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<^A/{antE dpLxi^tian c:^ddo/2

Apdo. 161


Damon Ellett

^~e:b I -

Dr. Leonila S. Ellett M.D.


February 1^-, 1957

Dear Brother McFarland;

This is to notify you of our change of address and future plans.

Leonila and I plan to arrive in the city of El Mante Mexico to

open vhat we will call the "El Mante Christian Mission." Until

that time we are visiting in the States of Tennesse^ Virginia and

Kentucky. We will be open for speaking dates in this region until
the middle of April. We are presenting our plans and our needs.
Our greatest need is that of living-link support for us both.
While in the States we may be contacted here at Watauga, Tenn.
The address is:


Boyd Jackson
Box 138
Watauga, Tennessee
In Him,
The Elletts

cuA/iantz (2^%i^tian <J\I\L6,6.lon

Apdo. 161


JUN 11 )957
Damon Ellett

Dr. Leonila S. Ellett M.D.

Jiine 5, 1957
Dear Brother KcFarland;
Greetings again from Mexicoi

We arrived bach in Mexico about tifo weelcs ago. Since that time we
have come to El Mante, looked for a house and have moved dovm. The
only house we could find is a four-roomed one, but \^e are here now
and v;ill be able to look for something better.
El Mante is located in the "Huasteca" of MeKico.

is really in the tropics.

This means that it

The people of the farming class live in bamboo

huts "v/ith thatched roofs. Tropical fruits grow in abundance and in some
regions one can find I'ri-ld monl^ieys and other wild animals knoim to the jungles

At the present time we have one-fourth of our living-link support which not
only hinders us in living here, but Hiso leaves us little hope to carry out
our plans of starting a Hospital, church and children's home.
As every^.jhere else in Mexico we see great need every\-;here,

V7e find that

in this region that the Roman church has less Influence, but even at that
we still find the great need for Christ.

Tuberculosis and malaria are

the tvro main diseases which we vTill have to combat.

Cur new mailing address for Parcel Post is;

C/0 Geo. A. Wheeler
320 So. Missouri St.
Mercedes, Texas
Parcel Post cannot be sent directly to us here.

We hope that everything goes well ; you up there.

it we hope to see you at the Liissionary Convention.
In Him

The Elletts

If we can make

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