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The Human Comedy

Cheat Sheet
How can human beings find happiness in everyday life?
Why is coming home so important?
When do we lose our innocence?
How do literary allusions help the reader to have a deeper understanding of a

(A theme is a fundamental concept, or main idea, that the author is
addressing in his or her work. It often will not be discussed directly but will
be demonstrated through the words and actions of the characters.)
Home and Family
Growing Up/Coming of Age
Small Town Life

(A symbol, very simply, is one thing that represents another. In literature, a
symbol is usually an object, character, or color used to represent an abstract
idea or concept.)
The Egg
Homer’s limp
Mr. Mechano
The Apricot Tree
The Telegram
The Valley Championship Hurdle Race

(a reference in a work of literature to something outside the work, especially
to a well-known historical or literary event, person, or work.)
The Odyssey by Homer
The Divine Comedy by Dante
Genesis from the Bible

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