E. Viper also made it clear that to use his sword might hasten L. Vipers
death which is not his thing. As always a sadistic individual who thrists for blood, he
added that he planned to give L. Viper slow and an agonizing death which he is
always destined to do.
Seeing L. Viper hanging on for dear life, E. Viper decided to unleash his godlike
powers as a punishment for L. Viper before finally giving him an agonizing death
which he shall bring even unto eternity. With a weakened L. Viper locked on his view,
E. Viper distanced himself from L. Viper trying to confuse L. Viper by using his
godlike speed circling around him. While circling around L. Viper, E. Viper unleashed
some dangerous solar blasts but the blasts only slightly damaged L. Viper. E. Viper
unceasingly teleported himself around the room mocking L. Viper unleashing his
solar storms to inflict punishment on L. Viper but again L. Viper weathered E. Vipers
storms. As a sign of frustration, E. Viper bragged himself to L. Viper telling him that
he is not only the god of destruction but also the god of creation. L. Viper replied E.
Viper that he is nothing more than his imitation. His response angered E. Viper with
E. Viper constantly teleporting himself around the room unleashing some heavy
quantities of energies. Seeing L. Viper successfully endured his best shots, E. Viper
increased the intensity of his attacks with many of them finally taking toll on L. Viper.
E. Viper blasted L. Viper with his eye blasts seemingly putting L. Viper to rest but L.
Viper is still alive and might have the potential to turn the tide of the battle. L. Viper

told E. Viper that his claims of deity are simply fantasies made by the Chaozes and his
enemies simply as consolation being in the losing side. L. Viper tried to agigate E.
Viper adding that he is simply an echo for their grand delusions. The time L. Viper is
insulting E. Viper, E. Viper seemed no where in sight until a large quantities of energy
engulfing half of the room sending L. Viper violently to the floor. E. Viper proceeded
to unleash crimson spikes trying to impale L. Viper but L. Viper anticipated his
attacks managed to dodge them saving himself from a potential massacre. L. Viper
told E. Viper that less than a split second he might run out of attacks to kill him. As a
retailiation, E. Viper quickly went into L. Vipers sight delivering him a series of
violent blows but L. Viper is never to be easily stopped, although he knew that E.
Viper is too durable to receive his punches, nevertheless, he unleashed combinations
trying to topple E. Viper. The two engaged in an intense hand to hand combat but in
the end, E. Viper caught L. Viper with his damaging blows knocking down L. Viper
into the ground. E. Viper amplified the power of his fists slamming them into a
defenceless L. Viper creating minor explosions. E. Viper proceeded to brutally batter
L. Viper assuring him the promise that he will give him an agonizing death. E. Viper
told L. Viper that he should not wish for this battle to come in the first place. In fact,
L. Viper should have wished for himself that he should not encounter him in the first
place. E. Viper made it clear to L. Viper that by taking his appearance; it is simply all
about playing pranks on gullible mortals like gods of the most ancient of times have
always done. It is by no means imitation. While beating L. Viper violently, E. Viper
clarified L. Viper that he is not a clone but a god which the best of the defenders are
filled with fear and tremble hearing his name. E. Viper went on collaring L. Viper
taking him while proceeding to the bridge. The time E. Viper is intimidating L. Viper
trying to impose his claim that he is the god of creation creating things out from the
ashes of those he destroyed, he heard someone turning on one of the faucets. E. Viper
saw Larissa just finished turning the faucet on. E. Viper threatened Larissa that he is
going to kill her and her people by planning to put him in a tomb just like what they
did to their past enemies. As E. Viper is planning to approach Larissa to kill her, L.
Viper took advantage of his rantings slipping him down, stabbing him in the body
with his knife and pushing him down below into the icy pool. L. Viper saw E. Viper is
struggling down in the icy pool but eventually E. Viper and the ruby within him gave
up rendering him lifeless. L. Viper peeked into a frozen E. Viper telling him that it
will take more than an arsenal of destruction before he can stop him. He added that

whether E. Viper considers himself as a god, a clone, a destroyer or a calamity, it

doesnt matter for what matter is regardless of all of these, he is heading towards his
destruction. After finding out what becomes of E. Viper, L. Viper walked towards
Larissa but although almost lifeless, E. Viper has one last laugh for L. Viper, he
unleashed his dangerous spikes trying to impale L. Viper from nowhere destroying
some part of the bridge but eventually the spikes subsided with L. Viper returning
back to the edge of the room taking one deep breath and sat on the floor reflecting of
what just happened. L. Viper whispered to himself that E. Vipers sadist attitudes cost
him his defeat, his thrist for destruction became his undoing. Within the depth of L.
Vipers being, a fading E. Viper warned him that their bitter rivalry has just begun. He
also promised L. Viper that he is going to rise again become more powerful and will
not stop until he destroys everyone of them with their carcasses setting up the
foundation of his eventual reign of destruction on Viperas known world. Instead of
E.Vipers threats seriously, L. Viper simply dismissed them as simply a sign of
extreme exhaustion from the brutal battle. L. Viper responded himself that the more
battles E. Viper lost, the more he lost his insanity succumbing into a grand delusion.
Moments later, Wealthian troops managed to locate the allies. Some of the troops
escorted L. Viper back to the entrance with one of them congratulating L. Viper
telling him that the president is eager to congratulate him of what he did to Chaoz. L.
Viper detached himself from the soldiers and proceeded to reunite with his friends. L.
Viper asked his friends if they were okay. His allies replied him the affirmative. L.
Viper told his allies that like they said before, as a team, they had won the impossible
battle. L. Viper embraced Larissa thanking her for saving his life and helping him to
provide E. Viper his final resting place. Alexander told L. Viper that E. Viper should
think twice before messing up with them. L. Viper replied Alexander that next time he
should master the true extent of his powers to finally trap E. Viper within him. L.
Viper also thanked Eduard for his help and congratulated him for a job well done. Ron
and some handful of troops also came into the scene. They ignored L. Viper and his
allies and simply checked what becomes of E. Viper. Ron asked Larissa if she is okay.
After Larissa told Ron the affirmative, Ron went back to work to continue checking
on E. Viper. Being a concerned person for the well being of his friends, Ron told the
troops to bring the allies into the hospital for check up. L. Viper and the allies went
out with the troops and went into the hospital for their day long confinement for the

treatment of their injuries. After a day of confinement in a Wealthian hospital, L.

Viper and his friends went up to the summit of the Gustavvi mountain ranges enjoying
their victory and reflection in a bright moonlit night. While they are on the peak of
their victory celebration with L. Viper standing beneath the moon enjoying the
panoramic view, L. Viper received a call from one of the Wealthian military officers
telling him that Kenshin has escaped from prison and Chaoz has returned to continue
what their allies have left behind attempting once again to dominate Vipera. Alarmed,
L. Viper told his allies that they are going to fight Chaoz once more to a battle to the
end. THE END.

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