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Jerald M.

Philosophy of God

Rev. Fr. Jim Cerezo

June 23, 2016

1. Why do you believe in God?

After reflecting on this question for many times, I came up with a simple answer. I
believe in God because I know and believe that He exists. Everything comes from something or
someone. So, there must this being that causes everything, the first cause of all things, the
originator of all things. Therefore, there must be a powerful being behind all the things that exists
and I believe that is God. Nothing comes out from nothing. I came from someone, who are my
parents. So, going through the furthest of all on where we came from, we will arrive at that there
must be one who causes of all things, the perfect being who is God. To deny that God exists is
also denying my own existence. Without Him, I or even everything does not exist. So, I believe
God because I believe that He exists and we came from Him.
2. Were there at times that you doubted God? What were those times?
Yes, there are many times that I doubted God. I doubted God because it anchors
everything to this thought or idea which is the existence of evil in our world. If God really exists
and He is a perfect being, then why do evil or sin exists? If God exists, then why do we suffer? If
God is powerful, then why He cannot remove our sufferings or the evil things that exist? Like
one instance in our family that my business of my mother before was bankrupted two times
which it affects our financial or worse. Another instance that there is my friend, who is at his
very young age he has his stage four lung cancer. Whenever I encounter imperfections in life, I
always asked God Why? which it ends in doubting on Him. There is one circumstance that
enlightened my mind regarding the existence of evil. We have this class in medieval philosophy
in which St. Augustine answered the existence of evil. There is evil because evil is the privation
of good. In life here on earth, there are many flaws and imperfections, even us humans.
Imperfections or evil is part of our lives. We can ask God Why? and we can doubt at Him
anytime because we are finite and He is infinite. But we must always remember that our
beginning is God, we came from Him, and our end or goal must be also God. Indeed, I doubted
God at times, but I believe on Him.

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