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John Bramston Primary School

Thank you for taking the time to read our prospectus. It contains a great deal of
valuable information and will give you an insight into the school, the things we
value and consider to be our priorities.

We hope that you will find it useful and that you will keep it as a point of
reference for the future

Our aims at John Bramston are:

To set and promote the highest standards of teaching, learning, progress

and achievement

To promote equality and appreciation of diversity

To promote and achieve the highest standards of behaviour

To encourage safe, active and happy play

To develop independence and creativity

To provide a healthy, safe and happy environment

To develop positive links with parents and the local wider community

To reflect these aims in day to day practice

Our core values are:

Aspiration and Achievement

Excellence and Enjoyment

Respect and Responsibility

We believe that children can develop responsibility, with respect for themselves
and each other, thus creating a community that has values and attitudes that will
stand them in good stead for the rest of their lives.

We hope that children will learn a great deal whilst they are with us, that they
are happy and that they learn to enjoy learning.

Become successful
Develop the skills, knowledge and
understanding within a broad and
stimulating curriculum

Learn how to learn in a

variety of ways and will Work co-operatively
Learn how to deal
enjoy learning as well as work
with a variety of

Enjoy school
Become life-long

Know the importance of

having a healthy lifestyle

Value attainment

Accept and respond to


Learn about Know their own

communities locally, strengths and the areas
nationally and to develop
globally Welcome, respect, value and
know about the cultures,
languages, special needs, faiths
and experiences of others


following criteria will be used in priority
What do I do if I want my child to attend your order to decide how places will be allocated:
nursery class?
looked after children, that is
Applications should be made direct to the children in public care
school. Admissions to community school Children where it is agreed that it is
nursery classes will be considered as follows: essential they be admitted to the
school on exceptional medical or
1. looked after children that is, psychological grounds (such requests
children in public care for a particular school, based on the
2. four year old siblings, with serious medical or psychological
preference to older children condition of the child, must be
3. four year old children with preference supported by a qualified professional
to older children adviser for observations before any
4. three year old siblings, with decision is made)
preference to older children Children with siblings who are
5. three year old children with already on roll at the school and will
preference to older children still be on roll when the child is
admitted, and
If you do not get a place at our Nursery, there Children living nearest to the school
is no right of appeal against the Authoritys as measured by the shortest walking
decision. distance as measured by a
Our school Admissions Officer will be Geographic Information System from
pleased to offer advice and further the childs home to the main entrance
information on how to apply for a place at of the school using public roads and
our school. recognised footpaths
If your child gets a place in our nursery it Within each category, the shortest
does not guarantee that s/he will have a measured walking distance from the
place in the school. You will need to apply childs home to school, using public
again for admission to a reception class. If roads and footpaths, is used to give
your child does not attend nursery, or has priority to applicants. Confirmations of
a place in another early years setting this placements are given in mid-June.
will not affect his/her chance when
applying for school admissions.

When should I apply for my child to start


Every primary school has a size based on the

admission number. This is the agreed and
planned number of pupils in the year group
that can be safely and comfortably fitted into
the school. The published admission number
for each primary school is shown at the back
of the Primary School Admission booklet.

You can ask for up to three Redbridge

community schools, giving your reasons.
Each school you have asked for will be
considered equally. If there are more
applications than places available, the

project or target based. When your child
is given their homework, please feel free
to discuss it with the class teacher.
Being available in the playground
At John Bramston Primary we are eager
before school and available for
to develop your childs education through
consultation at the end of the school day.
partnership. We consider the partners to
If you have any concerns, we would
be the school, the Governors, the staff,
encourage you to talk to the class teacher
the families and, of course, the children
as we prefer to deal with issues when
themselves. To this end, Families are
they are small rather than allowing them
welcomed into the school in many ways
to grow out of proportion. Teachers are
and feedback is always welcome. We
available in class daily at 8.55 a.m. and
know that this feedback will help us to
after school from 3.40 p.m. for informal
make further improvements and to know
chats. To arrange a more formal
what we do well.
appointment, please contact the school
office. Letters and e-mails can also be an
We endeavour to work closely with
effective communication tool, especially
families by;
if you are not able to access school
during the day or would prefer your
Holding an Autumn Term class
concern to be kept away from your child.
Please note teachers are very busy at
Sending termly curriculum all times, but especially so at 9.05 a.m.
overviews home, detailing the learning when they are organising their class
objectives for the term ahead. for the start of learning.
Holding Parents Evenings in the Sending fortnightly newsletters
Autumn and Spring Terms in which you home. The newsletter is one of our
will be given time to meet with the class most direct forms of communication
teacher and discuss your childs progress. and features school life.
In the Summer term all families are given
a written report of their pupils progress
Text messaging parents.
and achievement across all subjects for
that academic year. Families are invited
to an open afternoon to share their
childrens work. We know that a child whose
school and home work closely
Encouraging you to work in together towards a mutual goal
classrooms and assist with a variety of learns best.
activities, either regularly or on a one off
basis, e.g. class trips etc. All volunteers
will need to be police checked prior to
starting in school.

