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Faculty of Education University of Alberta Student Teacher: Sara Nyitrai ID Number: 1254950 Course: EDFX 350 University Facilitator: Marion Hrynieuw Subject(s) and/or Grade level(s): Science 8 Introductory Field Experience ( Weeks) Field Experiences Final Evaluation 2013-2014 Dates of Field Experience: March 17- April 25, School Name & Address: ‘Westminster JHS 13712-103 Ave Edmonton AB School Telephone: 780 452-4343 School District: Edmonton Public Schools Mentor Teacher(s): Dave Ettinger Credit Date: Click here to enter date Apal 23, dort > For this field experience, it is recommended that the Student Teacher receive a grade of: Signature of {Teacher Signatures indigfte yfat the versity Facilitator and Student Teacher have received and read the evaluation report. Distribution: Dein ro gm Eaton mri ono ee tt telnet for copy of this Final Evaluation. A copy of this form will be returned by the University Facilitator to the office of Undergraduate Student Services, where it will be retained for a period of three years; no other copies will be retained by mentor teachers, university facilitators or employees ofthe University of Alberta without written permission of the student teacher. Mentor Teacher(s) ~ please initial each page of evaluation a 2 Pagel ‘The purpose of this Field Experience Final Evaluation document is to provide evidence and communicate information regarding ‘Student Teacher performance based on the Knowledge, Skills and Attributes (KSAs) for Interim Certification, ‘Comments reflect strengths and areas for growth in each category. Description of the school and context of teaching: Suggested Topics. ee ‘Westminster is a renovated, moderately- sized west Edmonton junior high school. It has a diverse population of $15 Leaning Disabled, regular, adaptation, BD and IB students. There are roughly 25 teachers on the staff. Ms. Nyitrai’s assignment consisted of three grade 8 Science classes. (2 TB and 1 regular) Most classes were close to thirty students in size with integration of many types of learners. Preparation, Planning and Organization | KSA A: Teachers understand that contextual variables affect teaching and learning. KSAC: Teachers use the Guide to Education and the programs of study o inform and direct planning, instruction and assessment, KSA D: Teachers understand the subject discipline they teach. KSAE: Teachers know how to identify students’ different leaming styles and ways students learn and create multiple paths to leaming for individuals and groups. KSA: Teachers know hovr fo translate curriculum and desired outcomes into meaningful and incrementally progressive learning ‘opportunities through shor, medium and long range planning KSA M: Teachers identify and incorporate relevant learning resources into th teaching. ‘Teacher evaluation including evidence: Sara spent a lot of time planning for instruction. She developed a comprehensive unit plan and a detailed calendar with a tentative timeline for activities. She was careful to consult the program of studies and make reference to learning outcomes on each of her detailed lesson plans. She worked hard to develop a good knowledge of the material and develop interesting lessons and activities. Ms. Nyitrai also worked to develop a very good system of organization for her lessons, handouts, marks and such and has begun to grasp how to accomplish differentiated instruction to address diverse learner needs. ‘Mentor Teacher(s) - please initial each page of evaluation’ Page [2 ‘Teaching Skills and Strategies KSA A: ‘Teachers understand that contextual variables affect teaching and learning. KSA D: Teachers understand the subject discipline they teach, KSAE: Teachers know how to identify students’ different learning styles and ways students lean and create multiple paths to leaming for individuals and groups. KSA: Teachers know how to translate curriculum and desired outcomes into meaningful and incrementally progressive learning ‘opportnites through short, medium and long range planning. KSAI: Teachers know and use a broad range of instructional strategies. KSA J: Teachers use both traditional and electronic technologies to meet students’ learning needs, KSA M: Teachers identify and incorporate relevant learning resources ino their teaching. ‘Teacher evaluation including evidence: ‘Ms. Nyitrai tried a variety of teaching strategies in her classes in the interest of promoting and maintaining student interest. Students experienced lectures, worksheets, reviews, review jeopardy, diagrams, virtual and real dissections, labs, video clips, demonstrations and projects. ‘The wide variety of activities helped promote and maintain student engagement. Pacing was adjusted when necessary and Sara has begun to experiment with being flexible and changing up activities as she monitors her students, She has also noted Jifferent abilities among her students and has started to differentiate instruction and expectations as necessary. ‘Communication KSAH: Teachers know the importance of respecting students’ human dignity by establishing relationships with students tha are characterized ‘by mutual respect, trast and harmony. KSAJ: Teachers know how to use and how to engage studens communicate effectively with others. KSAL: Teachers know how to develop and implement strategies thet create and enhance teacher, parent, and student partnerships using traditional and electronic technologies to present and deliver content, ‘Teacher evaluation including evidence: Ms. Nyitrai has an excellent command of the English language. Her oral and written skills are very good and she has developed a strong and effective teacher voice. She communicates well with students and is an effective listener. She has begun to use school zone for posting notice of quizzes and required project, materials and has made a lot of progress with using the smart board effectively in her classes. The quality and detail of her assignments is excellent and students appreciated the little details like cartoons and images that she added to various assignments. Her detailed and logical explanations of complex learning activities greatly improved in her practicum. Her level of confidence in introducing, explaining and running these types of activities is unbelievable. The students greatly appreciated the Kaleidoscope project that added to the fun of the Light and Optics Unit.. Meso Teacher) - pain each apo evaition SOE” Page [3 ‘Assessment Strategies KSA K: ‘Teachers gather information ahout their students" learning needs and progress by using a variety of assessment strategies. KSA: Teachers know the importance of engaging parents, purposefully and meaningfully in all aspects of teaching and learning, ‘Teacher evaluation including eviden Ms. Nyitrai developed some great resources during her practicum. She developed a variety of formative and summative assignments directly related to curriculum, Her Topic 1-3 quiz of the light and optics unit had a variety of questions using many levels of Bloom’s taxonomy. I also liked the short answer section including the calculation questions. Her project, assignments and reviews were all well done, challenging enough and age and skill level appropriate. Assignments were