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Tackling all the heated
Chemical Engineering topics
of the CHEMS

Reading this...
Infinitely more useful than
attempting to steal other
people’s assignments.

with Tom Hamilton, with Kate Nelligan,
CHEMS President the editor/Secretary.
Welcome to the very first Chemical Engineering Hi, from your CHEMS Newsletter editor. This
Newsletter! The Exchanger is a biannual news- year the CHEMS Committee has decided to do
letter published by the Chemical Engineering something a little different—provide a newslet-
Society for the students in the Chemical Engi- ter for the students! In my first and second
neering Faculty (and yes that does include Phar- years, I often thought to myself—what does
maceutical Engineering students). Within this CHEMS do for me? Why should I bother to pay
magazine you‘ll find event information, engi- the membership fee? Within this newsletter,
neering tips, student/lecturer profiles, news- you‘ll find all the answers. We on the CHEMS
trash, laughs, politically incorrect statements, committee organise all the events you take for
and most likely a few typos. We aim to stimu- granted—ie industry night, pubcrawl and annual
late the creative side of your engineering brain dinner. The content of the newsletter is aimed to
and perhaps help solve some degree long ques- provide useful information—it is not intended to
tions, like: What hair product does Dr Z use? be offensive in anyway and we apologise if any
What really is in the punch at Engineering offence is caused. With that aside, I hope you
BBQs? Or what is fugacity? Please take the enjoy the content and we‘d love to hear your
time to read and if you have any commentary or feedback!
back-chat feel free to write to the editorial at

This publication does not represent the views of the Adelaide University School of Chemical
Engineering. It is solely a publication by the Chemical Engineering Society Adelaide University.

Page 2
New logo, new look. What‘s up and coming for CHEMS in 2010.
From Tom Hamilton, CHEMS President

Welcome to Chemical Engineering in 2010! A

world full of close up pictures of colourful test CHEMS
tubes, beakers and capsules (according to re- REMINDER:
spected sources, Google images and Chem Eng
Adelaide website). The committee has been hard
at work in the first half of the year, organising the
major social events for the year, including Indus-
try Night, Annual Dinner, AGM, and let‘s not
Date: 6 August
forget the pubcrawl. This year we‘ve worked Theme: ‗Plastercard‘ Priceless.
hard to raise over $5000 and I‘d like to thank the Shirts $20
committee for their groundwork in gaining spon- Venue: North Adelaide
sorships, and also take a moment to give a blatant
plug for our major sponsors Origin Energy and
United Utilities Australia!
Date: 2 September
Industry Night was a resounding success this year, Free Pizza and beer.
with over 120 attendees, and 19 engineering com- Voting for next years committee
panies and institutions. The night gave students,
company representatives and members of the  Annual Dinner
faculty a chance to discuss opportunities for engi- Date: 10 September
neers in the working world. Also, to gain informa-
Venue: Sebel Playford,
tion about graduate and vacation positions. We
are grateful of the support of industry, students CHEMS subsidising $15 on tick-
and the school. ets for members.

The second half of the year is crammed with so-

cial events including for the first time an Annual
 4th year BBQ
Date: Thursday 14 October
General Meeting Pizza night. This year looks to
Free for fourth years.
be a great year for Chem Eng , make sure you get
involved! ■

Theme for pubcrawl 2010:

 Soccer match vs Petro Engies
Date: To be confirmed.
Pint at the Unibar: $5
Perry’s Chemical Engi-
neering Handbook: $140
Chemical Engineering
Degree: $40,000
Drunk times on the
Chem Eng Pubcrawl:

Page 3
Tales from the graduate, the post grad student and the professor.

Page 4
business unit has thrown up multiple challenges
THE and tasks, so it‟s very hard to define what an
average day for an engineer at Origin would look

