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Thomas Gilling

The 3 P’s
Scientist predict earthquakes with all kind of
methods for example; ground movement,
weather conditions and cloud formations.
MEDC’s have better tools for the job in predicting
earthquakes like machines. LEDC’s don’t have
the money and technology so they predict
earthquakes by relying on the wildlife and
environment. This is why there are more deaths
in LEDC’s.

There are many ways of preparing for
earthquakes, it also depends on how severe the
quake can be. In MEDC’s preparing for a small
earthquake is easier because house are more
sustainable and you can also put Velcro on
objects on shelves so they don’t fall off and
cause more damage and protect yourself and the
object. In LEDC’s the preparing situation is
harder because you may not know when it is
coming and resources are limited.

Thomas Gilling

Protecting yourself from an earthquake can be

simple. It is a known fact that being in an
underground train is safer because you are
underground and miss some of the damage and
shock on ground level. If you know the quake is
coming you could be in a subway or take cover
under a table, they are great shields. If the
quake is big you could leave the area it is
predicted in for safety.

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