marked quickly and returned promptly. Sara developed a great system for record keeping and was careful to keep papers and records in an organized and secure fashion. She also did a great job keeping kids caught up with all the class work and assessments. This is particularly difficult at this school when families take vacations throughout the school year. Ms, Nyitrai was very diligent in providing timely feedback. Students experiencing difficulties were given extra time and provided with extra help prior to testing. Management and Classroom Climate KSA A: Teachers understand that contextual variables affect teaching and learning. KSA G: Teachers create and maintain environments that are conducive to student learning and understand student needs for physical, social, cultural and psychological security. KSA TH: Teachers know the importance of respecting students’ human dignity by establishing relationships with students that are characterized bby mutual respect, trust and harmony. Teacher evaluation including evidence: Sara has developed a warm, inviting and safe classroom climate. She has made a great effort to engage with kids before and after class as well as during class when possible. Her use of a variety of teaching strategies has kept kids interested and the addition of a light project and an eye dissection to classwork created excitement in her students. Mentor Teacher(s)~ please intial each page of evaluation 24L- Page |4 ‘Transitions between activities were smooth resulting in a minimum of disruption. Misbehavior was dealt with in a quick, matter of fact manner. ‘Sara has really developed a take charge approach in her classes over the last several weeks and is now quite comfortable being the authority figure in the room. ‘Understanding Students’ Needs KSAE: Teachers know how to identify students’ differen leaming styles and ways students lear and create multiple paths to learning for individuals and groups. KSAF: Teachers know how to translate curriculum and desired outcomes into meaningful and incrementally progressive leaming. ‘opportunities. Teachers understand the need to vary their plans to accommodate individuals and groups of students KSAL: Teachers know and use abroad range of instructional strategies and know which strategies are appropriate to help different students achieve different outcomes. Teacher evaluation including evidence: A) ‘Ms. Nyitrai spent the first few weeks getting to know her students and determining the level they were ‘working at, Sara especially noticed a wide range of student learning needs in her regular science 8 class and has leamed which students need to be checked in with sooner and more frequently than others. She learned to take things slower for certain concepts or lessons, explain concepts in multiple ways and go through activities very thoroughly. In comparison, for her IB classes, she tended to speed things up and add extra information into her lessons to keep students engaged. She is continuing to work on developing her differentiation skills for students with different needs within a class. Professional Qualities and Attributes KSAB: Teachers understand the legistated, moral and ethical frameworks with in which they work. KSA H: Teachers know the importance of respecting students’ human dignity by establishing relationships with students that are characterized by mutual respect, rust and harmony. KSAL: Teachers know the importance of engaging parents, purposefully and meaningfully, in all aspects of teaching and leaming. KSAN: Teachers know the importance of contributing, independently and collegialy, tothe quality oftheir school KSAO: Teachers assess the quality of their own teaching and use this to develop and implement their owm professional development. KSAP: Teachers guide ther ations with a personal, overall vision of the purpose of teacher and they are able to communicate their vision, including how it has changed as a result of new knowledge, understanding and experience. Wer Tesh) - es a each page ofeahaion BDO Paes TS ‘Teacher evaluation including evidence: Ms. Nitrai always dresses and conducts herself in a professional manner. She has a happy, polite and friendly demeanor. She has excellent interpersonal skills and brings a good energy to the classroom. She was receptive to feedback and acted proactively and implemented suggestions for improvement. Her reflective nature enabled her to improve instructions, activities or lessons that needed adjustment. She got along well with staff and other student teachers and worked collaboratively when possible. I did appreciate that she gave up numerous lunch hours to help students at lunch with missed work, problems or general Science help. She also volunteered at the Knitting club on a weekly basis as well as the Annual Dodge ball tournament. Reflection and Self-Evaluation KSA: ‘Teachers assess the quality oftheir own teaching and use this to develop and implement their own professional development, KSA P: Teachers guide their actions with a personal, overall vision ofthe purpose of teacher and they are able to communicate their vision, {including how it has changed as a result of new knowledge, understanding and experience | Teacher evaluation including evidence: ‘Sara is a reflective person and uses this to full advantage to improve her lessons. She set goals and worked hard to achieve them. For example, some grade 8 students began to be lazy in completing their class work and she implemented strategies including consequences to help them improve. She also really improved her verbalization of her expectations and students really responded well to her improved directions. During her practicum, Ms, Nyitrai and I had several professional conversations about teaching. We reflected on many aspects of her instruction. She also made very detailed daily reflections that demonstrated a lot of sincere thought towards always improving and getting better. ‘Other Comments: T wish Sara the best of luck as she finishes her final year of classes and prepares for her AFX next year. She had a very successful round of student teaching and improved her practice immensely. Her demeanor, personality and strong work ethic will no doubt help her achieve her goals and ensure she’ll become a terrific teacher. Mentor Teacher(s)- please initial each page of evaluation Be Page |6 Student Teacher’s Comments: Thad a wonderfal experience at Westminster and I feel that Thave learned a lot and grown as a teacher and a person. The supportive environment at Westminster has helped me become more confident in my (>) teaching. Through the IFX experience I have gained the skills to adequately run a classroom and convey content in many different ways to students with many different learning styles. I have experienced the difficulties of managing a large classroom and I believe that I now have the skills to handle most behaviour situations in the classroom. I enjoyed being a part of the school community, getting to know the staff and students and participating in many school activities. My time at Westminster has shown me what great school and staff environment is and I feel confident in my abilities to move on to my AFX next year. 9 en See

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