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The Verona

Italy Daily
Special points of

·Benvolio and
Tybalt got banned
from going out of Volume20, Issue 12 23rd July 1860
their property for
1 month.

·Brawl at the
Brawl of The Two Families

·The Prince had The two families of Capulet and know it must be the royal
punish the Montague have started a fight at the
family. I was correct , it was
Montague and the market of Senor. The prince had to
interrupt and stop the fight. Right now the Prince of Verona.
Capulet. the two families have been punished due Everybody stopped when the
to the Verona “Code of Conduct”. Prince arrived. The fight
·Capulet party
A servant of the Montague ended and the Prince wasn’t
surprisingly invite
family, Gregory, described the happy. Still sitting on his
Montague. horse he said something that I
scenario: “At first, I was just
walking along the market to get didn’t actually follow really
some groceries, with Sampson well, but he said some thing
fight more wild. The fight was
because we are running out. We along the line of: “Capulet
horrible, Tybalt took his sword out and
saw Abraham at the side of our and Montague, you will get
started a duel with Benvolio, Of
Inside this issue: vision and we greeted him, but punished for what you have
course! Benvolio cannot match Tybalt,
he was on some kind of drugs, done to my city.” I’m not
because Tybalt is a very brave and
A word from the 2 and he started to tease Sampson. really sure because I was far
skillful fighter. I was just in the middle
Prince We thought it was just a joke so away from the mess. Later,
of the fight and I wasn’t feeling really
we come forward, and I bit my Montague took me along with
good so I stepped aside, and thought :
thumbnail and he got angry , so other servants to talk about
Capulet party 2 “Sooner! Or later, someone going to
we got in a fight. A moment later the party, I was shocked when
put an end to this.” After a while, the
our master, Benvolio interrupted I heard him, he told us to join
battle got even worse, more Capulet
the fight, but Tybalt arrived and the party, and keep Romeo
and Montague joined the fight and it
made the (Montague’s son) safe, you
Paris and Juliet. 2 went on for almost thirty minutes, then
probably will know who he
I heard the rumbling sound of horse
hooves, and I
Mercutio about the 3

Capulet’s Party

Noble, not ! 4

Time: 4:00 pm to 10:00pm.

Venue: Capulet’s mansion
Market rates 5
Guests: Every Montague and every Capulet
Purpose: House party.

Friar Lawrence’s bible 6


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