like!” said Shannon. ―From undertaking high
level design and costing of a conceptual solar
power station to drawing a floor plan for a con-
From Origin. trol building to drafting, to reviewing a tender
package or construction contract, the challenges
Job diversity, a focus on sustain- are endless and “every week at Origin seems to
ability and an exciting future bring a little more variety ,” Shannon explains.
were just some of the reasons
that attracted Graduate Engi- Shannon hasn‘t yet decided whether to take his
neer, Shannon Nankivell, to engineering career in a more technical direction,
Origin. or follow the commercial side of the business.
“Origin has a strong history of promoting from
Shannon, 24, started with Origin‘s Major Devel- within, and I feel comfortable that whichever
opment Projects (MDP) department in September pathway I choose, Origin will provide me with
2008 as a Graduate Engineer. MDP develops and appropriate opportunities and support along the
constructs major projects including power sta- way,” said Shannon.
tions, pipelines, off and on-shore gas develop-
ments and renewable and low emission technolo- Shannon offers this advice for prospective gradu-
gies – all around Australia. Having completed a ates: “Be honest with yourself and prospective
Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical) and a Bache- employers. Don‟t apply with companies where
lor of Law with Adelaide University, Shannon you won‟t be satisfied performing for two or three
was looking for a diverse role and to further his years. Find the companies that are doing things
skills with a ―good corporate citizen.‖ you are interested in, and do some research about
those companies. Showing you are knowledge-
“Not only is Origin one of the largest electricity able and interested in a company and their activi-
and gas retailers in the country, it‟s very hard to ties will come across as genuine and promising to
find an organisation that is as committed to sus- those interviewing you.”
tainable development and operating with a good
corporate conscience as Origin. Working for a
In 2010 Origin recruited 46 graduates from a
good corporate citizen is something I feel
range of disciplines. Joining Origin will not only
strongly about and Origin is also the leading
kick start your career, their graduate entry sala-
provider of „green‟ energy, that is, energy sup-
ries are competitive and continuously bench-
plied by renewable generation. Working for a
marked, they have an Employee Share Plan and
company that is actually „doing‟ renewable en-
offer great salary sacrifice options for laptops,
ergy as opposed to simply „talking‟ about it is a
superannuation and your Origin gas and electric-
great opportunity for any young engineer,” said
ity bills. Origin has established an ongoing
graduate development program that includes
technical and industry-specific training, as well
No two days are the same when working in the
as modules of our Leadership Development
busy Major Development Project‘s department, as
Program. Most importantly, Origin‘s Graduate
Shannon has discovered. Shannon‘s role com-
Program is a vital part of the company‘s strategy
prises a range of tasks which are critical to devel-
for recognising and rewarding up-and-coming
oping a successful career, including writing posi-
tion papers and reports, reviewing proposals and
designs from contractors and consultants, under-
taking option studies for equipment and site se- Find out more about our graduate program link
lection, and generally providing engineering sup- to:
port for our development and project teams. “The Graduates ■
business is so diverse, even working within one

Page 5
with Brendan
Name: Anne Philcox Age:28
Where did you do your bachelors degree?
Adelaide University
Why did you pick Chemical Engineering?
I liked Maths, Physics and Chemistry in high
school and it seemed to offer the best combination
of those subjects.
If you hadn’t done Chemical Engineering what
else would you have done?
I initially thought about doing Environmental d. Greatly benefits society with out having to
Science. become a doctor and deal with blood and guts
What are your interests outside of Uni? Reasons Chemical Engineering sucks:
I am really interested in Gliding. I‘ve been doing it Its caused me to have a near nervous breakdown in
since 2004 after a mate got me an Air Experience final year and the fact I‘ve been at uni for 10
Flight as a birthday present. My involvement with years!
my club has strengthened over the years and I‘m Your least favourite subject?
now an Instructor for new glider pilots. Industrial Economics and Management
What is your PhD topic? Your favourite subject?
Good Question… lets say ―Determining the Process Control. (Really?) Yes, Really!
mechanism of decomposition of a particular flame Which would you consider yourself a bigger fan
retardant in polypropylene‖ of CSTR, PFR or Batch Reactor?
What is your favourite movie and why? Definitely a CSTR.
I‘d have to say Kick Ass at the moment, purely for My copy of Perry’s is Best used for:
the fact that it‘s not only hilarious but somewhat  Propping up a VERY VERY wobbly table.
inspirational as well. It‘s also the latest thing I‘ve
 Building upper arm strength.
seen… well I saw Robin Hood but I fell asleep
through it.  As a deadly weapon.
Finish this sentence: Studying Chemical Engi-  For everything Chem Eng Related.
neering is like… tearing your hair out! Starts off  Nothing… I don‘t have one.
all good and gets Crazy pretty quickly. Hmmmm im gonna say,
Reasons Chemical Engineering is cool:  Useful as a dampener for my sound system to
a. It‘s the most impressive and hardest form of ―Awesomise‖ the sound quality!
Engineering. When I grow up I want to be just like… Alex
b. You can tell people you know how to make Mac (from ABC‘s series Alex Mac… that girl
bombs. who could melt into a puddle because she was
c. Pretty good pay when you eventually get to exposed to toxic waste… *starts singing theme
industry. song*) ■

