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What happening London?

By Sophia baioumy
What are your Interest?

art visual art

Theatre music
Local theatre
Tricycle theatre is one local theatre that
works reflecting cultural diversity. Tricycle
theatre also includes a gallery, a cinema
and also includes variety of workshops for
all age groups.
Workshops like:
Regular workshops
After school workshops
Half term work shops
The tricycle theatre offered a choice of
musical workshops for all age groups, to
register with free guitar lessons at three
different stages
New starters
Why not check it out?
Creativity Matters Art workshops
Creativity Matters was started by Kent based artist
Christine Thomas, who has had over twenty years
experience working with community groups, schools and
local government and education authorities. We provide
creative workshops for schools and community groups
as well as community consultation and large scale art
commission co-ordination for local authorities. Our
workshops produce high quality work that will last,
exceeding the expectations of our participants,
embedding art skills and leaving a legacy of achievement
Why not check it out?

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