Issuing a school reading diary.

This allows for weekly or fortnightly
communication between you and the
teacher, depending on your childs age

Giving weekly and termly

homework tasks some of which are

Your Your
Family child


What would happen if one side

of the triangle wasnt there?


John Bramston Primary is a Redbridge School for boys and girls from the age of three to eleven. It is a one-
storey building with 14 classrooms, a group room, a cookery room, an inclusion room, an ICT suite and a
hall. We are very fortunate in having extensive grounds including hard surface play areas, soft surface play
areas, a large field and conservation areas.

The Nursery has two sessions of 26 pupils each. School classes have up to 30 pupils.

The School Day

School Starts Morning Break Lunchtime KS1 Lunchtime KS2 School ends
09:05 10:40 - 10:55 12:15 - 13:15 12:30 13:30 15:30

The playground is open from 08:50 Three members of staff supervise from 08.55


Regulations on attendance require us to record any unauthorised absence. Regular attendance is essential
the Governing Body is concerned that absence is kept to the absolute minimum. Authorised absence is
defined as:-

Sickness or unavoidable cause

Religious observance

If your child is ill or absent from school for any reason please telephone the school on the day of each
intended absence. If no explanation is forthcoming, or if school considers that the reason given is not
sufficient to justify non-attendance, then the absence is unauthorised. This is noted on the childs report and
all absences are reported to the Department for Education and Skills annually.


We strongly encourage annual holidays to be taken out of term time. Leave of absence taken during
term time should only be based on exceptional circumstances.





School Uniform

At John Bramston we believe that a school School Meals

uniform encourages a sense of pride in the
school and an appropriate attitude in the The school meals are transported from Coppice
childrens mind for the daily work. It also Primary School where they are cooked on site.
discourages peer pressure in regard to fashions Please note:-
and the emotional and financial implications that
we prefer to avoid. The uniform is as follows: The cost is 1.93
All money is collected on a MONDAY.
Black/grey trousers/skirt
Cheques should be made payable to the
White polo-shirt (unisex) London Borough of Redbridge.
Red cardigan/jumper/fleece (unisex) Money should be brought into school in a
Red gingham dress (for girls) sealed envelope, marked clearly with
your childs name, class and the amount
School dinners have to be ordered by
9.30 a.m if you know you are going to
be late, please contact the school office
before this time so that a lunch can be

Children may bring their own packed lunch and

drink (water or juice only) but please ensure
their food and drink is in a suitable container,
clearly named.
Please note that jewellery is NOT part of school Children do sometimes forget their packed lunch
uniform and only watches should be worn. or get confused about whether they are staying
Children wearing jewellery will be asked to for lunch please do not worry, we will not
remove it and it will be held in the school safe allow them to go without. A school lunch will be
until collected by an adult at their convenience. provided for them if we cannot contact you.
This rule is in place to protect children in terms
of health and safety not only in PE lessons but
also during play sessions. It also reduces the risk
of loss or theft. The only exception to this rule is
the wearing of jewellery for religious
observance. However, children will still be asked
to remove the item for PE sessions.
Mobile phones should not be brought into school
under any circumstances.

The school does not accept the responsibility for

loss of items brought to school by the pupil.

Children also have the option of going home for

lunch. They need to be collected from the school
office at 12.15 for Key Stage 1 or 12.30 for Key
Stage 2. They should return 5 minutes before the achievement publicly, formally and informally;
start of their afternoon session. ranging from a nod or a smile through to a
certificate being presented in assembly and sent


The school has a robust Security Policy. We

have a coded security entrance to the rear of the
school access can only be gained with the
express prior permission of the school office
Your help is much appreciated in only entering
the school building by the main entrance and by
ensuring gates to school grounds are closed each
time you enter and exit the school grounds.