Page 6
For those of you who would
like to know a bit more about
our Head of School.
Professor Mark J. Biggs, who received his PhD in
1996 from The University of Adelaide, recently
returned to Adelaide to take up Head of School.
Prior to returning to Australia in December 2008,
he held a number of academic posts in the UK,
including at Surrey University (just south of Lon-
don) and most recently at The University of Edin-
burgh. He also held a visiting lectureship at the
University of Stuttgart from 2000-2007 where he
delivered a Masters-level course in process ther-
modynamics. He is the recipient of a prestigious
Royal Academy of Engineering/Leverhulme Sen-
ior Research Fellowship (2007-2008) and is a age of natural gas and hydrogen at densities at
current member of the Australian Research Coun- modest pressures and temperatures sufficient for
cil‘s College of Experts. Professor Biggs is a pio- transport applications), and separations (e.g. cap-
neer and world-leader in molecular and mesoscale ture of viruses and bacteria in porous media)
modeling of interfacial systems including protein amongst many others (e.g. formation of drug en-
adsorption, nanoporous carbons, flows in porous capsulates using microfluidics). Although his
media, and multiphase flows, including liquid- work is primarily modelling-focused, he does
liquid, solid-liquid and granular flows. This work have an experimental program in the fluids area
has many potential applications ranging from (laser-based methods) and collaborates with other
bionanotechnology (e.g. use of designed peptides experimentalists in the UK, Spain and the US. ■
to self-assemble complex nanosystems such as
molecular electronics), energy storage (e.g. stor-

Two new elements have been discovered one Element Man
called woman and the other, man. Symbol: XY
Element Woman Atomic weight: 80kg (more or less)
Symbol: Wo Physical Properties:
Atomic weight: 65kg (more or less) Generally muscular and dense, Difficult to find
with Dotun Adesina
Physical Properties: pure sample, Get solid when excited but easily
Generally round in form, Boils at nothing and may getsbent out of shape
freeze anytime, Melts when treated properly by Chemical Properties:
element man and Very bitter if not used well Attempts to bond with Wo at any chance it gets,
Chemical Properties: Tends to form strong bonds with himself, Basic—
Very attractive, Possess strong affinity to dia- neutralize by saturating with alcohol.
monds, gold, and other precious stones., Violent Usage:
when angered, Ages rapidly None really, but likes his footy, Can be used for
Usage: kicking ass.
Highly ornamental, An extremely good catalyst Caution:
for disintegration of wealth and Arguably the most In the absence of Wo, this element can decompose
powerful income reducing agent known to men. rapidly and might begin to ammonialize. ■
Highly explosive in inexperience hands

Page 7
Industry Night 2010

Page 8
My name is...Tom Sheldrick. I wish I had....studied for that engineer-
but my friends call me ....Tom, but you ing math’s test.
can't - you're not my friend. One thing that really annoys
My favourite song of all the me....People who fart in packed lectures/
Cantina Song from Star Wars. CATS.
I'm studying Chemical engineering I've always wondered....Why Arts
with finance because...I didn't think I'd students bother enroll in university...what
like Chem Eng so thought I may as well a waste of time/money!
have 2 degrees. If I could have one superpower it
My favourite lecturer is…Stuart John- would be...Invisibility (insert perverted
son because he's an absolute riot and joke here).
always in shorts. If I wasn't me I'd like to be...a famous
When I grow up I want to be....A Poké- musician, unless it meant being an ex-
mon Master....or at least a gym leader. idol contestant.
If I could live anywhere it would
be...The cupboard under the stairs, 4
Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey,

My name is...Michael Hill I wish I had.... more money

but my friends call me ....Usually just One thing that really annoys
Hill waking up early
My favourite song of all time.... Too I've always the uni-
many to choose, probably at the moment, verse was created
vampire weekend, oxford comma If I could have one superpower it
I’m studying Chemical engineering for would be...the ability to manipulate fire
the promising career opportunities If i wasn't me I'd like to be...the lead
Favourite lecturer is.... Mark Biggs singer of a band
because....he genuinely seems to care
whether we do well or not
When i grow up i want to be.... suc-
My last meal would be.... Steak
If I could live anywhere it would be...

My name is... Zhi Lin Oh dessert!

but my friends call me .... Zhi If I could live anywhere it would
I’m studying chemical engineering be... anywhere with my family
and economics is chal- I wish I had.... the ability to make a
lenging difference
Favourite lecturer is.... Dr. Ngothai, One thing that really annoys me.... 8
because.... she shows concern for o’clock lectures :D - need sleep :(
students and she's very organized and I've always wondered.... what its like
has awesome lecture notes and the to be a chemical engineering student,
tutes have good questions that stimu- now i know! its tough!
lates critical thinking skills If I could have one superpower it
When i grow up i want to be.... a would be... to be able to levitate
superhero with chemical engineering If i wasn't me I'd like to be... my dad,
powers to save the world he's pretty amazing.
My last meal would be.... a good
steak at gaucho's
and ice cream for

My name is… James

My friends call me… Moshy
I’m studying… Law and chem eng
My favourite lecturer is… Zeyhad – hair/accent
When I grow up I want to be… a freelancer
Last meal… Mayo chips
I wish I had… A job
One thing that really annoys me… child actors
I’ve always wondered… if New Zealand…
where is “Zealand”
If I could have one super power it would be…
If I wasn’t me I’d like to be… ME!

