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Project 4

Chari Clark

01 Table of Contents
Project Topic

IDEO Learn #1


IDEO Ask #1


IDEO Try #1


Chari Clark | 2


01 Parameters

within your topic relate-able to your

A clear call to action (what do you want
people to do after observing your exhibit?).
Sources for every factual claim made in the

Select a topic to research. This may be a

social issue, a disease, disorder, etc.
Narrow your topic by identifying the
following things: [ Subject + Demographic +
Location = Topic ]
Process Note: You will be gathering
secondary research (online sources, books,
academic journals, etc.) but will also conduct Your final exhibit can be built as a physical
your own research. Familiarize yourself
display OR as a working interactive website
with the IDEO Method Cards.
OR as a combination of physical display and
interactive elements.

Format Requirements

Content Requirements

Every exhibit is required to include the

A title.
A definition of the topic/problem.
A minimum of five different chart/graph
types, diagrams, or schematics featuring
numeric or quantitative data/ information.
Some form of comparison data
(information making the topic or data

Display Requirements
Regardless of whether your solution is
physical, interactive, or a combination of
both, it must be displayed at the end of the
semester in a way that allows people to
interact with it.

Chari Clark | 4

01 Schedule
Week 7

Brainstorm possible topics for final project.

Send list of possible topics and any key facts you find easily to instructor for review and feedback.
Find 5 sources containing key statistics, information and data about your topic.
Reach out to Shane Cole for help finding sources. Finding 5 sources counts as one of the 2 learn
activities you need to complete from IDEO method cards.
Identify 5 key insights you discover from your sources. List these insights on your blog for feedback
from group.
If you find charts or graphs about your topic in your sources, you can include them on your blog as
Post all work by the following Monday to get feedback and reviews by other

Week 8
Identify what you know about your topic. Identify what you need to know. Identify where you can
find this information. Determine how you can collect this information and use it for your project.
Based upon the things you need to know about your topic, conduct 1 Learn activity and 1 ask
activity From IDEO Method Cards.
Collect and visualize findings to date in form of charts/graphs or excerpts with most important
Post all work by the following Monday to get feedback and reviews by other

Chari Clark | 5

01 Schedule
Week 09
Conduct 1 ask and 1 Look activity from the IDEO Method Cards.
Collect and visualize findings
Make charts, diagrams, maps, timelines etc. as appropriate from the research activities you
Create questionnaire to distribute and start collecting information.
Begin laying out your information using post-it notes.
Create a wireframe for your data/information you plan on including in your final presentation.
How will you organize or group different datasets or information?
Consider your topic, its audience and location and identify a structure or framework (categories) for
your information. Also identify how your information is relevant to the audience you plan to show
your exhibit/display to. The Eames knew that most Americans travel by plane and organized and
presented the information to a general U.S. audience.
Post all work by the following Monday to get feedback and reviews by other group members.

Week 10
Conduct 1 Look activity and 2 Try activities from the IDEO method Cards.
Finish collecting data from surveys and questionnaires and organize.
Collect and visualize findings from these activities. Make charts, diagrams, maps, timelines etc. as
appropriate from the research activities you conducted. Begin creating final charts/graphs and other
key elements for the final exhibit.
Research appropriate visual styles for your exhibit.
Post all work by the following Monday to get feedback and reviews by other
Chari Clark | 6

01 Schedule
Week 11
Double check the requirements for the final and make sure you have a plan to include all of the
major assignment requirements in the final (all required chart types, quantitative and qualitative
Describe the look and method of delivery (website, in person, etc.) for your final presentation for
feedback from your group.
Continue to build out and refine your information and pieces for your final exhibit.
Post all work by the following Monday to get feedback and reviews by other.

Week 12
Continue to refine your project.
Continue to build as much of your project as you can.
Post all work by the following Monday to get feedback and reviews by other

Week 13
Fine tune your project and finish building all parts.
Photograph your final project. Submit PDF of images of final work for teacher grade.
Post all work by the following Monday to get feedback and reviews by other.

Week 14
Observations report included in process book finished and uploaded to i-learn.
Chari Clark | 7


02 Topics
1. Suicide rate for high
school students

I see texting and calling while driving a bigger

problem than drinking and driving. It is more
common than you think and people do it
without even thinking about it.

2. Unemployment in the
3. Dont Text and Drive
The first topic below was the first one that I
thought of when starting to brainstorm. It is
a sensitive topic, but it is near and dear to my
heart because there were a few people I knew
in high school who committed suicide and a
few that almost did.
In Rexburg, ID it is pretty difficult to get a job.
Even Burger King doesnt want people who
have previously worked there because they
have too many people. My husband was just
laid off and I can see the struggle it is to find a
Chari Clark | 9

02 Facts and sources

In 2014, the highest suicide rate (19.3) was
among people 85 years or older. The second
highest rate (19.2) occurred in those between
45 and 64 years of age. Younger groups have
had consistently lower suicide rates than
middle-aged and older adults.

Suicide rates declined from 1990-2000 but they

have been increasing each year. Something
that puts it in perspective is, there is one death
by suicide in the world every 40 seconds.

Depression is the most common condition

associated with suicide, and it is often
undiagnosed or untreated.

There are things other than age that increarse

suicide factors. Most influencial is the social aspect.
Using fire arms is the most use method
of suicide with suffocation and poisoning
following behind. it is also interesting that the
cdc offers customizable maps about suicide and
Chari Clark | 10

02 Facts and sources

Chari Clark | 11

02 IDEO Learn
Character Profiles
This IDEO card is helpful when designing a
project because you understand who you are
designing for. A description of a real person
may help you design according to likes and
dislikes or design a way to reach that person
These character profiles are created for this
project to better understand my audience and
to help portray information to this group of


Tara Soft
Sales Associate

Tara wants to beat her depression and anxiety

and get a career that will allow her to work with
children and help teach them about disorders.

From an early age Tara was diagnosed with a
form of anxiety which can cause depression
suddenly even during her happiest times. She
has been on some great medications that have
helped her, but she believes people do not take
the problem seriously.
Chari Clark | 12

02 IDEO Learn


Ted Brookes
Hazard Inspector Job:

Ted wants a way to show that he is not alone

in and may one day have children. He also is
wanting to move up the career ladder in his

Ted has worked in the same factory, at the
same job, on the same line for most of his life
and often times this leads to a tedium caused
depression which he is forced to fight through.

Sarah Mallard

Sarah simply wants to have more company

and have her children and grandchildren visit
more often.

Sarah is a retired nurse living in a nursing
home with a few children who dont visit
often. This often causes her to be lonely in her
two story home.
Chari Clark | 13

02 IDEO Ask



The question that I really wanted to ask those

was What age range do you think has the
highest suicide rate? The options that were
given were; Children, Teens, Young Adults,
Middle Age, and Elderly.



le Ag



Even though I was expecting the outcome I

was still surprised to see it. By far the most
popular choice was with teens.




To get an idea of the views of other people I

created a survey for those around me. I did
have an idea in mind about how it would
turn out since I was grouped in with the
misinformed once upon a time.



Surveys and

Chari Clark | 14

02 IDEO Try
Paper Prototyping
This activity was about
sketching a design for you
product to help you in the
creative process. It says to do it
quickly so I did a few and the one
to the right was my favorite.
For me the process is easier if I
have an idea of how the entire
project lays out. I can create
content to go specifically where
it needs to.

Chari Clark | 15

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