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IT’!’~T Ffl~T~M~IS

certrude Irene Findeis, dau~hterof ~‘ernanand ‘4ilraa Wilson Cope, was

horn on January 3, 1911 near Pawnee City, !iebraska, She attended a country

school in Pawnee County before attending Pawnee City Ui~hSchool, She went

on to complete her education at Veru State Teachers Co11ec~eat Peru, Webraska.

Gertrude taupht school for several years at Lower West ~ranch, near wissio~

Creek, and Rookwalter Country School,

She was united in marriape to Lonie Pindeis, of Purchard, on January 30,

1935 at her parents bone near Surrterf~eld, ‘~ansas, They started their

~iarriedlife toc~etheron a farn near ~awnee City, retirinc~ from the farm to

Pawnee City in 1983, They ce1e1~rated their 50th ~Teddin’~

Anniversary in 19854

Gertrude was a rieriber of the ~4urchard United Methodist Church, the United

Wethodist TTonen, the Jolly Coed pals Club 6nd the West ~iranch Sunshine Club,

T)eath cane to Gertrude on October 25, l~05at the Johnson County Wosnital

fo1lowinc~a lir~erjn~
illness, She is survived by her husband, Louie of

“awnee City, her dau~rhter!~ari1ynand her son—in—law ~annye Uerel, t~r2e

~randsons~randy, Venneth and Jin T~erel, all of Lincoln, 9e,, a sIster

Hrs, Cecil (Uildred) ~chneiderof St, Jnsenh, ~o., nany nieces and nephews

and a host of friends,

* * * * * * * * * *

Fp funeral service for (iertrude Irene i~indeigwas held October 29, ~

at t1~e~awnee City YTnited Nethodist church with ~v, Ponald S, Tiebgter

officjati~c~ ~fu~j~wis ~rnvidedby ‘irs, ross Thienann, organist, and ~rs,

“ichard Purnbull, s~1oi~t,sInpin~“Sweet Pour of Prayer” and “The Old ~uc~ped

Cross”, ~‘a11hetrers
were I ha ~estin~er,Kenneth ~owrian,~ob °ollar,John

\nos, I, ~‘, Plc ci a, md lilia ~‘ii1er,TTonorary ailbearers ~ere,“Icharc

~‘ttingc ~ctth ‘adden ~i L ci e~ rolw~lter ad melvin ~ie~nm

I ei~ it a t’me m cc it ~r ei a 1’~ r ‘ th r~

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