We believe that all parents and visitors to the Rest assured that sanctions are supplied when
school should behave in a calm, respectful necessary these are appropriate to the
manner and serve as good role models to our misdemeanour and are preceded by a discussion
children. about the inappropriateness of such behaviour. A
The school fosters very effective links with the Time Out and Behaviour Reflection System
Safer Neighbourhood Police and works closely (Detention) is used consistently throughout the
to ensure community cohesion. school in addition to non-acceptance of
disruptive and/or aggressive behaviour. If the
school has concerns regarding any childs
PASTORAL CARE behaviour, parents will be contacted at the
earliest opportunity.
Our community
Child Protection
We are a school of many abilities, cultures,
backgrounds and languages. This gives us the In line with National and Local Guidance, the
opportunity to learn about and respect the school has a policy for Child Protection. The
customs of our friends and neighbours. Mutual child protection lead teacher is Mrs Kaur
respect and understanding are values we think (Assistant Headteacher) and the Deputy Child
are highly important. Protection leader is Miss Jennings
At John Bramston we are wholeheartedly (Headteacher). If the school has concerns about
committed to promoting positive attitudes the wellbeing of a child, procedures agreed by
towards all and actively challenge racism and the borough Childrens Services will be
prejudice through our day to day work. In line followed. These include working with Social
with the Race Amendment Act 2000, the school Services.
has a policy for Race Equality. All racist
incidents are recorded and reported to the Local Medical Provision
Authority. Monitoring of such incidents is
carried out regularly, so that perpetrators can be We have 6 qualified First Aiders in
dealt with appropriately. school. There is a medical area in school
where children can rest if they feel
Behaviour unwell. If they are obviously not going to
improve then families are contacted.
We believe that children thrive on praise and It is important that we have up-to-date
encouragement. Our approach is based, contact details and a back up number
therefore, on positive reinforcement and in case of an emergency.
assertive behaviour. We recognise childrens
Medicines should NOT be brought into and warmly invite you to make contact with
school. them.
All inhalers should be labelled and the
relevant documentation completed. School visits, activities etc
The school must be notified if your child
suffers from a chronic condition or In the 1988 Education Reform Act, the
allergy. Government established that:
If your child receives a knock to his/her
1. Activities offered during normal teaching
head, no matter how minor, you will be
times should be available to all children
notified either by a phone call or letter.
regardless of their parents ability or
Any child with specific medical willingness to meet the cost.
condition will have a protocol agreed 2. Schools and LEAs have the discretion to
between home, school and the school charge for optional activities out of
nurse. school hours.
Any child receiving medical attention, no 3. Schools and LEAs have the right to invite
matter how minor, receives a First Aid voluntary contributions for the benefit of
sticker. the school, or in support of activities
All accidents are tracked and monitored. organised by the school, whether during
or outside school hours.
No child can, therefore, be refused a place on an
Please park well away from school entrances educational trip or activity because their parents
when bringing or collecting children. There is a cannot or will not pay for it. However, without
parent car park in Dryden Close. Under no voluntary contributions it will clearly be
circumstances must parents block any of the impossible for school to continue running
school emergency access gates. educational visits and journeys. We feel that
Please park safely and with due consideration for such visits provide first hand experience which is
other road users and our neighbours. a vital aspect of primary education.
The Governing Body has agreed to make charges
GOVERNING BODY where it is legal to do so, (e.g. for music tuition
and for board and lodgings on residential trips)
Membership and to ask for voluntary contributions from
parents to help pay for visits, cookery
There are 15 members of the Governing Body, 5
ingredients, technology equipment and visitors.
of which are Parent Governors. A term of office
The Governors, however, reserve the right to
is 4 years and an election is held within school if
waive or reduce charges, at their discretion, on
there is more than one candidate. All parents
the basis of parental needs and/or socio-
with children in the school have the right to
economic factors. A copy of the school Charging
become a member of the Governing Body when
Policy is attached.
a vacancy arises. Details about the role and
responsibilities of Governors are available from Complaints
the school office.
Should occasion arise when you feel you have a
The Chair of the Governing Body is Neill complaint about school matters this should in the
Pickering and the Vice-Chair is Alex MacNeill. first instance be brought to the attention of the
There are two sub-committees; Standards class teacher and if unresolved, to a senior
Monitoring and Finance and Personnel. member of staff and then the Headteacher. If you
feel that your complaint is still not satisfactorily
The Governing Body reports to parents through resolved the matter should then be referred to the
the school profile annually. The Governing Body Chair of the Governing Body.
looks forward to discussing this and/or any
associated issues with you in the Autumn terms
If you wish to contact a member of the
Governing Body, the school office can provide
you with the necessary information.
The school has a procedure for dealing with
complaints. This is based on Redbridge
Guidelines and has been approved by Governors.
Details of this can be obtained from the school

THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM about the support your child will receive will be
in consultation with you.
Following the tragic death of Victoria Climbi, a The Creative Curriculum
young girl abused and murdered by her great
aunt and the man with whom they lived, the At John Bramston Primary School we aim to
Government published a green paper called foster a life-long love of learning, through
Every Child Matters. This green paper adopting a highly practical and cross-curricular
demands that all organisations that provide approach to learning. Our Creative Curriculum
services for children work together in a more aims to deliver an education that will equip our
integrated and efficient way. children with the skills required to be a happy,
At John Bramston, we have recently reviewed confident, independent and responsible citizen.
the curriculum in order to ensure that it provides We aim to deliver this through:
opportunities for creativity and enjoyment, and
meets the requirement of the Every Child Embedding ECM through
Matters outcomes in order to ensure that all teaching units on hygiene,
children, including the most vulnerable, achieve community, finance and
their potential and are supported by relevant citizenship.
agencies such as social services, health workers, Developing a sense of community
etc. and belonging, contributing to our
community through direct
The five outcomes are: interaction making links with
local organisations.
1. Be Healthy Equipping children with skills for
2. Stay Safe life, through practical work.
3. Enjoy and Achieve Providing opportunities for
4. Make a positive contribution children to broaden their outlook
5. Achieve economic well-being on life.
Making learning more
The National Curriculum meaningful, through putting it
into context.
We ensure that all our pupils gain full access to Holding a flexible timetabling
the National Curriculum through rigorous approach to make space for true
planning and implementation. The core skills of depth of study.
Reading, Writing and Numeracy are given great Establishing cross-curricular links
emphasis as they underpin all other areas of to foster a broader understanding.
learning. We are concerned that all children To build on their achievements.
develop their ability to find things out for
themselves through investigation, individually The Arts and Sports
and as a group.
The creative arts are given attention within
Documents are available in school giving details school. Children really enjoy art, drama and
of each curriculum area. dance through these children can learn a great
deal about themselves, the world in which we
Special Educational Needs live and why things happen. We, therefore,
regularly create opportunities for children to
The school has adopted the recommendations of learn this way.
the Code of Practice. Harjinder Kaur is the
schools Inclusion Leader. Children have The development of physical skills is equally
different needs at different times. At John important. The children have the chance to
Bramston we have adopted the staged approach develop their sporting skills in a variety of ways
of the Code of Practice to give help when and within the school curriculum and a range of
where it is needed. We involve parents in this clubs.
process from the beginning. Any decisions made
useful in terms of positively encouraging
English children whilst also ensuring open lines of
communication between home and school.
This consists of three elements:
1. Speaking and Listening
2. Reading We wish children to view themselves as writers
3. Writing (including Spelling and from the beginning. We create as many real
Handwriting) purposes for writing as possible. We encourage
free writing whilst also teaching the skills
These elements are developed through formal required in a systematic and thorough manner.
lessons and cross-curricular themes. Children Handwriting is taught formally in all classes
have a daily lesson devoted to Literacy as set out from Reception using a joined up style. When
in the National Literacy Strategy. they are ready, children are asked to use ink
pens. Spelling is also taught systematically. Your
Speaking and Listening help is vital in this area. It forms part of your
childs homework.
The ability to communicate orally is
fundamental to the English curriculum. It is
essential that children learn to express Mathematics
themselves clearly and articulately in a wide
variety of situations. In order to do this we plan There is a daily maths session from Reception to
and encourage the children to take part in quality Year 6. We aim to enable children to think
learning activities. clearly and logically, to develop mathematical
They will be involved in educational drama, skills and knowledge and to become more aware
group discussions, class discussions, circle time of patterns and relationships. We develop these
and collaborative learning tasks. in order to build up strategies to be used in
The ability to succeed in these activities depends mental calculations.
very much on the childrens ability to listen.
They will be encouraged and taught to listen Science
attentively in all these processes.
This is taught through thematic work and
Talk is the key to learning in all areas of scientific investigation.
school life. We aim to develop your childs scientific skills
through practical tasks that involve questioning,
Reading planning, observation, recording results and
drawing conclusions.
Our aim is to teach children to read
independently and to develop their enthusiasm Art
for books; both fiction and non-fiction.
We employ a mixed approach to teaching Art enables children to express themselves
reading not relying on any one particular set of creatively by using various mediums in different
ideas. All children learn to read differently. We, contexts. During your childs time at John
therefore, need to be flexible in our approach. Bramston. s/he will have the opportunity to