Page 9
Thumbs Up Thumbs Down
The guy on the bike that says BEEP. Civil Engineers.
He makes me smile. They're just glorified concreters.
The number 8. For being the Alice's red hair
74th decimal place of pi. UGG boots at uni. Just no.
Perry's. For being everything Tom Hamilton's (CHEMS
I could ask for in a book President) dad jokes. He's
Free Fairy Floss. Apart from the only one that ever laughs.
the alliteration just a great Fairly tall cupboards.
win at Eng BBQs. Cant trust them.
Bkons over use of pre-2000 GFC. Fairly obvious one
Microsoft Office Clip Art but I'm not a fan.
Left over lasagne. Mickey Mouse. Just
Made a great lunch havent seen or heard
on Thursday. much from him lately
Bernoulli. For providing
such a handy equation.
The suggestion of"Un-Casual
Fridays" for uni students. Made by
yours truly, just then, but that would
With Ed Williams— the eternal optimist who
be fun to have us all looking amazing! sheds some light on the funnier sides of Uni life.

CHEER UP KIDS! What type of Chemical

With Melissa El Khouri Engineer are you?
We all want our 4 (or 5) year engineering degree
to make us rich and successful one day. However,
the recent economic crisis has stressed us out and START
 Do you have
made us doubtful of the promising future we had a Santos
originally anticipated. Our sources, however, water bottle?
suggest there is no need to worry! Chemical engi-   Do you wear
neering graduates in Australia are offered an aver-
age salary of $60,000/year in 2010; an increase of Do you steel capped
enjoy wine
$5,000/year compared to salaries of 2008. Simi- tasting?  boots to uni?
larly, an average minimum salary for Pharmaceu- Do you 
tical (Process) Engineers and Petroleum Engineers  want to 
is $55,000/year (2007) and $60,000/year (2005), save the
respectively. Considering moving interstate? Just world?
look at the map provided! Although jobs in WA
Do you 
think with Do you al-
seem to provide the highest salaries, other states your ways hang
also offer competitive wages on the chemical stomach? out by the
engineering market!  chem labs?

 

Food Environmental Energy Pharmaceutical
and Wine

Brought to you by Steph Tyszta

and Linda Tran ■

Page 10
10 (plus one) tips for securing that job you really want...
With Nick Gooding

ED: Nick has completed 6 months of work experience with BP in Perth and Neumanns Petroleum in Bris-
bane and recently scored a dream job in Melbourne with ExxonMobil. Here is some words of wisdom from
Nick on how to get that job you want the most....

Getting through Chem Eng is one thing, but during each year there is something else that hangs over all
students like a dark cloud... Getting work. After a few years of applying for vacation and graduate positions,
the CHEMS committee has come up with their top ten tips for success. We can‘t guarantee you work from
them, but if you follow these steps you will be well on your way...

Before you apply...

1. Do your research. Look up all of the companies with openings (Graduate applications
start at the start of Feb and Vac positions usually open around May). Work out what
positions you will be eligible for and if you would really like to work for the com-
pany. You won‘t get the job if you don‘t like the position.
2. Get involved. Start now. Companies don‘t just look at HD averages. Make sure you do
extracurricular activities (sport, charity, professional or university societies) and you
immerse yourself in them. They‘ll know if you‘re just doing it for the resume.
3. Learn from experiences. Keep a log of all situations/experiences/ achievements which
really made an impact on you at work, uni or personally. These will come in handy
when you start to prepare for interviews. Trust me.

Writing your resume....

4. Be genuine. Don‟t churn out tons of generic cover letters which you only change the
name for. Make the effort to write about why you want to work for them specifically
and the projects you are interested in. Applications take time; so take it.
5. Promote yourself. You may not feel comfortable about talking yourself up, but remem-
ber that this is the only chance you have to make yourself stand out from the other
1000 applications and tell them who you really are and what you do—be modest, but
6. Ask your friends. There‘s no better critic then your mates. If they don‘t think something
sounds right, they‘ll tell you.

The interview...
7. Prepare. Research the company and learn what they do, what operations you will be
involved in, their ethos on safety/environment/development and think about what you
really like about them.
8. Prepare. Write down every question you could possibly think of getting asked (ie. What
is a time you failed and couldn‘t redeem the situation?‘) and practice your response.
Over and over and over but make sure it doesn‘t sound rehearsed.
9. Relax. Be yourself. They want to see that you can cope in pressure situations. Like in an
10. Be keen. Show them that you really want this job. They want someone committed to
the company so you really need to show them you want it.
10 plus one. Enjoy. Interviewers and recruitment days are usually very easy going and
give you a chance to learn a lot about the company. Enjoy the experience as it can be
fun and rewarding. Hey, you got there didn‘t you?

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