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Bioethics Seminar

Professionalism and
commercialism: medicine, sport,
and money
Dr Lynley Anderson,
Bioethics Centre, DSM
Professor Steve Jackson,
Physical Education Department
In 2008 a sports doctor was suspended by the GMC for cutting the inside of a rugby
player’s mouth to conceal a breach of sporting rules. Far from being a reckless or
random event, we argue that the doctor was responding to ubiquitous pressures that
exist within elite and professional sport. Research in sports medicine in NZ suggest
that sports doctors have limited control over their work environment, pressure from
the commercial interests of sport, competing obligations, and may, as a result, find
their medical professionalism threatened.

Monday 24 May 2010

1 pm
Seminar Room, 9th Floor
Dunedin Public Hospital

Students and staff all welcome

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