Fundamental to this is the provision of high develop their own skills in all the areas defined
quality reading materials whether they are by the National Curriculum.
reading scheme materials or real books. We are We aim to introduce children to the work of
currently in the process of reviewing and up- artists; both local, national and international,
dating all our reading stock. This is vital in covering a range of cultures and traditions.
meeting our aim, which is to have children who
want to read, choose to read and will read for Music
Children are given the opportunity to develop
Each child has a home reading diary and we
their musical skills and knowledge in a variety of
invite you to write in this daily/weekly. This is
ways. They are involved in listening, composing,
performing and appraising their own music and There is a scheme of work covering a variety of
that of others. aspects concerned with keeping body and mind
We have a range of tuned and untuned healthy. Through a thematic approach children
percussion instruments that all the children use. are encouraged to discuss and research caring for
There is a school choir that participates in their own body, awareness of strangers and
concerts both in and outside school. Redbridge feelings and emotions.
Music Service provides tuition in school for Sex and Relationships Education can be
strings, woodwind and brass. If you want your introduced as part of the class topic work in
child to learn to play a musical instrument, either lower or upper school e.g. as part of the
please come and talk to us and we can provide work of Ourselves. Informal questions will be
you with information on how to access this answered naturally as they arise.
provision. In years 5 and 6 pupils are shown carefully
selected materials. Parents are informed and
Physical Education given the opportunity to see the materials before
they are shown to the children.
We aim to develop childrens skills and nurture Children may be withdrawn from Sex and
their enjoyment of physical activity both Relationships Education if the parent so wishes.
individually and as part of a team. Many of our This must be communicated in writing and
clubs are sports based and we encourage parents discussed with the Headteacher beforehand.
with specific interests and abilities to add to our
range on offer. Religious Education
We have a close working partnership with both
Hainault Forest High and Caterham High The school follows the Redbridge Agreed
School, which has provided us with gymnastics, Syllabus 2009 Exploration and Response. This
netball, indoor athletics, cricket and football. is an excellent scheme that is developed
throughout the school.
The main aims through RE are to promote the
spiritual, moral, social, cultural and intellectual
development of pupils and of society by
encouraging and exploration and response to
those aspects of religion and human experience,
which raise fundamental questions of belief and
value. The RE curriculum includes units of work
related to all major religions with additional
units that focus on celebration, festival and
Special times, places and events
Lifestyle and community
Information Technology/E-Safety Nature and the world
Children are introduced to the computer from the Self and others
nursery. We have an ICT suite with over 15 Expressing meaning, belief and value
computers. From Reception onwards children Sources of authority
have a minimum of 1 session per week in this Key figures in history
room. There is a carefully planned scheme of
work so that coverage of the key skills is ensured Copies of the document are available in school;
across other curriculum areas. We also have 1 please contact the school office if you would
computer in each class. The school is networked; like to see a copy.
enabling pupils and staff to access information Children may be withdrawn from Religious
from the internet within our security boundaries. Education if parents so wish. This should be
Children are taught how to be e-safe. communicated in writing and discussed with the
Health, Sex and Relationships Education
Collective Worship
There is a daily assembly and as required by law
it is broadly in line with the teachings of the
Christian faith. We do cover the main festivals,
values, and beliefs of other cultures within this
context. We invite leaders of faith communities
to share their beliefs with us in order to broaden
the childrens understanding of the multi-faith
society in which we all live.

Extra Curricular Activities Clubs

Most school staff and outside bodies/coaches

run clubs. They vary according to staffing
workload, strengths and interests. Some clubs
are seasonal but currently include:

Choir Netball Chess - Art

Bible zone Football - Singing
ICT - Street Dance - Performing Arts
Cricket Gymnastics

This list is not exhaustive and further
information can be obtained from the school
Information about clubs run by outside
bodies/coaches who carry a charge can be
obtained from the school office.
Appropriate clothing should be worn for each
activity and as always be clearly marked with the
childs name.
All clubs have a limit of places available and
these are allocated on a first come first served
basis following a letter to parents in early

Collecting children from clubs

Children need to be collected from a club at the

appropriate time by an appropriate person. The
adult running the club is responsible for the
children until they are passed into the care of the
family. It is vital that children are collected on
time. A child consistently collected late will no
longer be allowed to attend.

John Bramston Primary School

Thank you for considering John Bramston Primary as your childs

future school. It is an extremely important decision that you are
about to make and I hope the contents of this prospectus has gone
some way to help you to reach the decision that is correct for your

Miss Amanda Jennings

Head Teacher


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